A Dragon of the North VIII: Whispers of War

Once again, this is not at all relevant to the quest. Please bring Off Topic discussions like these to Rolz instead.
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So Jon Arryn looked at Pycelle's records. Did he ever have anyone look at Baelish's? Wasn't there a big support to expose his dealings way back when, when trying to decide what to take from Kings Landing?

Or did he just hand it back off to Petyr and say good job get back to work making us money?

Jon S. really hasn't had much interaction with Baelish and hasn't had any real reason for interacting with him. So he doesn't really know what a weaselly little prick he is.

That makes it harder for my desire to see him crushed under Jon's heel harder to attain. But there is always hope Arryn tells Jon about his involvement!
I hope Arryn does else we have no in character reason to kill Baelish. That bloody dishonourable bastard. We also need a reason to extirpate the Boltons after we do the Lannisters and take the Westerlands
So Jon Arryn looked at Pycelle's records. Did he ever have anyone look at Baelish's? Wasn't there a big support to expose his dealings way back when, when trying to decide what to take from Kings Landing?

Or did he just hand it back off to Petyr and say good job get back to work making us money?

Jon S. really hasn't had much interaction with Baelish and hasn't had any real reason for interacting with him. So he doesn't really know what a weaselly little prick he is.

That makes it harder for my desire to see him crushed under Jon's heel harder to attain. But there is always hope Arryn tells Jon about his involvement!

Only "easy" way we get to find out about Baelish is through Ungren, but we have not talked to him in several years and we wanted to murder him the last time we went to the twins.
Interesting tadbit from the new episode--

Valyrian steel can resist the white walkers magic and kill them.
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I will cut you.

No, but seriously. Dromans just taking a breather. It happens. It could be a week, it could be months. It has nothing to do with what anyone said in Rolz, no matter what he says to the contrary. It'll be back when it's back.
Update 184: Of Southron Vintage & Royal Red
184: Of Southron Vintage & Royal Red
"Lord Paxter," you said in greeting as you shook the Master of Ships hand quite firmly "It is an honour, my lord."

"The honour is mine my lord," said the Lord of the Arbor in greeting "Considering the services you have rendered the realm. It was an honour to know my sons played some small part in that."

"Hobbar and Horas were heroes both several times," you humbly insist "I could imagine how well I might have fared without them."

"You are too kind," said his lady wife Mina Tyrell as she joined his side "I fear my sons are yet too untested in the ways of war."

"They did their family proud, my lady. They were as true as any men I could see."

"Father," said a young beautiful noblewoman as she strode right past you to the Lord Redwyne "I'll be with Grandmother Olenna if you need me. I'm finding the current quality of conversation, quite... dull."

Desmera Redwyne, if you'd had to guess. She certainly was the beauty her brothers had named her, for all that her dress took away from that natural grace. She's dressed quite boldly in a unique fashion statement of sorts, a silk dress almost designed to appear as glimmering fish scales, done in the colours of her house.

It almost blinds you from the sun's reflection as you look at her.

"Before you go," said her father sternly, taking her by her hand as she looked to leave "I'd like you to introduce to a guest of honour, Desmera. Lord Stormcrown, you've the privilege to meet my daughter, Desmera Redwyne."

"My lady," you said graciously, bowing your head to kiss her proffered hand-

Only to see it pulled away, as the noblewoman coughed politely into her hand.

"My apologies my lord," said the young Redwyne with a small frown "But my grandmother is waiting for me."

With that, she turned and walked away, to a slowly reddening father.


"She grows too insolent, Mina!" fumed the Lord of the Arbor to his wife, before speaking to Jon "My apologies. Despite our best efforts, our children can still be unruly at the best of times."

"I have nothing but praise to speak to Hobbar and Horas," you offer in appeasement "And they were more than unruly at times. I can hardly fault their sister for the same trait, nor their parents for such strong-hearted children. There is no apology needed, I think."

"Especially since you've been more than your fair share of headstrong."

"Shut up."

"You're kind to say so," said Paxter unhappily "But I blame her grandmother's example, as much as I do any. The Queen of Thorns is a finer title for a dowager lady, than a buxom maiden."

"My mother will speak her mind Paxter Redwyne freely in my home," said his wife in warning "And so will my daughter, if I have any say in it."

"There is a difference between freed lips and outright rudeness," retorted the Master of Ships "As you've acknowledged several times prior..."

"This has the makings of a historied argument. I would leave."

"You think so-"



Sneaking away, you make your way to Desmera Redwyne. As you walk up to the young Reach noblewoman and her grandmother, you see a young man rush away from their presence rather stiffly, his jaw clenched as if to hold something back.

Perhaps he'd eaten something gone foul?

"Lady Olenna," you said with all the charm you could muster "You look well this fine summer day."

"I suspect even if I wasn't," offered the dowager matriarch of House Tyrell "half the men in this little invitational would be trying some variation of that line. But I do feel rather splendid today, yes."

"Lord Stormcrown," said her granddaughter in greeting as she curtsied politely "I see you've found your way from my father's company. Such a shame, as I've found so many fine young knights today who would do better to find themselves in his company than mine."

"Your father busies with your mother," you candidly said as she wrinkled her nose at the unwitting entendre "Arguing over what I'm given to suspect as a very, very long argument."

"And your opinion, then?" asked the Arbor-born girl curiously "On their argument?"

"I couldn't say, given I have no history with it. I'd have to understand the argument more, before saying anything."

"Oh?" she said, lifting her glass goblet for a sip of her drink "And how intimately must you... understand an argument, Lord Stormcrown?"

"Not again..."

"The more in-depth the better," you honestly state as you hear a chuckle in the back of your head. "That's only reasonable."

"What are you going about, Arlan?"

"So then," Desmera probed as she favored you with a small smirk "Would you spend hours at the task? Aching and sweating your hardest to see satisfaction had?"

"Arlan, is she trying to imply-"

"Desmera," said her grandmother patiently "I hardly think your entendres should be let loose when their target has no idea what you're even saying."

"Grandmother," hissed the Redwyne girl in frustration "Don't spoil my fun!"

"Shush girl," admonished the older woman "Redwyne's don't act so childish. Or they didn't in my day. Though your grand-aunt Viola was a terrible bore at the best of times."

"I'm not quite good with that sort of thing," you admit honestly as a servant approaches you with a tray of exotic foods "As others of your family could attest to."

She looked to you, then to her grandmother. Suddenly, her eyes widened in shock.

"Grandmother, you didn't-"

"Didn't snog the boy senseless, leaving him aching, struggling, working for more? No, my dear. I'm not one to be seduced by every pretty little knight in shining armour that crosses my path-"

"You should pass that lesson on to Margaery, then."

"Nor do I sneak away to the docks to tease the young sailors coming into port. I am a lady of House Redwyne, married into House Tyrell. Widowed though I am, I must remain to the standards of my families, no matter the personal outrage felt. Nor do I name others in baseless accusations. Do you understand?"

"Yes grandmother, I..."

"Would you like anything, my ladies?" asked the young servant innocently, as he stopped before you all, bringing his tray for examination.

Seafoods. like Daven had said.

"Lord Stormcrown," said Desmera suddenly, hoping to change the subject "You must try this bit of cooked kraken. I'm told the fishermen from Oldtown head out every day before dawn to bring it in as a whole. It simply wonderful."

"A bit? That thing looks like they cooked a babe whole, and stuffed it to boot."

"You ever eaten anything like this?"

"Not really. Reminds me too much of the Lurkers."

"... Ah."

[] Accept the offer - She's testing you, as much as she's tested anyone who dared court her. You'll meet her test, and pass it true. Roll 1d100+20, DC 80 #KeepingItDown (DP applicable, 10 maximum)

[] Decline the offer - She can have lesser men scarf down whatever she deems, be it sea's gift or midden's make. You'll have none of her games. Roll 1d100, DC 60 (DP nonapplicable)


"Jon," said your retainer and close companion Yohn Featherstone as you walked away from the Redwyne women "We need to talk, now."

"Trouble?" you ask as he pulls you away to an isolated corner of the manse's expansive gardens.

"Yes," he desperately says "There's been a murder attempt. A royal assassination."

Your blood runs cold at that.

"The king, is he?"

"No, not the king!" he whispered fiercely, even as you noticed a messenger run up to Lord Redwyne "The Crown Prince. Joffrey."

At those words you relax, even as a part of you coils in readiness for his next answer...

"He's alive, if that's what you're wondering."

"What happened?" you ask, even as you unconsciously relax "Who happened?"

"The Crown Prince claims Dragonsworn," responded the Valesman mystic "Set upon him and his companions somewhere down by the city docks. Ser Preston Greenfield is said to be dead or dying, having taken a blow for Joffrey."

"How the hell did you get this news so quickly?"

"Lord Arryn," said Yohn with a grunt "Must have messengers on the ready, or men keeping an eye on you. He sent someone to the gate of the manse to deliver you word, and I went in your stead. He says the king is furious, that he's already in an uproar, ready to tear apart all of Oldtown to find them. He's already offered a white-cloak to the man who bring him all their heads. The city's going to be swarming with men-at-arms and City Watchmen soon, if not already. Most of the lords attending the tourney are already being informed, those who were competing in the melee apparently already heading out into the streets ready for street battles."

"And I imagine Lord Arryn has some secret task for me to do?"

"Not so secret," he says in response "He asks that you find the Dragonsworn, and bring them to justice. The King's promised a white-cloak to the House that brings him justice for his son, and Jon Arryn thinks this might be an opportunity to thin the ranks of the Kingsguard from unworthy men. With so many Westerlanders in the city, he doesn't want to take the chance of a man loyal to Tywin Lannister amongst the seven. Especially with both Ser Barristan and Ser Jaime missing."

"Yohn, who's in the city that we know? Houses with second sons,men of standing worth the Kingsguard. Include the Westerlands, as well."

"There's maybe two dozen houses. The ones you know, they'd be Blackwoods, Hightowers and Redwynes. The Holy Hundred are around somewhere as well, but I doubt the men will take kindly to working alongside Ser Huma Dragonbane or any of their other knights."


"You could name one of the household knights," he suggests, though not enthusiastically "There's enough of them of sufficient skill to meet the typical standards of the Kingsguard, though I can't speak for loyalty to the King, or you."

"Ser Jon Redfort, perhaps?"

"His brother Creighton is also in the city. You'd have to make a choice, there."


Decision (Select One):

[] Involve yourself in the hunt, to suggest an alternative from those within your service.
- Ser Balon Thrallmar, a thrall born knight of the Iron Islands (Elite)
- Ser Darahmir Sand, a bastard born knight of Dorne. (Elite)
- Ser Hugor of the Hill, a common born knight of the Westerlands. (Elite)
- Ser Jon Redfort, a noble true born knight of the Vale. (Impressive)
- Ser Melwyn Oakenshield, a bastard born knight of the Reach. (Impressive)
[] Join another hunting party, to better their chosen champion's chances of victory.
- House Blackwood of Raventree (Ser Lucas Blackwood) (Impressive)
- House Hightower of Oldtown (Ser Garth Greysteel) (Elite)
- House Redfort of Redfort (Ser Creighton Redfort) (Elite)
- House Redwyne of the Arbor (Horas Redwyne) (Impressive)
-The Holy Hundred (Ser Huma Dragonbane) (Elite)
[] Remove yourself from this entire affair.


Jousting Improved! [+2905/5000] - Your hard efforts with Ser Daven Lannister have not gone amiss. Though he is your lesser with a lance, your steady practice have provided dividends.
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Really nice to see this going again! And a fun update too. Lucky Joffery survived. Not lucky Robert seems to care...

Preliminary vote

[X] Join another hunting party, to better their chosen champion's chances of victory.
- House Blackwood of Raventree (Ser Lucas Blackwood)

For now lets back up our fellow Old God's worshipers and give them some honour since they're not getting any land


Not sure who to vote for here. Getting someone from our own household is obviously huge in terms of prestige but I'm not sure on the options. Also, they've been with us for all of a few weeks so as Yohn says, probably not that loyal...

Ser Balon Thrallmar, Ser Darahmir Sand, Ser Hugor of the Hill and Ser Melwyn Oakenshield are all Elite and so have the skill for the Kingsguard, the problems lie elsewhere.

-A Ironborn might not be well received within the ranks of the Kingsguard.
-I'd prefer to keep Darahmir in our service and try and get him made Sword of Morning,
-Hugor is from the west and so a bit untrustworthy atm, and for
-Oakenshield the benefit is minimal.

Ser Jon Redfort on the other hand would help re-build bridges with his house so might be a good choice but he's only Impressive in skill.

Joining another house might be a better idea. House Redfort of Redfort (Ser Creighton Redfort) as with his brother would help rebuild bridges with the house.

House Blackwood of Raventree (Ser Lucas Blackwood), stand strong with fellow Old God's worshipers and give them some honour since they're not getting any land...

House Hightower of Oldtown (Ser Garth Greysteel), greater links to - and thanks from - one of the strongest houses in the land.

House Redwyne of the Arbor (Horas Redwyne), as above.

The Holy Hundred (Ser Huma Dragonbane)...
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[X] Accept the offer - She's testing you, as much as she's tested anyone who dared court her. You'll meet her test, and pass it true. Roll 1d100+20, DC 80 #KeepingItDown (DP applicable, 10 maximum)
-[X] 10 DP
[X] Join another hunting party, to better their chosen champion's chances of victory.
-The Holy Hundred (Ser Huma Dragonbane)

Jon shouldn't need to back down because of food. We can DP our way to surviving it. If we are meant to vote for DP after this vote closes, I'll edit to fix that

I also happen to like the Holy Hundred and it'd be nice to speak to the only man in living memory to slay a dragon
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"Oh?" she said, lifting her glass goblet for a sip of her drink "And how intimately must you... understand an argument, Lord Stormcrown?"

"So then," Desmera probed as she favored you with a small smirk "Would you spend hours at the task? Aching and sweating your hardest to seesatisfaction had?"
....She doesn't pull any punches, doe she?

Meanwhile, Jon almost manages to touch harem protagonist level denseness.

And fuck eating that hellish concoction. DC 80!:o
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"So then," Desmera probed as she favored you with a small smirk "Would you spend hours at the task? Aching and sweating your hardest to see satisfaction had?"

So Joffrey was the target...can't say I would have been sad for his death.

[X] Accept the offer - She's testing you, as much as she's tested anyone who dared court her. You'll meet her test, and pass it true. Roll 1d100+20, DC 80 #KeepingItDown
-[X] 10 DPs
[X] Join another hunting party, to better their chosen champion's chances of victory.
-[X] House Blackwood of Raventree (Ser Lucas Blackwood)
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[X] Accept the offer - She's testing you, as much as she's tested anyone who dared court her. You'll meet her test, and pass it true. Roll 1d100+20, DC 80 #KeepingItDown (DP applicable, 10 maximum)
-[X] 4 DP

[X] Join another hunting party, to better their chosen champion's chances of victory.
- House Redwyne of the Arbor (Horas Redwyne)

Jon is a wuss, squid is delicious. Also, I want to see more Desmera double entendre's. :V
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[X] Accept the offer - She's testing you, as much as she's tested anyone who dared court her. You'll meet her test, and pass it true. Roll 1d100+20, DC 80 #KeepingItDown (DP applicable, 10 maximum)
-[X] 10 DP
[X] Join another hunting party, to better their chosen champion's chances of victory.
-[X] House Blackwood of Raventree (Ser Lucas Blackwood)

[X] Accept the offer - She's testing you, as much as she's tested anyone who dared court her. You'll meet her test, and pass it true. Roll 1d100+20, DC 80 #KeepingItDown (DP applicable, 10 maximum)
-[X] 10 DP
[X] Join another hunting party, to better their chosen champion's chances of victory.
-The Holy Hundred (Ser Huma Dragonbane)

Jon shouldn't need to back down because of food. We can DP our way to surviving it. If we are meant to vote for DP after this vote closes, I'll edit to fix that

I also happen to like the Holy Hundred and it'd be nice to speak to the only man in living memory to slay a dragon

Helping the person who killed his grandson will piss off Wulf, our castilian. Also the dragon was relatively small and weak.
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[X] Decline the offer - She can have lesser men scarf down whatever she deems, be it sea's gift or midden's make. You'll have none of her games. Roll 1d100, DC 60 (DP nonapplicable)
Screw you and the horse you rode in! Cerenna foreva! (and may Mya never be forgotten)

Also, the only hunt involving Huma Dragonbane I'd be willing to have Jon join is the one to kill him to avenge Logain.

Also, i'm trying to hold back the urge to send a thrallborn Iron Islander knight to the Kingsguard. Mainly because he's one of our most skilled retainers.

[X] Join another hunting party, to better their chosen champion's chances of victory.
-[X] House Blackwood of Raventree (Ser Lucas Blackwood)
Fuck it, let's add an Old Gods worshipper to the Kingsguard.
[X] Accept the offer - She's testing you, as much as she's tested anyone who dared court her. You'll meet her test, and pass it true. Roll 1d100+20, DC 80 #KeepingItDown (DP applicable, 10 maximum)
-[X] 10 DP
[X] Join another hunting party, to better their chosen champion's chances of victory.
-[X] House Redfort of Redfort (Ser Creighton Redfort)

I wanted to refuse, but taking another look at it, it's DP non-applicable.:(