A champion rises, born out of the smallest of beginnings, facing his way through each and every challenge, growing mighty and powerful enough to slay his great foe and saving the beautiful princess. The two marry, and he has three kids, before the black of his fades to grey, and his blade becomes too heavy for him to life. All of this occurs withi-
Kingdoms are carved from the land, born of battle they face each and every challenge that comes to them, from treaties with powerful neighbors, to dragons and demons and all manner of dark things, but for decades the kingdom stands tall, unwavering until the death of th-
A empire is born, through war and strife it rises, flourishing across a world, bringing forth a age of peace and prosperity, before eventually wilting away into a shadow of it's former glory... eventually it collapses in on itse-
In the depths of space, dust and debris crashes and clashes, smashing together more and more as it twirls about a beacon of light and warmth. This little ball of dust and devastation changes, as more and more is drawn into it, and as the eons pass, life slowly starts to...
In a flair of light and power, a star is born, shimmering out light unto the uncaring cosmos, an eon of eon passes as the forces bright within grow and expand, before all it's form is lost, detonating into a massive supernova, and in the core is a whirling, twirling black hole that consumes all of the light and...
That's... that's just not good enough.
You can use all the metaphors of heroes and villains that you want, spin tales of kingdoms and empires, speak of worlds and stars...
That just isn't an apt enough analogy. It doesn't go far enough to explain that situation that you are in.
There are thousands of light years in the galaxy, and if you were to write out how you feel across every inch of every planet and every moon and every star in the galaxy, you would have written out a splinter of a fragment of a fraction of the percent of
you are.
Your name is Benjamin Kirby Tennyson, and today is the day before summer vacation begins. Today is the last day of school before summer vacation. It is the last period of the last day before summer vacation. The last hour of the last period of the last day before summer.
And thus... Nothing is happening. There isn't anything that can happen. All the tests have been taken, all the grades have been compiled, everything that there is to do at school that can be done, has been done. There is nothing left to do, but wait... and wait... and wait.
Once you get through this last half of an hour, you won't ever have to see these teachers again. You'll never see these particular teachers who drone on and on and on about the subjects they teacher without inflection or interest or effort again.
You won't have to see the nerdy kids with their pocket protectors or the glasses for another three blissful months. You won't have to see the Jocks who strut around your middle school like they are the most important of students for another three months.
You won't have to see TJ or Ca-
You won't have to see any of the bullies who spend their time beating up weaker kids and stealing their money for another three months. You just have to make it through these last few minutes, and then you're free.
Free for three long months! No school! No Teachers! No Bullies or jocks or nerds!
Actually... you aren't just going to be free. This summer, you're getting a chance to get out of Bellwood. You're going on a road trip - You've already packed up all your things, and Grandpa Max should have already gotten to the house and picked those up. All that's left is for school to be over, and you're gonna be on your way. You can't wait.
There's nothing that you can imagine that could ruin this summer for you!
Now... You've just got to wait. and wait. and wait. You try and suppress your groan of unending boredom, but from the way that Mrs. Henderson goes quiet at the front of the room, you tend to think that you might not have completely managed it. The teacher stares at you for a moment longer, before she slowly rolled her eyes and shook her head at you, and continued to drone on about being thoughtful and responsible and helping out with family over the summer.
Like you said.
And ever so slowly, the minutes begin to slip by - One by one by one. One second per second, and that just wasn't fast enough for you... You needed something to distract you from the way the time inches forward.
Mrs. Henderson's speech had shifted topics now, talking about how she was teaching summer school, and she hoped that she wasn't going to have to see any of the students there.
With a shake of your head, and a softer sigh, you stare down at your desk... You guess that you could...
[ ] Make a paper airplane
[ ] Try and finish that book you've been reading
[ ] Draw something
[ ] ...Nothing, you guess you'll just have to keep waiting... or maybe even listen to the teacher.
[ ] Close your eyes and take a quick nap
Something... anything to get your mind off the time.
This alien has an enhanced sense of where it's body and other objects are within space around it, allowing to catch (and throw) objects with near prefect accuracy
This alien form seems to be naturally graceful and light on it's feet.
'Shining Shadows'
This alien can generate some kind of strange glowy darkness that can be used for a number of different things.
'Heavy Punch'
By surrounding your fist in the strange energy that you create, you can hit way harder than you should be able to physically
Covering your hands in the energy can cause the things that you lift to be lighter and weaker than they should be?
'You don't even know'
When you were about to die from the Drone's laser, you did... something that sent you flying through the air
You can generate some kind of offensive shockwave of the strange energy that can be used to probably blow things back, but also slow you down when you fall. Maybe even lift you had you not been falling.
Your eccentric but extremely fun Grandfather. Seems oddly convinced that the watch is turning you into aliens.
Annoying Dweeb
Your super annoying and snooty cousin. She thinks she's better than you at everything and seems to take every chance she can to poke fun at you. She did save you from the Drone, so she's not totally lame. Only mostly.
Your father. Mostly laid back, wants you to call him by his first name
Your mother. Very strict, but paradoxically laissez-faire. Wants you to call her by her first name
Uncle Frank
Your cool uncle seems to have some kind of issue with Grandpa Max
Aunt Natalie
Your really cool Aunt. She seems to not like your Mother.
Information about the planet goes here and stuff.
Size, distance from the sun that kind of thing
Also human pop, gonna put it all in a table when I figure out how I want to format it all
With an almost practiced ease, you tune out the teacher once more, you lean down and grab a book out of your bag, placing it on the desk.
All it would take is a simple motion to flip it open to the page that you have marked but...
It's been nearly a week since you last picked this up and started to read. It's not that it's a bad book or anything - in fact, you really liked it at first.
The book wasn't turning out the way that you had expected it to.
With a soft shake of your head, you flip the book open. But you only manage to read a few pages before you find yourself closing the book again, a sour look on your face.
A friend of yours, Jake, had suggested the book to you. He said that it was a 'Realistic Look at Superheroes'...
You guess that means that you and Jake have a very different idea of what that means.
Because... to be completely honest.
So far every single character in the story has been a down and out asshole. The heroes are jerks, the villains are worse. The people that they are trying to save never have a nice thing to say, and the story has the government hanging on the edges, constantly threatening to drop in and make everything worse for all the heroes.
The book is a chore to read. You don't like any of the characters, and there is this... theme, this continually returning idea, that that the world would be better off without anyone having special powers. That everyone should be completely equal to one another - that no one should be smarter or faster than anyone else, and that the world would be a better place if everyone agreed and didn't allow themselves to be themselves, but to instead be equal.
It's annoying, it's irritating, and it just keeps coming up time and time again - especially from the main character who will use any opportunity to gripe about it.
Yet, your friend really likes the book, and you don't like not liking the same things that he does. So you've slowly made your way through the book, even as it becomes harder and harder to pick the book up each time. Maybe...
Maybe he'll forget about the book over the summer and you won't have to read it anymore! You hope.
More importantly, it looks like your plan worked! You slowly inched your way through a couple of pages of the stories tedium, and you wasted enough time that the day finally came to an end.
Packing up the last of your things, you quickly hurry out of the classroom, through the halls, down the corridor and out the door.
Finally! You're free! And there is nothing that could possibly ruin toda-
You stumble to a stop when you notice two very familiar faces...
TJ and Cash. Two of the biggest, meanest bullies in the whole school. You had hoped to avoid running into them, hoped that you wouldn't have to see them til the start of the new school year.
Yet, here they are, menacing over some... somebody. You don't know the kid, but it looks like he's in trouble.
While the idea of standing up to the two kind of terrifies you... The idea that they are going to be stealing someone's money and getting away with it bugs you. You have always hated bullies, not the least because you tend to be one of their targets too, but you just can't stand them. Maybe... You should do something.
Try and step in and stop them...
But... at the same time. If you do step in... they'll probably just beat you up too...
[ ] Try and stop them!
[ ] Just stay out of their way. There's nothing that you can do anyways...
Having seen the two bullies, you made your choice, and you suffered whatever consequences that comes with your decision, but it isn't long before you see Grandpa Max's RV roll up to the curb, and with a pep in your step (whatever that means) your gleefully make your way into the RV.
"I've been so looking forward to this all -" RED HAIR SEEN.
You slowly start to turn, coming face to face with the nerdiest of nerds. The one person that you had no interest in seeing right now, and no interest in seeing for months and months and months until your parents and her parents decided to bring you back together again for your shared birthdays.
It was your cousin, Gwen. "What are you doing here?" You ask her, before turning back to your grandpa, "What is she doing here?"
Your redheaded cousin glared at you, before rolling her eyes. "Take it easy, dweeb." She bit out, "This wasn't my idea. Someone," The girl glanced over towards Grandpa Max, "managed to convince my mom that going Camping all summer would be 'A good experience' for me."
Great! You don't want her here, and she doesn't want to be here, so all you have to do is go and take her home and then boom. No more Gwen for the summer. Yet, you turn and see Grandpa Max smiling, and you start to have that particular sinking feeling in your stomach.
"Grandpa, Please, tell me you didn't..." You beg your grandfather, but all you get in return is-
"Well, I had thought it might be fun if Gwen came along with this summer." He said cheerfully, before looking at the both of you sternly. "That's not going to be a problem is it?"
You don't really have anything that you can say to that, even if you really wished you could...
It doesn't take long for the miles to start to roll away under the wheels of the RV, even as you and your cousin start to bicker. "I just... can't believe it," You complain, "I've been looking forwards to getting away from my life since the start of the school year, and now the Queen of Cooties is coming along for the ride."
Gwen glared at you from across the table, "Hey, don't look at me. I had already planned out my own vacation too you know." The girl grumped at you, as she pulled something out of her bag.
You stare at the baffling looking color coded... monstrosity is the only word that you can think of. There looked to only be four different colors spread across the nine weeks. "Each activity is color coded, so that I never do the same thing two days in a row." Which is fine, where it not for the fact that there were only four different things that she had planned. "But instead, I'm stuck with my geekazoid cousin going camping for three months."
You glare at her and she glares at you and you glare at her and she glares at you.
"Dweeb." The hours slowly whittle away, since there is nothing else to do other than argue with your cousin. However, they do slowly while away, so eventually the RV slowly pulls into the parking spot at the camp site.
For all the bickering and all the fighting, you've made it through this first tiny segment of the summer.
Now... just sixty more days of this.
You don't know how you're going to end up surviving at this rate. You sit across from your cousin, and for a few long moments things are quiet. They are nice.
"Chow time!" Grandpa calls out, a wide grin on his face and... something in his hands.
It takes you a moment to realize what it is...
Is a bowl of worms.
Your grandfather just placed a bowl of worms on the table. "I... what?" You ask, looking from your grandfather, to the worms, and back.
"They're marinated Mealworms," Grandpa Max says with a grin, "It's really hard to find them fresh in the states, but they are considered a delicacy in some countries."
Gwen watches as one of the little squirmy, wriggling worms makes it way free of the bowl. "And considered totally gross in others. Ugh."
You don't disagree with her. She's completely right.
"Well," Max says with a chuckle, "If these don't sound good, I've got some smoked sheep's tongue in the freezer."
The two of you stare at him, before you try and speak up. "Uhh... no thanks. Can't we just... get burgers or something?" You aren't whining and anyone who says otherwise is lying.
"Nonsense" The madman you have decided to spend the next three months with says, "We're out here in the wilderness for adventure, and it's going to be an adventure for your tastebuds too! I'll go and get the tongue."
Grandpa Max has barely even made it through the door of the RV before you've slid over to Gwen. The two of you quickly make an agreement, trying to figure out something to avoid having to eat what Grandpa Max is cooking. Because there is no way that worms are actually food.
Unfortunately between the two of you, you've got a couple of candy bars, a half a bag of trail mix, some rice cakes, and a handful of pieces of jolly ranchers. Not enough for a whole summer. Nowhere near enough to get through the entire summer.
After dinner - which is something that you are not thinking about - you decide that you might as well try and get a bit of gaming time in before you turn in to sleep...
But what kind of moves do you end up using in your game?
[ ] A fire blast to take down your enemies
[ ] Kung Fu action grips!
[ ] A spell caster who throws their enemies through the air
[ ] A powerful knight in shining armor
With your bag slung over your shoulder, you skip down the front steps of the school into the warmth of the summer afternoon, a massive smile on your face. Finally, school is over, and you are free at last.
The skies are clear and blue, bereft of even the smallest of white wisps. Today is now a wonderful day, and there is nothing in the world that you could possible think of that could ruin it for you now.
"Now if this were any other day, I'd be beating you up and taking your money."
...At least nothing other than those two...
"Haha! Yeah. Just hand over your lunch money, and you can go on your way."
With a soft sigh, you slowly stop as you spot two very familiar, and unwelcome, faces. Cash Murray and his best friend JT.
They were the two biggest, meanest, dumbest bullies in the whole school. You had really hoped that you wouldn't run into them, had hoped that you wouldn't have to have seen them for another whole three months, not until the next school year started.
Now, that's obviously not what's happening here. Cash towers over their target, with JT stands to one side, slowly punching one fist menacingly. It takes you a moment, but you recognize the kid that they are bullying.
Sort of. Not really.
You know that he sits behind you in one of your classes...
You think that his name is... Barney? Or maybe it was Willy. Something like that. He was always a bit short and rude to you, but you've barely said more than ten words to him over the school year, you have no idea what you could have done to make him dislike you so.
You know that you should do something - Your mom says that bullies are cowards, and that they will stop if you stand up to them... Yet here you stand, still and silent. The idea of standing up to those two kind of terrifies you. Cash is the tallest kid in your year, and JT might not look it, but he's actually really strong. You hate the idea that they are going to go and steal this kid's money and get away with it... but the thought that your mom might be wrong and that if you step up, they'll just beat you down is something that crosses your mind as well.
You hate bullies. Not the least of which because you are the kind of kid that they have singled out before, but that when it comes right down to it, you don't understand them. The idea of using the fact that you are bigger or stronger than someone else in order to hurt them? It just... doesn't make sense to you. It seems like such a pointless thing to do.
You know that you should do something. That you should rush in there are demand that they stop...
You don't. Instead, you swallow softly, turning away from the sight. You pull your bag tight as you quietly ask for forgiveness from... whatever that kid's name is, and slowly start to walk away.
You barely take a single step before you stop. You're running away, because you are big enough or strong enough to fight back against these bullies. Just like the regular people do when faced with the heroes in that book that your friend suggested to you.
You want to scowl at your brain for making the comparison, but it's not an inaccurate one. The characters in that book were all a bunch of assholes - They only cared about themselves and what whatever happened meant for them. They didn't care about how their actions affected others, or what regular people might be going through.
Just walking away like this because you don't really know the kid that is getting bullies is exactly the kind of thing that the hero of that book would do. What he did in fact, pushing out another hero in front of the villains and letting him get attacked so that he could sneak into the base.
You refuse to be anything like the horrible characters in that book.
So you let out a hiss of frustration and you grit your teeth before turning back towards the kid and the two bullies.
You just hope that this doesn't end up with you hanging from a tree branch by your underwear.
The crickets chirp along quietly as you wander your way through the woods around the campgrounds, stopping a moment to kick a small stone away as you go. You had just had all that you could stand of your stupid cousin, and of Grandpa Max's food, and of all the different ways that this summer was nothing like you had expected it to be, so you had come out here to collect your thoughts.
Not that it really took all that long to figure out what you were thinking and how you felt. "Man..." You mutter aloud, "This is going to be the worst vacation ever. I might as well have stayed back in Bellwood with Cash and JT all summer."
With a long, low sigh, you slowly start to look up to the night sky, watching as the stars so high above twinkled merrily, unknowing and uncaring of your plight.
A star, brighter than any other in the night sky twinkled once, twice, catches your attention. For a moment something about the star seems... odd, but you can't tell what it is.
Then, it shifts, and begins to fall across the night sky. "Woah." You say, a smile starting to cross your face. "A shooting star! Awesome!" It races across the sky, dipping lower and lower. Suddenly the star lurches, barreling towards you.
Right towards you.
As in directly.
With a completely and totally manly scream of terror (no matter what other people might say), you turn and RUN. Even so, the falling star crashes to the ground, blowing you up into the air and off of your feet. The air is thick with smoke and dust as you cough your lungs out. Everything kind of hurts. Not enough to keep you down, but you still feel like you were just thrown through the air and slammed into the ground by a meteorite.
Oh wait.
With some more coughing, you slowly push yourself back to your feet. "Ow... Maybe this summer won't be so boring after all." You mutter to yourself, as you approach the heavy furrow of dirt in the ground where the whatever it was had landed.
Looking down, you can tell that... it's made of metal?
That's not a falling star. "Is... that a satellite or something?" You wonder alound, before the ground at the edge of the hole gives way, crashing you to the ground again. "Ow." Yeah, once you tell Grandpa about this, you think you're going to go and lay down for a while. You hurt.
Stumbling to your feet again, you watch as the strange metal sphere slowly slides open, pieces clicking back to reveal...
"A Watch?" You ask, baffled. "What is a watch doing in outer space?"
[X] Reach out and grab the watch! [ ] Leave the Space Watch there, you don't know where it's been. Screw that, it's a WATCH FROM OUTER SPACE THAT IS THE FUCKING COOLEST
That is a watch from outer space! This is the coolest thing that you have ever seen! You are totally going to go and show it off to Gwen and Grandpa Max! Stepping closer, you slowly start to reach down into the pod, when suddenly the watch starts to move!
Almost like some sort of goopy slime thing, it flows, suddenly leaping upwards, and wrapping itself around your wrist. With another scream that was most definitely manly, and not at all terrified, you stumble backwards, wildly swinging your arm about while letting loose a high pitched mantra of "GETITOFFME! GETOFFGETOFFGETOFF!"
Collapsing to the ground, you scramble backwards from the pod, before turning back and climbing up and out of the trench. "Grandpa!" Okay, yes, at this point you are willing to admit that you are kind of freaked out. You start to run back towards the campsite. But between being thrown through the air, and collapsing into a trench...
You hurt, and you are tired. So your run quickly turns into a swift walk, turns into a tired shamble. You sit down, taking a moment to relax, when you spot a big stick!
You work the stick down under one end of your strange new watch, trying to peel it off. The stick gives before the watch lets go, but that's when you notice something interesting.
A button on the side of the watch facing you. It clicks with a soft affirmative sound, and the watch face pops upwards, the image shifting and changing into... something? "Cool..." You exclaim, before slowly pushing down the new button with a single finger.
Oh man, that felt... really... wier-
Your hands are glowing, red hot like they were on...
Your eyes continue to travel down, before you let loose another scream. You've been doing a lot of that tonight, but you are on fire. Not in the good way, the actually set ablaze kind of way. Back and forth you run, repeating your exclamations, before you started to notice something particularly odd.
You might be on fire, but you aren't hurt?
"I'm... Okay?" You ask aloud, "Yeah. I'm okay. In fact," You start to grin widely, "I'd say I'm smokin hot!" You giggle at the stupid pun, before suddenly going still.
With a quick twist, you turn to one of the trees behind you, bringing up finger guns. "Draw!" You yell out in an affected cowboy accent, as a pair of blasts of flame shoot from your hands, exploding against the bark of the tree. "Oh man. Yes, that's what I'm talking about."
You clap your hands together, focusing your thoughts along these strangely new and strangely familiar paths, focusing the heat and the flames into a head sized ball of fire. With a gleeful laugh you throw it into the forest.
The forest that is made of wood.
Wood which burns.
"Oh no! Stop!" It's too late, however. You've already set the forest ablaze. You spend a bit trying your best to put the fire out...
But everything you do seems to just makes things worse. Stamping on the fire just makes them larger, and trying to blow them out just makes you breath fire. This would be the coolest thing ever...
If you know, you hadn't accidentally set a forest fire that was burning down the forest. That was the ultimate in not cool. You've got to keep trying though, you started this fire, so you've got to put it out.
Something wet and so cold that it burns splashes across you, almost driving you to a knee. You turn to the source, and find yourself... Well you'd say face to face, but it's more like stomach to face. Either Gwen shrinks when she gets too hot, or this new fiery form is a whole lot taller than you would normally be. Really it's 50/50 on which one it is.
You wince as your cousin screams, "Hey, look. I know I look weird, but that's no reason to yell at m-" You do have to admit that you are a little impressed that the first thing you're cousin does when she comes across someone who seems to be made of fire is to hit them with a fire extinguisher. You'd have thought she'd try to schedule out a time to scream, then schedule out a time to schedule what to do after that.
You just wish that she hadn't been hitting you. Because that hurt. Then she blasts you with the fire extinguisher for good measure. Not pleasant. You cough a bit of that fire-retardant gunk out, before turning back to your cousin, coming face to face with the barrel of the extinguisher. "I don't what you are, but you'll stay right there if you know what's good for you."
You need to get that thing pointed somewhere else, but if you try to move she'll definitely pull the trigger on you again. If only you could-
You can. You don't really know how you know, but you can feel the heat around you, you can feel it billowing off your body and flowing around the air around you. Manipulating it is as easy as breathing, and with a bare twitch of your fingers, you set your cousin's stupid shoe on fire.
It's a very stupid shoe, being made of such flammable material while being in a fire. With another giggle, you climb back to your feet as Gwen hops around, before blasting her shoe with the fire extinguisher. She turns an icy (hah) glare towards you, lifting the extinguisher over her head. "I warned you!"
"Oh please," You interrupt, "Don't even think about it, Dweeb!"
Gwen freezes in place, hey you're on a roll at this! Before slowly lowering the extinguisher. "Ben... is that you?" She asked, baffled. Frankly for good reason. "What happened to you!?"
"Well-" You start to explain, "I was walking through the woods, complaining to myself about how the summer was going to go, and then there was a meteorite, or a satellite... I dunno what it was. Not natural though, it feel out of the sky and nearly turned me into road kill! Then, when I went to see what it was it opened up and there was a watch inside of it! I tried to grab the watch, but the watch grabbed me instead, and while I was trying to get it off, I pressed and button and then I was on fire, but it didn't hurt me while I was accidentally starting this mega forest fire."
"Gwen, are you alr-" Grandpa Max started to say as he barreled through the woods towards you and Gwen, but as he spotted you, "What in Blazes?" Hah, even Grandpa Max is making puns now.
"Hey Grandpa, guess who?" Gwen snarked, looking between you and Grandpa Max.
"Hi... It's me Grandpa..." You have no idea what Grandpa Max can do, but you really hope he can help stop the fire.
"Ben... what happened to you?" Grandpa Max asks, to which you naturally respond
"Well, I was walking through the woods, complaining to my-" You start, before Gwen interrupts.
"Hey, excuse me? Major forest fire burning completely out of control, remember?" Ah. Yes. Right. That's more important than explaining how you got the weird watch you have.
"What do we do?" You ask, "Everything I've tried has just made things worse."
Granpa Max glances around, before nodding to himself. "A Backfire. We need to start a new fire and have it burn into the old fire, where they will snuff each other out. Think you can do it Ben?"
Pft. Can you do it? Everything you have done while being this... thing has been setting fire. You can easily start another fire.
You just hope that Grandpa Max knows what he's doing. You aren't going to say that out loud, especially not since he at least has a plan. "Setting a new fire, that I can definitely do." You turn, diving through the flames and onwards out of the heat. Finding a good bit of outcropping stone, you scramble up, and with a wave of a hand, you set the forest ablaze anew.
You really hope that this works like Grandpa Max thinks it will.
Miraculously, it does. It only takes a couple of minutes before you can feel the heat of the fires changing. They aren't as hot as they were, already they are starting to drip downwards, so the three of you hurry back to the RV. Grandpa Max calls up the Rangers, while you and Gwen very quickly get a fire started.
Hanging up the phone, Grandpa Max settles down on a log across from you, looking you over. You quickly recant again how you had discovered the watch, and the accidental transformation that you went through. "It wasn't my fault this time, I swear!"
You finish off, getting a very flat look out of your cousin. "Do you think he's gonna be stuck a monster like this forever?" Gwen asks, the last word barely getting out of her mouth before Grandpa Max answers.
"He's not a monster Gwen, he's an alien." The two of you stare at your grandfather for a long silent moment. "I-I mean, look at him, what else could he be?"
"Uuuuhhh..." You groan out, looking down at your big fiery hands, "I don't want to be made of fire forever! How am I supposed to play on the little league if I charcoal every ball I catch?"
"Don't worry Ben," Max starts to say, his tone sounding anything but sure to you. "We'll figure-"
He trails off, as a strange bleating siren starts to go off from your chest, and with a almost blinding flash of light, you find that the world has changed. "Hey! Everything is bigger again! I guess that means that Gwen doesn't shrink when exposed to fire!"
"Aww... I think I liked you better when you were a Briquette." You stick your tongue out at Gwen, and she throws a marshmallow at you, hitting you in the face. Naturally, you throw it back. Then you start focusing on the stupid watch that is still stuck on your arm. "Uuuggh. I still can't get this thing off!" You complain, but Grandpa Max just gives you a look.
"You probably shouldn't be messing with that thing anymore until we know more about it." He says, as he pulls a Flashlight out of one of the boxes. "I'm going to go and take a look around that crash site, the two of you stay here until I get back."
Naturally, given that you've been told not to mess with the watch further, it's less than five minutes before you've hidden yourself around the back of the RV in order to do exactly that. "Hmm..." You mutter aloud to yourself softly, as you test the different buttons, each giving off a little affirmative sound. "I wonder what this does..."
It's quiet. too quiet. You haven't heard Gwen for a few moments, so you quickly sneak over towards the edge of the RV. You don't see your cousin, so you guess she must be off doing... you don't know. Nerd things. "Aha!" Gwen's voice cheers from right behind you, nearly throwing you off balance. "Caught ya!" She titters, and with a glower, you mocking laugh back at her.
"Very funny! Like your face!" You catch a flicker of... something in the girl's face, but it's gone too fast for you to see.
"Didn't Grandpa Max tell you not to mess with that thing?" She asked, which gets the only logical answer.
"Yeah, so? You're point?" You ask, as you continue to try and figure out what you did differently that caused the watch's face to pop up. You've tried hitting the button, but it won't press.
"Did your parents just end up dropping you when you were a baby?" Gwen asks, and you pause, looking over to her.
"Come on really, you can't tell me that you aren't a little bit curious what else this thing can do, right?"
Gwen crosses her arm, looking away. "Not in the slightest."
You just stare at the girl for a moment like she's crazy. "And how are we related again?" Well, now that Gwen's found you, there really isn't any reason to be hiding away behind the RV, so you take up your spot in front of the fire, continuing to mess with the watch. "Look..." You start, almost a little shy to say what you are about to say. "If I can figure out how this watch works, then... Maybe I can help people."
A beat of silence. "Like... really help them. Not just... You know, make things worse." Those last three words were said quietly, and you couldn't bare to look at your cousin while saying them. It was hard enough admitting that you know that you don't always make things better. You don't think you could actually do it if you saw whatever expression would be on your cousin's face.
There is another moment of silence, and you draw in a shuddering breath, before Gwen pipes up. "...So... What was it like, going all alien like that?" Oh thank god, the subject changed.
"It was kind of freaky at first," You admit, "like, I know that I was me, and I felt like I was me, but at the same time, I could see colors that I don't have words for. I could feel the heat of everything around me, and there were sounds that I don't even know what they were, but it wasn't confusing, it just felt as natural as walking or talking or breathing. Which is in and of itself weird. My arms and legs were all longer and stuff, but it didn't bother me in the least. Everything about the body felt like it was my body."
"In and of itself?" Gwen jabs with a bit of a laugh. "I didn't know you knew such big words."
"Oh har har," You bite back, but you're smiling. Then there is a familiar happy little chirp that comes from the watch as the face pops up again. "Aha!" You cheer, "I think I figured out how to activate it. Should I try it again? Just one time?"
"I wouldn't." Gwen says, and you scoff.
"Of course you wouldn't." You shoot back, before slapping your hand down on the watch.
With a bright flash of green light, you find yourself landing butt first on the ground, and letting out a soft "Oww..." Groaning softly, you climb back up to your feet, while trying to ignore how weird your voice sounds now. "I am so tired of hitting the ground tonight." You ignore Gwen's snort of amusement, as you dust yourself off. This is... definitely different.
You are wearing some kind of... black and white armor. A tap against it makes it clear that it's super hard, and that it doesn't sound like metal. Huh. "So now whose the one who shrinks in the heat?" Gwen asks chuckling. You turn to answer her, only to find yourself staring at the cat on her shirt. A glance up reveals the fact that should have been obvious the moment that you fell off the rock you had been sitting on.
This weird new... Alien is shorter than you were. That is a sentence that is going to take to getting used to. Aliens. Your new form is shorter than you were. Shorter than Gwen. You barely come up to the girl's shoulder.
"Well, I'll admit that this form isn't as ugly as flame head, but what use is it?" You scowl, but that is a very good question. You take a moment to rub your hands across your face. Everything... feels mostly the same. Gloves on your face feel like gloves on your face, and you've got a mouth, and a nose, and two eyes. There is a hard thing sticking out of your forehead, but something tells you that's part of the watch, and not part of the alien. the really weird thing is that you don't have hair, and instead it feels almost like there are ridges on your head...
Just what kind of alien are you?
Choose two
[ ] Go into the RV... there's got to be a mirror in the Bathroom that you can use to get a better look at yourself.
[ ] Try and pick up some heavy stuff to see if you are super strong!
[ ] Run around to see if you are super fast!
[ ] Maybe you can fly like a super hero!
[ ] Perhaps there is something special that this alien can do... Try and see if you can figure it out.
Since you've turned into an alien, are you going to practice here at the camp fire, or are you going to go and practice in the forest.
[ ] Campfire
[ ] Forest
"Well, I'll admit that this form isn't as ugly as flame head, but what use is it?" You scowl for a moment, even though it is a very good question.
You take a few moments to slowly rub your hands across your face. Everything... feels mostly the same. The gloves that your new form is wearing feels like they are made of that like... Microfiber cloth stuff that your dad uses to wipe off his glasses. You've got a mouth, which is filled with what feels like regular human teeth. Your nose is a bit smaller than it used to be, and it's more... upturned than your nose is. Two eyes as well, set right where they should normally be, though they do feel like they might be a little bit bigger than they are for your human self.
There's also a really hard thing sticking out the center of your forehead - it's round and just about the same size as the faceplate of the watch. What is a bit weirder is that you don't feel any hair? Instead, it almost feels like your head has some kind of ridges on it instead.
"I dunno..." You admit, looking a little sheepish, even as you pause to lick your lips. This isn't like with the fiery guy, where you could see colors that you didn't have words for, and there were sounds that you couldn't pick up when you were human. Then there was the whole... sense heat thing. You didn't feel the heat, it was a whole new kind of sense, unlike anything that you had ever experienced as a human. "I bet that it'll be awesome though!" You loudly, boast, thumbing your chest with a huge grin before popping over into the RV. Seriously, you are suddenly really thirsty.
Heading into the kitchen, you open up the fridge and grab a water bottle. You take a deep drink, before pausing to look at your gloved hands again.
This alien wasn't like the fiery guy, everything about this new alien just felt... normal.
Then again, as you had just told Gwen outside, you had felt just as normal while you were the fiery guy. None of the things that you had done while you were that alien had felt out of the ordinary in any way. You had just... done whatever came naturally. The fact that what had come naturally was setting the forest on fire was really kind of besides the point.
You guess that's the funny thing about trying to do what comes naturally though - whatever comes naturally to you, comes naturally. It's something that you simply do, with barely a thought. You've no idea how you would intentionally do that - and so you stand there for a moment, continuing to stare at your hand and the water bottle you're holding as if they might have the answers hidden within them. Unsurprisingly, your hands don't seem to have the secrets of the universe hidden within them, they are just hands after all.
However, since you're already in the RV, you might as well take the time to go and check out the mirror in the bathroom and see what this weird new alien looks like. It was a little less obvious when you were standing in the kitchen, given how long it's been since the last time you spent time in the RV, but it is still just distinctly strange to see everything and have it all be bigger and taller than you feel that it should normally be.
Regardless, you head into the bathroom, and you find yourself soon staring at the figure in the mirror.
The fact that the first thing that you noticed was the fact that you were blue makes you feel a little stupid. Rather... The fact that you looked at this little blue guy and instinctively recognized him as yourself, despite the fact that you look nothing like that is strange. You don't have any of the features that you who you are, but that doesn't seem to matter to your mind.
Your reflection is you. A moment of thought makes you realize that this is probably related to the whole thing that the watch was doing that made it so that you didn't feel strange when you were transformed like this. Though... the realization that your new watch might be doing more to affect your mind than just making it easy to use the different aliens you had discovered does worry you a little.
This new version of you has blue skin, with these really odd white markings on your face. Slowly, you trace a gloved finger over one, but you don't feel any difference from the rest of the skin around it.
Maybe it's the fact that you finally have a mirror to use to look around and see yourself, or perhaps it's the fact that this alien is a lot more human-like than the fiery guy...
But it's really starting to hit you just how strange this evening has turned out for you. How much different everything seems to be even from how they were less than an hour ago.
Here you are though, having been transformed into a blue-skinned alien. You've got like, fact tattoos or something and your head has tentacle ridges. This should be the weirdest thing that you've ever had happened to you. Not that it isn't, but it distinctly doesn't feel that way, and that is the part that is really weirding you out now.
Returning to the fire outside, you slide back onto the rock that you had been sitting on before. "Done freaking out over being an alien?" Gwen asked, sitting across the fire from you, still munching on marshmallows. "There's no reason to be so blue, at least you aren't another walking natural disaster." It takes you a moment to realize the horrible stupid joke she said, and with a groan, you reach down to the bundle of sugars that she threw at you earlier. "Ben!" She sounds almost scandalized, "That's been on the ground! Don't ea-" You don't even let her finish before flicking your wrist and tossing the marshmallow straight at her. It flies straight and true, bouncing right off your cousin's nose. "Eww! Ben! Gross!" She cries out, grabbing a marshmallow from the bag and throwing it back.
With a surprising amount of ease, you feel your eyes follow the little candy as it spins through the air, and you catch it with ease. "Nice!" You cheer with a laugh. Then, naturally, you throw it back at your cousin again. She sputters and throws one back.
Before you can grab the marshmallow that she threw at you this time, you pause. You hear something, a deep thrumming noise, and it's clear that Gwen heard it too.
You turn, as something comes barreling out the trees.
It's some kind of flying robot... thing. It hovers in the air about the edge of the woods for a few moments, and it seems almost like it's looking for something.
However, as it turns, it stops, staring directly at you.
...Then it begins to unfold, a trio of pincer-like arms coming out of it. The machine doesn't look friendly...
What do you do?
[ ] Fight the robot?
- [ ] What's your plan of attack!
[ ] RUN!
- [ ] Where?!
[ ] HIDE!
- [ ] Where?!
You start to reach for the most recent marshmallow that your cousin had thrown at you, before pausing. You hear something, a deep heavy thrumming sound that seems to almost vibrate in your chest. From the way Gwen stops as well, it's clear that she's heard it as well.
Almost as one, the two of you turn towards the fire flung shadows that are splayed out across the trees. For a moment, all is silent and still.
Then, with an explosive burst of shattered wood and scattered leaves, something comes barreling out through the treetops.
It was a strange hovering disk that was bigger around than your dinner table back at home. It hovered there for a long moment, before slowly with an ominous hiss and a heavy clicking sound, it began to open.
As the bottom of the machine lowered, another piece rose out of the top, revealing a number of ruby red lenses as the machine slowly started to spin in place. It almost looked like it was... looking for something.
You feel a heavy weight settle in your stomach as you start to think that you might have an idea what it's looking for. An opinion that gains a lot of weight when the machine's ruby-colored lens turns to face you - and the machine stops dead.
"Uhh... Ben..." Gwen starts to say quietly, though when you glance to look at your cousin it's clear that her eyes are still locked on the machine in front of you both. "I've never seen anything on earth like that." She continues, and you wished to hell and back that she didn't.
Because if she's right, and this isn't like anything on earth. Then that means it's not from earth. As in, it's from space. The same space that the watch came from. You can only hope that the strange disk is not hostile.
As if specifically to mock your thoughts, six mechanical arms slide out from the inside of the machine, each with a wicked sharp claw at the end. This doesn't look like the kind of thing that would be coming in peace.
The disk twisted about, bringing the largest of its claws to bear down on you. The claw opened, allowing you to see the red... thing at the center of it, which hummed as it grew brighter. You dove, barely getting out of the way as a lance of shimmering crimson ripped through the air, and slammed into the ground.
Already you were on the move. There had to be something that you could do- Something to stop this thing from rampaging. From destroying the camp, or hurting the RV. Or hurting your cousin.
Unfortunately, you were keeping your eyes on the machine, and not on your surroundings, so the only warning you get is a quick "BEN!" From your cousin before you slam sidelong into a tree. With a choked gasp, you slide down to one knee from the pain. Wheezing, you push yourself back up. You've got to move otherwise that thing is going to-
It's too late. You simply know that there is no way that you can dodge.
Gwen Screams.
The Machine's weapon thrums.
Your blood sings.
Energy like liquid lightning runs through your mind as a hand snaps out, fingers clawing into the air as you draw back. Then, faster than the mind can follow, strange energy billows outwards, and between one moment and the next, you are riding a wave of brightly glowing darkness.
With a snap, time suddenly returns to moving at normal speeds, even as you find yourself nearly twenty feet into the air. With an ease and grace that you never expected from yourself, you flip once, landing almost daintily on the lip of the machine. Two steps bring you to the center of the robot, and you grab at the top... bit. You don't know what to call it - the head of the machine. Whatever it is. For a moment you heave and pull, but you quickly find yourself rolling to one side as a pincer snaps at where your head had been.
You aren't strong enough to rip through metal with your bare hands... But just a moment ago you had been strong enough (or something) to leap twenty feet into the air. There had to be a way to...
Of course.
It was just like you had been thinking before, but the pieces have finally snapped together. You just had to do what came naturally. Not by trying, but just by... being.
You clench a fist, allowing those same bright shadows to swirl about your hand before you slam your fist down onto the machine's head, before grabbing one side with both hands, and giving a mighty wrench and ripping the head free from it's bearings.
The head is heavier than you expected, especially as you hear the strange bleeting alarm that you had last heard when you wer ethe fiery guy. You stumble back, over the edge of the machine, even as it too teeters, before dropping.
Instinctively you turn, rolling in the air so that you were facing the ground, before lashing out with both hands and sending forth a wave of energy towards the ground. Equally, however, the force that you had pushed out away pushed on you, slowing your fall for a moment.
There was a twin pair of crashes as the machine's head slams into the ground before it's body meets the same fate.
You hit the ground hard, but not as hard as you might have, and roll twice before the alarm blares it's last and it's now you rolling across the ground instead of the alien form that you had just been. Giving a soft moan of pain, you slowly push yourself up to your elbows. Breathing painfully, you take a moment to hear the explosion of the machine, before trying to push yourself all the way up to your feet. You'd done it, defeated the machine that came for your watch...
You don't manage to get to your feet, instead simply rolling over into a sitting position. A position that showed you something that you did not want to see.
There was a second one of the machines. But even as it's laser equipped claw started to rise, you heard a familiar sounding voice give out a battle cry. A shovel came swinging into your line of sight, the bladed edge of the spade biting into the ruby lens of the machine. "Back off!" Gwen snarled out, swinging the shovel a second time just to make sure that the thing was dead. "No stupid flying tree trimmer is going to hurt MY cousin."
Offering a hand, Gwen helps you back to your feet, with perfect timing, as the machine starts to spark, then burst into flame. Turning to run from the thing, you realize that the two of you had moved a little ways into the forest. You could still see the campground, but thankfully neither machine was close to the RV. Rushing back to the camp, you hear the machine behind you explode, which set off the other machine, making it explode as well.
The two of you collapse by the campfire, just taking the moment to breath. That had been terrifying. It's barely been a few seconds before you hear a familiar, and very welcome voice. "What was that?"
"Grandpa Max!" Gwen says happily, pushing herself back to her feet. "Thank god you're here." She cries out, running to give your grandfather a hug. "There were this huge robotic machine that came flying into the camp... It attacked when it saw the watch's symbol."
Grandpa Max sighs, shaking his head. "That's what I was afraid of. Come on kids." He steps up into the RV, and waves the both of you after him. With a groan, you roll over and stumble back to your feet, before heading into the camper.
With a slightly pained gasp, you slide into one of the tableside booths.
"I had a feeling that you might get popular thanks to that thing on your wrist." Your Grandfather continues, as you slowly roll your shoulder. "There is a reason why I asked you not to mess with it."
"I don't think it mattered that he transformed into a new alien, Grandpa Max." Gwen points out, and recieving only a raised eyebrow in return. Dang it Gwen, there was no reason to mention that! "The robot was looking for the watch, and it looked almost ready to leave before it saw Ben. It probably would have attacked no matter what."
You scratch at the back of your neck, a bit of a wry smile on your face. "But hey! I figured out how to make it work!" You say with a smile. Almost as if it had been waiting for that exact sentence, the watch gives a pair of affirmative beeps as the twin arrows on the red face meet. The two spring apart, and the outer wheel spins and the face turns from red back to it's normal green. Holding your arm out you point to the activation button. "See, there's this button here. When you press it, the out ring pops out, and then you twist-" You do so, sliding through the ten images that appeared one by one on the watches face. "- until you find the guy that you wanna be. Then Slam it down, and blammo! You get transformed into one of ten super cool alien dudes!" You explain with a grin.
"What about staying one of those cool alien guys for good instead of turning back into plain old boring pizza face?" Gwen asked, crossing her arms.
"...I'm still working on that part." You deflect, looking away from your super irritating cousin. Though... Maybe she's not totally lame. She did save you from one of those machines. So she's only like, 95% lame.
Grandpa Max was staring at you, an odd look in his eyes. "With something as powerful as that watch clamped down on you, it would probably be for the best that we help you learn... and fast."
No way. There was no way that Grandpa Max was suggesting what you think he was suggesting. But the way that Gwen was looking at him made it seem that she was thinking the same thing that you were thinking.
"You sure Grandpa?" Gwen asked,
"Alright!" You cheer!
But before anything further can happen, you hear a crackle as the radio sitting on the dashboard of the RV comes alive. "Mayday! Mayday! If there's anyone out there, please help! We're under attack by some sort of... I know it sounds crazy! But there's a giant robot!"
Your head snaps up, and you wince a little, but that's not important right now. "That sounds like the things that just attacked us!" But that means... "Those things were looking for the watch! Those people are in trouble because of me!" You look to your grandfather. "I've got to do something. I've got to help them!"
"And what are you going to do to help, Ben?" Gwen argues, leaning across the table. You glance down at the watch, before smiling.
"I've got ten different answers for you!" you retort, pointing at the watch. Grandpa Max doesn't exactly look happy at the statement, but after taking a deep breath he nods.
"Come on then."
Having put out the fire, the three of you rush to the campground that had sent out the distress call. Cresting the top of the closest hill, the three of you pause.
Taking a slow, deep breath, you thumb the activator of the watch...
You've got Ten choices.
[ ][Transform] Fiery Guy
[ ][Transform] Blue Guy
[ ][Transform]
[ ][Transform]
[ ][Transform]
[ ][Transform]
[ ][Transform]
[ ][Transform]
[ ][Transform]
[ ][Transform]
Alright, just one more update to go in 'And then there were Ten' after which I can put a little more into seeding my new hooks for the new arcs and episodes that I have planned as well as start really diverging from the source for those episodes that I still use.
However, there is one thing that still needs to be done. Something that I have completely failed to figure out how to weave into the story itself.
Well, technically 10, but we're only doing two of them right now.
What is the name that you want to give to the Fiery Guy?
[ ][Fiery] Heatblast [ ][Fiery] Charcoal Man For the love of GOD. No. You have better taste than Ben 23.
[ ][Fiery] Something else
- [ ] What
What is the name that you want to give to the blue guy?
[ ][Blue] Something that is not as stupid as what Ben 23 would name it.
Your name is Gwendolyn Simone Tennyson, and today... today has been the absolute strangest day that you have ever had in your entire life. That's not even an exaggeration. To go a step further, the strangeness of today only really started an hour and a half ago. It would be more accurate to call this the strangest evening of your life... The strangest ninety minutes of your life.
It feels almost like you've gone insane when you compare where you are right now, to where you were this morning.
This morning you had been placing the finishing touches on your plans for the summer holiday. It was going to be a bit of a quiet summer, but you were fine with that. You were a little less fine with Ben taking what was supposed to be your summer with Grandpa Max away from you... but your aunt and uncle had managed to convince you that your cousin needed Max's guidance this year more than ever.
This afternoon, Grandpa Max had surprised you, apparently having planned with both your parents and Ben's parents to get the two of you together and foist the both of you on Max. You kind of think that was a bit of a mean thing to do, because you know that you don't take trips with your aunt and uncle anymore due to the fighting that the two of do. So suddenly having things flipped on their heads and for you to go on the road trip? That was not what you had expected.
You weren't particularly happy with it either.
The two of you had bickered and fought the whole way from Ben's school to the campsite. Sure, there you had found a tiny bit of common ground with your cousin when faced with Grandpa Max's cooking, but it wasn't to last.
Now see that. All of that makes sense. All of that is the kind of thing that you understand, it is the kind of thing that you had come to expect from going on a trip with your bratty dweeb of a cousin. It was at this point that things changed and went... very strange.
Aliens. Giant killer robots.
A strange alien watch that can transform its wearer into all sorts of alien forms. It just doesn't...
You don't even have the words to explain how strange it feels. It's like you had fallen out of your own story into some kind of crazy science fiction story.
But here you are, standing at the top of a hill while your cousin looks through that strange alien technology on his wrist, trying to decide what kind of alien he's going to use to try and save a bunch of people from a killer alien robot.
"This'll do." your cousin cries out with a grin, before raising a hand and slamming it down on the watch.
There is a flash of blinding green, and as you blink the spots out of your eyes, you start to look up... and up... and up...
Yet... as you do...
A chill runs down your spine. This new creature towers over you, its form towers over even Grandpa max.
Its black skins looks almost oiled and rubbery, its hands end in three wicked looking claws, even as a barbed tail lashes behind it. That's not the thing that grips your heart though.
Upon it's back are strange looking wings, almost like the images you had seen of cilia upon bacteria. And it's face.
Its face.
Simply enough. It didn't have one. A triangular shaped head, featureless and black, with a pair of long beetle like horns atop it's head.
It looked so different from the description you had in your mind when you read those stories, but you recognized it all the same.
Ben had been transformed into a Nightgaunt. One of the many different monsters born of the nightmares of one H. P. Lovecraft.
When faced with that - A ten foot tall faceless monster from one of the few authors who had truly terrified you - it isn't surprising that you screamed.
Your name is Ben Tennyson, and you give yourself a short nod as you click the dial to one of the eight aliens that you haven't transformed into yet.
You have no idea what this alien is going to be, but it looks like its got wings, and if you are going to be going up against another one of those stupid flying robot things, then it would be really useful to have the ability to fly yourself. "This'll do!" You say with a cheer, as you bring up a hand and slam it down onto the watch dial.
There is a blinding flash of green, and for the briefest of moments, the world around you is completely gone, leaving you adrift in an infinite sea of darkness. Then, the instincts of your new form kick in, and upon your back your new wings sing. Every single little tendril on each of your many 'feathers' begins to vibrate, giving off an almost bell like ringing.
It's not a single tone, but instead each and every one of gives off a differing sound. Almost instantly, the world around you lights up, like the most beautiful oil painting that you have ever seen. Each of the tones that your wings give off is different, and they refract and rebound and reflect off of your surroundings differently. That means that you can see Gwen and Grandpa Max. You can see their skin and their faces and their bones and the pumping of their blood and each and every layer of them - you see them all at the same time, layered atop each other but wholly separate. You don't really have the words to explain it best, but that would be because it's an experience that the human body just doesn't have the right senses to experience. You can see the way that your Cousin flinches back, fear flickering across her face. You can see the way that her nervous system lights up. You can see the way that her lungs expand as she takes a deep breath.
Then Gwen starts to scream, and you feel your instincts kicking in again. The strange sounds that your wings gives off... change. Some dip lower and some rise higher, and you don't really know how to explain it... but it makes your wings give off some kind of... anti-scream? It sounds stupid, but it's the best word you can think to explain it. You gave off a sound that was the opposite of the sound that Gwen made, and so it caused the two sounds to hit each other and cancel out... or something like that.
So Gwen screams silently, before her hand snaps to her throat, and your wings stop creating the anti-sound. You turn to face her, ignoring the twinge of... whatever it was you felt when she flinched again, before turning to look back at Grandpa Max. That's when it hits you... A three fingered hand slowly rose, feeling across your face.
Where your face should be. You don't have a face. You don't have eyes, or ears, or a mouth, or a nose.
In fact, now that you take a moment to focus (ignoring the way that your wings shift the sounds that you give off again), you look within yourself. You don't have lungs. You... aren't breathing. You almost want to scream... but you can't. You don't have a mouth, or a way to talk and-
You see Grandpa Max start to speak, and you try to figure out how to stop your wings from making the anti-sound. It takes a moment, but by the time that you have figured it out, Max has stopped talking. For a moment you stare at him, before motioning up to your empty face and doing a little hand motion.
"Ben?" Grandpa Max says, and this time you can hear him. You give a nod, and he gives you a slightly nervous once over, before steeling himself. "Alright let's-" Before he can finish his statement, the three of you hear an explosion, and Gwen and Grandpa Max look to each other. "Gwen, you and I should try and get the Campers to safety. Ben..." He looks up at you again, and you can literally see the fear in him - the way that his blood pressure changes and the way his brain lights up, it's actually really cool if confusing how you understand what you are looking at. "Be careful."
You give your Grandfather a nod and a thumbs up (you only have three fingers on your hand, you don't really think any of them is a thumb...), before turning to Gwen and giving her a nod as well. Then you turn your focus to where the explosion happened. You can feel your wings shifting again, and the world around you goes dull and out of focus, even as the distant woods come into focus, and then the campground beyond it.
The people there are panicking, running and screaming away from a titan of a machine. Where the ones that you had faced before were nearly as large as your dinner table back home, this one towered up - the top of it's rounded head just barely passed the tops of the trees.
The thing isn't flying, and it's carving a path of destruction through the campgrounds, destroying anything that gets in its way. You barely even think before you lean forward, your clawed feet digging into, and then ripping through the ground as you shoot forward into the air. It would take too long to go through the trees, so instead you arc up and over the trees like some kind of rocket.
The forty foot tall robot was holding someone up in one clawed hand... It almost looked like the thing was scanning him. It was probably looking for the watch. You wished you had a way to talk to him, to yell at the robot. Something, anything to distract it away from the civilian. You don't though, so you just have to hope for the best.
Slicing through the air, you slam into the creature's elbow, cracking the metal and forcing him to drop the man. You don't have time to catch him, however, as it's other hand was already coming up.
There is a hum of power, and even as you jerk to one side, it's hand follows. A screaming thrum echoes through the air, and your world becomes pain as the laser it fired hits you hard. You spiral uncontrolled through the air, and you can see that the thing is now completely focused on you. Flaring your wings, you take back control of your fall, flipping over and landing lightly atop the roof of a ca-
You crush the car under your weight. Oops. The robot sends another blast at you, but this time you had been ready - not even attempting to dodge until the weapon in the machine's arm was charged. You can't dodge a laser, it moves a the speed of light, and as far as you nothing moves faster than light, but you are faster than the robot, and that means that if you time things right you can dodge where it's aiming before it fires.
Such a plan wouldn't normally work, but you can see inside of the robot and see when it's getting ready to fire, so that makes things a whole lot easier on you. Jerking forward you try to slash at the machine with it's claws, only for it to leap upwards.
That, however was a mistake on it's part. It doesn't seem to have the power of flight, so that means that it can't dodge you when it's in the air like this. You feel the ground crack under your kick off, even if your wings made it silent, and between one moment and the next you'd reached the machine. Your claws lash out - there was a seam in it's leg, probably part of how the robot was put together, but that was a weak point for you to grab hold of.
You dig into the metal, using your mighty strength to pull the metal apart... then the robot's legs suddenly start to spin. Fast. Very fast, actually, too fast for you to keep your grip on. You were sent roaring through the air like you were fired from a catapult, and you don't even have time to try and take control before you slam into- through a tree.
This thing is really getting onto your nerves. It's scaring these people and destroying this place. It's hurt you, and worse... it doesn't seem to care. You burst back into flight, barely avoiding another laser before you slam wholly into it's head. You don't give it time to try and catch it's barrings. One claw digs into an eye-like lens, and the other claw goes for the second. You can see the things 'brain' inside of it's head, and that is your real target.
You've blinded the machine, but now it's time to finally finish this. The delicate pieces of computer are crushed beneath your claws, and as the thing tips backwards, dead to the world you hold yourself up in the air, before slowly letting yourself drift to the ground. You wanted to cheer, and scream and announce your victory to the world, but you had no way to do so.
Turning, you see that it looks like no one else had gotten hurt during the fight... at least not that you could see.
...now what do you do? The bad guy has been defeated... what do heroes do... uh... uh...
Before you can try and figure out, you feel the symbol of the watch buzz on you. You can tell that it's giving off light, but you can't actually see it to know wha- oh that's probably the alarm thing saying that the transformation is about to run out. You look to Grandpa Max and Gwen, along with the others there, and you give a little wave and a nod, then shoot for the tree line. You've got to get far enough away that they don't see the light of you transforming back.
Having finished breakfast the next morning, you help Grandpa Max and Gwen load up the last of the campsite into the RV. You still can't get the smile off of your face.
"Man, this is going to be such an awesome summer!" You say with a laugh as you flop into the booth by the table, as Grandpa Max starts up the RV.
"Well of course, you're here with Me." Grandpa Max said with a chuckle, even as you watch Gwen pull out her laptop and shake her head.
"At the very least, it's going to be an interesting one." She admits, and you'd almost swear that there was a ghost of a smile on her face. It's gone before you can be sure though.
So you set out on the road, heading East from Yosemite Park in California... who knows what your future holds...
As for your present?
[ ] Experiment with the buttons on the Omnitrix
[ ] Experiment with the Dial
[ ] Experiment with the Faceplate
[ ] Transform into one of your new aliens
- [ ] Which one
[ ] Transform into one of your old aliens
- [ ] Which one
-- [ ] What kind of experiment do you do with your alien
[ ] Talk with Gwen
- [ ] About what?
[ ] Talk with Grandpa Max
- [ ] About what?
[ ] Play some Sumo Slammers
[ ] Read one of your comics
[ ] Try and continue slogging through that book your friend suggested
[ ] Do something else? What?
Oh right, we also need a vote for the name of your new form.
[ ][Nightgaunt] What do you want to name it? Well, finally gotten through the first episode. It only took a month and ten pages.
Now I have to figure out how to reshuffle all the episodes of the series because (irritatingly) the original series really didn't bother thinking through the road trip. Episode one is in California, episode 2 is in DC, episode 3 is the great lakes, and episode 4 is somewhere in the four corners area.
And that's working off the assumption that each episode happens approx every other day.