[X] Lackluster proposal or no, you don't want Bulma getting hurt. You'll step in to support her while you try and talk the situation down. You're pretty sure she doesn't know just who she's picking a fight with -- you'll start by making that clear, and that the Supreme Kai is here to oversee your excursion to the mysteries in Penguin Village.
- - [X] - If words alone prove to be too slow or unable to pacify them, you'll flex your way out of your suit. That should distract at least one of them enough to make some more progress.
- - [X] - Should Bulma seem put out if the Supreme Kai insists on taking you to Penguin Village alone, reassure her that you won't leave her alone too long. After all, this whole investigation is to make sure she's safe in the first place.
just don't like GGGs plan
Fair! Glad that you're voting otherwise if'n you ain't feeling it.

Is there anything in particular that you're concerned about (which might lead others to avoid it as well) or is it just a general feeling (also valid but harder to communicate)?

For the record 75 million is ridiculously old even for Supreme Kais. During the Elder Supreme Kai's training one of his dialogue mentions that he met her during before he was sealed in the Z-sword. According to Dragon Ball: Super Exciting Guides the Kai's only live an average 75,000 years the Supreme Kai of Time has lived 1000 times longer than the average kai. Presumably she's lived so long because of Toki Toki and the Time Nest.
Also, it's Dragon Ball. Let's be honest, calling her old would get a reaction regardless of the statement's validity. But yeah, she's definitely older than some are crediting her with being, even in comparison to the other Supreme Kai we see.
[X] Lackluster proposal or no, you don't want Bulma getting hurt. You'll step in to support her while you try and talk the situation down. You're pretty sure she doesn't know just who she's picking a fight with -- you'll start by making that clear, and that the Supreme Kai is here to oversee your excursion to the mysteries in Penguin Village.
- - [X] - If words alone prove to be too slow or unable to pacify them, you'll flex your way out of your suit. That should distract at least one of them enough to make some more progress.
- - [X] - Should Bulma seem put out if the Supreme Kai insists on taking you to Penguin Village alone, reassure her that you won't leave her alone too long. After all, this whole investigation is to make sure she's safe in the first place.
All right peeps; how's the vote looking so far?

Are any of you still sitting on potential votes you need to check, or maybe looking for answers to questions that aren't too hilariously OOC/Meta?
Why don't we just stop time for a few seconds to get Bulma away from the hlaf-pint and suddenly shit bricks when we realize SKoT is still moving?
@Bob's Beard Okay.

[ ] Clearly, evacuating Bulma from an entity that could squash her like a bug is in the best interests of Lord Cooler, herself and yourself. Freeze time and take the opportunity to rush Bulma into the furthest restroom possible to discuss who she is dealing with.
you do know the only reason why Broly can move around freely with his Breath of Time is because his body is made of sterner stuff than everyone else. Many times QM's description of the act involve the entire law of universe resisting that very action and trying to crush him for it, it's just that Broly's gotten to the point where it's just a minor discomfort instead of OH GOD WHY AM I BURNING/BEING CRUSHED BY AIR RESISTANCE

have fun killing Bulma by dragging her around relativistic speed
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Broly doesn't know this and the intent of the vote is to make Broly realize Bulma is speaking to the SKoT. That being said, it depends on whether SKoT will give a fuck.
[ ] Clearly, evacuating Bulma from an entity that could squash her like a bug is in the best interests of Lord Cooler, herself and yourself. Freeze time and take the opportunity to rush Bulma into the furthest restroom possible to discuss who she is dealing with.
I mean, I am kinda curious why you're picking a restroom as the destination rather than say, one of her cool-tech-equipped labs or outside or something, but yeah, that certainly works as a vote.
you do know the only reason why Broly can move around freely with his Breath of Time is because his body is made of sterner stuff than everyone else. Many times QM's description of the act involve the entire law of universe resisting that very action and trying to crush him for it, it's just that Broly's gotten to the point where it's just a minor discomfort instead of OH GOD WHY AM I BURNING/BEING CRUSHED BY AIR RESISTANCE

have fun killing Bulma by dragging her around relativistic speed
You seem to have forgotten Broly's very first technique; Energy Shield, that which allowed a baby to keep the vacuum of space out and preserve a pocket of okay-ness for him and his pops.

You don't suppose that might be relevant here, for attempting to move someone around during Time's cessation, do you?
I mean, I am kinda curious why you're picking a restroom as the destination rather than say, one of her cool-tech-equipped labs or outside or something, but yeah, that certainly works as a vote.
I was debating whether the restroom or the closet was more embarrassing to be caught in.

[x] Clearly, evacuating Bulma from an entity that could squash her like a bug is in the best interests of Lord Cooler, herself and yourself. Freeze time and take the opportunity to rush Bulma into the furthest restroom possible to discuss who she is dealing with.
All right peeps; how's the vote looking so far?

Are any of you still sitting on potential votes you need to check, or maybe looking for answers to questions that aren't too hilariously OOC/Meta?
Vote Tally : A Cooler Broly Saga (DBZ) | Page 186 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.1.24

[10] - Pull a leaf from your recent outing; You know that you can distract humans with flex-based clothing destruction - maybe it'd work with this newcomer too!
[4] - Make a distraction; You know what will pull Bulma off whatever tangent she's on, and it might work on the newcomer too; time for flex-based intervention.
[4] - Grab the potential Kai; whether or not they are the being Kami referenced as inbound, what you know for sure is that Bulma will be safer if you are holding this potential deific bomb rather than her.
[4] Lackluster proposal or no, you don't want Bulma getting hurt. You'll step in to support her while you try and talk the situation down. You're pretty sure she doesn't know just who she's picking a fight with -- you'll start by making that clear, and that the Supreme Kai is here to oversee your excursion to the mysteries in Penguin Village.
-[] - If words alone prove to be too slow or unable to pacify them, you'll flex your way out of your suit. That should distract at least one of them enough to make some more progress.
-[] - Should Bulma seem put out if the Supreme Kai insists on taking you to Penguin Village alone, reassure her that you won't leave her alone too long. After all, this whole investigation is to make sure she's safe in the first place. [1] Clearly, evacuating Bulma from an entity that could squash her like a bug is in the best interests of Lord Cooler, herself and yourself. Freeze time and take the opportunity to rush Bulma into the furthest restroom possible to discuss who she is dealing with.

Total No. of Voters: 23
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[X] Clearly, evacuating Bulma from an entity that could squash her like a bug is in the best interests of Lord Cooler, herself and yourself. Freeze time and take the opportunity to rush Bulma into the furthest restroom possible to discuss who she is dealing with.
[X] Clearly, evacuating Bulma from an entity that could squash her like a bug is in the best interests of Lord Cooler, herself and yourself. Freeze time and take the opportunity to rush Bulma into the furthest restroom possible to discuss who she is dealing with.
Okay, good to know!

So just an FYI to all, I'm again going to have a stupidly busy day tomorrow. I'm not all that confident I'll be able to bust out an update then since I probably won't have free time before the sun goes down and that's a bit of a narrow margin to be making with update-craftin'. So, y'know; just putting that out there in case an update mysteriously fails to manifest tomorrow.

EDIT: Just as I'm about to go to sleep, I start having recurring internet connection problems - that's not ominous for tomorrow or anything, now is it!

Let's see what happens tomorrow!
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[x] - Pull a leaf from your recent outing; You know that you can distract humans with flex-based clothing destruction - maybe it'd work with this newcomer too!
[X] Clearly, evacuating Bulma from an entity that could squash her like a bug is in the best interests of Lord Cooler, herself and yourself. Freeze time and take the opportunity to rush Bulma into the furthest restroom possible to discuss who she is dealing with.

For the lulz.
I honestly have no idea what to vote here, so... Inaction will get things done!

Surely, this is the only way to proceed.
Well, connection problems continuing, even on my phone in the morning; I'm going to go ahead and assume I need to spend some time trying to fix my home wifi; fun!

Yeah, the 'not able to update today' thing is looking more likely...

Well, we are trying to create space between them...
It's funny that you mention that, and phrase it that way!

That is - are you trying to create a planet's worth of space?

A solar system's worth?

A galaxy's worth?

'The furthest restroom possible' is a rather potent phrase when one actually stops to think about it, and how widely Broly has ranged (and in so ranging, presumably, had to go to the restroom) and where he's found restrooms.

Forget 'he's going to a corner-restroom in Capsule Corp', the sheer scale imposed by those words is... rather extreme.

If the SKoT doesn't somehow stop Broly from really getting into it, this vote, as structured, sure seems inclined to make Broly grab Bulma and violate the Kai imperative West Kai gave Cooler who then gave it to Broly.

So, y'know; there's that.
I honestly have no idea what to vote here, so... Inaction will get things done!

Surely, this is the only way to proceed.
Just an FYI, but voters not voting because they don't care how a vote goes is, for me, even more quest-enthusiasm sapping than people arguing about how to vote and getting heated. At least with the latter, there's visible interest to implicitly remind me that yes, I'm not the only one getting my jollies here by applying elbow grease to recreation - with the former, it just looks like people can't even be arsed to, if not write a line or two pick something out of a list... while they're there to consume pages of stuff that, ostensibly, their input is guiding. That, it's much harder for me to take as enthusiasm, regardless of how the nonvotes are phrased.

Just Saiyan.

Now, if you were insinuating an interest in a vote to do nothing and just have Broly stand there and let this happen... completely different.

But I don't see anything remotely votelike to your assertion, so...

So, y'know; maybe doublecheck if you really don't care which solution method is used.