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Hello. Welcome to A Champion in Earth Bet, a Worm quest with light crossover elements from The...
Choice of Champion
Hello. Welcome to A Champion in Earth Bet, a Worm quest with light crossover elements from The Avatar's World. The Avatar's World was my first attempt at creating a custom superhero setting, back when I was running a Mutants&Masterminds campaign... Playing this quest won't actually require any prior knowledge of it, though - it's just one character crossing over.

A fair warning - this is my first attempt at running a Quest, done in large part to learn the ropes. Do not expect the brilliance of a Sojiko or a Gromweld, nor a rapid-fire update rate. XD

Here's the story-only thread and the TVTropes page. Here is the spinoff story, starting right after the first "Perspectives" chapter.

And so, without further ado…


There's something oddly anticlimactic about the teleporter. It relies on incredibly sophisticated applications of physics to nigh-instantly transport you from the Earth's surface to an ultra-tech fortress in low Earth orbit, but it doesn't feel like anything is happening. No lightshow, no sound effects, no tingling sensation - one moment you're in one place, the next moment you're in another.

Of course, the view more than makes up for it. From this height, the curvature of the Earth is plain to see. The sight is enough to remind even the most jaded superhero what you're fighting for.

But, while no-one will begrudge you a few moments of silent admiration, that's not what you're here for. Like the rest, you're headed toward the meeting room.

As you take your seat, you gaze at your colleagues. The Global Champions. The world's premier superhero team. Sitting with you are the best of the best that Earth has to offer. Everyone at this table was selected for three qualities: Being an A-lister in a fight (yes, even Bleu-Blanc-Rouge), being highly competent and intelligent (yes, even Phantom), and being incorruptible (yes, even Tracer Pulse).

It has been said that your team saves the world every day. A ridiculous exaggeration, of course - if the entire world was in jeopardy every day, at least one of those threats would have destroyed it by now. Genuine globally menacing events tend to be a once per decade occurrences (though sadly, there have been busier decades). And sadly, the good guys don't win every fight - the fate of Madagascar, Jerusalem and (to a lesser extent) Pittsburgh are all troubling reminders of that.

Even so, none can deny that the Global Champions have done a
lot to keep the world safe and free. Against the ruthless conspiracies of Shadow, against the sorcerer-tyrant Nollius, against the alien invasions of Garzor, against the plots of Professor Cryo, against your opposite numbers in Global Might, and so many more.

Right now, though, there isn't a pressing crisis to discuss - just a regularly-scheduled meeting to make sure you're all on the same page.

"...rising supervillain population in the Cryosphere is larger than projected…"

"...catch him, and the mutant supremacist movement would fall apart…"

"...civilian industries still need omni-metal; the patent rights should be falling to…"

"...dropping an iceberg there will end the drought, but also bankrupt the existing water infrastructure unless we…"

"...confident in Doc Prometheus's rehabilitation…"

"...fought a Golden Dawn cell in…"

"Don't mind me, I'm just here for the coffee."

That last sentence freezes you for an instant. You know that voice. Everyone instantly look at its source - a young-ish looking man in a lab coat with messy blond hair and a smug grin the whole world wants removed.


He strolls through the meeting room. "So. Nice redecoration you did since my last visit. Simple, but tasteful. Oooh, is that the letter from the kids at the Megalopolis orphanage? Sappy, but I guess some sappiness can help get you going, eh?"

Madman. The Mad Scientist To End All Mad Scientists. A man who didn't stop at figuring out the laws of physics, but started rewriting them.

Madman appeared many years ago, the first inter-dimensional traveler. His technology, light-years ahead of everyone else's, seems to break all rules and limits. If he isn't omnipotent, then he is close enough to it that he can be effectively considered as such. He is also motivated primarily by his own amusement. His idea of a good time tends to involve chaotic capers (with, mercifully, little in the way of actual death) - be it unleashing robotic dinosaurs on Halloween, launching a hundred nukes as a distraction while he sneaks into the White house to pie the president in the face, or stealing Christmas.

Frustratingly enough, no-one's found a way to beat Madman. So for now, he is simply a quasi-omnipotent pest that you have to put up with. On the positive side, you suspect that he won't let other cosmically-powerful individuals actually destroy the Earth - if only as a "don't break my toys" policy.

"What do you
want, Madman?"

"Straight to the point! Well then." Madman claps his hand and gives an eager smile. "I've been looking across the space-time continuum - you find the darndest things, you know - and I came across something interesting. Another superhero world. Less fun than this one, though. Pretty depressing, really. Your so-called 'greatest failures' are quarterly events there. Mind you, in a few years, something will finally put them out of their misery." He pauses. "And then it'll start a massive interdimensional mess that will make the Man of Might kerfuffle look like kindergarten roughhousing."

You take a moment to digest his ominous words as he keeps going. "So I figured, someone ought to fix this mess. Now,
I'm someone. One helluva someone, even. Buuuuuut… no, boring, too simple. It's a superhero problem. Let's send in a superhero!

"So I remembered you guys! By the standards of that other world, you guys are, in layman's terms, pretty darn kickass. Enough that, as a team, you could steamroll over this mess.

"But I don't want a total steamroll, which is why I'm only sending one of you."

With that, Madman snaps his finger. Suddenly, you see luggage bags all around you.

The mad scientist waves. "Ta-ta for now!"

So, first vote: Who, precisely, did Madman choose to send to Earth Bet?

[ ]
You are the Avatar. You are, literally, the abstract concept of heroism given mind and form. You started the superhero movement, and remain the world's greatest hero. As a god, you have given your physical form nigh-invulnerability, immensely powerful blasts of cosmic energy, hypersonic flight, and a small pool of cosmic energy that can be adapted to nearly any use. Your mind is axiomatically immune to all forms of control, biological needs are meaningless, and even death will not end you - as long as there is a single being in the solar system with a single spark of heroism in their soul, you will always return from the dead after some time. You are, in short, the world's most powerful hero. However, your heroism is axiomatic - you literally spend 24 hours a day committing heroic deeds or inspiring others to do the same, never taking a break.

[ ]
You are Titan. A third-generation Japanese mutant, you are the daughter of a supercop and the granddaughter of a supersoldier. At rest, you are an order of magnitude stronger and tougher than humanly possible, gifted with minor regeneration. When you get serious, you can grow several stories high, your strength and resilience growing with you. You are notoriously well-grounded and easy to get along with. However, your power is not the most versatile.

[ ]
You are Bleu-Blanc-Rouge. As France's premier super-soldier, the field leader of the international Task Force Synapse, and the main tactician of the Global Champions, you are a busy man. A complex (and dangerous) neurological operation enhanced your brain's motor centers, giving you superhuman reflexes, coordination, agility and combat skills. You routinely use your sword to parry machine-gun fire and take on small armies. With its monomolecular edge, your omni-metal saber can cut through tank armor like butter. You are a born leader, and one of the world's greatest tacticians… however, you truly NEED to be, seeing as your powers are less impressive than those of your colleagues.

[ ]
You are Mister Tomorrow. A Moroccan mutant, you have always believed that transhumanism is the future - meaning empowered individuals like you have the responsibility to make that future a good one. Your control over your own biology allows you to enhance your physical capabilities, instantly heal even major wounds, and turn your fingers into monomolecular-edged blades. However, you are deeply invested in your political beliefs, and will publicly take positions even when it's wiser to keep quiet.

[ ]
You are Tracer Pulse. A gritty, hardboiled detective straight out of a noir novel, you got sick of being unable to handle superpowered criminals. So you went and got some superpowers of your own, through ways best left unmentioned. Your super-speed lets you reach any point on Earth in about 80 minutes or pluck bullets out of the air, your energy blasts put heavy artillery to shame, and your detective skills have remained sharp. However, you are easily the most antiheroic member of the team, and a bit of an asshole, making you difficult to get along with.

[ ]
You are Causality. Some have called you "India's Marie Curie". You are a genius physicist, and have applied that genius to a poorly-understood phenomenon - magic. As it turns out, actually understanding the physical process behind it gave you an edge, turning you into a sorceress of rare power. Your abilities are vast in both scale and versatility, and only more so if you take the time to prepare a proper "ritual". However, you are an academic at heart, not a cop. You'll save the world because duty demands it, but it doesn't come naturally.

[ ]
You are Techno-Paladin. People call you "the smartest man in superheroics". You're not sure it's true, but it might be. Your cybernetic armor, in addition to making you a particularly mighty "flying brick", also provides you with immunity to many physical attacks, and comes armed with ranged blasts and a variety of gadgets. Your genius allows you to find solutions (technological or otherwise) to nearly any problem. However, without your gadgets, you are a squishy human.

[ ]
You are Mimic. A mysterious magical swashbuckling shapeshifter, your power is the ability to have almost any power, or combination thereof. You can't have everything at once, but your sheer versatility eclipses even the Avatar and Causality. However, you cannot quite match their sheer scale.

[ ]
You are Phantom. A mysterious alien energy being, you are invisible, go through matter like it isn't there, and are immune to most physical attacks (but not to concentrated energy). Not only does that make you a fantastic spy, but your own telekinesis means that most fights are very, very one-sided in your favor. However, interacting with you understandably weirds most humans out.

[ ]
You are Thermakron. A 12-foot-tall robot, you are strong, nigh-invulnerable, MUCH quicker and more agile than anything your size should be, immune to all mental tampering, able to self-repair… and, perhaps most impressively, you possess truly immense control over extreme temperatures, both in melee and at range. You are as capable of instantly freezing ten city blocks near absolute zero as of striking a single target with a heat beam comparable to the heart of the sun. However, your robotic nature and size can make things awkward in human society.

Madman doesn't give you time to protest, for all the good it would do. In an instant, you (and several luggage bags) are transported to some manner of urban setting.

Well. No point in complaining, you should get a bearing on your situation. Today is…

[ ] April 8th, 2011 (start of canon, the trio's juice prank ruins Taylor's superhero journal)

[ ] April 11th, 2011 (Taylor fights Lung for the first time)

[ ] May 15th, 2011 (Leviathan hits Brockton Bay)

[ ] June 20th, 2011 (Echidna battle)

[ ] July 26th, 2011 (Behemoth hits New Delhi)

[ ] November 25th, 2011 (Simurgh hits flight BA178)

Well, there it is. Vote for who you want to play, and for when you enter the story. Multiple votes allowed.
Some of the choices are more powerful than others. I would suggest voting for who you expect to find fun to read about rather than who is strongest - every one of these characters can change things around in Earth Bet.

Name The Avatar
Evasion AAA
Resistance SSS
Melee A
Ranged SSS
Intelligence B
Charisma A
Speed A
Movement SS
Utility S
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[X] You are Mimic.

The conceptual attacks are possible too, which will be important in killing Scion and Endbringers. I don't want some brute fire powers.

[X] May 15th, 2011

Actually, @sun tzu is Sting's power with laser beams available for Mimic as well? That 'almost' there makes me suspicious.
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Actually, @sun tzu is Sting's power with laser beams available for Mimic as well? That 'almost' there makes me suspicious.

Ah. XD
OK, some explanations:
The Global Champions were all originally Mutants&Masterminds characters. M&M is an RPG system with point-buy character creation. You can create a variety of powers, whose point cost will reflect what they can do.
In game terms, Mimic has the "Variable" powers - he's got a pool of points that, on any turn, he can invest in his character sheet in any number of ways. This effectively means he has access to virtually any power that can be made in M&M rules (within reason. Don't try traveling back in time to prevent the Entities from evolving in the first place. :p).
In some ways, this gives him more versatility than Wormverse powers. In some ways, less. You can't really get something like Sting - M&M doesn't have a "fuck all your defenses, you're already dead" power - but you can, among a million other things, create a "Penetrating" attack power that's frighteningly good at overcoming damage resilience.
[X] You are Techno-Paladin
[X] April 11th, 2011

Tinker got a tinker and and this early is early enough to twist lots of chracter arcs and really get at Bakuda Armsmasters before they burn.

Avatar would be cool Being Scion as he should be. But it's also Scion as he should be. And that seems less a character and more a ride.

Speedsters also like mini flash.

But I really want a world changer so something or one that can spread the love like Casuality or Paladin or Avatar is preferred.
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Just to make one thing entirely clear:
These characters are not equal in power. However, no matter which one of them you pick, you will be in a good position to influence Earth Bet's balance of power.
Bleu-Blanc-Rouge is the physically weakest of the bunch, and he could still solo the entire E88 roster without much trouble... and he'd probably make an even bigger difference by acting as tactical leader in an Endbringer battle.
Techno-Paladin has knowledge of tech far ahead of Earth Bet, including even some bits that are mass-producible. And a blast from Phir Se wouldn't even scratch his armor.
The Avatar is like Scion's less powerful (but still absurdly powerful) cousin... who's intelligent, well-spoken, and coordinates with the human heroes for maximum efficiency.
And so on. Basically, any one of these guys will be making a big difference.
Just to make one thing entirely clear:
These characters are not equal in power. However, no matter which one of them you pick, you will be in a good position to influence Earth Bet's balance of power.
Bleu-Blanc-Rouge is the physically weakest of the bunch, and he could still solo the entire E88 roster without much trouble... and he'd probably make an even bigger difference by acting as tactical leader in an Endbringer battle.
Techno-Paladin has knowledge of tech far ahead of Earth Bet, including even some bits that are mass-producible. And a blast from Phir Se wouldn't even scratch his armor.
The Avatar is like Scion's less powerful (but still absurdly powerful) cousin... who's intelligent, well-spoken, and coordinates with the human heroes for maximum efficiency.
And so on. Basically, any one of these guys will be making a big difference.
Well yes. I got that about Scion-Right.

not lite but right.

It's just seems like less room for player agency beyond nudging around mine fields. Also rubs the Cauldron button.
Hello. Welcome to A Champion in Earth Bet, a Worm quest with light crossover elements from The Avatar's World.
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! I want in!

A fair warning - this is my first attempt at running a Quest, done in large part to learn the ropes. Do not expect the brilliance of a Sojiko or a Gromweld, nor a rapid-fire update rate. XD
Bah, nonsense. Your writing style is already better than mine. And I haven't been updating rapid fire for months now.

And so, without further ado…
Yay! Let's do this!

Even so, none can deny that the Global Champions have done a
lot to keep the world safe and free. Against the ruthless conspiracies of Shadow, against the sorcerer-tyrant Nollius, against the alien invasions of Garzor, against the plots of Professor Cryo, against your opposite numbers in Global Might, and so many more.

Right now, though, there isn't a pressing crisis to discuss - just a regularly-scheduled meeting to make sure you're all on the same page.

"...rising supervillain population in the Cryosphere is larger than projected…"

"...catch him, and the mutant supremacist movement would fall apart…"

"...civilian industries still need omni-metal; the patent rights should be falling to…"

"...dropping an iceberg there will end the drought, but also bankrupt the existing water infrastructure unless we…"

"...confident in Doc Prometheus's rehabilitation…"

"...fought a Golden Dawn cell in…"

"Don't mind me, I'm just here for the coffee."
Very good way to introduce the setting and segue to the action. I like this a lot.

If he isn't omnipotent, then he is close enough to it that he can be effectively considered as such.
"So I figured, someone ought to fix this mess. Now,
I'm someone. One helluva someone, even. Buuuuuut… no, boring, too simple. It's a superhero problem. Let's send in a superhero!"
So basically "BROB comes down from Heaven and transport your character to the new setting. Not the most original, but it's a classic for a reason. And this doesn't give the feel of breaking the fourth wall, so it's a big improvement on the usual recipe.

Detailed comment!
[ ] You are the Avatar.
This is effectively what people think Scion is. That could be really interesting.

[ ]
You are Titan.
Giant brick. Boring. Remarkably little boringness for a giant brick due to the detailed and interesting backstory and such, but still. Too limited and straightforward.

[ ]
You are Bleu-Blanc-Rouge.
This is the Batman. Lowest power level who earns his place on the Justice League expy through wits and gadgets. Mostly wits, here, which is Batman's best part. I like this. I really do.

[ ]
You are Mister Tomorrow.
That's original, I guess, but I'm really not interested.

[ ] You are Tracer Pulse.
Difficult to make interesting stories for speedsters, and I don't like this one. No.

[ ]
You are Causality.
Being an academic at heart is a plus, not a minus! I wonder how magic (and knowledge of physics) would cross over. Especially if she could teach anything useful.

[ ]
You are Techno-Paladin.
Tinker. Out. No way.

[ ]
You are Mimic.
Interesting power. Nearly non-existing backstory and personality means I'm not as intrerested as I could be, though.

[ ]
You are Phantom.
Hmmm ... No. Not feeling it.

[ ] You are Thermakron.
Oh boy! A brick with a powerful blaster power can be fun, but a robot too? That's neat.

I'd like Bleu-Blanc-Rouge because I think the Batman would be the most funnest to play. On the other hand his power is effectively heightened reflexes and intelligence if I'm not mistaken, which is hardly anything new on Earth-bet and thus it would be difficult to really shake things up.

On the other hand, you've guaranteed us that they would all be able to cause big changes. So ...

Scion-right could be loads of fun to play alongside Scion and it would probably my only chance to read an entertaining story starring such a powerhouse.

Thermakron is tempting but his power is mostly limited to battles so I'm going to have to rate him lower than the rest.

Causality is already popular enough, I want to give the others a chance.

If multiple votes are allowed I'm going with
[X] You are the Avatar.
You are Bleu-Blanc-Rouge.

As for the date ...

[X] May 15th, 2011
(Leviathan hits Brockton Bay)
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About the date:

We're here to have fun, and honestly there's very little chance of this going to the endgame before years at best. Especially since it's a first quest and Sun Tzu is already struggling to write his other stuff.

So we should vote to be thrown directly into the thick of the action. Please please don't make us re-tread the same places every other Worm Quest and fanfic has already gone through. I'd vote for the Behemoth fight, but Leviathan is already something very very few stories managed to reach.

So please, people. Wouldn't you want to jump straight to the interesting part with Leviathan rather than redoing the early days all over again? Think of the funsies, vote for May 15th.
[x] You are Thermakron.
Speed read through the option and saw "12 foot tall robot". If I don't pick this I'll never forgive myself
[X] April 8th, 2011
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!I want in!
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the writer who made me like quests.

Bah, nonsense. Your writing style is already better than mine. And I haven't been updating rapid fire for months now.
You flatter me. :p In some ways, yours is certainly better than mine (see for instance: every example of social hypercompetence in Conquest Quest).

Very good way to introduce the setting and segue to the action. I like this a lot.
Thank you. ^^

So basically "BROB comes down from Heaven and transport your character to the new setting. Not the most original, but it's a classic for a reason. And this doesn't give the feel of breaking the fourth wall, so it's a big improvement on the usual recipe.
The setting already came ready with a walking, talking plot device, so...

Detailed comment!
[ ] You are the Avatar.
This is effectively what people think Scion is. That could be really interesting.
Pretty much.
"So, your first superhero, who is also the most powerful one, is a guy who flies around the world helping people 24/7, never taking a break to eat or sleep? Yup, ours too. But, um, is yours autistic or something?"

[ ] You are Titan.
Giant brick. Boring. Remarkably little boringness for a giant brick due to the detailed and interesting backstory and such, but still. Too limited and straightforward.
Titan? Boring? This is what her fight scenes look like. XD

[ ] You are Bleu-Blanc-Rouge.
This is the Batman. Lowest power level who earns his place on the Justice League expy through wits and gadgets. Mostly wits, here, which is Batman's best part. I like this. I really do.
Less Batman than Captain America, really...

[ ] You are Causality.
Being an academic at heart is a plus, not a minus! I wonder how magic (and knowledge of physics) would cross over. Especially if she could teach anything useful.
In theory, she can teach. In practice, the story will likely end before any of her students get anywhere serious.

[ ] You are Techno-Paladin.
Thinker. Out. No way.
No love for Tinkers? XD

[ ] You are Mimic.
Interesting power. Nearly non-existing backstory and personality means I'm not as intrerested as I could be, though.
There's a reason for the non-existing backstory - Mimic's earliest memories are being held in the nightmarish dungeons of the sorcerer-tyrant Nollius, prior to his escape. It's still speculated whether he is an experiment of Nollius's, or a mindwiped prisoner.

I'd like Bleu-Blanc-Rouge because I think the Batman would be the most funnest to play. On the other hand his power is effectively heightened reflexes and intelligence if I'm not mistaken, which is hardly anything new on Earth-bet and thus it would be difficult to really shake things up.
His reflexes are heightened. His intelligence is natural... but so was Taylor's, and we saw how big a difference tactics made with her. (And Bleu-Blanc-Rouge would, in all likelihood, be better than Taylor at getting large groups of parahumans to follow his lead. ;))

Scion-right could be loads of fun to play alongside Scion and it would probably my only chance to read an entertaining story starring such a powerhouse.
While the Avatar is the most powerful of the bunch... Techno-Paladin is an Alexandria package that puts Alexandria herself to shame, Causality is super-Myrdin, Thermakron is like some anti-Behemoth, and Tracer Pulse... dear God Tracer Pulse.
You have your pick of powerhouses. ;)

If multiple votes are allowed I'm going with
[X] You are the Avatar.
You are Bleu-Blanc-Rouge.
Multiple votes are allowed.

I can see the argument for wanting to arrive early, and I can see the argument for wanting to arrive late. I'll strive to do either one justice. XD
Cute, but not up to face the competition.

Less Batman than Captain America, really...
No. Captain America isn't the least powerful member of the team by far. Those would be Hawk Eye and Black Widow. Even if Bleu-Blanc-Rouge is
drawing more inspiration from Cap', he's still fulfilling the role of Batman, both in team dynamics and narrative. And is interesting for the same reason.

In theory, she can teach. In practice, the story will likely end before any of her students get anywhere serious.
Nice to know.

No love for Tinkers? XD
They don't make sense. Super-scientists rarely do, but it's especially bad in Worm. The more attention drawn to them, the more stupid they seem and the less enjoyable the story is. Reed Richard is Useless and all that.
Fair enough.
If it makes you feel better, non-trivial chunks of supertech do enter general use in The Avatar's World. Industry is relying more and more on super-materials such as omni-metal (which is both stronger and lighter than steel, making it a favorite of skyscrapper architects), hospitals are relying more and more on nanotech, the Pentagon got a lot of mileage out of warbots designed to fight metahumans toe-to-toe, SWAT teams frequently use power armor, and the Global Champions helped build a space elevator.
But you still get some instances of supertech that aren't mass-producible. Techno-Paladin's armor, for instance, required years of fine-tuning to the user's psyche (which actually was a big disappointment to him, since his original goal was to make armor for the police).
[X] You are Bleu-Blanc-Rouge.

Lead the way to victory, vote Bleu Blanc Rouge! Don't rely on your super powers, those are boring, use your smarts to give yourself an edge in super hero fights.