A Cause (Maybe) Worth Fighting For! SV Commands A GLA Cell OOC Thread (Now Recruiting!)

Naquadah, which is like a rare super dense mineral. Used to power things IIRC.

...which is also armour, currency, explosive enhancer, fuel for generators, the thing that allows you to wield technology that is designed to be only usable by Goa'uld - the usual.

Ranging from continent- , the city- , the ship- to personal-sized shielding devices depending on the technology level of the builder

And I think they have AI though my SG knowlege is rusty as fuck.

Around half a dozen different sorts, ranging from small forgotten slightly mad doppelgangers to the Replicators (Neumannn), Humanoid Replicators, whole civilisations made up by machines and even some hybrid/cyborg ones. Then there are also uploaded, copies of minds etc. etc.

Google is your friend, the Stargate Wiki has Technology Pages.
Can someone link me to this... XSGCOM? I have several hours I need to kill.
Shit, alright people, I need your help. I've never exactly done this, so what do I do? What would you guys recommend for social actions as of now?
Let's see.. how's morale? Are we able to send an envoy to that American near us? Wait, stupid question, that can't be diplomacy, we need reconnaissance. Let's see..

Anyone have any ideas for social?
Right well here we fucking go.

I'm thinking...

- Covert: Monitor major news channels, and minor news channels. Focus on local news channels first. Newspapers, blogs, the works. Look at what the talking heads are saying, then compare that to what another bunch of talking heads are saying, then compare that to another bunch of talking heads until a solid viewpoint's been established. We need to keep an eye on what's happening around us, locally and internationally.
- Covert: Contacts, contacts, contacts. Drunks, orphans and beggers. We need to make contact with all of the people lurking in the seedy dregs of society, try to establish connections with the seedy underbelly of society. Gangs and thieves. It's amazing what the neglected poor and homeless can pick up after all.
- Covert: Scout the surrounding area for targets to raid. Convoys, or underguarded military bases, or factories. Maybe there're junkyards we can raid, or defunct facilities we can loot for parts and supplies. We need to know which places to hit and when to hit them.
- Social: Trawl the internet looking for sympathizers, or gullible idiots that're easy to recruit. Seedy backwater sites on the darknet, fringe sites that're unnoticed. Let's see if we can't fix that manpower issue. If they've got potential, train them up. If they're morons, use em as disposable ignorant cannonfodder.

Just don't treat them like disposable ignorant cannonfodder.
- Military: I was going to leave this blank since I'm honestly drawing a blank. Kinda don't want to make any overt moves yet.
- Production: Something something "Build tools to make better tools to make better tools" iunno. Build up infrastructure.


I'm not sure how feasible any of this is lmao.
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Right well here we fucking go.

I'm thinking...

- Covert: Monitor major news channels, and minor news channels. Focus on local news channels first. Newspapers, blogs, the works. Look at what the talking heads are saying, then compare that to what another bunch of talking heads are saying, then compare that to another bunch of talking heads until a solid viewpoint's been established. We need to keep an eye on what's happening around us, locally and internationally.
- Covert: Contacts, contacts, contacts. Drunks, orphans and beggers. We need to make contact with all of the people lurking in the seedy dregs of society, try to establish connections with the seedy underbelly of society. Gangs and thieves. It's amazing what the neglected poor and homeless can pick up after all.
- Covert: Scout the surrounding area for targets to raid. Convoys, or underguarded military bases, or factories. Maybe there're junkyards we can raid, or defunct facilities we can loot for parts and supplies. We need to know which places to hit and when to hit them.
- Social: Trawl the internet looking for sympathizers, or gullible idiots that're easy to recruit. Seedy backwater sites on the darknet, fringe sites that're unnoticed. Let's see if we can't fix that manpower issue. If they've got potential, train them up. If they're morons, use em as disposable ignorant cannonfodder.

Just don't treat them like disposable ignorant cannonfodder.
- Military: I was going to leave this blank since I'm honestly drawing a blank. Kinda don't want to make any overt moves yet.
- Production: Something something "Build tools to make better tools to make better tools" iunno. Build up infrastructure.


I'm not sure how feasible any of this is lmao.
Do you want me to start recruiting or making contacts so you have more Covert slots? Some of those seem like Social to me.
Do you want me to start recruiting or making contacts so you have more Covert slots? Some of those seem like Social to me.

Actually a lot of what I typed up seems like Social yeah. I thought it was kinda what Covert actions were supposed to be about though. Intel/Counter intel.

I'm probably going to go revise my thing after I take a shower.

Way I see it there're four things we need to prioritize at the moment.

1) Infrastructure. We need to automate in order to automate more efficiently in order to get to the good stuff. I want a flying command center dammit. :V

2) Recruitment. A steady supply of bodies would be real helpful. If they're experienced and talented? Hired. If they're raw and talented? Train em up then hire them.

If they're stupid and gullible? Cannonfodder.

3) Intel. This is kind of obvious, making sure we don't get bombed to death is probably going to be at least one action per turn lmao.

4) Supplies. Food, materials, all that junk.

Research'd be real nice but basebuilding is a higher priority for me. Mmph.

I'm going about this very, very conventionally lmao.
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Teaching our troops how to throw flammable bottles seems like it should be done, however. If only because it helps against enemy infantry and unprepared vehicles.

Generic_Generica: "You have a bottle and you throw it. How hard could that-"


"... This is going to be an uphill battle isn't it."


I mean yeah training's... Also a priority lmao.
I mean yeah training's... Also a priority lmao.
On it.

Generic_Generica: "You have a bottle and you throw it. How hard could that-"


"... This is going to be an uphill battle isn't it."
To be fair, your typical glass bottle is designed to not break even under some theoretically hefty stress, and you have to be careful how you light the contents to keep the thrower safe.
So, here are my plans so far. Still new to this, so do tell me what to do.

Military Actions
[X] Assist Prins Eugine in coming up with a Standard Training Regimen.
[X] Drill the Troops.
[X] Drill them some more!

Design Actions
[X] N/A

Production Actions
[X] Shoes for the Workers!

Intrigue Actions
[X] Pay some of the locals for information on Michael Jenkins.
What do you guys think? Thoughts?

Turn 1 Actions:
-Social: Introduce ourselves to the locals. Bring Gifts? With this, hopefully more people will want to join us, and it gives us good PR? Get the lay of the land, find out the goods in stock and needed, etc.
-Social: Begin establishing our connections. The dregs, the homeless, the wives and the children, whoever can listen and whisper, we need on our payroll.
-Social: Offer services to local settlements and villages. At best, this'll get us some good PR, and at the very least bring in some cash. It also gets us out there, showing people our good side. Who knows, maybe we'll get some new recruits at our door, eager to fight the good fight?
-Research: Assist in the 'development' of Molotov Cocktails for our troops. What sort of Rebels could we call ourselves if we didn't have flaming bottles?
-Design: ???
-Production: Help the others recruit and train more Rebel Squads. More Squads means more protection for local villages, which means more cash. We need all the bodies we can get, because even if they die, we can still climb the wall with enough corpses.
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-Social: Introduce ourselves to the locals. Bring Gifts? With this, hopefully more people will want to join us, and it gives us good PR?
Ask what services/goods are in demand. We fill them, we get PR and possibly some income/tax.

-Production: Help the others recruit and train more Rebel Squads. More Squads means more protection for local villages, which means more cash. We need all the bodies we can get, because even if they die, we can still climb the wall with enough corpses.
Speaking of which: does IOU accumulate or not... Because we can get six-ish Rebel Squads by draining our IOU, and then we'd have to start dipping into our cash. Cash that could be better used doing things that we can't produce on our own, such as BMPs or civilian aircraft.
Ask what services/goods are in demand. We fill them, we get PR and possibly some income/tax.

Speaking of which: does IOU accumulate or not... Because we can get six-ish Rebel Squads by draining our IOU, and then we'd have to start dipping into our cash. Cash that could be better used doing things that we can't produce on our own, such as BMPs or civilian aircraft.
In the Winter War, civilians made the Armored Car by welding a bunch of other cars onto another car.