A Cause (Maybe) Worth Fighting For! SV Commands A GLA Cell OOC Thread (Now Recruiting!)

That's what I figured.

So they are segregated then.

Alright @All, we have three objectives. In descending order of importance, they are:

1) Keep as many of our men alive as possible.
2) Free as many slaves as we can.
3) Kill as many of these fuck-wits as we can. Don't bother taking prisoners. Grab slaves and go.

So basically @Simpli's plan.

Call in our mortars, start shelling the camp because we are so damn outnumbered we need every man we can get. Gotta make sure we keep em in chaos. Make sure we don't launch shells at the slaves or the area where the slaves are. Keep the innocents out of this.

Have marksmen pick off any morons running towards the slaves to use em as meatshields. While moving people towards the slaves to free em. Keeping our people alive and freeing slaves takes priority over killing fuckwits.

Make it clear that if any idiot tries to run for a meatshield they're going to turn into giblets.

God what I wouldn't give for a tank or something, these fuckwits probably don't have anti-vehicle weaponry.

Also have the marksmen pick off anyone who looks important. Communications people, officers or whatever these maggots have that passes for an officer, the works.

Have Crows coordinate, maybe spot for artillery and marksmen, they're not much use otherwise.

Basically we want these morons to stay confused and not get any bright ideas like 'use slaves as ablative meatshields' or 'Zerg-rush the enemy with our superior numbers.' Bombard them with artillery, pick off their leaders and anyone who looks like they're going for the slaves, and just kill the sodding wankers.

Fuckin' Chechens I swear to christ.

The real problem is that we're outnumbered like eight to one even though we picked off a good chunk of their force already. Ideally they'd break and run once we set them even more on fire but ugh fuckin' christ.

Actually the crows may have another use.

I wouldn't put all of them on this, maybe some of our best instead, but we could have a squad lead the slaves away from the battle.

With the marksmen giving cover and the artillery, they should have little to no resistance in doing so, and of course they can leave a fire going behind them for more chaos and destruction.

Once there gone, it becomes a game of protect the artillery until we win.
Actually the crows may have another use.

I wouldn't put all of them on this, maybe some of our best instead, but we could have a squad lead the slaves away from the battle.

With the marksmen giving cover and the artillery, they should have little to no resistance in doing so, and of course they can leave a fire going behind them for more chaos and destruction.

Once there gone, it becomes a game of protect the artillery until we win.

Mmh. Point, point.

One thing's for sure.

After this Imma train up some sniper squads and go assassinate some Chechen bigwigs. Or something.

Man fuck these guys.
Have marksmen pick off any morons running towards the slaves to use em as meatshields.
Also have the marksmen pick off anyone who looks important
You know we only have six of them on our rebel squads? They are not that numerous~

these fuckwits probably don't have anti-vehicle weaponry.
Heavy weapons are machineguns and RPG's
They do~

Have Crows coordinate, maybe spot for artillery and marksmen, they're not much use otherwise.
but we could have a squad lead the slaves away from the battle.
My plan was to have them and a squad of infantry escort the slaves away - Zedalb agrees. What does everyone else think?
Crows in addition to infantry sounds like a good idea, yes. It would be worth it to have them try to find the best route and all too, although I'm not sure we have scouts yet. Crows should still work in a jiffy though.
I recently have found that it's possible to use it as a power source by using old washing machines.

There are of course other...more effective methods should you end up in countries with a less than orderly energy system...Italy comes to my mind, but you know: everything East European does as well.