A Cause (Maybe) Worth Fighting For! SV Commands A GLA Cell OOC Thread (Now Recruiting!)

Ah, but i'm not looking for efficiency! That armor is far too gunmetal grey, too bulky as well!

I'm the Propaganda Master, the face of this organization!

I need something that represents us!

Inspiring! Classy! Baleful!


But in all seriousness, I hope to not be the one who's shot at.

My actions are almost all social, and you only get one first impression.
Soo... Stereotypical communist instead?
Hm... can I have research department make a connection of speakers that blasts this worldwide when we make our debut?

We're gonna need to Putin a lot of work and force convince some people to start Lenin us resources if we wanna keep them from Stalin our progress.

EDIT: If we need something angrier, I have a few Sabaton Songs.
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I'm the Propaganda Master, the face of this organization!

I need something that represents us!

Inspiring! Classy! Baleful!

Well this is an interesting thing to talk about.

How do we wish to represent ourselves?

Well we should have a few core ideas we try to represent but for outfits?
That part should be incredibly situational.

In Europe I would recommend a formal suit, the military isn't viewed very highly there or at least the culture is different than America about it.
In England for example being an "Army made man" is worse than being "A self made man" culture so distance yourself from the military aspect, and do what you can to put yourself in a high class business light.(Brief case folders and such included0

In America it's the exact opposite, wear a dress uniform, we can probably make some medal that looks vaguely like the Congressional medal of honor to award you. Do everything you can to get that long ingrained hero worship onto you play up the military angle with a bit of jargon as well. I'd sneak in a Mad Dog Mattis quote or two and use some coded language.

Africa still has the memory of British colonialism, Distancing yourself from that will be key, dress nice but probably not a full suit, bring a nice gift maybe talk to people over golf a more relaxed setting to take you more away from the British stereotype maybe a french accent and a nice bottle of wine.

Etc etc, I could go on but I trust you to do your research and get clever.
Well this is an interesting thing to talk about.

How do we wish to represent ourselves?

Well we should have a few core ideas we try to represent but for outfits? That part should be incredibly situational.

In Europe I would recommend a formal suit, the military isn't viewed very highly there or at least the culture is different than America about it.
In England for example being an "Army made man" is worse than being "A self made man" culture so distance yourself from the military aspect, and do what you can to put yourself in a high class business light.(Brief case folders and such included.

In America it's the exact opposite, wear a dress uniform, we can probably make some medal that looks vaguely like the Congressional medal of honor to award you. Do everything you can to get that long ingrained hero worship onto you play up the military angle with a bit of jargon as well. I'd sneak in a Mad Dog Mattis quote or two and use some coded language.

Africa still has the memory of British colonialism, Distancing yourself from that will be key, dress nice but probably not a full suit, bring a nice gift maybe talk to people over golf a more relaxed setting to take you more away from the British stereotype maybe a french accent and a nice bottle of wine.

Etc etc, I could go on but I trust you to do your research and get clever.
What exactly is GLA? I was under the impression the world saw us as Terrorists. Then again, The American Revolution started as nothing more than a riot..
What exactly is GLA? I was under the impression the world saw us as Terrorists.
The GLA is... Basically terrorists, aimed at gathering actual power towards it's ruling class via literally any means. So other than the fact they are worse, you can almost think of them as the Islamic State in terms of goals and means, albeit not particularly their ethos.
What exactly is GLA? I was under the impression the world saw us as Terrorists. Then again, The American Revolution started as nothing more than a riot..

Right but it is your job to change that impression, and doing so means knowing your audience and manipulating that information.
You've got my sign-up for Research or Procurement officer when the time comes.

Also, my two cents:

[X]Awakening Of Magic: Oh look, a dragon just buzzed a bullet train, guess it's Shadowrun time.
Additional Goal: Unite the Middle East and Europe to prevent the Euro Wars and Desert Wars.
Pros: Magic! Synergizes with and enhances the SEAL Team 13 option. VITAS is available to research and enhance your chemical/biological weapons.
Cons: UGE, Goblinization, VITAS plagues, Dragons, the rise of the corporate and government police state.

[X]Chevrons Locked: The US Air Force and soon a few others are going to be exploring a few new planets.
Additional Goal: Capture a Star Gate for the GLA's usage.
Pros: The aliens aren't that overpowered.
Cons: There are still overpowered aliens. SG1 Plot Armour.
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Anyone got a summary of SG for me? I vaguely remember it's full of big ass portals to Egyptian Psychic Gods, but your Propaganda Master needs help if we're to subjugate ally with these aliens!
Anyone got a summary of SG for me? I vaguely remember it's full of big ass portals to Egyptian Psychic Gods, but your Propaganda Master needs help if we're to subjugate ally with these aliens!

From what little I recall?

So we've got the Goa'uld who're these asshole parasitic worms commanding an empire and they use these big-ass portals to travel between planets.

Oh and they also have Pyramid ships.

Iunno something like that? Someone more qualified please speak.
:V Delusions only for some of them. Anubis is rather powerful, but then again he's halfway Ascended...
Anyone got a summary of SG for me?

Found in the early first half of the 20th century, a large metal ring was unearthed in the sands close to Giza and it took more than half a century of experiments and tests to find out its true purpose: generating wormholes and opening the way to other planets. With the help of an archaeologist, who was decried by the scientific community for having written that the Pyramids were build by aliens as landing pads, the US Airforce was able to open the way to another planet, sending a team of soldiers together with said archaeologist Daniel Jackson to the other side: finding themselves on a desert planet named Abdyos. There they found a human culture that took them in and which worshipped the Egyptian God Ra - only that it wasn't just some belief, but an parasitic snakelike alien that was living inside a millennia old human body and who used this far away planet as his vacationing place so to speak.

As the Team from Earth struggled to find the address that would take them home to Earth (because other Stargates have a device that allows to dial the coordinates of other Gates), a large Pyramid shaped spaceship descended onto the Pyramid that harboured the Stargate on Abdyos. To make a long story short, they soldiers had gotten a nuclear warhead in the case that something dangerous was on the other side and Colonel Jack O'neill was able to blow the alien up with it.

Unbeknown to everyone on Earth, Ra was the overlord of a Race called Goa'uld and only his Hegemony had kept them from leading open war against one another - with his death the strongest of them called System Lords started to use their fleets and ships in a war of succession one might say - and a few years after the events of the first mission (with Jackson having stayed on Abdyos after falling in love with a local) one of the strongest System Lords called Apophis invadedes the Cheyenne Mountain facility through the Stargate and kidnaps a woman after killing some of the guards with his personal guard. Jack O'neill gets called back and is send to Abdyos, were they come just in time to see Jacksons wife being kidnapped etc etc.

The following ten seasons/years are spend with the SG-Teams from Earth using the Stargate to explore the milky way, gathering new technologies, making new friends and running into one big bad after another, with the Goa'uld being only one of many races that are out to enslave humans everywhere - to be fair, the Goa'uld also seeded human life all over the milky way to have slaves and as such there are thousands of different cultures with some barely bronze age and serving their "gods" - while others were able to liberate themselves or were forgotten, allowing them to reach various technological levels reaching from superior to Earth to early industrial Age...or bronze age, it really various.

Do you want to know more? If yes - What?
Hm.. well, first of all, when are we in this timeline? Do we have OOC knowledge of this place? What Aliens would we benefit most from allying? Could we hijack the Stargate?

One one hand you have SG-1 which has its moments of drama, but is rather light for the most part and has a few lovely cultural scenes here and there in the beginning <> On the other hand you have X-COM a series that would seriously dip into the grimdark if you play it with a high enough difficulty and which only isn't because your squaddies will end up badasses that chew Chryssalids in close quarter for breakfast and will knock a Muton out with their MEC-enhanced fist.

Now you mix them both together and suddenly you have both organisations working with one another, without either one getting wanked over the other and both the X-COMs "kill it first, loot everything that isn't bolted down and then come back to copy the way the bolts were done" as well as the SG teams more exploratory nature being depicted next to one another with their strengths and weaknesses. In any way: lots of Death Jaffa, some familiar Big Bads and a quite amusing pairing to say the least~

...ohh and Colonel O'neill has to deal with a Russian on his SG-Team - hilarity ensures. A good read that is widely appreciated (even if I would say it has a tiny X-Com bias and loves to blow things up - but which audience wouldn't like that around here?). Staffweapon Plasma Gatling gun - Do I need to say more?

Hm.. well, first of all, when are we in this timeline?

Depends on the GM - with the problem being that you could be anywhere from right in the middle of the SG-1 series to past its last episode actually (2000-2013 depending on where you start). But I think its actually quite unlikely that Gideon will just import the SG universe like that (and hard to work with as it restricts you a little).

Do we have OOC knowledge of this place?

If any of you have seen the series and if Gideon isn't changing the universe too much - why not?

What Aliens would we benefit most from allying?

Hard to say right now - downright allying depends on how the SG Teams of this world have presented themselves to others and how you are going to do it. There are hundreds of human cultures that might be open to you, then there are the Jaffa (gen-engineered humans that carry the Goa'uld larvae in a stomach pocket to allow them to mature and live two centuries, but without a larvae they have no immune system and die) where some are trying to overthrow their false gods. Then there are the Tok'ra - the same species as the Goa'uld but different philosophy, who only take willing hosts and try to break the Goa'ulds reign over the milky way.

Then there are also the Asgard (Greys) who live in a nearby galaxy and are protecting some planets through the milky way and have the name of the Norse Gods. Mhh....you would actually benefit more from getting into good relations with some sort of slightly advanced human society, because you would be in a better trading position and could replicate their technology, or some Goa'uld based technology as it is idiot proof, can run for centuries and their basic weapons might be terribly ineffective - but they do shoot Plasma. There's the Lucian Alliance, a trader/Cartel network that also uses Goa'uld technology and ships~

Could we hijack the Stargate?

Depending on where it is right now you would have little luck if its in the Cheyenne Mountain Base - but there is another one in Antarctica in the series, one that even has the device with which you can dial other planets. The only problem would be that you would be lacking addresses and the SG Centre would notice that your Gate is blocking theirs if you don't infiltrate them enough.
Could we get a common tech break down if it isn't to much work?
Could we get a common tech break down if it isn't to much work?

Of the Stargate Universe? If yes - then yes its a bit too much work without a more focused question. Alas you might be better of not asking, as that will let you react far more in character when ending up beamed into an alien ship to stand before Thor.....well or to end up as breakfast of a pale skinned alien vampire - whatever it is.

The... Pangarans? Or whoever it was from that one WW2 esque world in XSGCOM.

There are multiple WW2 esque worlds in the SG universe, ranging from those racists in the bunker, to the Pangarans, the Langarans (they also appeared in XSGCOM) and the people where the SG team ended up being mistaken for terrorists in a museum...most of them have a few interesting bits of technology or natural resources~
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Of the Stargate Universe? If yes - then yes its a bit too much work without a more focused question. Alas you might be better of not asking, as that will let you react far more in character when ending up beamed into an alien ship to stand before Thor.....well or to end up as breakfast of a pale skinned alien vampire - whatever it is.

There are multiple WW2 esque worlds in the SG universe, ranging from those racists in the bunker, to the Pangarans, the Langarans (they also appeared in XSGCOM) and the people where the SG team ended up being mistaken for terrorists in a museum...

I watched it! I was more thinking for others, but yes I did mean tech of SGC.
Off the top of my head?

Naquadah, which is like a rare super dense mineral. Used to power things IIRC.

Hand-held energy weapons. Staff weapons, staff cannons. Etc.

Ships. Shielding. FTL drives.

Von Neumann Swarms. And I think they have AI though my SG knowlege is rusty as fuck.


Better computing technology, by far.


Probably more.
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