A Bro's Life (AGG-ish Anime Bro Quest)
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The Saga Of The Best Brother Ever
Omake Prompt List #1
OK. So I was originally going to do this after the Tournament...but you know what? Fuck it. Why not do it now?

So, I know that at least some people here also want to write Omakes. But I feel like I may have scared them off with what I've done with the current ones. This is mainly cause I honestly don't know how to handle them completely. I do want people to write them, I do want to give rewards for people writing them, but I don't want to end up with Omakes only being made for Bonuses and otherwise.

So, I'm taking a page out of Sage's book from Eastern Rhapsody. Every now and then, I'll write up a List of possible Omake Prompts for people. These will come in two flavors:

1. Bonus Omakes: These are Omakes that give actual in Quest Bonuses. They'll usually have a minimum Word Count attached to them, and there will be a limited number of them. Three at Max.

2. Free Omakes: These are just free prompts that don't give bonuses but could add more to the story/characters. I'll put at least 5 of these up at a time. Sometimes they'll be blank or won't be there, as I don't have any ideas off the top of my head.

Note: These Prompts are mere SUGGESTIONS. They are not hard rules. Anyone can still write an Omake if they have an idea for it, and every rule I've laid out about Omakes still applies (i.e. I require people send them to me as PMs so I can look them over and approve them before you post them here).

I will still give bonuses for both Free and other Omakes if I think they're well written.

That's about it really. So, lets start the first one:

Bonus Omakes:

1. The Hose Family Courtship: Hose tells his family about Hayato. His sisters start getting...ideas. Ideas he doesn't like. (+3 RP to Hose SL)

2. Training with Yamato: Yamato wants to be sure he can help Hayato. So he devises a training regiment. It goes...about as well as you can expect. (Yamato and Hayato gain Combat Partners Rank E)

3. The Fox and The Tsundere: Yameko and Munagi have a one-on-one conversation. Munagi gets flustered. (Yameko and Munagi Relationship Increases!)
On The Boards
Cause I feel like having some fun:

Kun 1: Hey, has anyone been watching that new anime that came out?

Kun 2: Who watches anime anymore?

Kun 3: Kun 1 stop being a spaz. There's like one hundred anime pumped out every week nowadays.

Kun 1: I'm talking about the one with the brothers? One a huge muscle-headed himbo, while the other's supposed to be Kira/Lelouch Levels of smart?

Kun 2: Rings a bell.

Kun 4: *Post Cover Image of "Brotherly Love And Monsters"*

Kun 4: *Sees Monster Girl Waifu's*

Kun 4: *Also sees it's Harem Trash*

Kun 4: Hmmm.......

Kun 1: Yeah! That's it!

Kun 2: Huh. Seems kind of interesting.

Kun 3: Is that shit slice of life, or martial arts, or what?

Kun 1: I think it's all of them. Like there have been some pretty good fight sequences every now and then. But the story is mostly focused on the two brothers on the cover. Hayato and Yamato Nagai.

Kun 4: Be honest with me Kun 1...how deep into Harem Trash is this show?

Kun 1: Uh, not much actually. Like, I'm not even sure you can call it a Harem. They've only got like one girl in the main party. Most of the scenes that feature the girls outside of that have been relatively normal. Like they're just hanging out, not constantly vying for one of the MCs' affections.

Kun 3: I don't buy it. Shounen stuff like this has to have some Harem stuff.

Kun 5: Hey there. I've heard of this show on other Boards. They say that the guy running the Production takes weeks to get even one episode out. They're usually pretty mediocre, but have a lot of love and passion put into them. Something missing from most shows nowadays.

Kun 2: *Kun 5 says something that has been said about every show at least once*

Kun 2: Sure it is.

Kun 5: Believe what you want.

Kun 6: Don't bother watching that show. It's the same old Shounen crap with Power Of Friendship Bullshit. Strong-Man, Dumb-Guy, Big Brother MC walked into the middle of a School Gang Fight and got out unscathed. Completely bullshit.

Kun 5: That's actually done on purpose.

Kun 1: Yeah. The Production Leader has gone on record saying "We're not trying to make something new. We're trying to make something fun. We do things that have been done before, yes, but we believe that that's a good thing. Things are retold in stories for a reason: Because they're timeless. So, that's our objective. Not to make something new. But to make something timeless."

Kun 6: Sounds like a garbage excuse for a garbage show from a garbage production company.

Kun 2: Seems cool. I might give it a try...

Kun 5: Nice. Pretty sure there are other Boards talking about it. But whatever you do, don't go into any of the Boards where they're discussing shipping. It is...well...

Meanwhile, at one of the Shipping Boards:

Kun 1: Yamato X Hayato forever!

Kun 2: Fuck you, you disgusting incest loving, scum of the earth! We all know Yameko is the one who belongs with Hayato!

Kun 3: Does no one else see the obvious chemistry between Hayato and Ritsuko? No? Just me?

Kun 4: Those two don't have chemistry. They've only shared like ten minutes of screen time together! Meanwhile, Hose has been there since the beginning. If they were smart, they would have Hayato introduce him to Yamato and have those two get together. The big burly gym rat with the monotone robot MC.

*Arguing continues ad infinatum*
Source: On The Boards
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