I propose to put 4 questions to the vote.

- Name of the Bible
- Relation to the Emperor
- Attitude towards the Imperium / Why it is in decline and what needs to be changed
- Attitude towards the Eldar / What is their mistake

If we need to clarify some issue, we will simply convene the "Conclave of the Faith" and hold a new vote.
-The Millenarian Truth/Towards Ascension, a book which details mankind's glorious destiny emphasising it's unity in the face of an uncaring void as well as the cults basic tenants and values. It uses the term "Emperor" as a euphemism for the Chaos gods for example for Khorne it's the Wolf-Emperor or the Red Emperor whilst for Nurgle it's the Eternal Emperor or the Great-Father Emperor. For Tzeentch it is the All-Seeing Emperor whilst for Slaanesh it is the Magnificent Emperor.
-The Emperor is the greatest of all men but was brought low by his arrogance and hubris. Unable to embrace his place beneath the gods his attempt to wage war upon them and bring mankind to glory ended in his own death and his Empires ruin.
-The cult views the Imperium as a failed experiment, mankind's aborted attempt at greatness that was hobbled by it's inability to embrace the Primordial Truth. The decline is caused by the Imperiums failure to embrace the Gods and in order for mankind to survive and thrive it must be broken so that something new can rise in it's place.
-The Eldar were once great but are not any longer now they are just another xenos fated to be exterminated on mankind's inevitable path to greatness/ Their mistake was not being the gods true chosen race of humankind. That and their arrogance.
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Clearly the Eldar's mistake was going all in on one facet of Chaos.

I'm just not sure if our cult is privy to the eldar-slaanesh relationship.
Valsen Stockhouse, in her role as a curator, has stumbled upon the near proscribed tales of the grand lost civilization of the Aeldari. While the details are vague, two things are clear beyond all others: They held more glory than humanity has ever dreamt of, and through them the Tempter rose in grand power. To this day every single soul of their descendants is still claimed by Them.
They are aware in part, they're missing a lot of detail, such as the fact the Eldar never actually worshipped Chaos
Ah, good, good.
I wonder if, in time, our cult will find out about the Dark Eldar and go, "y'all still doing it wrong with the mono-tribute to Slaanesh. Got to bribe all four equally, you pain-obsessed ninnies."
Turn 1 - Part 4: Bible Writing & Expanded Beliefs
Over the year, a small number of cultists gather together. Although the broad beliefs of the cult have already been codified, there are many details that need to be decided upon, & questions that need answering. At the same time, this group also wishes to write a holy text for the cult; their own version of the Lectitio Divinitatus. It will likely be expanded upon as The Human Ascension grows and learns more, having a foundation will be useful, especially for recruitment efforts.

[] [BibleName] write in
By what name shall this tome be known?
- Millenarian Truth
- Towards Ascension

[] [LeaderTitle] write in
At the moment Valsen Stockhouse, and those that may come after her, have no official title. It would be good to give her one.
- Exarch
- Magister
- Prefectus

[] [ChaosGods] write in
The cult knows there are inhuman intelligence, four in number, born of Chaos and dwelling in the Warp. But what are they really?
- Gods, Chaos split into four

[] [AeldariEmpire] write in
The xeno Alderi, now known as Eldar, once ruled an empire that matched humanity's at their peak. What was the cause of this success?
- Their natural psychic powers
- The deals they made with the Warp

[] [AeldariFall] write in
Sometime before the rise of the Imperium however, the Alderi Empire fell. It's death gave birth to the Tempter, the last of the four Chaos Gods. But what was the truth of this event?
- The Aeldari abused their powers, giving shape to a god
- The Aeldari broke their bargains with the warp, and were punished for it
- The birth of the Tempter was planned by the Aeldari, but went awry in some manner

[] [The Emperor] write in
The Emperor of Mankind is powerful, there is no doubt. But what is he?
- A fool that tried to fight Chaos and failed.
- A visionary, that tried to ascend humanity as you do now, but went about it by the wrong methods
- A fifth god

[] [TheImperium] write in
Likewise, what is the Imperium to the cult?
- A rotting carcass that needs to be burned so humanity is freed from it
- A broken machine that can, and will, be fixed

[] [TheUnilluminated] write in
How does the cult view & treat those that have no idea of the Truth of Chaos?
- Innocents, that must be shown the truth

[] [NonBelievers] write in
How does the cult view & treat those that have rejected the Truth of Chaos?
- For their willing blindness, they must die
- The truth must be revealed to them, not matter what.

Voting will open in about an hour, and will be in a plan format. So it'll look like this:

[*] Plan Weenie
- [*] [BibleName] Book of Weenies
- [*] [LeaderTitle] Head Weenie
- [*] [ChaosGods] Weenie Gods
- [*] [AeldariEmpire] Used their Weenie power
- [*] [AeldariFall] Too much Weenie
- [*] [The Emperor] Biggest Weenie
- [*] [TheImperium] Full of Weenies
- [*] [TheUnilluminated] Currently Weenies
- [*] [NonBelievers] Dead Weenies

Until voting is open I will be taking suggestions for other things to vote on.

Feel free to put more detail into your writes in then I have,

Just to remind people, you choose to worship Chaos Undivided, of the aspect Primordial Truth. Try to stick to those ideas.

Your choices won't have mechanical effects, but there will be story ones

This is the last voting part of the turn, and the second to last part of the turn. The rest won't take so long
[X] Plan The Millenarian Future
- [X] [BibleName]The Millenarian Future
- [X] [LeaderTitle] Supreme Illuminator
- [X] [ChaosGods] - Gods, Chaos split into four.
- [X] [AeldariEmpire] - The deals they made with the Warp
- [X] [AeldariFall] They were cast down for their inferiority. Only mankind is the chosen of the gods.
- [X] [The Emperor]
A visionary, that tried to ascend humanity as you do now, but went about it by the wrong methods, a man worthy of respect and some amount veneration. But he is not a true god.
- [X] [TheImperium] - A monster thrashing against all around it, unaware that it is already dead, it must be put out of it's misery so something new may rise in it's place.
- [X] [TheUnilluminated]-They are the blind and the deaf, some can be saved others cannot.
- [X] [NonBelievers] They must be destroyed for humanity to thrive.

Best idea I could think off of the top of my head.
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Ok, I think the title of the Cult Leader should be something distinct from the eldar, something like a Grand Master, Magister or Illuminator.
Just some ideas here
[] [LeaderTitle]

Yeah, I know there's already a Tyranid creature with that name, but I find that title way too cool. And in a webnovel I follow there's someone called the Hierophant who's trying to reach apotheosis.

[] [ChaosGods]
-Chaos is the full range of humans thoughts and emotions, which can be worshipped as a representation of the human psyche as a whole or more specific parts of it (the Four).

[] [AeldariEmpire]
-They were a race that was gifted with powers beyond compare, and had the ambition and will to use them to shape the galaxy to their liking.

[] [AeldariFall]
-They were corrupted by their own power and let it go to their head. They created a god without trying because they lost that will.

[] [The Emperor]
-He tried to prevent Mankind from reaching his full potential, and paid the price.

[] [TheImperium]
- A rotting carcass that needs to be burned so humanity is freed from it

[] [TheUnilluminated] write in
How does the cult view & treat those that have no idea of the Truth of Chaos?
- Innocents, that must be shown the truth

[] [NonBelievers]
- The truth must be revealed to them, not matter what. If they refuse to let go their blind faith in the Corpse-Emperor, they're illumination will come during the ascension, when they will be shown the errors of their way…
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[AeldariEmpire] - The deals they made with the Warp
- The birth of the Tempter was planned by the Aeldari, but went awry in some manner

I think these two mesh well and will work out for the future. The Eldar messed with the warp, eventually they screwed up spectaularly when they made Slannesh. After they got burned they stopped dealing with the warp hence why their empire never resurfaced.

[The Emperor]
A visionary, that tried to ascend humanity as you do now, but went about it by the wrong methods.
- A fifth god

Both are arguably correct. I also like @Klackon's write in.
[] Plan The Four Divinities
- [] [BibleName] The Fourfold Path
- [] [LeaderTitle] The Tetriach
- [] [ChaosGods] The four most primal drives and desires, embodied as and empowered as deities. To deny them is to deny the four greatest parts of oneself, to follow only one is to become dangerously unbalanced, but to embrace all four is to embrace enlightenment.
- [] [AeldariEmpire] They embraced one of the four, and from it found the strength to prosper- but only for a time.
- [] [AeldariFall] They chose to ignore three of the four, believing that the last was all they needed, and were consumed by it in their hubris.
- [] [The Emperor] A failure, who sought to rule alone and fell because of it. It matters not whether he is or was a god or a man- what matters is that he stood alone against the four united, and failed.
- [] [TheImperium] A bitter remnant of the one's failure. It can be scavenged and harvested for resources and those of worth, but is ultimately nothing but the doomed and dying vestige of the Emperor's hubris.
- [] [TheUnilluminated] They are like children, stumbling and ignorant of the truth of the world. They should be educated on and shown the truth of the four- but slowly, carefully, for the immature often fear and misinterpret what they have not yet fully grasped.
- [] [NonBelievers] Sick, deluded, or deranged- whatever the answer is, it is obvious that no right-thinking individual could reject the Fourfold Path, and so they must not be right-thinking individuals. They must sadly be euthanized, for their own good, the good of the cult, and the good of the four.

Here's my proposal, leaning heavily into the 'Chaos Undivided' side of things.
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We could also be cheeky about things:
[] Plan CheekyBeeky
-[X] [BibleName] The Empirical Truth
-[X] [LeaderTitle] Pathfinder <leadername>
-[X] [Choas Gods] Memetic entities in the warp empowered by belief and actions, currently more akin to Gods due to popular belief denoting them as such. Deals can be made, but Gods are fickle things.
-[X] [AeldariEmpire] The deals they made with the Warp
[X] [AeldariFall] The Aeldari broke their bargains with the warp and were punished for it by the birth of the Tempter as it was planned by the Aeldari, but went awry in some manner due to their broken bargains.
[X] [The Emperor] A man worthy of respect, who needs to be saved lest be become the Fifth without proper guidance towards being helpful towards Humanity. Let's not repeat the Aeldari's mistakes here.
[X] [TheImperium] A rotting carcass that needs to be burned so humanity is freed from it.
[X] [TheUnilluminated] Innocents, that must be shown the truth
[X] [NonBelievers] For their willing blindness, they must die lest they doom us all.

The idea here is just that we try to be cheeky with our titles while noting that yes, we are currently making the same mistakes that the Aeldari made when they birthed their Chaos god- and we really should get that under control before it becomes a problem. The cheek is the fact that the book title is so similar to the Imperial Truth. I also find some amusement in the idea that we name our book after the Imperial Truth, only using another word that sounds similar for the "Imperial" part of it. "Empirial Truth and Imperial Truth" sound similar after all... ahahahah, even if Emprical is the real spelling of the word.
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[X] Plan The Four Divinities
-[X] [BibleName] The Fourfold Path
-[X] [LeaderTitle] The Tetriach
-[X] [ChaosGods] The four most primal drives and desires, embodied as and empowered as deities. To deny them is to deny the four greatest parts of oneself, to follow only one is to become dangerously unbalanced, but to embrace all four is to embrace enlightenment.
-[X] [AeldariEmpire] They embraced one of the four, and from it found the strength to prosper- but only for a time.
-[X] [AeldariFall] They chose to ignore three of the four, believing that the last was all they needed, and were consumed by it in their hubris.
-[X] [The Emperor] A failure, who sought to rule alone and fell because of it. It matters not whether he is or was a god or a man- what matters is that he stood alone against the four united, and failed.
-[X] [TheImperium] A bitter remnant of the one's failure. It can be scavenged and harvested for resources and those of worth, but is ultimately nothing but the doomed and dying vestige of the Emperor's hubris.
-[X] [TheUnilluminated] They are like children, stumbling and ignorant of the truth of the world. They should be educated on and shown the truth of the four- but slowly, carefully, for the immature often fear and misinterpret what they have not yet fully grasped.
-[X] [NonBelievers] Sick, deluded, or deranged- whatever the answer is, it is obvious that no right-thinking individual could reject the Fourfold Path, and so they must not be right-thinking individuals. They must sadly be euthanized, for their own good, the good of the cult, and the good of the four.
[X] Plan CheekyBeeky
-[X] [BibleName] The Empirical Truth
-[X] [LeaderTitle] Pathfinder <leadername>
-[X] [Choas Gods] Memetic entities in the warp empowered by belief and actions, currently more akin to Gods due to popular belief denoting them as such. Deals can be made, but Gods are fickle things.
-[X] [AeldariEmpire] The deals they made with the Warp
-[X] [AeldariFall] The Aeldari broke their bargains with the warp and were punished for it by the birth of the Tempter as it was planned by the Aeldari, but went awry in some manner due to their broken bargains.
-[X] [The Emperor] A man worthy of respect, who needs to be saved lest be become the Fifth without proper guidance towards being helpful towards Humanity. Let's not repeat the Aeldari's mistakes here.
-[X] [TheImperium] A rotting carcass that needs to be burned so humanity is freed from it.
-[X] [TheUnilluminated] Innocents, that must be shown the truth
-[X] [NonBelievers] For their willing blindness, they must die lest they doom us all.
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[X] Plan The Four Divinities

I like the idea of starting with actually good intentions.
[X] Plan The Millenarian Future
- [X] [BibleName]The Millenarian Future
- [X] [LeaderTitle] Supreme Illuminator
- [X] [ChaosGods] - Gods, Chaos split into four.
- [X] [AeldariEmpire] - The deals they made with the Warp
- [X] [AeldariFall] They were cast down for their inferiority. Only mankind is the chosen of the gods.
- [X] [The Emperor]
A visionary, that tried to ascend humanity as you do now, but went about it by the wrong methods, a man worthy of respect and some amount veneration. But he is not a true god.
- [X] [TheImperium] - A monster thrashing against all around it, unaware that it is already dead, it must be put out of it's misery so something new may rise in it's place.
- [X] [TheUnilluminated]-They are the blind and the deaf, some can be saved others cannot.
- [X] [NonBelievers] They must be destroyed for humanity to thrive.