Magical girls do upset the balance of power in interesting ways, especially if they can no-sell human weaponry, which seems to be an implication here 💙💙💙

Eve is precious 💙💙💙

💙💙 Retired bisexual 💙💙

(I didn't know we could do that, are there like, retirement pensions for it? Boys can be cute, but I might consider retirement if the pension is good /j)
Its incredible how much thought you put into everything, from the cultural, economic, and social implications of Magical Girls existing (and especially the depth, this is real alt-history, with absolutely amazing changes), to how...mundane it all is. And how absolutely trash Japan's government, police, and military structures are.
If it helps, here's everyone's names and corresponding magical girl identities. And full name reveal for a bunch of characters gasp!

Butterfly Knights
- Eve Nakamura (Butterfly Ward)
- Okamoto Kimiyo (Butterfly Sage)
- Brigid Aisling O'Connell (Butterfly Spark)
- Riley Bailey, née Carter (Butterfly Heart)
- Esmeralda "Esmé" Castillo (Butterfly Shine)

Knights Errant
- Tracy Sinclaire (Butterfly Echo)
- Lyra Moreau (Butterfly Veil)

- Amara Stewart (Prince/ss Rose) (No you don't get to know her deadname)
- Androcles "Andy" the Magical Talking Cat
Thank you for this by the by. I got a dose of grief that made keeping up with this hard for a bit, but when I came back this made a good seed to build a set of character notes from, and now I feel like I'm keeping track of the assorted backgrounds much better.

Also: I spent way too long reading these last two chapters titles as 'Hearts Meowing' due to Andy and context giving me transbian catgirls on the brain.
I wonder how easy it would be to finagle out the identities of the butterfly knights with the info they gave.

They know there's two of them, one Japanese national, one not (presumed american until proven otherwise). You have a rought window of arrival, though Kimiyo being here for a year complicates the search.

You'd have to cross reference the flights, see who arrived and when they leave (can we assume they're heading to the east coast?), then contact the americsns with a list of a few 100 000 people and start eliminating.

The US, of course, will refuse to cooperate because the NSA discovered all their identities with mass wiretapping as early as 2009, and Obama ordered it all covered up because the Butterfly Knights are a far more powerful deterrent as an unknown group at least presumed loyal to americans, instead of being known and having very real opinions about stuff like mass wiretapping operations.
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I wonder how easy it would be to finagle out the identities of the butterfly knights with the info they gave.

They know there's two of them, one Japanese national, one not (presumed american until proven otherwise). You have a rought window of arrival, though Kimiyo being here for a year complicates the search.

You'd have to cross reference the flights, see who arrived and when they leave (can we assume they're heading to the east coast?), then contact the americsns with a list of a few 100 000 people and start eliminating.

The US, of course, will refuse to cooperate because the NSA discovered all their identities with mass wiretapping as early as 2009, and Obama ordered it all covered up because the Butterfly Knights are a far more powerful deterrent as an unknown group at least presumed loyal to americans, instead of being known and having very real opinions about stuff like mass wiretapping operations.
If magic prevents them from being recognized, then someone trying to narrow down who it could be would sort them into the "definitely not a Butterfly Knight" category at some point, and then they would start tightening the net on the people whe feasibly could be, but definitely aren't, the butterfly knights, which would be really funny if that much surveillance wouldn't cause problems.
"Drawing boys kissing is absolutely a real and extremely vital job," you said, taking a sip from your own coffee and trying not to let it show that it was still slightly too hot. "The bedrock of society, to be honest. Thank you for your service."
She's so real for that.
More or less," she said. "But it wasn't very much, it only just covered tuition."
Ten euros this is family related. Every time someone in my family dies everyone stops talking to each other over inheritance disputes.
It's complicated…" she started, then clenched her hand as anger flared. "I don't know if I'm cut out, I don't know fucking anything. I'm not talking to any of them except my Aunt, and she's not talking with them either. But there's no point fighting it."
I hate being right.
"These aren't American cops. The only gun they have are these little revolvers, they're… they're…," she trailed off. You held your ground, and you could see her internal war between national pride and her actual politics. "...they're incredibly xenophobic and part of a dysfunctional legal system that values quiet and high conviction rates.
Reminds me of what people say about the police in France.

« Oh no they're perfectly fine and people are just projecting American issues onto us, also that kid who got shot through the head totally deserved it."
If magic prevents them from being recognized, then someone trying to narrow down who it could be would sort them into the "definitely not a Butterfly Knight" category at some point, and then they would start tightening the net on the people whe feasibly could be, but definitely aren't, the butterfly knights, which would be really funny if that much surveillance wouldn't cause problems.
Depends on how the recognition blocker works. If it merely prevents people from thinking a butterfly knight is their insectoid alter ego, you could end up with a situation where they can suspect association, but never actually understand the link.

Eve Nakamura and her long time associate, possible wife, Butterfly Ward
Depends on how the recognition blocker works. If it merely prevents people from thinking a butterfly knight is their insectoid alter ego, you could end up with a situation where they can suspect association, but never actually understand the link.

Eve Nakamura and her long time associate, possible wife, Butterfly Ward
Yeah, a mechanistic, mental fuzzer kind of power isn't very much protection. A symbolic, sympathy and contagion type of magic is likely much more effective.
"-when, you know, lesbian. Like, speaking as a retired bisexual-"

"-what does that even mean-"
It means girls who thought they were bisexual but it turns out every "guy" they dated was actually an egg. It's a well documented phenomena and one of the many esoteric abilities that has been attributed to lesbians since the general halt on witch hunting allowed them to feel more comfortable displaying their occult powers.
Reads and understands economic and political theory, doesn't know what a klick is. Just a great character.

She had to have become a queen in (at least one of) the future on the basis of something more than metaphysical meguca bullshit…

And how absolutely trash Japan's government, police, and military structures are.

Reminds me of what people say about the police in France.

« Oh no they're perfectly fine and people are just projecting American issues onto us, also that kid who got shot through the head totally deserved it."

Excuse you, he was sent to the hospital after being beaten up and sodomized with a baton, that's totally different.

It's almost like such institutions are primarily there to serve state power and their supporting interests (like capitalism), but since it would be unpleasant for those interests if the people were to figure that out they put in a ton of effort to convince them otherwise and thus put extensive effort to inculcate attitudes where most citizens reflexively paper over the problems with their own state's institutions…
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Prince transitioning made her lose her job at the bisexual factory and you're laughing.
Heads up to whoever gilded this post: Gilded posts in threads tagged "Mature" don't show up on the "Recent gilded posts" sidebar on the front page. And since there's no archive of gilded posts, or way to search for gilded posts, or anything like that? The post you gilded won't be seen outside the specific page where the post is.
Heads up to whoever gilded this post: Gilded posts in threads tagged "Mature" don't show up on the "Recent gilded posts" sidebar on the front page. And since there's no archive of gilded posts, or way to search for gilded posts, or anything like that? The post you gilded won't be seen outside the specific page where the post is.

Wait that's what gilding does???
Wait that's what gilding does???
You should see this on the right side of the front page. Gilding a post basically highlights it for the entire forum... unless it's a post in a Mature thread. Then it doesn't show up there. Gilding a post also gives the poster a month of Premium membership. (Mostly used for the Meow emote.)
Butterfly Ward casually asking if she forgot her meds feels like a threat in hindsight. Hilarious

I love how the Butterfly Knights are treated. A group of extremely powerful vigilantes whose appearance heralds calamity. Even if it not their fault directly and are there to help.

Sad that they hold such bad view of cops. Hopefully Butterfly Queen will manage to institute lasting reform.
ou'd have to cross reference the flights, see who arrived and when they leave (can we assume they're heading to the east coast?), then contact the americsns with a list of a few 100 000 people and start eliminating.
My understanding of the magic is that it outright prevents one from making the connection despite whatever evidence they may find. The only way to know would be for one of the Knights to tell you or for you to witness the transformation.

She had to have become a queen in (at least one of) the future on the basis of something more than metaphysical meguca bullshit…
Kinda curious what future hellscape came about that brought back the concept of absolute monarchy along with why and how the sovereignty of such extended across the entire planet!

Sad that they hold such bad view of cops. Hopefully Butterfly Queen will manage to institute lasting reform.
...some cops don't like their authority challenged; some cops don't even like the perception of their authority being challenged. Some cops have a very broad idea of what constitutes a challenge to their authority. Many cops would hate the Butterfly knights on principle.