هذه النهاية [Rehosted Giant Robot Quest]

[X] 240 CM Mark 3 Assault Rifle
[X] 300 CM Gatling Cannon

The question always is "Should we use moar dakka?" and the answer is always "hell yes!".

You're just an instigator, aren't you, Dirtnap? :p
He did the same thing in my story thread, Havocfett. He's a troublemaker.
[X] 240 CM Mark 3 Assault Rifle
[X] Fiber Blade and Shield

We need a close weapon and a shield as well an range weapon.

[X] 240 CM Mark 3 Assault Rifle: All the other votes.
[X] 440 CM Mark 1 Railgun: 3 Votes.


[X] 440 CM Mark 1 Railgun: 6 Votes
[X] Tesla Sword and 300 CM Handcannon: 10 Votes
[X] Fiber Blade and Shield: 2 Votes
[X] 300 CM Gatling Cannon: 1 Vote

Update Soon (Valve Time)
Witness! Qarin!

You grab a massive assault rifle, designate the Tesla Sword package for later pickup, and then open a comm-line to the bridge. "This is Johnathan," you say, "Start-up complete. Operating at 64%, effective ghazali score of 8.64. All systems nominal."

"This is Shockwave Cascade," says Kim over the comms, "Start-up sequence completed. Operating at 53% efficiency. Effective Ghazali Score of 5.3. All systems nominal."

"Marauder Valiant," says Tang, "Start-up completed. Operating at 44% efficiency." He finishes his report in a burst of Mandarin, then corrects himself, "Effective Ghazali Score of 3.83. All systems nominal."

"This is bridge team," says Abdul Raheem, "We read you Deployment Team. Sandstorm Sultan and Starlight Corsair will be on-standby in case of emergency. Launching now."

You step into the launch elevator, not quite in synch with your teammates, and rocket out to the surface. You feel the sun beating against your metal skin, the souls of every inhabitant of the city of Cairo as a giant mass, and the ground beneath your monstrous feet as you all set out into the desert.

You move at a brisk walk, and reach Lake Wamala just after noon. As you reach the plains and small, growing forest around the lake a couple of staff members on the bridge cycle off to pray. The outpost, a small thing with an airstrip and a few scattered buildings, as well as the clearings that make up your exercise grounds come into view soon afterwards.

Then you feel it. It's just a sense that something's off, at first, that something in the scene isn't quite right. Then you see something, like a gigantic plume of heat haze, approaching from the west. You're tempted to dismiss it, but ping the bridge anyways.

"Bridge, this is Penitent," you say, "There's a giant heat haze to the west, is that normal."

There's a short pause. "There shouldn't be any heat haze in the area today, Penitent," says Baibars, "Ping it."

You flex your soul, an imperceptible wave of sensation rippling out from your titanic form. You feel the massive souls of Tang Ying and Kim Hyun-Soon near you, the men in the supply trucks, the thousands of soldiers and staffers and visiting dignitaries and local kids at Wamala Outpost, the forty thousand people who live in the nearby town of Mityana, and every other human in the region.

The wave hits the heat haze. You feel something massive, something monstrous, and the haze simply peels away to reveal a monster. It's titanic, easily twice the height of a Marida, a monstrous quadruped covered in silvery fish-scales. Veins filled with molten blood bulge beneath its scales, its forelimbs are wide, callused shield-claws, and a trickle of lava flows from the edges of its lizardlike maw. You can feel its soul, angry and wounded and absolutely dripping with anticipation as it trundles towards you.

"Deployment team, we are launching Sandstorm Sultan now. Your orders are to survive until it arrives and to keep Qarin from reaching Wamala Outpost or Mityana," says Baibars, "You have orbital support in ten."

You've done situations like this in the sims. You've done simulations worse than this in the sims. You can, in theory, do this.

In theory. Back then there wasn't an actual threat of death, back then tens of thousands of people wouldn't actually die if you fucked up. The sims may have meant that you weren't actively sprinting in the other direction, but you aren't near ready to actually face a Ma'Jooj. "Commander, we can't-" says Kim, voicing the concern on all of your minds.

"You are the only people capable of fighting it in the area," says Baibars, "We will assist you as best as we are able, but you must stop that creature. If it gets past you it will kill every living thing in Mityana and Outpost Wamala."

Your grip on your rifle is wavering and it's all you can do to stand tall without collapsing from fear. You can see Tang Ying, wide-eyed, desperately trying not to vomit, while Kim is visibly struggling to keep her breath under control, muttering something to herself in Korean.

"Deployment team is ready, sir," you say, "What are your orders?"

[ ] Describe your plan for this fight, Write-in only! You can, with three or more people voting for it, request Tactical Advice twice during this battle, which consists of OOC hints from me about what you should do.

Fight Summary:

Allied Forces:
Kim Hyun-Soon: Shockwave Cascade, acting Initiative: 12. Stamina: 3/3. Armament: Inbuilt Pilebunkers, Hyper-Exothermic Gauntlets. Refit: Pilebunker Spear.
Johnathan Alvarez: Righteous Penitent, acting Initiative: 9. Stamina: 3/3 Armament: 240 CM Mark 3 Assault Rifle. Refit: Tesla Sword and 300 CM Handcannon.
Tang Ying: Marauder Valiant, acting Initiative: 11. Stamina: 3/3 Armament: 300 CM Gatling Cannon. Refit: 440 CM Mark 1 Railgun
3 Supply Trucks, act on any initiative count. Stamina: 2/2 (Each supply truck has someone's Refit.)
Outpost Wamala: Initiative 1. Stamina: 1/1

Enemy Forces:
Qarin. Stamina: 4/4

Relational Ranges:
Qarin is at Long Range to Outpost Wamala
Qarin is at Tactical Range to all three Marida
Qarin is at Tactical Range to Supply Truck 1 and Long Range to Supply Trucks 2 and 3

Ensure that Outpost Wamala is not destroyed until VIPs are evacuated (6 turns for VIPs to evacuate)
Survive until reinforcements arrive (3 turns until Sandstorm Sultan enters the battlefield by aerial insertion.)

Bonus Objectives:
Secure the survival of Outpost Wamala.
Immobilize Qarin for the cavalry to deal with.

JANNAH Resources for this battle: 4
Base 9, -3 for Supply Copters, -2 for Training Run.
Resource Options:
Orbital Bombardment (Costs 3. Causes Mild Collateral in unsettled areas, Moderate Collateral within a settlement. Only available from the beginning of Turn 3.)
Secondary Supercomputer Analysis (Costs 2, comes in at the end of the turn you use it on)
Remote Care (Costs 2, remotely treats Fatigue or Injury in pilots)
Force Eject (Costs 2, forcibly ejects a pilot from their Marida)
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Here's what I'm thinking:

We and Tang attack with our guns while Kim tries to get between Qarin and the base. We then attempt to lead the Qarin to Tang and let him trigger his rockets, while we wade into melee if Kim needs to retreat/to let Kim avoid the splash damage of Tang's rockets. We can Wrath Qarin or set up an Insha'Allah in its path (since it is only one creature) depending on what it tries to do to us.

It seems like we're not expected to beat Qarin, but if we can damage it enough to immobilize it we complete the bonus objective, which would be nice.

Tang's got the gatling gun or the railgun. His rocket racks are a defensive action.

also. ho shit...gonna check the front page for...i dont even know. We definitely need to hit the bugger with wrath, though I doubt we'll be able to knock it prone. Kim's mech seems to be a point man, punching through the defensive field, though with this thing's lava blood that might be a bad idea.
If your officer's dead and the sergeants look white,
Remember it's ruin to run from a fight:
So take open order, lie down, and sit tight,
And wait for supports like a soldier.
Wait, wait, wait like a soldier . . .

Notgreat's plan works otherwise. Have us and Tang hit it with our guns for as much time as we can and try to channel it towards Kim so she can get in close with her melee weapons. Priority one is keeping it away from the VIP bunker, priority two away from our supply trucks. Have Tang unload with the Gatling first, then he can switch to the railgun.
Just want to note here. Tang carries NINE reloads for his weapons.


That is a fuck load of Dakka. And I have the feeling we'll need every bit of it.
@Havocfett Multiple questions 1) how long does it take to refit?
2) From the combat report and our sims, what do we know about the way Qarin fights?
3) Between Kim's fists and the spear, what have the sims told her is a better weapon?

If we break this fight down to its objectives, they work like this

1) Protect the camp for six turns
2) Survive
2a) Don't take major damage on any Marida, doing so may drive one of the remaining pilots to panic, especially Tang with with past hanging on his head.

The best way to do this is for Kim to block Qarin's approach to the camp while Tang and Johnathon use range attacks to try and force it to move away from the camp. However
Qarin's titanic, covered in silver fish-scales, with giant forelimbs it uses to swat away weapon's fire
makes me believe that Qarin may be able to just ignore ranged fire, coupled with the fact that it can burrow as well to dodge. To counteract that, Tang should switch to the railgun immediately, as that should allow him to punch through the forelimbs and also target the ground to create shockwaves that will force Qarin to unburrow.
@Havocfett Multiple questions 1) how long does it take to refit?

One round. It's a 2 Stamina action.

2) From the combat report and our sims, what do we know about the way Qarin fights?

It's very aggressive. It prefers to fight at range, but if it gets an opening on anyone with a ranged weapon it'll charge.

However, the sim was based on limited combat data based on its skirmish with Los Salvadores, and is likely incomplete (Especially in terms of behavior). It likely has tricks you didn't train for, and may well behave in manners it did not in the Sim.

3) Between Kim's fists and the spear, what have the sims told her is a better weapon?

Depends on context. The spear has significantly more reach and precision, but her inbuilt pilebunkers are armor-piercing, her Gauntlets set shit on fire.
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Orbital Bombardment means we can't use anything else, and we have to wait to use it until the turn back-up arrives. Analysis is something we can get now, lets us use Remote Care and Force Eject if we need to, and the information we get could well change everything about the way we fight this thing.