
  1. ArtemisAvant

    Somewhere, This All Went Wrong (Oregairu x JJK)
    Threadmarks: Not the Beginning, not the Inciting Incident (0.1)

    Not the Beginning, not the Inciting Incident (0.1) ... Excerpt of a conversation between Hikigaya Hachiman and Curse User [Redacted]: “Sorcerers are shit.” The young man said. “Oh? What makes you say that, Hikigaya-kun?” He shook his head, denying ownership of the spoken, borrowed, words...
  2. Dead Beyond

    Apartments Neverending (Current Crosses: Disco Elysium, Alabaster)
    Threadmarks: THE FOREVER HALLWAY

    A/N: This is another project in line with my other story, That Freezing Rain, but a little more small-scale. It's in the name, where I drop characters from different series to interact with one another in this sandbox setting. What inspired me is this animation. It's not going to be one-to-one...
  3. Kadaeux

    The Galaxy is Green (SW/40k)
    Threadmarks: Prologue; The Incident

    Prologue; The Incident 27 BBY - Tattooine Yaol was somewhat of an outcast. Owning something as quaint as an unpowered telescope was something that did little to earn any respect from his peers, and yet, none of them had prepared for the strange storm in space that had opened up and with a few...
  4. Super-Wackos of EVA: NERV Gets Smart

    Super-Wackos of EVA: NERV Gets Smart
    Threadmarks: Prologue 1: The In Media Res Affair

    *Disclaimer: I own nothing of Gainax, Khara, NBC, CBS, Warner Bros., or any of the characters and ideas of Misters Melvin Kaminsky and Henry Zuckerman. No celebrities were harmed in the making of this fanfic.* Prologue 1 - The In Media Res Affair The announcement from Dr. Akagi signaled the...
  5. ORE

    Cara Al Sol-The Westerosi Civil War

    Cara Al Sol Discord LinkJoin the Cara Al Sol Discord Server! ♫ The Year is 1936 and the once united Kingdoms of Westeros stand in the opening stages of a civil war. Five Years ago King Roberto Bourbratheon took the throne by force during a period of unrest and chaos and in his words delivered...
  6. Warmachine375

    White Wizard of Azeroth (Fairy Tail/Warcraft)
    Threadmarks: White Wizard of Azeroth Chapter 1

    Crossover Fantasy 
    Hello there, everyone and Happy Easter! Warmachine375 here and I made a Fairy Tail crossover story with Warcraft titled "White Wizard of Azeroth". Synopsis: "Caught victim by the unpredictable nature of Irene Belserion's Universe One, Athena the White Wizard was sent to the world of Azeroth...
  7. A Shift In Logic. (TFP SI Sequel.)

    A Shift In Logic. (TFP SI Sequel.)
    Threadmarks: LOG-2-001.

    We partake in a considerate amount of tomfoolery. LOG-2-001. 302 Stellar Cycles BRE (Before-Rift-Event.) [USER IDENTIFIED: SUB-COMMANDER SHOCKWAVE.] Hm. [REMOTE CONNECTION TO SOL-CLASS FRAME ESTABLISHED.] One moment, I was seated in a command throne, situated in the center of an...
  8. For The Meek (Exodus Quest)

    For The Meek (Exodus Quest)
    Threadmarks: Turn 0 [Earth}

    Original Sci-Fi 
    The narrative of human history is punctuated by a series of adversities and crises that have posed a risk of extinction to the species. From the severe conditions encountered by early hominids, through to the proliferation of diseases in highly populated zones and the devastating might of...
  9. Warmachine375

    False Avatar? No, God Serena! (Fairy Tail x Avatar The Last Airbender)
    Threadmarks: False Avatar? No, God Serena! Chapter 1

    Crossover Fantasy 
    Hey there, everyone! Warmachine375 here and I have made a Fairy Tail x Avatar Last Airbender crossover called "False Avatar? No, God Serena!" This story is set before 99 AG when Aang awakened from his 100 years of iceberg stasis. Synopsis: "After seemingly dying to Acnologia, God Serena finds...
  10. RadiantGV

    Songs of the Soul: Echoes Arranged (Persona 5 Trilogy NG+ Multicross AU)
    Threadmarks: Echoes Arranged Intro

    For the past couple of years I have been working on a fanfiction once known on AO3 as Royalguard. Now, it is called Echoes, and is part of my Songs of the Soul Persona x Multicross universe. While I could share it as is, there are a number of things I could have done better in regards to the fic...
  11. blueayes

    The Space Patroler
    Threadmarks: 1

    The sound of the metal of the ship creaking was the only thing that they could hear, he felt the head of Spike his dog on his left hand, and his sister Elsa was sleeping on the floor next to them. Again the ship turned off one of the many engines or at the very least left it at the point where...
  12. Warmachine375

    Innovade Woman From Jupiter (Gundam 00/Zeta Gundam)
    Threadmarks: Innovade Woman From Jupiter Chapter 1

    Crossover Sci-Fi 
    Hey there, everyone! Warmachine375 here, and I have made another Gundam 00 crossover story with Gundam UC titled "Innovade Woman From Jupiter". Synopsis: "After her death by Setsuna F. Seiei's hand, Anew Returner finds herself alive in the Universal Century and got rescued by a member of the...
  13. One Peice: Pirates, Dreaming and Fruits

    One Piece: Pirates, Questing and Fruits
    Threadmarks: Main Thread

    This is an UNOFFICIAL fanfiction. I do not own the One Peice franchise, Cultist Simulator, Six Histories or Book of Hours or the Storyteller System in any way. All items owned by there respective owners and being used exclusively for fanwork and not being used to generate funds. AN: first quest...
  14. E

    Little Sister Saves The Worlds
    Threadmarks: Start the Savings

    Prologue Well that was… a thing. I guess everyone needs to die someday but I didn’t honestly think my day would be so soon or that it would come the way it did. Now as I float up above the room and watch my teary-eyed family file out in small groups I can’t help but wish I had been awake and...
  15. Digimon Adventure: Side Order (Splatoon/Digimon)

    Digimon Adventure: Side Order (Splatoon/Digimon)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    Author's Notes: So this was a bit of a thought bubble I had not long after playing Side Order. It feels like a perfectly natural fit, really. Also, yes, I'm still working on Inky Future and Henshin Sisters, it's just I've sorta been taking a break from writing the same two things for a bit...
  16. Still Defiant! SI-OC [Marvel/DC]

    Still Defiant! SI-OC [Marvel/DC]
    Threadmarks: 1: Let it Start

    Crossover Action Superhero 
    1: Let it Start In a higher dimension. Where the universe itself seemed small, where stars, galaxies, Milky Ways, and supermassive black holes blended like an abstract painting in a strange harmony. There was a silent tranquility, one that had endured countless eras. Then, of course, that...
  17. Warmachine375

    Legacy of Bardock (Dragon Ball Z/Fairy Tail)
    Threadmarks: Legacy of Bardock Chapter 1

    Hey guys, Warmachine375 here and I have officially adopted "Legacy of Bardock", a crossover fanfic between Dragon Ball Z and Fairy Tail after AnimeNerdYuki235 had discontinued it and set it for adoption along with PM to anyone who takes it up, which I did it first and adopted it at Fanfiction...
  18. Dragonspectre

    The Prince of Whispers
    Threadmarks: Ch1: Prologue

    99 AC His circumstances were surreal, and even now, he didn't know exactly how he became the Aegon Targaryen, the son of Prince Baelon Targaryen and the late Princess Alyssa Targaryen. He distinctly remembered he went by another name, Harry Potter, in another world where wizards and witches...
  19. Defiance Of Destiny (Worm/Disgaea)

    Defiance Of Destiny (Worm/Disgaea)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Arrivals and Rescues

    New Thread Complete! We’re now up to date with the rewrite, feel free to post! (For those of you who don't read snippet threads, I've been posting Defiance snips for some time now. Said story has now passed well over the 50k words mark (or would have, if you counted the Prologue that got axed)...
  20. H

    Bladed Kaledidoscope (An Assassin's Creed / Touhou Crossover
    Threadmarks: (Grand Templar Hall, London)

    Hidden beneath the majestic Freemasons' Hall in London, a grand and exclusive assembly was coming together. The magnificent underground chamber, a masterpiece of architectural genius, crackled with a powerful energy. Soft lights cast a delicate glow over the intricate carvings and stately...
  21. blueayes

    Even the dead need hope. A Konosuba, Black Lagoon , Gangster crossover
    Threadmarks: 1

    Aqua screamed as she tried to fight the men off, she kicked and punched despite having several guns aimed at her. "Kzuma! Kazuma" she desperately screamed as two of the men grabbed her legs and held them in place so that the third could enjoy himself with her, but before he could do anything...
  22. Nianque

    Azeroth in Chaos (Warcraft/Warhammer CK2)
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    The sky ignites with kaleidoscopic colors as a comet slashes through the night. Foul energy seeps through the fabric of reality, a harbinger of the thirsting gods' first gambit for a new world. The Dragon Aspects, ancient dragons chosen by the Titans to safeguard Azeroth, find their slumber...
  23. LD1449

    The Three Houses of Westeros
    Threadmarks: Prologue -0

    Byleth: They were here. All of them. And they were smiling. She'd dreamt for so long. How long? She wasn't sure anymore. Entire lifetimes gone by. Years upon years. The weight of decades. Centuries even. She'd felt it wasn't possible. That she was destined to lose them. She'd failed...
  24. Storylord

    Mecha Sans
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Crossover Fantasy 
    [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] Space was I floating in space or was it a void, I can't see any stars around me. It's just pure black like I'm in an empty room But I'm also...
  25. Warmachine375

    Sins and Orcs (Warcraft/Nanatsu no Taizai)
    Threadmarks: Sins and Orcs Chapter 1

    Hey what's up guys, I'm Warmachine375 and I made this crossover story between WarCraft and Nanatsu no Taizai called "Sins and Orcs". I made this out of my imagination of sorts in my little brainstorming coming from my head and needed to get this out. Synopsis: "Having succeeded in stopping...