Shadows of the Past

Noche can't make Masterwork gear
Wait, really?

I thought he was all "can't copy this" by having his smith open to the air.
Bladed Weapons for example would train Evasion at the same time if you had a sparring partner.
Could we convince Ixtil to train with us? It's a classical blacksmith vocation!
Added an action that I totally forgot:
Can we unload stuff with Noche so he can sell it through his friends, if we are in no particular hurry?
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Yep. It will take you an average of 3 months (60 days) to pick it up.

It's one of those skills that isn't easy to acquire.

One way or another we're learning how to read. :mad:

Also, @Azel, right now the smith isn't capable of masterwork, but wouldn't the codex help increase his skill level? At the very least would we get a better quality weapon than we would have if we commissioned something before retrieving the codex?
@Azel Besides what I asked above, how many dice would we roll, say, if we went hunting? Or gathering?

The earliest he can get it done is the 18th? Can we train with a cheap one meanwhile, if we chose to do so?

One way or another we're learning how to read. :mad:

Also, @Azel, right now the smith isn't capable of masterwork, but wouldn't the codex help increase his skill level? At the very least would we get a better quality weapon than we would have if we commissioned something before retrieving the codex?
And on that vein, would he be able to upgrade the dagger then?
Wait, five days of learning how to read would only get us 1d100?
To be fair, it's kind of really damn hard.
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Could we convince Ixtil to train with us? It's a classical blacksmith vocation!
That would take a few very good social rolls. You can try in a while, but he is busy with the codex for now.

Can we unload stuff with Noche so he can sell it through his friends, if we are in no particular hurry?
The pelt sure, but he can't fence herbalism stuff for you.

@Azel Besides what I asked above, how many dice would we roll, say, if we went hunting? Or gathering?

The earliest he can get it done is the 18th? Can we train with a cheap one meanwhile, if we chose to do so?

And on that vein, would he be able to upgrade the dagger then?

To be fair, it's kind of really damn hard.
You roll 1d100 for XP when working with the exception of hauling.

You can train with bone knife while yours is being upgraded.

On the matter of Noches skill, he can get Exceptional work done on a stone anvil. That's pretty much as good as you can get without significantly better facilities.
On the matter of Noches skill, he can get Exceptional work done on a stone anvil. That's pretty much as good as you can get without significantly better facilities.
... So if we managed to find and haul an iron or steel anvil to him, then we could start demanding masterwork stuff?
... So if we managed to find and haul an iron or steel anvil to him, then we could start demanding masterwork stuff?
If we found a steel anvil we'd be so filthy fucking rich it wouldn't matter, I think.

I'm starting to think of a plan:
Market - Trade-in wolf pelt for Exceptional Light Leather armour, fill in the rest with cash.
Train Bladed x2 - Also upgrade knife
Travel to Xoxo - we should have a bronze weapon and bladed 4 at this point, so we could stab a spirit-thing, if it came to it.

That's pretty much as good as you can get without significantly better facilities.
I knew he was badass.

Can you add a "market" tab under threadmarks with prices for everything?
[X] Plan TNE
-[X] Have your blade upgraded.
-[X] Pawn off your wolf pelt to Noche. He has a tanner friend, right?
-[X] Learn to Read
-[X] Train Bladed
-[X] Train Bladed - If it leveled to 4 one the first attempt, Learn to Read instead.
-[X] Work as Healer x3 - Dagger should be ready now.
-[X] Travel to Xoxo as soon as it is ready. If a caravan is leaving now, offer the same deal as you did Oslin - Guard/Scout and healer. If one isn't leaving, go alone.

Reasoning: Bladed is this close to leveling, and solving Xoxo will either net us brownie points with the Wise Men, or XP and gratitude and probably some loot. Need Bladed and dagger high enough to hurt spirits it need be. Healer work to make a quick buck while waiting for it to get ready.
@Azel sorry for the many questions, but:
1) Could you add the average earning for Low/Decent/High? Something like "Pay: 10-15 beans/day"?
2) Can armour be upgraded or traded-in?
3) I'd like to trade-in the wolf pelt for Exceptional Light Leather with one of his friends. How much of a discount could we get here?
4) Shouldn't Exceptional Light Armour be DR 4? It's the one thing breaking up the pattern of "you can get the same DR one weight class lower, at one quality level higher, and vice versa" that follows through the table. Only one breaking the pattern is Exceptional Light.
5) Can this be extrapolated for Masterwork? I.e., Masterwork armour looks like:
Light: DR 8
Medium: DR 12
Heavy: DR ??
6) Can we do something specific like "Go hunt a Jaguar". I want a deluxe leather bikini nice set of armour.

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@TotallyNotEvil, for Train Bladed make sure to find and instructor for that among the hunters and caravans. We only get new traits if we have someone teaching us.

[X] TotallyNotEvil
@TotallyNotEvil, can you replace this:
-[X] Train Bladed
-[X] Train Bladed - If it leveled to 4 one the first attempt, Learn to Read instead.
with this?
-[] Find a Trainer
--[] Search among the caravan guards and other warriors.
---[] Train Bladed Weapons

@Azel has already told us that we only get new traits if someone is actively teaching us.
Some traits can only be earned through actions, but the learnable ones usually require the training.

You don't pick up for example a combat style by chance.
Now you don't gain traits passively anymore. If you search a trainer, you can directly learn traits from him. That takes time and effort, but you can directly pick what you want.
We can even pick what we want to learn. This is far, far superior to simply training on our own.
One thing we should really be looking for is party members. not only are numbers something not to be underestimated but keep in mind the problem Yaxin had with bandaging herself. The healer should not really be getting into fights as a matter of course. For that we need either a big score so people will flock to us on reputation alone or we need to earn the gratitude of people with nowhere else to go.
Maybe take on an apprentice from potential street urchin...

Companion / minion in one package, probably with a handy pickpocket skill too ! :V
Right looking at the calender, there's a trial coming up on the 6th day of this turn. So I'll keep the turn short. We have ten days of dagger use before it can be upgraded so lets keep it until Noche can work on it.

[X] Plan Blade/Reading? and Trial
-[X] Keep your dagger until Noche has available time to upgrade it.
[X] Find a Trainer
Not everything can be learned on your own, but you know preciously little people in Tlamaca so far.
-[X] Search among the caravan guards and other warriors.
-[X] Train Bladed
-[X] Train Bladed - When it reaches level 4 practice reading and writing instead.
[X] Attend the trials.
Now that you figured out when they are held, there is nothing stopping you from trying to become a Wise Man. Or Wise Woman in your case.
Must be done on a trial day.

[X] [Dagger] Have your obsidian dagger coated in bronze. (Costs all silver coins.)
Honestly I don't really understand why we would need to trade in our obsidian dagger. Wouldn't any stone dagger do just as well, it should arguably do it better given the stone dagger is only being used for it's resilience to breaking, which isn't even one of obsidians strong points in the first place. Obsidian was valuable specifically for it's ability to have a sharp edge, a trait that won't be used with the proposed upgrade so it's kind of pointlessly wasteful.

Like TNE mentioned, I'd also propose us going to a tanner and selling our wolf pelt and purchasing some leather armor given the benefits we'd acquire from it.
Maybe ask the smith if he knows a willing warrior / where to go, might give a... roll boost?
Can you add a "market" tab under threadmarks with prices for everything?
Will do so after the next update.

1) Could you add the average earning for Low/Decent/High? Something like "Pay: 10-15 beans/day"?
2) Can armour be upgraded or traded-in?
3) I'd like to trade-in the wolf pelt for Exceptional Light Leather with one of his friends. How much of a discount could we get here?
4) Shouldn't Exceptional Light Armour be DR 4? It's the one thing breaking up the pattern of "you can get the same DR one weight class lower, at one quality level higher, and vice versa" that follows through the table. Only one breaking the pattern is Exceptional Light.
5) Can this be extrapolated for Masterwork? I.e., Masterwork armour looks like:
Light: DR 8
Medium: DR 12
Heavy: DR ??
6) Can we do something specific like "Go hunt a Jaguar". I want a deluxe leather bikini nice set of armour.
1) You don't know yet, that's just Yaxkin guesswork. Take the action once and you will learn how much it really pays.
2) Upgraded not, but you can always sell the old set.
3) Not much, a single wolf pelt isn't worth that much.
4) That's a typo, it should be 4
5) Masterwork is 8 - 12 - 16 and Artifact 12 - 16 - 20.
6) You could, but Yaxkin knows that Jaguars are very dangerous when they get close enough that you have to take out the knife. You usually want to face them with a spear and traits like Counterstrike and Rapid Strike like Manauia has.

And don't worry about asking too many question. I'm very happy that this quest is interesting enough to cause so many. :)
@Azel since we are going out into the wilderness to get to Xoxo anyway can we set aside some time during the trip to hunt some things for leather? Not wolves or jaguars, but some nice herbivores whose instinct is to run not try to eat Yaxkin's face.
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@Azel since we are going out into the wilderness to get to Xoxo anyway can we set aside some time during the trip to hunt some things for leather? Not wolves or jaguars, but some nice herbivores whose instinct is to run not try to eat Yaxkin's face.
That would take significantly more time. The travel time given for the locations is a straight, uninterrupted march.