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Adhoc vote count started by Miner249er on Jan 13, 2018 at 7:10 PM, finished with 8125 posts and 110 votes.
So they're like EU member states.
Yes and no. Seems to me the Citadel has much less influence on internal laws (see e.g. Batarians and slavery) and the actual decision-making (across international affairs) is far more centralised (that Matriarch-Dalatrass tea). The EU isn't run by the French President and German Chancellor (or their direct representatives). So... somewhat more regulatory than the UN, but much less than the EU.

Every non-member isn't an automatic pariah (like a non UN state), but who do you think the Council will back if (when) the Lystheni join to spite-intrigue-politic their way to advantage?
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Every non-member isn't an automatic pariah (like a non UN state), but who do you think the Council will back if (when) the Lasanthi stay in to intrigue-politic their way to advantage?

The Salarian Union, because the Lystheni are disliked by them and the Lystheni aren't affiliated with the Citadel Council in any way. And probably us over the Lystheni, if only because we're probably more useful to Council interests so long as we're not belligerent or hostile.
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The Salarian Union, because the Lystheni are disliked by them and the Lystheni aren't affiliated with the Citadel Council in any way.
Good point. Unfortunately, I can see the Salarian union sweeping them up (or claiming them at least- Precursor ruins, galactic security interests etc etc), thereby gaining a direct interest in the sector, and strangely gets its claims Council-validated all over ours.
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Ok, something that should have been noticed on both sides of the aisle on this debate. This is what we're voting on:

The Virmirean Assembly has voted by a 74% majority to authorize the drafting of an official declaration of independence from Citadel Council rule.

This bill authorizes the making of a draft to become independent of Citadel Council rule, but the bill in and of itself isn't the declaration. Very likely what that means is that we'll be the ones drafting the declaration, or at the very least we'll have very broad authority over what the draft says at the end. So if you're worried about a provision for something, then you can bring it up when we're debating what the declaration actually says.

My personal opinion is that it needs to address the following:
1. Our reasons for declaring independence from Citadel Council rule. Primarily this is due to the colony being abandoned to die, meaning the Council abdicated its responsibilities towards the colony and the people within.
2. What independence actually means. Clearly we're declaring ourselves a sovereign state of some kind, but there are different ways that could be done. For instance, it could be a full break, and we are not beholden to anything the Council declares as a law since we're not in any way a member. Or we could do something else, such as declaring that that while we're no longer administrated by the Council that we would still like to be an associate member under the Citadel Conventions (which may need some edits) provided the Council recognizes our state's territorial claims.
3. A declaration of our territorial claims. This should be in broad strokes, since we're likely to continue to expand as time goes on, but the Relays under our control should definitely be part of it.
4. Regardless of the choice in item 2, a statement that we have no hostile intent towards the Council or its members, and our state's desire to be a productive and peaceful member of the galactic community.
5. A statement that we recognize the threat posed to the galactic community by the Rachni, and our intentions of doing everything reasonably possible to work with them against the Rachni threat.
Just to make sure that people know that this is a binding draft, and that voting for independence now means that we cannot influence what the declaration will say:
Folks, the declaration issue would not be crossing your desk if the resulting draft (and second draft, etc., and final draft) was not going to be binding.


If you want to delay this decision in order to gather more information/call a referendum/rephrase the bill/seek input on any future declaration/stall, you want to vote, "Veto, you belligerent idiots." The bill is on Mira's desk and the vote you all are debating is occurring as she stares down at it much like one would stare at a live grenade. She literally can only sign or veto it at this stage of things. If you want to do any flavor of modification, the bill as currently presented has to be shot down.

Furthermore: If anybody would like me to clarify something for them, tag me and ask like so: @PoptartProdigy, per favore. There's a lot of discussion, and it's not at all clear what forms of confusion are directed at me if there are no tags to reference. Have some pity. ;)
@PoptartProdigy ... Sooo... If we vetoed, and publicly (or subtly) announced our intentions to use the threat of our independence to try and gain concessions from the Council when we're back in contact with them, how much of that negative response would be mitigated? Actually, would that even mitigate the negative response? Or would there be outcry of "selling out our wanted independence for Council leftovers" or other such political spins (that could be entirely accurate)? Personally, I'd rather do what the people of Virmire want in this case.
Regardless of how it would be taken at home (and you could probably sell it, although you'd have to sell it), making that known would also torpedo your credibility during any negotiations with the Citadel. It'd be a public admission that you weren't negotiating in good faith. And sure, nobody at those kinds of meetings actually does negotiate in 100% good faith, but coming to the table saying that this issue is a bludgeon with which to extract concessions tears away the pretense of civility and wrecks one's credibility. Why would the Citadel even entertain discussion on that point, if that was your attitude?

Can we write-in a reasoning for the Veto? How much is 'I want to be sure we weren't going to recieve help 2 years after we declare independence' going to mitigate the loss if we can?
That kind of stuff, you will address (or not, as it pleases the voter base) next year through actions to do just that.
Shouldn't matter, as long as it's RIGHT.

To draw RL parallels for Americans, interracial marriage remained widely unpopular for decades after the court decision legalizing it in the 50s.
It wasn't until the 1990s that public support for interracial marriage in the US crossed 50%
Gallup Vault: Americans Slow to Back Interracial Marriage

Popularity is not necessarily a measure of a smart decision.
Especially popularity made in the absence of actual information as to what the fuck happened and is happening. It's supposed to be the job of the executive to look beyond popularity and consider implications.

If popularity was the goal, why keep the absolute Veto at all if you have no interest in using it?
It was designed precisely for occasions like this: popular decisions in the legislature that would have far-reaching effects and problems beyond the initial feelgood phase.

I have a lot more sympathy now for politicians trying to get voters to look beyond their noses at complex issues.
I'm on the verge of throwing up my hands in frustration and just shutting the hell up.
Why are you directing this at me?
Just to make sure that people know that this is a binding draft, and that voting for independence now means that we cannot influence what the declaration will say:

Exactly. This is independence not on our terms. We in fact have no say in the wording. Mira is a war leader in the middle of an existential war, she overthrew the previous short-sighted ruler for his idiocy. We will need Citadel aid in the war, and possibly for rebuilding afterwards if things go as you might expect. These council idiots are going to insult our best ally.

We have far, far more leverage with the "1. You need our war efforts and 2. You gotta throw me a bone, I want to work with you but my population is clamouring for independence. (Why? Oh yeah, you left us to die). I'm the best hope you have for effective war efforts. <Displays time-lapse of Virmire sphere of control fluctuations and fleet readiness Before Mira to After Mira> Listen, none of us can afford a popular uprising or revolution in the middle of this war, give me at least a Volus state deal" line. If we get some real leverage by that conversation (time to build that second-rank fleet, flying colonies, war success and sweet Prothean war-changing tech?), maybe then we can think Systems Alliance? Or F^#@ You, We're Independent Now, check our Prothean superweaponz.

Edit: but not, as @PoptartProdigy points out, if we admit we're using 2. that way, publicly. Lawful Evil, remember...

Right now, Mira can tank the popularity hit. Might not even be much of one, with a couple good speeches about the war effort and all that.
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One more thing- obvious costs of veto are obvious. They're domestic and political, where we have huge reserves right now.

Metagaming slightly, this is meant as a Difficult Choice... declaring independence right here, right now *won't* be unconditionally in our best interests. Otherwise, it's not an interesting choice, so it wouldn't be presented this way.
@Rakuhn the way I'm seeing it, what you quoted says that the resulted drafts that pass our desk will become binding. Not that the bill is a draft or that we can't modify the drafts.

The other quote is about modifying the bill on our desk, not the draft that comes later.

E: Then Poptart says this is incorrect.
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One more thing- obvious costs of veto are obvious. They're domestic and political, where we have huge reserves right now.

Metagaming slightly, this is meant as a Difficult Choice... declaring independence right here, right now *won't* be unconditionally in our best interests. Otherwise, it's not an interesting choice, so it wouldn't be presented this way.
Declaring independence and then going to the Citadel asking for help (as in 'we don't want to be eaten, let's coordinate') means setting the quest's difficulty to 'hard'. Or 'insane'.
What does the independence here and now, on terms of Assembly without our input, give us?
Umm... a pissed-off Citadel, an empowered and placated Nativist/Populist faction, and a severely compromised ability to get support from the Citadel in our war efforts. I can see nothing worthwhile. I really don't understand what all these Pro-independence-right-now votes are about. It must be... Indoctrination!
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Umm... a pissed-off Citadel, an empowered and placated Nativist/Populist faction, and a severely compromised ability to get support from the Citadel in our war efforts. I can see nothing worthwhile. I really don't understand what all these Pro-independence-right-now votes are about. It must be... Indoctrination!

I am actually pretty sure that at least part of motivation, given who started an Assembly, is that megacorps want to get rid of some of CItadelspace regulations.
Rich entities dictating and funding independence movements with ulterior motives is pretty typical tbh. And ME has some quite cyberpunkish vibes wrt megacorps sometimes, so.
What does the independence here and now, on terms of Assembly without our input, give us?
Not having to deal with the issue when there is actual opposition. Not torpedoing confidence in 'our' Assembly. Not blowing a massive chunk of our popularity.

Being discovered as a long lost colony will make the Council and any number of influential citizens very eager to re-establish control of the golden goose we have become.
Being discovered as an Independent Nation means being treated as such.

Vetoing the first consequential decision of the assembly Will have repercussions.

As for the 'without our input' thing people are hammering: I Don't Care. In fact after the utter shambles of the assembly debate I would far rather the thread not have any say in it. We have too many people with too many opinions to ever agree on the wording or even the general tone. Hammering out a compromise could well take weeks. Weeks during which PoptartProdigy will be spending time trying to keep the arguments civil rather than writing updates.

Declaring independence and then going to the Citadel asking for help (as in 'we don't want to be eaten, let's coordinate') means setting the quest's difficulty to 'hard'. Or 'insane'.
Do you really believe our GM is that hamhanded? Or that short sighted?

In terms of difficulty this is a trade off. We have cosy up to the Citadel and have a slightly easier war… but then have to deal with the Citadel having legitimate authority over us. Either reducing us back to a bit player or causing massive relations problems when we declare independence later.
Or we can go independent now, have a slightly harder war but then not have to deal with the Citadel trying to reabsorb us.

As the Rachni war was won in canon and we have been doing rather well on our own I would prefer to not trade short term support for long term problems.
Not having to deal with the issue when there is actual opposition. Not torpedoing confidence in 'our' Assembly. Not blowing a massive chunk of our popularity.

Being discovered as a long lost colony will make the Council and any number of influential citizens very eager to re-establish control of the golden goose we have become.
Being discovered as an Independent Nation means being treated as such.

Vetoing the first consequential decision of the assembly Will have repercussions.

As for the 'without our input' thing people are hammering: I Don't Care. In fact after the utter shambles of the assembly debate I would far rather the thread not have any say in it. We have too many people with too many opinions to ever agree on the wording or even the general tone. Hammering out a compromise could well take weeks. Weeks during which PoptartProdigy will be spending time trying to keep the arguments civil rather than writing updates.

Why should we care about blowing a chunk of popularity? Veto power is explicitly there for such cases, to make unpopular but necessary decisions. If we don't use it, why in hell do we even have Veto power?

And when they try to establish control they can get fucked. Not now, when we are (presumably) interested in cooperation with Citadel. Premature acting is premature.

In terms of difficulty this is a trade off. We have cosy up to the Citadel and have a slightly easier war… but then have to deal with the Citadel having legitimate authority over us. Either reducing us back to a bit player or causing massive relations problems when we declare independence later.
Or we can go independent now, have a slightly harder war but then not have to deal with the Citadel trying to reabsorb us.

What? How starting relationship not from telling them to fuck off is ceding them "legitimate authority" forever?
If anything, having cosy relationship will make declaration easier, as we will have more diplomatic capital to burn and more ears willing to hear our side of story out. So the "massive relations problem" is incorrect too, malus to relationships will be likely smaller if we declare while having decent relationship, due to having allies and sympathetic people.

As the Rachni war was won in canon and we have been doing rather well on our own I would prefer to not trade short term support for long term problems.

Holy mother of Batman it's galaxy-wide extinction war. I understand that @PoptartProdigy for some reason (to lull players into false sense of security? Then he is, apparently, succeeding with flying colours, if people here assume we are not going to die as a given) is going easy on us, but if Rachni ever actually thought of us as a big threat, we would be dead, full stop.

We've been doing rather well specifically because we weren't that important. But it is changing, and so will Rachni response.
And we cannot afford to just turtle down either, since then a) Rachni can win the war and we are fucked; b) even if Citadel wins, it wins without us and then our diplomatic standing is in the gutter and we lack diplomatic capital and allies to declare independence.
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Do you really believe our GM is that hamhanded? Or that short sighted?
It's neither- it's *deliberate*. Mainly immediate domestic consequences we can probably mitigate or external, military and political ones we cannot.

Voting to declare now, this way, seem to require sooo many assumptions which I don't find tenable. Assuming the Citadel would even recognise it. Assuming it won't piss them off so much that they *legitimately* concentrate war efforts elsewhere rather than help us. Assuming we'll survive the war without allies. (We *won't*, it's a premise of the game). Assuming the Citadel races will recognise our claims, colonies and outposts Post-war. Assuming we'd be better off outside the Citadel at all. Assuming we couldn't still declare later, under Mira's conditions, quite probably from a stronger position. Assuming we give up anything, especially the right to declare later, by vetoing now.
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It would be very short sighted for the citadel to be pissed when told that a colony they gave up on still isn't under their control but is in fact friendly and aiding them, they are not going to decide on their response on just our declaration, they are going to investigate and get in contact and that is what will decide their response. If, for example, we got in contact and told them something like we declared independence so that our people had something to fight for that wasn't so distant and out of reach to them the council will understand the practicalities of such a decision. This decision is not going to be the final word on our relationship with the council.
It would be very short sighted for the citadel to be pissed when told that a colony they gave up on still isn't under their control but is in fact friendly and aiding them, they are not going to decide on their response on just our declaration, they are going to investigate and get in contact and that is what will decide their response. If, for example, we got in contact and told them something like we declared independence so that our people had something to fight for that wasn't so distant and out of reach to them the council will understand the practicalities of such a decision. This decision is not going to be the final word on our relationship with the council.
We have no control over the wording of this declaration. It could call the Citadel war criminals and murderers, declare "Virmire space" inviolate and Citadel military ships enemies of Virmire. Sure, that might just be non-binding rhetoric in the preamble, but the way you say things matters. Yes, of course there are reasons to consider independence, at some point. None of them are reasons to let a bunch of populists decide the timing and content and risk the war effort. When we get in contact, eventually we won't be able to lie to the Citadel about how this happened.

I still maintain vetoing is best, *even if* you want to declare shortly after recontact.
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You know, it makes no sense that Mira would have no control over the wording in the declaration just because she's passed authorization to make a draft. The making of a declaration of independence like this would be done through the political process, and likely go through several revisions before the final draft is approved of by the Assembly. Leaders in executive branches of government do work with their legislative branches, and ones that have a mandate from the people have a great deal of pull to get their agendas passed. Mira getting involved in the process of drafting something this important should be a given, and her incredible popularity pretty much guarantees that she'd have an immense amount of influence over what the final draft would contain.
You know, it makes no sense that Mira would have no control over the wording in the declaration just because she's passed authorization to make a draft. The making of a declaration of independence like this would be done through the political process, and likely go through several revisions before the final draft is approved of by the Assembly. Leaders in executive branches of government do work with their legislative branches, and ones that have a mandate from the people have a great deal of pull to get their agendas passed. Mira getting involved in the process of drafting something this important should be a given, and her incredible popularity pretty much guarantees that she'd have an immense amount of influence over what the final draft would contain.

Megacorps pushed for Council and thus had a hand in composing the draft, they have no reason to give Mira any input if they can help it.
A pretty smart play by them: they can claim they were behind independence if passes, blame us for vetoing it and making Nativist opponent if we veto it, blame us for not vetoing it if if tanks our relationship with Citadel and blows something up down the line. Nice political move against us, and if it fucks
up our society or threatens war effort? Well, who cares. It, too, can be spun as an attack against us after all, and those who call the shots in Assembly or fund candidates are not the ones on the frontline.

edit: Plus, like, I am half-sure that declaration would conventiently remove some regulations from them, in a stunning coincidence.
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