My Magical Warrior Best Friend can't find out my Secret!

[x] This is going to be boooring, but you'd better patrol and try and curtail the Lord of Fungi's expansion.
[x] This is going to be boooring, but you'd better patrol and try and curtail the Lord of Fungi's expansion.
[x] Patrol

You look out at the Moon. It's going to be full soon enough but you've still got a few days to go before that happens, but it'll be a pretty sweet ride when it does. When that time comes should you wish it you practically know that you'll be more than capable of tearing through the defenses of the Lord of Thriving Fungi's office building base and then casually ripping everything and everyone in it to shreds of their former selves. Oooooh that will feel so good. All those times you've had to fleer or avoid contact with those jerks have really taken a toll on your temperament and you cannot wait to have your chance at payback. A chance to show the Lord of Fungi and his servants that when the Lady of Savagery marks a region as her territory she intends to enforce her claim on it, and that she does not tolerate intrusion lightly.

Well even if she did tolerate it lightly it would still involve the offender losing a limb but regeneration is common so that may not seem like much of a threat. Well it wouldn't even the limb tearing wasn't done with Fey that has a curse used to stop both natural healing and healing magic. Either way the point is that anyone trying to trespass on mum's territory gets the pain.

Still you can't actually go an assault the Fungi held office building. The place is obscenely heavily guarded from the defense you managed to spot in the initial infiltration alone and is large enough that it clearly represents a large investment. Whatever the Lord of Thriving Fungi has guarding the place is almost sure to be getting stronger over time, not likely anything capable of defeating your full moon phase in a battle but it's probably going to way too much for you to take on as you are now. That full moon cannot come soon enough because that stupid store still makes you angry.

Naturally as you can't go after said anger inducing store you decide to go for the next best option.

You go and utterly destroy all of the lesser scum that the Lord of Thriving Fungi has wondering around the city either on soul gathering or on scouting new locations. Some of them do try and resist most notably a very stubborn Fungal Knight that doesn't seem to know how to died but at the end none of them can match you in a one on one fight, and the Lord of Fungi's confidence in his security shows in that most of them are either all by themselves or in a group of at most three, not nearly enough to so much as slow you down except in the case of extremely powerful Fey like the Fungal Knights and even they don't stand much of a chance for very long. In the end you're obscenely keen sense of smell and powerful combat capabilities lead to you completely and utterly destroying pretty much every servant of the Lord of Thriving Fungi's servants that dares to step foot outside of their wretched store.

Ah tonight's been a good knight.


The next day you wake up with a splitting hangover. Oooooh you overworked yourself sooooo bad when you killed a lot of things last knight but it felt sooooooo good doing it that even with all of this pain you can't bring yourself to care.

Either way it's not like your murder hangover is actually going to matter anyway. Today looks to be a boring day and you have neither classes nor any excessively large amounts of homework to do, and there don't be appear to be any obvious signs that would clue you into where the next homunculus attack will take place.

So what do you do?
[x] Take this chance to enjoy the wonders of nature and rest up at the park….you might find something interesting.
[x] Don your disguise and go out on patrol, if the pattern from earlier keeps up a homunculus attack is bound to happen.
[x] Go hang out at Gregs for the day….you really just want the social interaction.
[x] Call up Mary….you'd like to just hang out with her for a chance.
[x] Call up Skullcrusher a break from all the crazy stuff that's been happening would be nice.
[x] See if you can't track down the lunatic fire fey from yesterday, it's sure to be interesting if nothing else.
Adhoc vote count started by undead frog on Dec 15, 2017 at 9:35 PM, finished with 1100 posts and 14 votes.
[x] Call up Mary….you'd like to just hang out with her for a chance.

Why not? If we get kidnapped again, we can just tease her. If we don't get kidnapped, we can come up with someway of trolling her. It's a win-win situation.
[x] Call up Skullcrusher a break from all the crazy stuff that's been happening would be nice.
[x] See if you can't track down the lunatic fire fey from yesterday, it's sure to be interesting if nothing else.

Give him flirting advice
[x] Call up Mary….you'd like to just hang out with her for a chance.