My Magical Warrior Best Friend can't find out my Secret!

[X] Well, there weren't any concessions, but I'd give the show a solid 7-outta-10. Could have used a bit more character development, but the action scenes really sold it.
[x] "Hey Mary."
-[x] he totally blew your cover.
--[X] "Also did you know this was his idea of a date with you?"
[x] "Hey Mary."
-[x] he totally blew your cover.
--[X] "Also did you know this was his idea of a date with you?"
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>not using this chance to commemt as to the beauty of our friend that we need to return to

I'm disappointed in us all.
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[x] "Hey Mary."
-[x] he totally blew your cover.
--[X] "Also did you know this was his idea of a date with you?"
Adhoc vote count started by Lone Courier 6 on Dec 8, 2017 at 8:29 AM, finished with 1061 posts and 18 votes.

  • [x] "Hey Mary."
    -[X] "From the way he was talking, I think this whole kidnapping thing was his way of hitting on you, sad as that is."
    --[X] "Also, I totally already knew who you were. Figured you'd tell me when you were ready."
    [x] "Hey Mary."
    -[x] he totally blew your cover.
    --[X] "Also did you know this was his idea of a date with you?"
    [x] "Hey Mary."
    -[X] "Did you know this was his idea of a date with you?"
    [x] "These shackles chafe."
    [x] "Hey Mary."
    -[x] he totally blew your cover.
    [X] Well, there weren't any concessions, but I'd give the show a solid 7-outta-10. Could have used a bit more character development, but the action scenes really sold it.
[X] "Hey Mary."
-[X] "From the way he was talking, I think this whole kidnapping thing was his way of hitting on you, sad as that is."
--[X] "Also, I totally already knew who you were. Figured you'd tell me when you were ready."
[X] "Hey Mary."
-[X] "From the way he was talking, I think this whole kidnapping thing was his way of hitting on you, sad as that is."
--[X] "Also, I totally already knew who you were. Figured you'd tell me when you were ready."
[X] "Hey Mary."
-[X] "From the way he was talking, I think this whole kidnapping thing was his way of hitting on you, sad as that is."
--[X] "Also, I totally already knew who you were. Figured you'd tell me when you were ready."
Hey Mary
[x] Hey Mary

"Hey Mary." You say greeting your old friend without even trying to add some sort of dramatic flair or other big dramatic reveal into sure you could play this up for drama, but sometimes you just feel like being ironic. "Thanks for coming to save me. I really appreciate it."

"What!?" May doesn't even try to hide the complete and utter shock spreading across her face at your declaration. It's actually kind of adorable to see her looking like that, though that may mostly be because she only rarely does so. "How did you figure out my secret identity?! Did he tell?!"

"Weeeeeeell." You begin deliberately drawing out the center of the word for as long as you can for no real reason whatsoever. "Nope. No he didn't…well ok that's a lie but not for the reason you think."

"I knew he did it that stupid hoity toity pansy couldn't!" She starts ranking before pausing for a moment to process your words. "Wait what? You already knew!?"

"Yeah." You reluctantly admit rubbing the back of your head as you look down. "I've actually know for a long time, I don't know if you can tell but I'm fairly perceptive you know."

"…actually." Mary begins as she looks you over. "That explains why you aren't freaking out. I know you try to keep you cool but you really freak out when something surprises you of gives you a shocking relivation….but why didn't you tell me you knew sooner."

"I thought you'd tell me when you were ready too." You say as you cross your arms together. "Because I trust you, I only am admitting to it now because while he also knows and attempted to tell me. I figured some crazy pyrotechnic dude knowing your secret identity was something to let you know about."

"Ah…well thanks for being concerned." Mary walks up to you and draws you into a hug before breaking it and stepping back a few feet. "But if I may ask did you ever figure out why he kidnapped you in the first place, I mean yeah get to me could be a reason but I don't know why that guy specifically wanted that in the first place."

"I think he was crushing on you." A smile spreads across your face. "I mean you might not have gotten to see it for yourself but that guy was a total dork, he probably didn't even know how to go ask someone out of a date the normal way."

"I don't think it's that." Mary deadpans. "Any other reasons."

"Probably some worthy opponent nonsense." You shrug. "I've been good at reading those enigmatic types."

"That's a lie and you know that I know I know it." Mary pokes you in the chest. "You're disgusting good at reading people. I knew that fact even before I knew that you knew my secret identity."

"Guilty as charged." You admit frankly. "I tend to know a thing or two about certain things."

"Wait a minute." Mary says in shocked realization. "You've known I was a magical warrior for a long time…which looking at some of your actions….you've been messing with me for years and I haven't even known until now!"

"Sorry." You stifle a chuckle. "I couldn't help but take the chance."

"You jerk." She gives you a light shove. "You know I'm going to have to try and get you back for this."

"I know." Despite your words your smile doesn't fade. "Man I'm going to suffer when that happens."

"You sure are." Mary gives you another hug as she says those words. "You sure are."

What do you do this night?
[x] Investigate one of the new warriors. (Choose between Skullcrusher or the Nerdy One)
[x] Make a monster.
[x] You feel tired and you've done a lot of hard fight, you think you'll take a nap.
[x] This is going to be boooring, but you'd better patrol and try and curtail the Lord of Fungi's expansion.
[x] The evil presence from earlier is back….go sniff it out.
[x] You smell a homunculus….go investigate.
Adhoc vote count started by undead frog on Dec 12, 2017 at 3:18 PM, finished with 1085 posts and 14 votes.
[x] This is going to be boooring, but you'd better patrol and try and curtail the Lord of Fungi's expansion.

Let's start a fight!
[x] This is going to be boooring, but you'd better patrol and try and curtail the Lord of Fungi's expansion.
[x] Make a monster.

Let's make even MORE monsters so that when the time comes for us to reveal ourselves as the big bad we can swarm our former friends in a army of monsters!
Adhoc vote count started by Lone Courier 6 on Dec 10, 2017 at 1:48 PM, finished with 1072 posts and 7 votes.
[JK] "My hero. I think I'm falling for you." Say it in the most teasing, overdramatic way you can.

[X] Make a Monster
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