All very interesting (if not all desirable) options!
I was originally quite taken with Zima (Winged Hussars!) and Notanna Notkomnena, but I am now seeing Alva or maybe Matilda as better options.

Especially Alva: while it's of course obvious that the Rus are a continental based power more than anything else, our capital is Novgorod, and we should not forsake her historical trading vocation. Fur exports might become a very significant part of our income.

A navy would also have pretty useful military applications both in deterring "viking" raiders (late for that, but still the chronology is not exactly the same as in our history, so securing that flank with this marriage alliance might be a good idea) and to exploit the Motherland's majestic rivers as defensive lines against the mongols, given how far inland Swedish longboats did roam historically using them. Troop movement would be faster, far away forts could be resupplied and relieved and we will desperately need to held chokepoints like important crossing to try and deny the mongols' mobility.

That said Alva's character (and looks...) are a bit of an unknown, apart from the fact that she will likely be independent and strong willed (as a ship captain needs to be), which has pros and cons in itself.
The likely benefits in stewardship are not thaat necesaary, given that we have already a great chancellor, but might still be an interesting bonus.

Limited age difference is a pro, like with Matilda.

Will Natasha be enough to foil the inevitable attempts against Matilda and our eventual children?

As to Alexandra... I'd like to play a quest *as* her to be honest, but we are too weak to get into a byzantine war of succession and she might come to see us as an uncouth barbarian keeping her away from her rightful throne...
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Regarding Ai Song- given the timeline, the Chinese emperor in question is almost definitely the Southern Song dynasty which is a bit more cut off from the steppes and Russia than you might think- it definitely isn't all of China as we know it as the northern areas are held by the Jin and western Xia, to the west the Song dynasty borders mountainous Tibet.
This might not be the case here. It is AU, after all, and in the first post it sounds more like China is already unified. Plus the whole 'Empire of China' thing rather than Song Kingdom/Dynasty/whatever they called themselves.

Huh, I have forgotten about the potential technological advantage. Possibly early Streltsy would help immensely, though I doubt we'd be able to make any substantial military tech advancements with Mongol threat on the horizon. Or maybe we would get lucky.
This might not be the case here. It is AU, after all, and in the first post it sounds more like China is already unified. Plus the whole 'Empire of China' thing rather than Song Kingdom/Dynasty/whatever they called themselves.
'And even farther east, in the lands of China, The Emperor and his Imperial court plan its next move to dethrone Europa and become the sole empire of Eurasia.'

...You've a point on the AU thing, but that doesn't sound good.
part of our income.

A navy would also have pretty useful military applications both in deterring "viking" raiders (late for that, but still the chronology is not exactly the same as in our history, so securing that flank with this marriage alliance might be a good idea)
Actually, most nordic travelers were either traders or warriors looking to make a quick buck, board, and bed while making their way to the Byzantines.
exploit the Motherland's majestic rivers as defensive lines against the mongols, given how far inland Swedish longboats did roam historically using them.
We'd have to use someone else. Remember, she is part of the Baltic sea. And has studied in London.
She's High Sea Fleet, not Medieval Brown Water Navy.
Natasha doesn't know if they are fabrications or the truth. You won't know either until you actually meet her. Her father is offering warships to whoever will marry her, and crews to man them.
And if we wait for a few months, he will be offering entire fleets to make her someone else's problem. :whistle:

The quest quickly turns into an adventure game as we become a XIIIth century Columbus just to avoid coming back home.
She is a fine spymistress and she can pull some strings to get you into the loop that was imperial spy network and can call in a fair few favors to get some assassins under your command to assist you in dealing with enemies within and without.
That's all fine and dandy, but why does she need to marry us for it to work? Unless she isn't loyal enough to offer us the same benefits without her hand in marriage? Tsk-tsk, a waste of a bride slot.

Leaning towards Alexandra.

Does the bride's faith factor in the result we'll get, or will they convert to Orthodoxy?
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I'm currently torn between Matilda, Zima, Alexanda, and Ai.

Matilda could lead to some major opportunities within the Empire, but we would need to constantly be on the lookout for assassins and kidnappers. In other words, big risk, huge rewards.

Zima adds to our marshal ability, and the elite cavalry will be great when it comes time for us to fight the Mongols, but I don't like the idea of her being loyal to her homeland over anything else. If we wind up getting into any problems with out neighbors to the west, then there's no telling what she'd end up doing. Plus, we already have a great deal of Marshal skill in our country.

Ai is a great diplomat, and if China works like it does in CK2, then it can grant us some awesome boons, given enough time. The issue is, China will likely prove to be a less conventional ally than most of the other options.

Alexandra could be a great choice, provided we're able to win the inevitable war of succession. Having our child be the leader of two kingdoms would be amazing, provided the Empire doesn't intervene. Of course, that's provided we win said war, and aren't just crippled by it.
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[]Princess Matilda 'The Maid' of House Europa

One of my many weaknesses. First pick. We goin' get all the connections.
You would need to keep a close eye on her, as she has nearly been kidnapped by 'unknown parties' five times in the last three years.
I'm down for some defensive intrigue. We're already a paranoid bastard. :V
Strong, beautiful and loyal. A pretty sweet combination. The troops are a great bonus as well.
One of three mystery boxes, and the most attractive one. This could get us an alliance with China, who're also dealing withe the Mongols.
Besides, the name's cute. :V
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Enmity- The state or feeling of being actively opposed or hostile to someone or something.
I'm not entirely sure that said level of prestige will be as great as we think. At the very least, there will be strings attached.
... that is not what is meant by that statement at all. You're deliberately cutting off the first half, the subject, of the sentence.
... that is not what is meant by that statement at all. You're deliberately cutting off the first half, the subject, of the sentence.
It says that she's loyal to Poland to the point that she's earned the enmity of much of that nobility. When they say that we'd "be added to that level of prestige," it refers to both her fame and her enmity.
It says that she's loyal to Poland to the point that she's earned the enmity of much of that nobility. When they say that we'd "be added to that level of prestige," it refers to both her fame and her enmity.
One, not 'much of that nobility', some. That's explicit. Two, you said nothing about us being stuck with her bad rep. You started this whole thing with Zima taking sides against us:
If we wind up getting into any problems with out neighbors to the west, then there's no telling what she'd end up doing.

That's usually considered shifting goalposts.
One, not 'much of that nobility', some. That's explicit. Two, you said nothing about us being stuck with her bad rep. You started this whole thing with Zima taking sides against us:
That's usually considered shifting goalposts.
Alright, calm down. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to attack you or your waifu. For the record, I was never fully against Zima.
I'm currently torn between Matilda, Zima, Alexanda, and Ai.
I was simply going through the positives and negatives of my four top picks, and I figured that Zima might have some baggage that needed to be considered.
Alright, calm down. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to attack you or your waifu. For the record, I was never fully against Zima.

I was simply going through the positives and negatives of my four top picks, and I figured that Zima might have some baggage that needed to be considered.
While your 'I didn't mean to attack your waifu' is rather misrepresentative, you did at least accurately describe that we'd be making enemies in poland by a marriage to her.
It's been 5 hours everyone. Start your voting!

And keep the waifu war clean!
[X]Alva Bijorndottier: A women of 16, fifth-born daughter of Grand Prince Bijorn 'The Redsail' Af Muso. She is one of the oddest marriage requests that came to your attention. A well-known captain and trader in the Baltic sea, she is one of the few women who went to the Imperial Naval Academy in London and is considered one of the best sailors in the empire. But her skill with ships is also backed by a strong sense of finance. Though she is not nearly as rich as the Medici, marrying her will bring over 50 ships under your command.

Did anyone notice this girl went to a naval academy in London and is 'an accomplished captain and trader' and is sixteen years old? This is some genius, polymath, or savant stuff going on.
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[]Alva Bijorndottier
I think the type of boats used in the Baltic at the time would be useful on the Volga or Dniestr without needing much in the way of conversions. @Always Late
You have a point with the London Academy being certainly focused on the high seas, but if Alva is so good a sailor she is likely to be able to adapt to the new environment without great problems.

As fot the peacefulness of Swedish traders on the Russian rivers... it's not wrong, but I want to have some control of our coasts and of the rivers so that they stay well behaved and maybe pay some custom dues too.

That said, your Zima is a good option too, I wonder if her winged hussars band could work in any way as a seed for our cavalry... Probably fighting "fire with fire" is not the best option against mongols though.
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[X]Princess Ai Song

Possible alliance against Mongols and maybe gunpowder/tech? Only maybes, true, but I'm willing to take the risk. And having a good diplomat is always nice.