I have this strange feeling of wanting to conquer large swaths of europe.
The Empire already controls almost all of Europe. But Africa, the Middle East (At least Area's that are not the empires allies), the Steppes, China and India are all ripe for the picking.

Edit: And West Africa and the Congo, The America's and Oceania... Let's just say most of the world.
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The Empire already controls almost all of Europe. But Africa, the Middle East (At least Area's that are not the empires allies), the Steppes, China and India are all ripe for the picking.

Edit: And West Africa and the Congo, The America's and Oceania... Let's just say most of the world.

So, we will take over the world, then go to space and fight Xenos, neat.
[] Golden Glory

[]Heir to the Throne: Your Grandfather, His Imperial Majesty Phillip 'The Wise' is dead. Murdered in the Coup that killed many of your closet family. Europa has been devastated by the loss of their longest reigning sovereign, and many of the nobles fear that his death is just the beginning, and in the House of Lords in Berlin, they clamor for the new emperor of Europa to come to court and be coronated. And you did. (Age must be over 16 but younger than 30)

[]Karl Plantagenet

[] Appearance


[] Male
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[X] Golden Glory

[X]Heir to the Throne: Your Grandfather, His Imperial Majesty Phillip 'The Wise' is dead. Murdered in the Coup that killed many of your closet family. Europa has been devastated by the loss of their longest reigning sovereign, and many of the nobles fear that his death is just the beginning, and in the House of Lords in Berlin, they clamor for the new emperor of Europa to come to court and be coronated. And you did. (Age must be over 16 but younger than 30)

[X] Appearance


[X] Male

So, what is his name. Vlade Tapeice?
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Kanata.EXE on Nov 1, 2017 at 6:06 PM, finished with 33 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] The Tsar-Khagan
    [X] Plan: Alexander The Great
    -[X]Heir to the Throne: Your Grandfather, His Imperial Majesty Phillip 'The Wise' is dead. Murdered in the Coup that killed many of your closet family. Europa has been devastated by the loss of their longest reigning sovereign, and many of the nobles fear that his death is just the beginning, and in the House of Lords in Berlin, they clamor for the new emperor of Europa to come to court and be coronated. And you did. (Age must be over 16 but younger than 30)
    -[X] Alexander Karlson
    -[X] Image:
    -[X] 24
    -[X] Male
    [X]Storm of the East
    -[X] The Child of the Frontier
    -[X]Alexandra Akilina
    -[X] 14
    -[X] Female
    [X] The Tsar-Khagan
    -[X] The Child of the Frontier
    -[X] Vasiliy Aristov
    -[X] Long dark blond hair and greyish eyes; usually clothed in furs.
    -[X] 14
    -[X] Male
    [X] Femme-Fatale
    -[X]On Her Majesty's Secret Service: You were chosen to lead the Empire's secret service because you were the right person for the job. The enemies of the state knew nothing but whispers about you. You would destroy your enemies and the enemies of the state. You just had to be sure to handle it... subtly. (Must be older than 20)
    -[X] Charlotte de Sauve
    -[X] Long blonde hair, innocent looking heart shaped face, staggeringly beautiful.
    -[X] 25
    -[X] Female
    [X] Plan Oxfords, Not Brogues
    [X]On Her Majesty's Secret Service: You were chosen to lead the Empire's secret service because you were the right person for the job. The enemies of the state knew nothing but whispers about you. You would destroy your enemies and the enemies of the state. You just had to be sure to handle it... subtly.
    [X] Harry Hart
    [X] 57
    [x] Male
    [X] Golden Glory
    [X]Heir to the Throne: Your Grandfather, His Imperial Majesty Phillip 'The Wise' is dead. Murdered in the Coup that killed many of your closet family. Europa has been devastated by the loss of their longest reigning sovereign, and many of the nobles fear that his death is just the beginning, and in the House of Lords in Berlin, they clamor for the new emperor of Europa to come to court and be coronated. And you did. (Age must be over 16 but younger than 30)
    [X]Karl Plantagenet
    [X] Appearance
    [x] Male
No thank you my second choice would be the great khan.
Then all you need to do is just kick back and watch the parade go by.
Why not vote for mine? :evil:
Because I can find a couple other 'Alexander the Great-esque' quests on SV or SB. Around here, you won't find a quest about an imprisoned, humiliated woman rising to retake her motherland from invaders, then creating an empire uniting all humanity... all while wearing boob-plate armor and leading massive armies.

Get your 40k on, dude.;)
As soon as I saw Magoose mentioned T 'Challa leading an army through Africa I wanted so bad for there to be an African option :( On the other hand the idea of massacring hordes of Mongols is one I find quite appealing.

[X] The Tsar-Khagan
Because I can find a couple other 'Alexander the Great-esque' quests on SV or SB. Around here, you won't find a quest about an imprisoned, humiliated woman rising to retake her motherland from invaders, then creating an empire uniting all humanity... all while wearing boob-plate armor and leading massive armies.
Most quests tend to have a female protagonist and I'm pretty sure theirs quests of the type you're describing.
As soon as I saw Magoose mentioned T 'Challa leading an army through Africa I wanted so bad for there to be an African option :( On the other hand the idea of massacring hordes of Mongols is one I find quite appealing
Sorry, but those three options are the one you got.

Edit: It's just those are the fullest stories that I have compleated in my notes of the world.
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Then all you need to do is just kick back and watch the parade go by.

Because I can find a couple other 'Alexander the Great-esque' quests on SV or SB. Around here, you won't find a quest about an imprisoned, humiliated woman rising to retake her motherland from invaders, then creating an empire uniting all humanity... all while wearing boob-plate armor and leading massive armies.

Get your 40k on, dude.;)
Realistically, most of our time spent as Emperor is going to be spent ruling and stamping out rebellions rather than conquering.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Kanata.EXE on Nov 1, 2017 at 9:38 PM, finished with 45 posts and 19 votes.

  • [X] The Tsar-Khagan
    [X] Plan: Alexander The Great
    -[X]Heir to the Throne: Your Grandfather, His Imperial Majesty Phillip 'The Wise' is dead. Murdered in the Coup that killed many of your closet family. Europa has been devastated by the loss of their longest reigning sovereign, and many of the nobles fear that his death is just the beginning, and in the House of Lords in Berlin, they clamor for the new emperor of Europa to come to court and be coronated. And you did. (Age must be over 16 but younger than 30)
    -[X] Alexander Karlson
    -[X] Image:
    -[X] 24
    -[X] Male
    [X]Storm of the East
    -[X] The Child of the Frontier
    -[X]Alexandra Akilina
    -[X] 14
    -[X] Female
    [X] The Tsar-Khagan
    -[X] The Child of the Frontier
    -[X] Vasiliy Aristov
    -[X] Long dark blond hair and greyish eyes; usually clothed in furs.
    -[X] 14
    -[X] Male
    [X] Femme-Fatale
    -[X]On Her Majesty's Secret Service: You were chosen to lead the Empire's secret service because you were the right person for the job. The enemies of the state knew nothing but whispers about you. You would destroy your enemies and the enemies of the state. You just had to be sure to handle it... subtly. (Must be older than 20)
    -[X] Charlotte de Sauve
    -[X] Long blonde hair, innocent looking heart shaped face, staggeringly beautiful.
    -[X] 25
    -[X] Female
    [X] Plan Oxfords, Not Brogues
    [X]On Her Majesty's Secret Service: You were chosen to lead the Empire's secret service because you were the right person for the job. The enemies of the state knew nothing but whispers about you. You would destroy your enemies and the enemies of the state. You just had to be sure to handle it... subtly.
    [X] Harry Hart
    [X] 57
    [x] Male
    [X] Golden Glory
    [X]Heir to the Throne: Your Grandfather, His Imperial Majesty Phillip 'The Wise' is dead. Murdered in the Coup that killed many of your closet family. Europa has been devastated by the loss of their longest reigning sovereign, and many of the nobles fear that his death is just the beginning, and in the House of Lords in Berlin, they clamor for the new emperor of Europa to come to court and be coronated. And you did. (Age must be over 16 but younger than 30)
    [X]Karl Plantagenet
    [X] Appearance
    [x] Male
@Magoose The mention of the Aztec gods in the opening post made me curious - will there be magic and supernatural influences in this game? Or are we sticking exclusively to real-world tech?