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The Year Of Our Imperium is 1199, and Europa is in crisis.

To the south, the Warlord T'challa...
Character Creation Part 1


SV's Questing Fanatic
California USA
The Year Of Our Imperium is 1199, and Europa is in crisis.

To the south, the Warlord T'challa of the Congo has finished striking at the goldmines of Mali, threatening the exposed Iberian Coast as he pushes farther north through Morocco.

To the West, rumors of a terrible empire from a land that sacrifices men to appease their sun god have reached the ears of the Imperial court. The men who supposedly survived encounters with these people babbling nothing but nonsense.

And to the East the Mongol Hordes, once driven back into the steppes by the Russian lords, are now gathering their forces again to finish what they started. And even farther east, in the lands of China, The Emperor and his Imperial court plan its next move to dethrone Europa and become the sole empire of Eurasia.

And in Europa itself, grave news was approaching their leaders. An attempted coup has rocked the empire to its core. It is looking for leaders that can navigate the ever-increasing difficulty of leading the nation through the most turbulent times in its existence.

Who are you:

[]Heir to the Throne: Your Grandfather, His Imperial Majesty Phillip 'The Wise' is dead. Murdered in the Coup that killed many of your closet family. Europa has been devastated by the loss of their longest reigning sovereign, and many of the nobles fear that his death is just the beginning, and in the House of Lords in Berlin, they clamor for the new emperor of Europa to come to court and be coronated. And you did. (Age must be over 16 but younger than 30)

[]The Child of the Frontier: In the frontier of Russia, you step onto the throne of your father, a bastard who was chosen by the lords because there was no better candidate. 'The Mongols are coming', your father's dying words repeat themselves over and over in your mind. You remembered why you were alive… What the sacrifice of your father did to your family. And you would keep the vow you made to your dying father. You would kill them all. You were called 'Khan' by you captors as a mockery, that you were a leader of nothing. You would turn that insult into reality and become a great ruler. A ruler of everything. (Age must be between 4 to 14)

[]On Her Majesty's Secret Service: You were chosen to lead the Empire's secret service because you were the right person for the job. The enemies of the state knew nothing but whispers about you. You would destroy your enemies and the enemies of the state. You just had to be sure to handle it... subtly. (Must be older than 20)

[]Write in a name

[]write a description or use a picture.



AN: Hey everyone. Thank you for reading. I would please like you to vote in plan Format, please. It will make things easier on me. I will answer any questions about the setting that I can if they are asked.

Please enjoy.
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Charecter sheet
Name: Vasily 'The Khan of Rus' Aristov

Age: 24

Health: 5.0

Fertility: 100% (Trying for a child does not have a penalty.)

Titles: Grand Prince of Rus, Duke of Novgorod, Count of Novgorod, Protector of the Frontier. Member of the Order of the Dragon, General of the Imperial Army


Diplomacy: 16 + 10 - 6 = 20(You are competent at diplomacy)

Martial = 16 + 1 +2 + 5 + 2 + 5 + 9 = 40 (You are the greatest millitry mind in the world)

Stewardship = 16 + 5 = 21 (You are competent at dealing with numbers and economies)

Intrigue = 15 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 5 = 26 (You were extremely competent at courtly intrigue.)

Learning = 16 + 1 + 5 + 2 = 24 (You are extremely competent in your studies)

Personal Combat = 15 + 1 + 2 + 5 + 16 = 39 (Your skill with any weapon is peerless.)


Brilliant Strategist: You were a good soldier, but your grasp at command was something that made you the envy of the empire.(+9 to martial, +2 to learning)

Legitimized Bastard: You were legitimized by your fathers dying breath and have taken his throne as your own. But the stigma of being a bastard will always remain. (-1 to diplomacy)

Patient: You were always one to sit and wait... and see what happens (+1 to all stats)

Gregarious: You can talk like no one's business, and get people to fall in love with you (+4 to diplomacy)

Ruthless: You will do anything to accomplish your goals. (-4 to diplomacy, +2 to intrigue, martial and Personal combat)

Paranoid: You don't trust many new people, and are always wary of the ones you know. (+3 to intrigue -1 diplomacy)

Genius: You were born with a gifted intellect, one that few in Europa can even match. (+5 to all stats)

Architect: You have studied the science and lifestyle of an architect, and have learned all you can in building and maintaining structures. (-20% building cost of any fortification in the campaign turns and buildings in regular turns, -2 turns to building time for fortifications in campaign turns and buildings in regular turns. +2 to stewardship.)

Formidable Fighter: Your skill in personal combat is legendary, to the point where your body has not even been touched by a blade (+4 to martial. +16 to personal combat)

Combat Modifiers:
Night Fighter: You have mastered fighting your enemies in the darkness of the night. (Fighting at night will no longer give a -30 to all rolls or the morale penalty. When facing off against a commander without night fighter, you get a +30 to all rolls.)

Organizer: You studied logistic when you remembered some words from your father. "An army marches on its stomach." And then there was the fact you needed to move men quickly in battle without a break in ranks. (All movement rolls during battle suffers no roll penalties. Supply raids conducted by the enemy gain a -10 roll due to how you handle supplies. During campaign turns, any action that lasts multiple turns will decrease by 1. Using forced march will no longer give any morale penalties to your soldiers. In the battle preparation turn, all actions cost 50% less time)

Winter Soldier: You come from a land where the Winters are harsh, and winter is the time to rest and recuperate, not to attack. You do not believe that. War is something that lasts all the time and does not just end when the snow falls to the ground. (Fighting in winter no longer gives a penalty. All battle rolls while fighting in winter gain a +20 roll against a commander who does not also have the winter soldier modifier. Marching in Winter will no longer have an attrition rolls for your army units.)
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Family and Personal Council
Name: Zima Królowa

Age: 26

Health: 7.0

Fertility: 125% (Trying for a child has a +20 roll boost.)

Relation: 100/100

Titles: none


Diplomacy: 12

Martial: 20

Stewardship: 12

Intrigue: 10

Learning: 9

Personal Combat: 14


Brilliant Strategist: You were a good soldier, but your grasp at command was something that made you the envy of the empire.(+9 to martial, +2 to learning)

Strong: You are physically strong and imposing. (+1 to diplomacy, +2 to martial. +2 to health, +6 to Personal Combat, +25% to fertility)

Just: You will always try and bring criminals to justice. (+4 stewardship, +2 to diplomacy)

Brave: You are utterly fearless on the battlefield and off it. (+2 to martial stat and +2 to diplomacy, +2 to Personal combat.)

Formidable Fighter: Your skill in personal combat is legendary, to the point where your body has not even been touched by a blade (+4 to martial. +16 to personal combat)

Pregnant: This woman is with child (-4 to martial, -20 personal combat for the duration of her pregnancy)

Proud: You think yourself better than anyone else. (-1 to diplomacy, +5 to personal action rolls)

Combat modifier: The Winged Hussar: You are a highly trained Noble Knight of Poland and are part of the most legendary heavy calvaries in the Empire and your training has made you a master of leading them. (Heavy calvary gains a +10 in all attacking and defending rolls.)

Name: Alexi Aristov

Title: Hier to the Rus

Age: 5

Health: 7.0

Fertility: 125% (Trying for a child has a +20 roll boost.)

Relation 100/100







Personal Combat:11


Triplet: You were born with two brothers by your side, and you know they will be with you until the end (Relation with your brothers will stay permanently above 30)

Genius: You were born with a gifted intellect, one that few in Europa can even match. (+5 to all stats)

Strong: You are physically strong and imposing. (+1 to diplomacy, +2 to martial. +2 to health, +6 to Personal Combat, +25% to fertility)

Name: Dmitry Aristov

Title: Lord of the Rus

Age: 5

Health: 7.0

Fertility: 125% (Trying for a child has a +20 roll boost.)

Relation 100/100







Personal Combat:11


Triplet: You were born with two brothers by your side, and you know they will be with you until the end (Relation with your brothers will stay permanently above 30)

Genius: You were born with a gifted intellect, one that few in Europa can even match. (+5 to all stats)

Strong: You are physically strong and imposing. (+1 to diplomacy, +2 to martial. +2 to health, +6 to Personal Combat, +25% to fertility)

Name: Ivan Aristov

Title: Lord of the Rus

Age: 5

Health: 7.0

Fertility: 125% (Trying for a child has a +20 roll boost.)

Relation 100/100







Personal Combat:11


Triplet: You were born with two brothers by your side, and you know they will be with you until the end (Relation with your brothers will stay permanently above 30)

Genius: You were born with a gifted intellect, one that few in Europa can even match. (+5 to all stats)

Strong: You are physically strong and imposing. (+1 to diplomacy, +2 to martial. +2 to health, +6 to Personal Combat, +25% to fertility)

Personal council:

Name: Rurik Romanov

Relation: 90/100

Age: 65

Health: 5.0

Fertility: 80% (Trying for a child will have a penalty of -20.)

Titles: Advisor of the Grand Prince of Rus.


Diplomacy: 13

Martial: 12

Stewardship: 11

Intrigue: 12

Learning: 18

Personal Combat: 0


Tough Soldier: You were a good soldier, but your grasp at command was always sketchy when leading large units. (+5 to martial, +1 to learning)

Scholar: you are well read in all forms of study, from Philosophy to science to stories of military campaigns (+6 to learning stat)

Crippled: Either due to an accident or a troubled birth, you have been born crippled. (-5 to martial, -5 to personal combat skill)

Attractive: You are a very handsome man, even in your age. (+2 to diplomacy stat)

Wroth: You are quick to anger, especially when your ward is involved. (-2 diplomacy, +2 to personal combat)

Brave: You are utterly fearless on the battlefield and off it. Though you fear your wards... tendency for violent outbursts. (+2 to martial stat and +2 to diplomacy, +2 to Personal combat.)

Name: Axel of Florence

Relation: 60/100

Age: 38

Health: 5.0

Fertility: 100% (Trying for a child does not have a penalty.)

Titles: Lord Steward of the Grand Principality of Rus.


Diplomacy: 9

Martial: 5

Stewardship: 20

Intrigue: 9

Learning: 11

Personal Combat: 0


Competent Steward: You were educated in the fine art of stewardship from a young age, and are very good at it (+7 to Stewardship.)

Diligent: You are a hard worker. When you set your mind to something, you will complete it. (+1 to all stats except personal combat)

Administrator: You know how to delegate important tasks to your underlings (+4 to stewardship, +1 to diplomacy)

Shy: You never liked to go out in front of people and talk to them. (-2 to diplomacy)

Lustful: You have enjoyed many of the finer things in life, notably the pleasures of the flesh. (-2 to diplomacy, +20 for fertility rolls)

Name: Natasha 'the Black Widow'

Relation: 90/100

Age: 26

Health: 5.0

Fertility: 100% (Trying for a child does not have a penalty.)

Titles: Lord Spymaster of the Grand Principality of Rus.


Diplomacy: 6

Martial: 11


Intrigue: 24

Learning: 10

Personal Combat: 13


Intricate Webweaver: You are skilled in courtly intrigue and espionage. (+9 to intrigue, +2 to diplomacy)

Deceitful: You were not what one would consider the trustworthy type. (+4 to intrigue, + 2 to personal combat -6 to diplomacy)

Quick: You are brighter than most (+ 2 to all stats)

Ruthless: You will do anything to accomplish your goals. (-4 to diplomacy, +2 to intrigue, martial and Personal combat)

Trained Fighter: Your skill in personal combat is average. (+1 to martial. +6 to personal combat)

Name: Stephen Abron

Relation: 70/100

Age: 33

Health: 4.5

Fertility: 100% (Trying for a child does not have a penalty.)

Titles: Chancellor of the Grand Principality of Rus.



Martial: 8

Stewardship: 10

Intrigue: 11

Learning: 15

Personal Combat: 8


Grey Eminence: You are an absolute master of diplomacy, the epitome of statesmanship having fully mastered the art of diplomacy. (+12 Diplomacy, +4 to intrigue)

Drunkard: You were never one to turn down wine. (-1 to diplomacy, -.5 to health, -2 to personal combat skill)

Trained Fighter: Your skill in personal combat is average. (+1 to martial. +6 to personal combat)

Patient: You were always one to sit and wait... and see what happens (+1 to all stats)

Gregarious: You can talk like no one's business, and get people to fall in love with you (+4 to diplomacy)

Name: Nicholas "The Bear of Rostov" of Rostov

Relation: 80/100

Age: 47

Health: 7.0

Fertility: 125% (Trying for a child gains a +10 roll bonus.)

Titles: Marshal of the Grand Prince of Rus.


Diplomacy: 7

Martial: 24

Stewardship: 6

Intrigue: 4

Learning: 10

Personal Combat: 30


Brilliant Strategist: You are competent at command, one of the best in the empire. (+9 to martial, +2 to learning)

Brave: You are utterly fearless on the battlefield and off it. (+2 to martial stat and +2 to diplomacy, +2 to Personal combat.)

Strong: You are physically strong and imposing. (+1 to diplomacy, +2 to martial. +2 to health, +6 to Personal Combat, +25% to fertility)

Tall: This man is a giant, he is taller than most men (+2 to personal combat skill, +1 to diplomacy, -2 to Intrigue)

Formidable Fighter: Your skill in personal combat is legendary, to the point where your body has not even been touched by a blade (+4 to martial. +16 to personal combat)

Proud: You think yourself better than anyone else. (-1 to diplomacy, +5 to personal action rolls)

Combat modifiers: The Bear's Charge: Your sheer presence on the battlefield gives any man in your army a boost when on the attack. (Heavy infantry gains +5 attack rolls. Morale is increased by 15 for every successful charge this man leads.)

Leading from the Front: You lead from the front. A dangerous tactic, but an inspiring one. (+ 5 to attack rolls. starting Morale increased by 10. Injury rolls increased by 15.)
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Personal Finance
Current Treasury of the Rus: 3020 Imperial Ducats

Revenue of the Grand Principality of the Rus:

Taxes: 1200

Domestic trade: 1000

Foreign Trade: 0 (No trade rights have been granted by any foreign power).


Upkeep: 200

Garrison upkeep: 100

Taxes to the Empire: 50

Army Expenditure: 1000
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Military and Generals
Military forces

Forces in Novgorod:
2000 Heavy Infantry (Veterans)
2000 Skirmishers/Archers (Veterans)
2000 Light infantry (Veterans)
7000 Light infantry (Recruit)
7000 Heavy infantry (Recruit)
4000 Skirmishers/Archers (Recruit)
3000 Light cavalry (Recruit)
2250 Heavy cavalry (Recruit)
43 Catapults (Recruit)
40 Cannons (Recruit)

Forces that you can Call upon as The Grand Prince of the Rus:
12,500 Light Infantry (Experienced)
10,000 Heavy Infantry (Experienced)
12,500 Archers/Skirmishers (Experienced)
27000 Light Calvery (Experienced)
3000 Heavy Calvery (Experienced)
25000 Horse Archers (Experienced)

Forces under General Fulk:
10,000 light infantry(Experienced)
10,000 Skirmishers(Experienced)
20,000 heavy infantry (Experienced)
10,000 light cavalry (Experienced)
10,000 heavy cavalry (Experienced)

Generals of the Imperial Army:

General Fulk: Relation 75/100

John of Salerno: 60/100

Philip de Valois: 60/100

David of Glasglow: 60/100
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Domestic Lords and Foreign Contacts
Relation of the Russian Lords at 90/100

Domestic Lords of the Rus:
Duke Pietro of Crimea. Relation 70/100

Duke Viktor of Moskva. Relation 50/100

Lord Rodrik, Duke of Ruthenia. Relation 100/100

Anya of the Cossacks, Relation: 90/100

Domestic Lords of the Empire:
Alexander of House Europa: 100/100
Name: Alexander Karlson of the House of Europa

Age: 26

Health: 5.0

Titles: Emperor of Europa, General of the Imperial Army, King of Germany, King of Bavaria, Grand Duke of Saxony, Duke of Pomerania, Count of Berlin, Lord Protector of the Imperial Provinces and the Frontier, Head of the Order of the Dragon.


Diplomacy: 20

Martial: 18

Stewardship: 15



Personal Combat:16


Grey Eminence: You are an absolute master of diplomacy, the epitome of statesmanship having fully mastered the art of diplomacy. (+12 Diplomacy, +4 to intrigue)

Brave: You are utterly fearless on the battlefield and off it. (+2 to martial stat and +2 to diplomacy, +2 to Personal combat.)

Ruthless: You will do anything to accomplish your goals. (-4 to diplomacy, +2 to intrigue, martial and Personal combat)

Gregarious: You can talk like no one's business, and get people to fall in love with you with only your words. (+4 to diplomacy)

Deceitful: You were not what one would consider the trustworthy type. (+4 to intrigue, + 2 to personal combat -6 to diplomacy)

Attractive: You have a stunning visage and are a very handsome man. (+2 to diplomacy.)

Quick: You are brighter than most (+ 2 to all stats)

Skilled Fighter: Your skill in personal combat is well above the best-trained soldier in the empire. (+2 to martial. +8 to personal combat)

Domestic Lords of the House of Lords:
Lord Alexy of The Volga: Relation: 70/100

Foreign contacts: You have none.
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Is this European Empire similar to the Holy Roman Empire? Whereby states are in a loose confederation, nominally under the banner of the emperor. With the Emperor having limited power. Or is the Empire under tight control by the ruling dynasty? (Absolute monarchy)
Is this European Empire similar to the Holy Roman Empire? Whereby states are in a loose confederation, nominally under the banner of the emperor. With the Emperor having limited power. Or is the Empire under tight control by the ruling dynasty? (Absolute monarchy)
The Emperor is not an absolute monarch. While he/she has considerable power over military matters and has executive authority to pass edicts and sign laws that require his/her seal, the Emperor does not write the laws unless it is in extreme circumstances when the empire does not have time for bureaucracy.

There is a Parliment called the House of Lords that do that.

I can answer in more detail when the story properly starts.
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[X] The Tsar-Khagan
-[X] The Child of the Frontier
-[X] Vasiliy Aristov
-[X] Long dark blond hair and greyish eyes; usually clothed in furs.
-[X] 14
-[X] Male

Becoming a Russian Khan? Yes please. Should I add a patronymic and/or surname, or are those decided by you?
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[x]The Child of the Frontier: In the frontier of Russia, you step onto the throne of your father, a bastard who was chosen by the lords because there was no better candidate. 'The Mongols are coming', your father's dying words repeat themselves over and over in your mind. You remembered why you were alive… What the sacrifice of your father did to your family. And you would keep the vow you made to your dying father. You would kill them all. You were called 'Khan' by you captors as a mockery, that you were a leader of nothing. You would turn that insult into reality and become a great ruler. A ruler of everything. (Age must be between 4 to 14)

[x] Oleg Rostislavovich
[x] 14
[x] Male

Edit: huh... Same idea?
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[x]The Child of the Frontier: In the frontier of Russia, you step onto the throne of your father, a bastard who was chosen by the lords because there was no better candidate. 'The Mongols are coming', your father's dying words repeat themselves over and over in your mind. You remembered why you were alive… What the sacrifice of your father did to your family. And you would keep the vow you made to your dying father. You would kill them all. You were called 'Khan' by you captors as a mockery, that you were a leader of nothing. You would turn that insult into reality and become a great ruler. A ruler of everything. (Age must be between 4 to 14)

[x] Oleg Rostislavovich
[x] 14
[x] Male

Edit: huh... Same idea?
If it is a different vote, please put it under a different plan name.
Well, I don't see a point... they are the same, down to age. Only the name and the pic differs, and I am not particular about those.

[X] The Tsar-Khagan
[X]On Her Majesty's Secret Service: You were chosen to lead the Empire's secret service because you were the right person for the job. The enemies of the state knew nothing but whispers about you. You would destroy your enemies and the enemies of the state. You just had to be sure to handle it... subtly. (Must be older than 20)
[X] Charlotte de Sauve
[X] 25
[X] Female
[X]On Her Majesty's Secret Service: You were chosen to lead the Empire's secret service because you were the right person for the job. The enemies of the state knew nothing but whispers about you. You would destroy your enemies and the enemies of the state. You just had to be sure to handle it... subtly. (Must be older than 20)
[X] Charlotte de Sauve
[X] 25
[X] Female
Please come up with a plan name please.
[X] Femme-Fatale
-[X]On Her Majesty's Secret Service: You were chosen to lead the Empire's secret service because you were the right person for the job. The enemies of the state knew nothing but whispers about you. You would destroy your enemies and the enemies of the state. You just had to be sure to handle it... subtly. (Must be older than 20)
-[X] Charlotte de Sauve
-[X] Long blonde hair, innocent looking heart shaped face, staggeringly beautiful.
-[X] 25
-[X] Female
[X] Plan Oxfords, Not Brogues

[X]On Her Majesty's Secret Service: You were chosen to lead the Empire's secret service because you were the right person for the job. The enemies of the state knew nothing but whispers about you. You would destroy your enemies and the enemies of the state. You just had to be sure to handle it... subtly.

[X] Harry Hart


[X] 57

[X] Male

I couldn't resist. XD
[X] The Tsar-Khagan
In Mother Russia you no rule country, country rule YOU.
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*Sigh* This is what happens when I work a job that keeps me up past midnight.

[X] Plan: Alexander The Great

-[X]Heir to the Throne: Your Grandfather, His Imperial Majesty Phillip 'The Wise' is dead. Murdered in the Coup that killed many of your closet family. Europa has been devastated by the loss of their longest reigning sovereign, and many of the nobles fear that his death is just the beginning, and in the House of Lords in Berlin, they clamor for the new emperor of Europa to come to court and be coronated. And you did. (Age must be over 16 but younger than 30)

-[X] Alexander Karlson

-[X] Image:

-[X] 24

-[X] Male
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