32-21, including +10s on both Tenfold's Arash write-in and Golden Lark's Medea write-in.
Adhoc vote count started by defenestrator on Sep 3, 2017 at 9:56 AM, finished with 21396 posts and 43 votes.
Last edited:
[X] Arash.

Yeah, I underestimated just how fucked up Rostam is right now. I expected more numbness and going-through-the-motions, not seething cauldron of barely suppressed self-hatred kept at bay by turning up the dial on formal Magus to 11 and breaking off the knob. Seeing Medea or anyone emotionally demanding would not be a good idea. Arash though is apt to be undemanding in that regard while also having the sensitivity to avoid prodding Rostam and can provide the valuable data that Rostam can glom on to with his analytical side to distract himself from the raw turmoil inside.
Ouch. That was raw. Rostam took to the situation even worse than I thought he would.

Good to know about the potential for subverting Atalanta though - at most we get an additional party member and put more stress on Jason because now he's fighting against more of his old friends, at worst Atalanta dies, putting stress on Jason and potentially doing some damage to the other enemy Servants. Tauropolos explicitly does attacks of A-Rank, irregardless of Atalanta's strength, so that's potentially one life off of Herakles. We should get around to learning how many, if any, lives he lost in that melee.

Tenfold's made yet another good argument. Though I'm tempted to vote Astolfo, since he had an exchange with Herk, and also we could learn what other Noble Phantasms he has. Hippogriff, I assume. Pollux got pretty battered,and I'd like to know his Noble Phantasms, but I think it'd be preferable if our first proper interaction wasn't when Rostam was boiling over with barely-concealed self-loathing. Penthesilea, while a Servant I really want in our party, almost solely from her portrayal in F/GO, is also a no-go. Blackbeard - maybe.

All these high quality Servants - damn you Zerban. Where's the paid DLC for extra conversation opportunities, so we can bond with more Servants?

[X] Arash.
D'Aww. That's really swee-

I feel like 'Rostam you utter twit' can sum up half of his social interactions in this thing

I mean he's gotten waaaaaaaaay better at social since he joined Chaldea but every now and again there's still that moment someone needs to cram a sock in his mouth, then again we all have those days I feel.
¥1,980 per extra conversation slot.
Do you accept omakes and art as payment I'm broke as shit.
[X] Arash.

No such thing as a wrong time to talk to Arash. NOBODY TAKE THAT AS A CHALLENGE.
Adhoc vote count started by FeigningGrey on Sep 3, 2017 at 11:39 AM, finished with 21406 posts and 48 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by FeigningGrey on Sep 3, 2017 at 11:46 AM, finished with 21407 posts and 48 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by FeigningGrey on Sep 3, 2017 at 12:14 PM, finished with 21410 posts and 51 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by FeigningGrey on Sep 3, 2017 at 1:12 PM, finished with 21416 posts and 55 votes.
As an incentive to our Amazon voters, if Medea wins this vote and Penthisilia is still an option next vote, I'll toss out a write-in for her!
Arash Social Link:
Pro: Useful insights, probably won't make Rostam sink into an angst coma, cool guy we'd like to get to know.
Con: It will be a literal miracle if he makes it to the end of the story without exploding in a heart-rending sacrificial ploy.

Medea Social Link:
Pro: Person we like in the middle of a fascinating character arc we'd love to be part of. Very knowledgeable, almost certain to have something beneficial for us.
Con: There is a not-insignificant possibility that she and zombie!Rostam will tear each other down rather than build each other up. Its a gamble.

Penthisilia Social Link:
Pro: We actually talk to her, hopefully? Probably has some ideas of what to do next.
Con: No idea what we're getting ourselves into. Could go great or utterly terrible.

Astolfo Social Link:
Pro: Assuming Marche is still alive, we might get to see her. Also, Astolfo might baffle Rostam into a less-destructive headspace, and his loot pile is delicious. Also, Stheno was last mentioned as being on his hippogriff, so he probably knows what happened to her. If Stheno survived, we might get to see her. Potentially very rewarding.
Con: Rostam likely won't react well at the moment to Marche's likely response to his current state. Or Astolfo's honestly. Stheno is undoubtedly not happy right now. A choice almost certain to be emotionally tumultuous and messy.
Pro/Con: Rostam could really use someone who isn't a Servant being invested in his wellbeing. He just wouldn't appreciate it. Also, Stheno could be good or bad for him. And Astolfo is... I don't even know how he'd affect Rostam, really.

From the perspective of a player, I like the choice of Astolfo. As a reader, I'd favor focusing on Medea's character arc now that we've had our first clash with Jason and the Princess. But as Rostam, mess that he is...

[X] Arash
[X] Medea

I accept Golden Lark's proposition!