Ouch. That was raw. Rostam took to the situation even worse than I thought he would.
Good to know about the potential for subverting Atalanta though - at most we get an additional party member and put more stress on Jason because now he's fighting against more of his old friends, at worst Atalanta dies, putting stress on Jason and potentially doing some damage to the other enemy Servants. Tauropolos explicitly does attacks of A-Rank, irregardless of Atalanta's strength, so that's potentially one life off of Herakles. We should get around to learning how many, if any, lives he lost in that melee.
Tenfold's made yet another good argument. Though I'm tempted to vote Astolfo, since he had an exchange with Herk, and also we could learn what other Noble Phantasms he has. Hippogriff, I assume. Pollux got pretty battered,and I'd like to know his Noble Phantasms, but I think it'd be preferable if our first proper interaction wasn't when Rostam was boiling over with barely-concealed self-loathing. Penthesilea, while a Servant I really want in our party, almost solely from her portrayal in F/GO, is also a no-go. Blackbeard - maybe.
All these high quality Servants - damn you Zerban. Where's the paid DLC for extra conversation opportunities, so we can bond with more Servants?
[X] Arash.