Yeaaaaah on one hand we were right about Rostam not being in the right state of mind for any sort of emotional resolution or comfort, but on the other I didn't at all realise just how badly he would take an attempt at it. On top of that, he's wound up tighter than a coil right now, so I'm really glad I didn't end up changing my vote for Medea. At least I think we got a bond up? Marian definitely seems to understand that Rostam isn't in the best frame of mind, and hopefully doesn't hold any hard feelings about it. I'm definitely going to hope we can apologise to her at some point, but currently I think Tenfold's right with his reasoning. It's not defusing the emotional bomb that is Rostam, it's just keeping it from exploding until he can go to Karna, because realistically at this point Karna seems like the only person who he actually wants to see. Though, I do worry with how hard he's treating himself, I can't tell whether he's hoping that Karna will be understanding and not blame him, or if he's hoping that Karna will blame him and validate all the toxic ideas that Rostam's ended up swimming in with what's happened. Considering how much Rostam's come to value Karna's words, it's a dangerous possibility that if Karna lashes out in anger that it'll hurt Rostam.

On the other hand, their one and only chariot lesson had Karna blatantly spell out to himself and Rostam that when Karna fucked up with Arjuna and the Nagastra, it was Karna's fault, because he made a mistake. Karna actively owned up to it and rejected it when Rostam tried to tell him it wasn't his fault and that it was only natural. Hopefully we get the same thing here, where even if he's hurt, Karna can recognise that it wasn't Rostam's fault and that he only really has himself to blame. It'll definitely be a very emotionally charged scene when they finally get to talk, and I'm really looking forward to it. I only hope that it'll be emotionally charged in a good way, rather than bad.

Oh, also, yeah. I think I made it clear that I don't think it's a good idea to go for Medea, so I might as well make it official and vote against it. Sorry Medea, I love you, but you're one of the last people Rostam needs to talk to right now.
[X] Arash
She looks at you, Asclepius' poultice doing almost nothing to hide the horrific severity of your burns, and she brings her hand to her mouth with a soft gasp. You can't imagine the full extent of how you must look, but you can guess.

She's already stepping forward. She's already reaching out to you to hold you and bring your head against her chest in pity-

D'Aww. That's really swee-

"I'm fine!"

Smack. The back of your hand jerks up and catches her square on the wrist, flinging her away from you the moment her fingertips brush your hair. She reels back as if you struck her on the mouth, eyes widening with shock. You hit her rather harder than you intended. But it must not have actually hurt, you're sure of that. Just shock.

You know, I have to wonder if that inferiority thing Rostam has with Servants will be explored in the fact that the guy he places atop a pedestal the most was one-shotted by a Servant, who Rostam proceeded to stonewall and beat half to death while exhausted, confused, angry, and in agony. I kind of hope it does get addressed soon, because it's really, really not healthy for Rostam to be thinking that he's nothing but a flea next to a Servant, any Servant.
I like how this vote is forming the thread into three camps.

Group 1: It is of utmost importance that we visit Medea and at least attempt at defusing the bomb that is her meeting with Jason and her former self.
Group 2: No, it is more important we focus on Rostam and prevent him from suddenly exploding in a burst of poorly repressed emotions.
Group 3: Look, we just wanna see the Amazon.

Rostam does not approve of your friend?Ship.
I like how this vote is forming the thread into three camps.

Group 1: It is of utmost importance that we visit Medea and at least attempt at defusing the bomb that is her meeting with Jason and her former self.
Group 2: No, it is more important we focus on Rostam and prevent him from suddenly exploding in a burst of poorly repressed emotions.
Group 3: Look, we just wanna see the Amazon.

Rostam does not approve of your friend?Ship.

Group 4: Our little Astolfo can't be this cute!
Look, Rostam clearly has the makings of the fine Berserker, and Penth will help him bring his potential out. They can even bond over how Greek heroes are such an assholes too! Jokes about it aside (never), we can use his newly acquired Mad Enhancement to differentiate Rostam from Galahad.
Clearly they can bond over unwanted attention from dicks who are aligned with the opposing side.

Yes, I will drag Rostam/Phantom into every subject I can. This is the power of a shipper!
And no, I'm not voting Elf Mom because I think Rostam can soothe her shattered heart or she can soothe his shattered heart or whatever.

My reasoning is more like....

There's never going to be an optimal time to visit Medea. This whole Singularity, we're outgunned and the enemy Servants push our Servants buttons just by existing and you throw in Karna almost dying, losing the Azoth Sword, Germamicus' symbiote....the fires are burning, the fires are going to keep burning, but I want to see Medea's Character Arc in the Oceanos Singularity, and to do that Rostam has to get within spitting distance of Medea.
PS: Radu tried to warn you people this was going to be dire, he gave you an out, you all voted to murder him. No sympathy for anyone :mad:
And no, I'm not voting Elf Mom because I think Rostam can soothe her shattered heart or she can soothe his shattered heart or whatever.

My reasoning is more like....

There's never going to be an optimal time to visit Medea. This whole Singularity, we're outgunned and the enemy Servants push our Servants buttons just by existing and you throw in Karna almost dying, losing the Azoth Sword, Germamicus' symbiote....the fires are burning, the fires are going to keep burning, but I want to see Medea's Character Arc in the Oceanos Singularity, and to do that Rostam has to get within spitting distance of Medea.
I actually picked Medea more or less because it IS ideal. She knows what he feels like, was put through the same wringer.
If anyone can get through his thick skull right now it's the Medea who accepted the painful truth.
[X] Arash

Tenfold's convinced me and the plot usually conspired for us to get the Blist Servants who beat the A-listers, anyways.
I actually picked Medea more or less because it IS ideal. She knows what he feels like, was put through the same wringer.
If anyone can get through his thick skull right now it's the Medea who accepted the painful truth.


"Received third degree burns on 70% of my body carrying my best friend/trusted partner/etc to safety as he lay dying in my arms, add to this miserable failure as I watch Stheno get nuked and I couldn't do a damn thing about it"....being just a little, Hell, being a whole lot torn up about that isn't exactly a sign of a thick skull?

"Received third degree burns on 70% of my body carrying my best friend/trusted partner/etc to safety as he lay dying in my arms, add to this miserable failure as I watch Stheno get nuked and I couldn't do a damn thing about it"....being just a little, Hell, being a whole lot torn up about that isn't exactly a sign of a thick skull?
Hyperbolic phrasing on my part, but a big part of this is that Rostam, while justifiably so, is still wallowing in his personal misery. Medea is well suited to getting through because she knows what that feels like.