I just want to talk to Penthesilia before her inevitable demise, at leat once...

On a side note, this chapter revealed some fun similarities between Atlanta and Enkidu. Both are wild(wo)men who enter society and have their Servant containers turned into berserk monstrosities that can't decide what animal they are by a jerk we'd like to punch but probably won't.

Hopefullywe get to keep the similarities going by adding "and gets freed by a stab from Rule Breaker".
Honestly the way I'm reading it (and I will admit it may not necessarily be the correct way, it's certainly not unbiased) is that Rostam is less blowing off steam than working himself into a sick, miserable, angry ball of helplessness. He doesn't really want to be having these conversations. He actively rejects any attempts to reach out and scorns any attempts at sympathy or pity as utterly unworth the effort. Overall he kinda transparently doesn't want to be doing this, he would rather be talking with Karna because Karna understands him in a way that nobody else seems to and the moment Rider's out of...ssssuuurgery? He's going to instantly rush to his side I'm pretty sure.

The issue with Medea is that Medea is prickly and somewhat standoffish by nature. Rostam and her talking is either going to be dead, sullen silence while they go through the motions of pretending to care what the other has to say or one of them bitterly/spitefully jabbing the other in a tender spot and it turning into a seething shouting match because they're both craving some kind of vent for the tension inside them. But a shouting match isn't going to relieve shit so much as give Rostam a new fresh way to wallow in the "this is shit and you're shit and you deserve this shit". I mean, like I said, Arash is far enough removed both personally and literally that there's not much real risk in things going nuclear. And that cold clarity is kinda essential for Rostam holding himself together right now.

Piling on the conflict isn't gonna be without consequences because right now Rostam is essentially the glue holding everything together. If he starts to crack Servants might straight up start fucking off or lone wolfing it. Especially considering that they were, first and foremost, loyal to Chiron or bound by distaste for someone on Jason's team. They don't really have any personal connection to us or camaraderie with us.

Not sure I agree with all your points but I do agree with your very nice description of Rostam's headspace right now. So thanks for articulating whats going on with him.

But Golden Lark did just do an excellent write in for Medea which acknowledges Rostam's bad mood and I think that deserves some recognition so I'm staying the course for now.

Formally changing vote to Golden Lark.
[X] Medea.

What was that command seal used for again?

Getting to the surface with Karna, apparently.

[X] Arash.

I'm down with Tenfold's logic, talking to Medea in this state is a terrible idea. It's just going to lead into this terrible, explosive one-upmanship contest of 'no, I have the most terrible situation here, no-one understaaaaands'
We need some more cheerfulness and accepting who we are, IMO, and he is generally a treasure, so.

[X] Astolfo
I have my doubts on Rostam receiving that treatment well...
She looks at you. The way she looks at you makes your jaw tighten and your guts draw up into a tangled, fist-sized knot. A Servant should not be looking at you like that. A Servant has no right to look at a human being with... with knowing pity, like a comrade in suffering. The least Servant in all of history still has the right to look down upon you like no more than a flea.
She's the only one likely to NOT set him off right now, because everyone else is going to be saccharine-sweet nice, and he can't handle that right now.
I am not sure our captain and amazon are capable of being saccharine. I don't think them being too nice is likely to be the problem that conversation.
"Oh, you are sad you failed to save your boytoy? Come back when you've killed your loved one with your own hands, then you have something to cry over."

... Of course, now I have the mental image of Blackbeard and Penthesilea giggling together like schoolgirls, so I'm just gonna walk away with a silly smile.
I have my doubts on Rostam receiving that treatment well...

My knowledge of Astolfo is limited and comes from either aired episodes of F/A or this quest, but from what I've seen he is not going to be too touchy feely and more of..encouraging? I dunno, I do not feel he's going to trip same "too much pity i do not deserve it i feel guilty about being secretly relieved and do not want to face it so i hide behind anger" flags Marian did.

@TenfoldShields , you are quite knowledgeable about this quest IIRC, what can you say about possible conversation with Astolfo?

Edit: come to think of it, have anybody ever seen Tenfold and Zebran in the same room?
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I have my doubts on Rostam receiving that treatment well...

Yeah that's primarily my problem with the Astolfo option to be honest. Astolfo is a funny, quirky guy, he's the comic relief with a bag of holding full of goodies and a cosplaying pirate outfit and Rostam's doesn't appear to be in the mood for that sort of thing right now.

As Tenfoldshields said he feels more like he's going through the motions and as this last response showed doesn't really react well to someone trying to show sympathy or do anything other than lay down facts and provide practical suggestions on what to do next right now. I'm okay with the Medea path largely because Golden Lark did a write in which acknowledges Rostam's bad head-space and works it into why he's talking to her.

That and I think Astolfo is tied to Marche at this point and I don't want to see Rostam blow up in front of his de facto apprentice. Marian's got enough experience/sympathy/understanding to take that I'm less sure about Marche.
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[X] Penthesilea

Come on, Rostam needs to harness his hate, his rage and all of self-loathing into power to murderize the fuck out of Bellerophon for ruining his plans.

Also, Penth won't hesitate to slap him around if he gets stupid, but will appreciate his clinical approach, I think.
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I disagree. It's less a matter of 'pretending to care' and more they will have a dry, professional conversation.

I mean...Rostam's wearing the skin of his professional, methodical persona like a slasher movie monster wears the face of his victim. Stretched too thin, starting to tear, and it's more grisly than really winning. Honestly these choices are less "socialize and work shit out" as much as it is "try to keep the emotional bomb from Actually Exploding until Karna wakes up". Like everything about the internal narration is just hammering home that Rostam's furious and self-disgusted, utterly contemptuous of what he did and how he's even feeling. If he felt like he could tell everyone to fuck off and leave him alone he probably would.

And Medea's just coming off of seeing Jason again and shooting her younger self in the face. We're straight up not equipped to be the kind of sounding board she needs right now and she's going to get frustrated when we're (somehow) less socially capable/sensitive than we are normally.

We need some more cheerfulness and accepting who we are, IMO, and he is generally a treasure, so.

I'm 90% sure Rostam might start actually beating Astolfo to death with his nearest frying pan. But honestly the concern is less "talking to Astolfo" and more "what if Marche is with him." 'Cause let's face it she probably is. :V

And given how dire the Marian convo was Marche is all but guaranteed to be worse.

Beyond that I thiiiiiink...I mean honestly Astolfo really isn't the worst choice. He's likely going to recognize that Rostam's in pretty bad shape but Rostam doesn't really take him seriously so any attempt to cheer him up is going to run into that bona fide Magus contempt. But I don't think Astolfo is the type to not try. So it's mostly going to be an increasingly strained Paladin doing his best to make Rostam smile while Ros does his best Rami Malek crackhead stare and Marche is just increasingly /concerned.

But Golden Lark did just do an excellent write in for Medea which acknowledges Rostam's bad mood and I think that deserves some recognition so I'm staying the course for now.

o i c

You ought to talk to Luvia, dissect the results of the skirmish together. Stretch it out on the table and poke through its guts. She's your...second in command? Strategic support? Heh it doesn't really matter, it's not really important. What's important is that you review the battle on the beach while the details are still fresh: the initial engagement, the chaotic clash, the devastating reversal. What's important is that you inform Chaldea as to the changing conditions and the disastrous first engagement.

You ought to talk to Marche, she's your apprentice, your student, your scion. She's likely badly rattled, potentially in the midst of a crisis of confidence. Such things are lethal, dealing with them is your responsibility. It's absolutely critical that she see you as...as you saw your father heh. Aloof and calm and in absolute control. It's critical that she see how a Magus comports themselves even in the face of a catastrophic setback. Failures happen, you understand this intellectually. She should too.

Seconds tick by. Minutes. You stare at the wooden wall of your cabin, tracing the grain of the aged planks. Following the whorl of a darkened knot just across from the cot. Below you the ship rolls, creaking and groaning. A thousand little sounds chewing at the edge of your hearing. You make to grip the edges of your bed before you catch yourself. Gingerly you stand, awaiting the pain as charred skin strains and starts to crack. Quietly, clinically, relieved that it doesn't.

...Who would have had the best position to see the battle? The Archers, obviously, your brain supplies. Simple question, simple answer, all the other Servants were either in the thick of things or otherwise occupied. And you've already spoken to the one, as utterly unhelpful as it was. Pure diligence requires that you speak with the other. It'll be grand won't it? Arash seems the aloof, disinterested sort. He'll talk. You'll listen. And he doesn't know you enough to care to do anything else.
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On one hand, Tenfold is on point as always.

On the other hand, Astolfo is a cute and would, in theory, be grand addition to Chaldea due to being so personable. And having a giant pile of loot.
And I just want more of him in the story, okay?

I will think more about it.
[X] Arash.

Hopefully since one of Rostram's big problems with Marian's sympathy was that he thought her fictional that if Arash gives any sympathy the emotional blast will be lessened. Also Arash knows something about doing his duty, he killed himself doing it for god's sake, so that's a point of similarity which could mean he'll keep this conversation professional.

Also please no Astolfo I don't want him to dress like a women or go to the moon to bring us back to sanity, especially the former.:p
[X] Arash

I agree with Ten, Rostam is not in any headspace to deal with any sort of emotion whatsoever. Niceties or salt, he's going to lash out because he's raw and he's struggling to deal with these feels that he's probably never had to worry about like this up to this point. He can't handle his emotions right now, as cheesy as it sounds, and having to deal with them with anyone else is not something he wants to deal with, I think. Considering that Marian tried to reach out and was harshly rebuked, I doubt that he would react to a raw and bitter Medea any better.

So when any kind of emotion elicits a bad response, you disregard it entirely. Let time heal that wound, and focus on a complete absence of feels. Staying alone and stewing may be the best way to do that, but since Rostam won't let him do that Arash is the next best option.