So due to Zerban calling the vote Marian is first up on our talk to list. Out of respect for the runners up/near winning vote what do you say we agree to vote for Medea next unless something specifically comes up?
Because I agree with @Golden Lark 's excellent points, Medea is someone who should be a high priority here.
Hmm an idea occurs, @Golden Lark this may be overstepping the bounds of propriety and if so I apologize but maybe you could consider starting on a write in for the Medea option? You could submit it after Zerban posts the next chapter making whatever adjustments are needed.
Write in's have a fair bit of sway in this quest and you have submitted a few good ones over the course of this story that sadly haven't been used. With some prep time I'm sure you could come up with something good.
The challenge there is the quantum nature of her current status. "Go to Medea" isn't exactly a strong platform to extrapolate on.
We don't know what kind of state she's in, and it would more or less have to be two shot-in-the-dark write-ins together, each accounting for how we might find her. And beyond my two guesses above, I might be totally wrong and there's another unexpected state she's in where my ideas don't apply.
Generally I've only tried my hand at a write in when we are walking towards a situation with some knowledge.
The challenge there is the quantum nature of her current status. "Go to Medea" isn't exactly a strong platform to extrapolate on.
We don't know what kind of state she's in, and it would more or less have to be two shot-in-the-dark write-ins together, each accounting for how we might find her. And beyond my two guesses above, I might be totally wrong and there's another unexpected state she's in where my ideas don't apply.
Generally I've only tried my hand at a write in when we are walking towards a situation with some knowledge.
Fair point. I suppose you could get together some thoughts from Rostam's perspective on the current situation leading into why talking to Medea should be what he does next, that way you can leave the actual finding Medea part to Zerban. Of course its ultimately up to you.
Marian. You know the least about her, don't even know her Noble Phantasm. She got the closest look at Atalanta's capabilities and survived. Best to start with her.
<Marian, I would like to talk to you at your earliest convenience.>
You can't see her of course, but you imagine you can still sense her do a double-take as she hears your voice. No answer comes over the link, but a moment later the Archer simply materialises in your room as if she were waiting there the entire time. You look at her. She looks at you. She's stitched up the claw-marks in both her clothes and her chest, looking to all the world as if she had escaped the battle unscathed. She looks at you, Asclepius' poultice doing almost nothing to hide the horrific severity of your burns, and she brings her hand to her mouth with a soft gasp. You can't imagine the full extent of how you must look, but you can guess.
"Regarding our stra-"
She's already stepping forward. She's already reaching out to you to hold you and bring your head against her chest in pity-
"I'm fine!"
Smack. The back of your hand jerks up and catches her square on the wrist, flinging her away from you the moment her fingertips brush your hair. She reels back as if you struck her on the mouth, eyes widening with shock. You hit her rather harder than you intended. But it must not have actually hurt, you're sure of that. Just shock.
She looks at you in silence. You look back in silence. It feels like a translucent lead blanket has descended between the two of you, snuffing out all sound and thought. That strange feeling strikes again, like some sort of serpent blindly squirming around in your numb guts. Marian overstepped her bounds and presumed too much, you were perfectly within your rights to rebuke her. Perhaps you were... a little harsh in doing so but still.
You wet your throat and swallow. "I am... fine," you repeat hoarsely. "At the time the pain was being suppressed by what I suspect was a combination of adrenaline and Galahad's own traits. When those wore off it was a shock to my system. Now I have been treated by Asclepius. I believe there was a topical numbing agent in the poultice he applied, and my Crest is automatically deadening certain other nerves to preserve function. I am not in pain."
Marian turns her face away slightly. Her hood hides most of her features, just like Medea. You don't know what expression she's making in response. The quiet stretches on for too long. The lead blanket is wrapping around your throat, squeezing the raw flesh, pinning the strained cords. Suffocating you. Fine. If Marian wishes to be unhelpful out of offence, you will remain silent until she offers something useful or leaves of her own accord. You have no patience for this today.
She meets your gaze again, her expression neutral. "I fought Atalanta," she replies at last. "She completely outclassed me of course, but thanks to Arash's help, her madness and her own propensity to save her strength for a final push I was able to read her somewhat. I believe that the Boar's pelt has not completely overwritten her. I think it is not only possible, but our best course of action, to somehow lure her into a situation in which Medea may strike her with Rule-Breaker."
"What is it that gave you this impression?" you ask. Neutral. Flat. Businesslike.
"Merely a feeling. Disregard it as you like," she replies in complete candour. "But I believe I am her opposite, in a way. Her legend is that of an abandoned princess emerging from the wilds and into civilisation - mine is that of a lady leaving civilisation behind to immerse herself in the wilds. It is my belief that I could impose that 'civilisation' upon her, draw her out of the wild madness of the Calydonian Boar and disorient her long enough for Medea to strike. If in her sanity she wishes revenge upon Jason then all the better."
"No, this is adequate information," you say. "The theory is sound. The difficulty is in separating her from Jason's other Servants long enough to execute the plan. It will likely have to wait until Pollux and Penthesilea are fully healed, ideally once Karna has recovered as well."
She opens her mouth. She closes it again.
"Is there a problem?" you ask.
She looks at you. The way she looks at you makes your jaw tighten and your guts draw up into a tangled, fist-sized knot. A Servant should not be looking at you like that. A Servant has no right to look at a human being with... with knowing pity, like a comrade in suffering. The least Servant in all of history still has the right to look down upon you like no more than a flea.
"I know what it feels like," she says at last.
"No you don't." The words spill out like acid, burning your lips as they pass, unable to be taken back. Your burned fingers twitch and tremble.
She raises her right hand and bites down on her fingertips, tugging the glove off. The soft leather comes away easily, dropping from between her teeth and into her waiting left.
It looks like the hand of a corpse. Half-rotted and discoloured, mottled and grey-black. Only her thumb, her lesser and her ring fingers escaped the ravages of whatever did this to her without withering away to the bone. She wordlessly adjusts her grip on the glove and tugs her sleeve up further, exposing her wrist and forearm. The corruption extends further, seemingly following the cephalic vein all the way up to the outer side of her bicep. It seems only a miracle could have neutralised such an all-consuming toxin before it reached her heart.
"The name I was given at birth is Matilda Fitzwalter." She looks down at her revealed hand pensively, turning it slightly this way and that as the memories return to her. "I was seventeen when King John invited me to join in at the May Day festivities he was hosting. He saw to it that I was crowned the May Queen of course, but through it all there was this... one man." She smiles slightly at the memory. "Anything and everything a young girl could want. Dashing and charming, so skilled with bow and sword he put every other competitor to shame."
She looks down at her hand, palm facing the floor. At the ring of especially deep scarring just past the knuckle on her index finger. Her face grows solemn.
"I would have been mad to refuse the king but I did. I ran from him and I told my father of his advances. My father was furious. I would... hah I would explain but I suspect you understand my place in history now?"
Matilda Fitzwalter, daughter of Baron Robert Fitzwalter. Leader of the twenty-five barons that rose up in rebellion against King John for his abuses of power and forced him to sign the Magna Carta, the document that would become the first step on the road to the death of monarchy.
"The King sent me a gift," Matilda goes on. "Something to show that there was no bad blood between us, something to apologise for his treatment of me. And I... the naive girl that I was, I believed him. It was the most beautiful ring I had ever seen, a signet ring with my father's seal, a sign that I was a worthy daughter. The band was poisoned."
She turns her palm up once more, unconsciously tracing the path the poison took as it tore through her body. "I was in my carriage when I first put it on. All I remember after that was... running, mad and blind, through the forest while my arm rotted away."
She cups her scarred hand in the other, the slight smile returning. "And that was where he found me again. Delirious and dying but he found me, and he took me in. I became Maid Marian rather than draw more attempts on my life, and he trained me to be one of his band. To be what I am now."
She takes a long, slow breath and silently pulls her glove back on, masking the withered and poisoned flesh. Adjusting the fit until it's just so once more. She curls the hand into a loose fist and raises it to her chest, bowing her head until her lips hover just a few inches from the knuckles. Peering out at you from within the shadows of her hood.
"I do know what it feels like," she repeats with a sad smile. "To love something like the sun, so distant and glorious that it seems like your own deeds are paltry fires in comparison to its brilliance-"
"You forget yourself."
The words are no less harsh or venomous than the slap, but she weathers them far more easily. The look she gives you is so patient, so knowing, it makes you sick. You want to shout at her. You want to order her to stop saying such things, by force if you must. You glance down at your arm reflexively, as if to check how much of a waste of resources that would be.
Three Command Seals left. You could have sworn you had four before.
Your arm. That curious tingling. A Command Seal must have activated instinctively, given you the strength to reach the surface again despite the leaden weight dragging you back down to the depths. You want to laugh. You want to break something. You want to do both and neither. A Command Seal wasted, with nothing to show for it but Karna being little more than dead. Your left hand begins to curl into a first. You remember Asclepius' poultice at the last moment, force the fingers to slacken. Change the subject. Ask for more information. Contextualise the mystery of 'Marian's' nature, that's a puzzle you can grapple with for a decent while.
"Then who are you?" you ask. "What are you? Matilda, Marian, or the Queen of May?"
"I'm the one you can trust when she says she won't run," she replies simply. "The one you can trust when she says that you won't either. That has a quality all of its own, imperfect replicas we may be. At least, I would like to think so."
You're not sure what to say to that. So you say nothing at all.
Noble Phantasm(s):
The Yew Bow - Supplication and Accord: D-
Everyone who carried the title of Robin Hood was to carve their own bow from the wood of a sacred tree, and in doing so it would be blessed by the tree's poison. They say that to train a longbowman you must start with his grandfather, and lacking such a background Marian was formed to restrict herself to a shortbow, and a shortsword to match. Both weapons are impregnated with poison, the dose intensifying with each consecutive strike.
The Faceless Queen - Paired Monarchs of May: C
To truly hold the title of Robin Hood, one must be able to work the magic within Sherwood Forest. Each carries the mantle of the Faceless King, a cloak which is connected to the holy forest's beating heart. Marian, however, has another focus for her druidcraft. This manifests as a crown of flowers, chained together and awarded to the May Queen.
Activated by pulling back her hood beneath an open sky, Marian harnesses the power of Spring. The sun will shine down no matter the time or weather, plants springing to life beneath her feet from even the most lifeless of earth. In this state her druidic works are greatly enhanced, cast at the speed of 'single actions' and powerful enough to pierce all but the highest grade of Magic Resistance. Additionally she will regenerate rapidly from any damage suffered, wounds bleeding sap and healing over with roots and bark. However such healing runs the risk of upsetting the delicate balance between the Heroic Spirit Matilda Fitzwalter and the more divine idea of the May Queen, and overuse of her powers in this state may lead to irreversible erosion of her Servant container.
She lets out a self-effacing little laugh. "Look at me, making this all about me." Marian shuffles a little closer, seeming to master the urge to reach out and touch your shoulder only at the last moment. You don't back away, but you feel yourself tense at her closeness.
"Well... Asclepius has done what he can, and I see nothing I can add with my own skill," she goes on after a moment's pause. "And for what it's worth I believe Karna will recover too. I think he would be proud to see what you did to save him."
If you'd saved him he wouldn't be in this position. If you'd saved him Bellerophon would be dead and Karna would be right here having a different conversation with you about how to kill Heracles or Achilles or all of the above. Instead you have Marian giving you platitudes.
"Thank you," you say. It isn't very sincere. She doesn't seem to mind. She takes a single step back, sketching a half-wave, and vanishes once more. The glittering blue particulates of her once-solid form flit through the door and you're alone again.
You're alone again.
Still time until Asclepius calls for you. You should talk to someone else.
She looks at you in silence. You look back in silence. It feels like a translucent lead blanket has descended between the two of you, snuffing out all sound and thought. That strange feeling strikes again, like some sort of serpent blindly squirming around in your numb guts. Marian overstepped her bounds and presumed too much, you were perfectly within your rights to rebuke her. Perhaps you were... a little harsh in doing so but still.
"I do know what it feels like," she repeats with a sad smile. "To love something like the sun, so distant and glorious that it seems like your own deeds are paltry fires in comparison to its brilliance-"
"You forget yourself."
The words are no less harsh or venomous than the slap, but she weathers them far more easily. The look she gives you is so patient, so knowing, it makes you sick. You want to shout at her. You want to order her to stop saying such things, by force if you must. You glance down at your arm reflexively, as if to check how much of a waste of resources that would be.
Three Command Seals left. You could have sworn you had four before.
There's a couple of reasons: 1. Arash had a commanding, literally eagle-eyed, view of the battle and can give us a comprehensive breakdown of how it all went South, 2. Arash has Something Fucky going on and this weirdly clinical air to him that Rostam might appreciate, 3. He's by all indication something of a loner by nature (and a sarcastic motherfucker) so I doubt he's going to try and push Rostam's buttons or get super chummy or personal or anything.
4. He's just kinda cool and I want to talk to him more.
Edit: Man though I would actually strongly recommend against talking to Medea because both her and Rostam are the kind of people who get super prickly and reflexively abrasive when they're rawed up and they're both pretty raw right now. After that pretty fucking dire exchange with Maid Marian who's sweet and understanding and basically playing team mom here there's no way a redo with Medea won't go explosively bad.
Probably forcing Karna to stay alive while his guts cooked themselves from the inside out.
[X] Penthesilea.
Man though, this sorta thing was always going to be... inevitable? Like, it was bound to happen eventually I guess. Up until now Rostam and co. have basically palled around through history and have never actually been beaten at anything. Things might have gotten super dire, like with Radu, or the enemy might have gotten away, to be beaten later on, but they've never ever trounced the Chaldeans like this.
Rostam's a magus, and the heart of that is convincing yourself that what you want is how it will be, which is sort of how he seems to approach tactics. He might acknowledge that if they lose then history will get deleted, but he doesn't acknowledge what losing might mean in the short term.
That, and Karna's state especially, is going to be a blow to that, and while he's going full hedgehog, he's also casting around for some sort of surety. It'll have to be one of the others, because if it doesn't then that means it will have to be Galahad.
Everyone who carried the title of Robin Hood was to carve their own bow from the wood of a sacred tree, and in doing so it would be blessed by the tree's poison. They say that to train a longbowman you must start with his grandfather, and lacking such a background Marian was formed to restrict herself to a shortbow, and a shortsword to match. Both weapons are impregnated with poison, the dose intensifying with each consecutive strike.
The Faceless Queen - Paired Monarchs of May: C
To truly hold the title of Robin Hood, one must be able to work the magic within Sherwood Forest. Each carries the mantle of the Faceless King, a cloak which is connected to the holy forest's beating heart. Marian, however, has another focus for her druidcraft. This manifests as a crown of flowers, chained together and awarded to the May Queen.
Activated by pulling back her hood beneath an open sky, Marian harnesses the power of Spring. The sun will shine down no matter the time or weather, plants springing to life beneath her feet from even the most lifeless of earth. In this state her druidic works are greatly enhanced, cast at the speed of 'single actions' and powerful enough to pierce all but the highest grade of Magic Resistance. Additionally she will regenerate rapidly from any damage suffered, wounds bleeding sap and healing over with roots and bark. However such healing runs the risk of upsetting the delicate balance between the Heroic Spirit Matilda Fitzwalter and the more divine idea of the May Queen, and overuse of her powers in this state may lead to irreversible erosion of her Servant container.
So it turns out all the Servants we brought were sunshine babies in one way or the other. I am looking forward to when Jason inevitably steals the sun away from Apollo and pulls it behind the Argo.
[X] Penthesilea.
The only reason for this vote is that we haven't seen her yet and I very much want to.
Man though I would actually strongly recommend against talking to Medea because both her and Rostam are the kind of people who get super prickly and reflexively abrasive when they're rawed up and they're both pretty raw right now. After that pretty fucking dire exchange with Maid Marian who's sweet and understanding and basically playing team mom here there's no way a redo with Medea won't go explosively bad.
While I can see where your coming from and I agree than Rostam isn't in the best headspace now I do feel the need to point out that Medea has a fair bit more shared experience/history with Rostam than Marian at this point.
She was literally the first Servant he made an effort to win over to Chaldea's agenda, he's consistently gone out of his way to interact with her: to see if she's allright, to take her out to a night gaming, to push things with the higher ups to give her a chance. Marian is a very nice character but we haven't know her half as long.
I may be overplaying things I fully admit that and letting my interest in the character of Medea push me to vote for interacting with her when Rostam should be taking a few easy non confrontational servants. I can be swayed on this issue.
The last of your breath leaves you in a sob. Your vision's nothing but hissing white bubbles and black shadows. You don't know how far from the surface you are. You don't know if you moved at all. Even the writhing sapling in your arm feels so far away. Your left arm buzzes. You're passing out. Your body forces you to breathe and stinging, choking, acrid saltwater rushes into your mouth and nose. Fills your lungs. You curl and hack and cough and only draw in more. You're going to die. The greatest heroes of Greece at Jason's beck and call and it's the sea that kills you.
On some level, you know that you are not emotionally fit to weather empathy and concern. You encapsulate Marian's revelation and kindness in your mind. You set it aside. Later, when the madness is done, later you will apologize. Later, when your self-hatred is only at a mild burn. You even ruined her little game with you about figuring out her true name.
For now, you need to speak to someone who won't spare your feelings with needless pity. Someone who is quite possibly more emotionally invested in the current clusterfuck than you are - who was from the very beginning. Someone who already demonstrated her ability to speak in clipped, professional tone right before the fighting started.
You can think of two ways your encounter with Medea is about to begin. She will either be running on artificial professional autopilot as you are at the moment, or she will be a listless emotional wreck, like you honestly feel at the moment. Either way, you're pretty certain your mind state is resonating with hers regarding this situation. If she is up and about, you will get her read on the situation and make every effort to assist her in whatever preparations she may require; this is her home ground, her legend's ending, and her own doppelganger. There is no one present with more insight on this situation than she.
If she is not up and about . . . then perhaps you will find a soul to commiserate with, before you likely talk her into action . . . or cursing you, even odds today, you'd say. Not like you don't deserve it.
Even if she had no grand plan, she's one of the greatest makers of medicine known. She can be of assistance in getting everyone back on their feet (if she hasn't been doing so already). After all, the only useless one here at this exact moment is you.
We do need to talk to Medea, but we also need to continue making the rounds and meeting the others. Else we'll lose them at the end of the singularity.
While I can see where your coming from and I agree than Rostam isn't in the best headspace now I do feel the need to point out that Medea has a fair bit more shared experience/history with Rostam than Marian at this point.
She was literally the first Servant he made an effort to win over to Chaldea's agenda, he's consistently gone out of his way to interact with her: to see if she's allright, to take out to a night gaming, to push things with the higher ups to give her a chance. Marian is a very nice character but we haven't know her half as long.
I may be overplaying things I fully admit and letting my interest in the character of Medea push me to vote for interacting with her when Rostam should be taking a few easy non confrontational servants. I can be swayed on this issue.
Honestly the way I'm reading it (and I will admit it may not necessarily be the correct way, it's certainly not unbiased) is that Rostam is less blowing off steam than working himself into a sick, miserable, angry ball of helplessness. He doesn't really want to be having these conversations. He's all but explicitly doing it on pure reflex. And beyond that he actively rejects any attempts to reach out and scorns any attempts at sympathy or pity as utterly unworth the effort. Overall he kinda transparently doesn't want to be doing this, he would rather be talking with Karna because Karna understands him in a way that nobody else seems to and the moment Rider's out of...ssssuuurgery? He's going to instantly rush to his side I'm pretty sure.
The issue with Medea is that Medea is prickly and somewhat standoffish by nature. Rostam and her talking is either going to be dead, sullen silence while they go through the motions of pretending to care what the other has to say or one of them bitterly/spitefully jabbing the other in a tender spot and it turning into a seething shouting match because they're both craving some kind of vent for the tension inside them. But a shouting match isn't going to relieve shit so much as give Rostam a new fresh way to wallow in the "this is shit and you're shit and you deserve this shit". I mean, like I said, Arash is far enough removed both personally and literally that there's not much real risk in things going nuclear. And that cold clarity is kinda essential for Rostam holding himself together right now.
Piling on the conflict isn't gonna be without consequences because right now Rostam is essentially the glue holding everything together. If he starts to crack Servants might straight up start fucking off or lone wolfing it. Especially considering that they were, first and foremost, loyal to Chiron or bound by distaste for someone on Jason's team. They don't really have any personal connection to us or camaraderie with us.
Honestly the way I'm reading it (and I will admit it may not necessarily be the correct way, it's certainly not unbiased) is that Rostam is less blowing off steam than working himself into a sick, miserable, angry ball of helplessness. He doesn't really want to be having these conversations. He actively rejects any attempts to reach out and scorns any attempts at sympathy or pity as utterly unworth the effort. Overall he kinda transparently doesn't want to be doing this, he would rather be talking with Karna because Karna understands him in a way that nobody else seems to and the moment Rider's out of...ssssuuurgery? He's going to instantly rush to his side I'm pretty sure.
The issue with Medea is that Medea is prickly and somewhat standoffish by nature. Rostam and her talking is either going to be dead, sullen silence while they go through the motions of pretending to care what the other has to say or one of them bitterly/spitefully jabbing the other in a tender spot and it turning into a seething shouting match because they're both craving some kind of vent for the tension inside them. But a shouting match isn't going to relieve shit so much as give Rostam a new fresh way to wallow in the "this is shit and you're shit and you deserve this shit". I mean, like I said, Arash is far enough removed both personally and literally that there's not much real risk in things going nuclear. And that cold clarity is kinda essential for Rostam holding himself together right now.
Piling on the conflict isn't gonna be without consequences because right now Rostam is essentially the glue holding everything together. If he starts to crack Servants might straight up start fucking off or lone wolfing it. Especially considering that they were, first and foremost, loyal to Chiron or bound by distaste for someone on Jason's team. They don't really have any personal connection to us or camaraderie with us.
I disagree. It's less a matter of 'pretending to care' and more they will have a dry, professional conversation.
Medea is the one servant who might have something constructive for Rostam to do right now. Even if it's just a cursory glance at his wounds, handing him a vial, and saying "Drink this."
She's the only one likely to NOT set him off right now, because everyone else is going to be saccharine-sweet nice, and he can't handle that right now.