[X]Kindly inform his metabolism that it isn't the Stone Age - you can stop hoarding that fat now. Get some muscles instead.
[X]Fix his inefficient stomach and intestines they barely absorbs anything.
[X] do a general tone up with his body like improving his circulatory system fixing weaknesses in his bones cleansing his organs of any contamination and clean his lungs things like that.
-[X] Take your time it's much harder to fix any mistakes that you make on him.
[X]Kindly inform his metabolism that it isn't the Stone Age - you can stop hoarding that fat now. Get some muscles instead.
[X]Fix his inefficient stomach and intestines they barely absorbs anything.
[X] do a general tone up with his body like improving his circulatory system fixing weaknesses in his bones cleansing his organs of any contamination and clean his lungs things like that.
-[X] Take your time it's much harder to fix any mistakes that you make on him.
[X]Kindly inform his metabolism that it isn't the Stone Age - you can stop hoarding that fat now. Get some muscles instead.
[X]Fix his inefficient stomach and intestines they barely absorbs anything.
[X] Dramatically increase his growth and other related hormones,and make his production of said hormones seemly and nearly,but definitely NOT endless. Because it time this shrimpy shrub to become a mighty redwood.
[X] do a general tone up with his body like improving his circulatory system fixing weaknesses in his bones cleansing his organs of any contamination and clean his lungs things like that.
-[X] Take your time it's much harder to fix any mistakes that you make on him.
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[X]Kindly inform his metabolism that it isn't the Stone Age - you can stop hoarding that fat now. Get some muscles instead.
Prep for that American training
... Please don't mess with the growth hormones. That's... a pretty horrifically complicated system in terms of knock-off effects I'd really rather not touch.
Metabolism I'd argue is just as equally complicated. Yet I'd assume, based off the fact that it's an given option, we are skilled enough to pull it off without complications.
Sub-dermal armor can't be easy either. Gotta rework a lot of skin and capillaries and related systems.

I'd actually like a response from @Lindworm524 on what all we are allowed to do, both skill wise and total-action wise. Because I got the vibe that we are only allowed one, in which case all of these people's votes are invalid. But hey, no response yet to my earlier question.
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... Please don't mess with the growth hormones. That's... a pretty horrifically complicated system in terms of knock-off effects I'd really rather not touch.
We already messing his metabolism and other parts. Which is also horrifically complicated systems.:V

And besides,I want to challenge Tenko to a "Pokemon" battle.If you know what I mean.:ogles:
I'd actually like a response from @Lindworm524 on what all we are allowed to do, both skill wise and total-action wise. Because I got the vibe that we are only allowed one, in which case all of these people's votes are invalid. But hey, no response yet to my earlier question.
Will this suffice?
General rules apply, but the voting system I'm using is a bit different: you get one main action vote, and as many additional action write-ins as you can come up with. Additional actions are selected based on popularity, compatibility with the main action, and how interesting they are
And does it answered your question?
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[X]Kindly inform his metabolism that it isn't the Stone Age - you can stop hoarding that fat now. Get some muscles instead.
[X]Fix his inefficient stomach and intestines they barely absorbs anything.

I think this is complicated enough. Ramp up his metabolism, and boost his ability to digest. The more we add the more likely we are to turn Deku into some kind of blob.
[X]Kindly inform his metabolism that it isn't the Stone Age - you can stop hoarding that fat now. Get some muscles instead.
[X]Fix his inefficient stomach and intestines they barely absorbs anything.

I think this is complicated enough. Ramp up his metabolism, and boost his ability to digest. The more we add the more likely we are to turn Deku into some kind of blob.
I agree this is our only unreplacable friend
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We already messing his metabolism and other parts. Which is also horrifically complicated systems.:V

And besides,I want to challenge Tenko to a "Pokemon" battle.If you know what I mean.:ogles:

Will this suffice?

And does it answered your question?
Not exactly, because
I'm only offering minor changes to Izuku for now; he still has those pain receptors after all, and MC doesn't want to hurt him.
What counts as minor? Do a bunch of stuff that's otherwise minor turn into something major? And it's important to ask if Isama even knows how to do whatever. Most of those genetic things I mentioned might have never been discovered in this Earth, or she might have to get her hands on some save data with the difference in order to figure out what exactly needs to change. After all, she apparently found some stuff to improve her bone density in De-kun, which makes it rather questionable she knows the genetic tweak allowing for ultra bone density.
So guys on stuff we should probably try to find and incorporate I suggest getting a bloody Bullet Ant, Mianly because their poison is "OhgodwaAAAARRRGHHHH!" levels on incapacitating pain.
I mean minor as in not, say, cutting off his legs in order to regrow better ones. What they're intending to do is poke at a few things that they've already messed around with in their own body first, and so roughly knows how to fix when everything goes wrong.

About the additional and main actions... I think people are taking it as you get three choices, and maybe a few fringe benefits from the additional actions. What it's supposed to be is, now that the prologue bit's over and the basics of the quirk are laid down, the additional actions are going to be how to get new additions to the MC's available arsenal, any experimentation done, that sort of thing. Also, just anything you feel like doing in the story.

The main actions are only there to keep the plot moving, as in other quests I've noticed that it can get boring or escalate too quickly when it's entirely freeform.

Hope that helps, sorry if it doesn't make sense.
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Since we were told we can do multiple things, here's all the stuff I can think of
[X] Kindly inform his metabolism that it isn't the Stone Age - you can stop hoarding that fat now. Get some muscles instead.
[X] Myostatin in stupid, why should someone have to work for their muscles?
[X] His bones can use some toughening up, he can't fix them like you fixed your tail every time it broke. Luckily, you can do something very similar to the disease that gives weak bones, to give him strong ones!
[X] Improve his circulatory system and immune system allowing it to scrub his body of toxins much faster. Like Lactic Acid. Don't need heroes getting tired after running a couple dozen miles.
[X] With his permission, remove his need to sleep. It'll be a big lifestyle change, but will grant him eight more hours in the day to do stuff, and will keep him from getting tired when he really needs to do something.
[X] Fix his inefficient stomach and intestines they barely absorbs anything.

Additional Actions
[X] Get some Bullet Ants, and learn how they make their venom. Unlike the venom of your friends, Bullet Ant Venom is non-lethal allowing you to use it as a hero. Ah, you can already hear the bad guys screaming in pain.
[X] Maybe you should learn how to fight. There will probably be bad guys you can't just bite, so it'd be good to learn to punch them in the face. De-Kun probably could use practice getting used to his new body too.
[X] Stalk Investigate Bakugo. You want those stem cells, there has to be a way to get them. If all else fails, maybe you could blackmail ask him nicely.
[X] See if there's anyone else with interesting non-quirk physical adaptions.
[X] What would happen if you made yourself a second brain? Could you think doubly good?
[X] Protect your precious cinnamon bun, he can't survive being blown up like you.
[X] See if you can get a Darwin Bark Spider. It's silk is REALLY tough, and you could use it to weave a subdermal mesh which will, hopefully,make you effectively bullet and knife proof.
[X] See if you can expand your senses. Humans can only see three colors, how lame is that? And then there are all their other senses that are even weaker, leaving them effectively blind to the world compared to various animals and bugs. And don't get you started on the senses that people just straight up lack, like a platapus's electroreception.
[X] Geckos have super wall climbing abilities. You want that, so not only can you hang around on the ceiling, but you can give hugs that people couldn't ever get out of.

All of the Additional Actions I can think of. Anyone else got any ideas?
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[X]Kindly inform his metabolism that it isn't the Stone Age - you can stop hoarding that fat now. Get some muscles instead.
[X]Fix his inefficient stomach and intestines they barely absorbs anything.
Since we were told we can do multiple things, here's all the stuff I can think of
[X] Kindly inform his metabolism that it isn't the Stone Age - you can stop hoarding that fat now. Get some muscles instead.
[X] Myostatin in stupid, why should someone have to work for their muscles?
[X] His bones can use some toughening up, he can't fix them like you fixed your tail every time it broke. Luckily, you can do something very similar to the disease that gives weak bones, to give him strong ones!
[X] Improve his circulatory system and immune system allowing it to scrub his body of toxins much faster. Like Lactic Acid. Don't need heroes getting tired after running a couple dozen miles.
[X] With his permission, remove his need to sleep. It'll be a big lifestyle change, but will grant him eight more hours in the day to do stuff, and will keep him from getting tired when he really needs to do something.
[X] Fix his inefficient stomach and intestines they barely absorbs anything.

Additional Actions
[X] Get some Bullet Ants, and learn how they make their venom. Unlike the venom of your friends, Bullet Ant Venom is non-lethal allowing you to use it as a hero. Ah, you can already hear the bad guys screaming in pain.
[X] Maybe you should learn how to fight. There will probably be bad guys you can't just bite, so it'd be good to learn to punch them in the face. De-Kun probably could use practice getting used to his new body too.
[X] Stalk Investigate Bakugo. You want those stem cells, there has to be a way to get them. If all else fails, maybe you could blackmail ask him nicely.
[X] See if there's anyone else with interesting non-quirk physical adaptions.
[X] What would happen if you made yourself a second brain? Could you think doubly good?
[X] Protect your precious cinnamon bun, he can't survive being blown up like you.
[X] See if you can get a Darwin Bark Spider. It's silk is REALLY tough, and you could use it to weave a subdermal mesh which will, hopefully,make you effectively bullet and knife proof.
[X] See if you can expand your senses. Humans can only see three colors, how lame is that? And then there are all their other senses that are even weaker, leaving them effectively blind to the world compared to various animals and bugs.

All of the Additional Actions I can think of. Anyone else got any ideas?
Good plan changed my vote to it, Maybe see if we can't get maybe an Electric Eel, Platypus and a Gecko? Eel for electicity generation and resistance, Platypus for mainly it's electic sense thingy and the Gecko for it's bullshit climbing thing?
[X]Kindly inform his metabolism that it isn't the Stone Age - you can stop hoarding that fat now. Get some muscles instead.
[X]Fix his inefficient stomach and intestines they barely absorbs anything.
What do you think of my plan? There isn't a limit to how many things we can give him, so i don't see much reason to not give him everything.

Good plan changed my vote to it, Maybe see if we can't get maybe an Electric Eel, Platypus and a Gecko? Eel for electicity generation and resistance, Platypus for mainly it's electic sense thingy and the Gecko for it's bullshit climbing thing?
Eels dont have much resistance, they mostly just tough it out. If we want resistance, we can probably get some from that one guy at UA
Electroreception is among the abilities i was thinking for on the expand our senses bit, guess i should actually include a bit about senses people just flat out lack.
Good point on the gecko, there are so many uses for that than just wall climbing.
[X] See if you can get a Darwin Bark Spider. It's silk is REALLY tough, and you could use it to weave a subdermal mesh which will, hopefully,make you effectively bullet and knife proof.
This isn't worm, spider silk isn't bullet or knife proof. Kevlar isn't bullet or knife proof. It'll make it harder to scatter around our gibbly bits, I guess, which is a good use of our time, so it's a good idea in that respect, yes, but we're still going to have to receive unwanted invitations to stabtown.
Just going to mention that if you want this stuff quickly, you're going to have to add a method of how to get it :D

Hopefully I'll finish the interlude chapter later today...
This isn't worm, spider silk isn't bullet or knife proof. Kevlar isn't bullet or knife proof. It'll make it harder to scatter around our gibbly bits, I guess, which is a good use of our time, so it's a good idea in that respect, yes, but we're still going to have to receive unwanted invitations to stabtown.
Normal spider silk might not be, but types of it are. I didn't come up with the idea of a subdermal mesh, it's something people are working on, and it currently works against low grade bullets. For a being who creates abominations of nature for fun, it doesnt seem that hard for us to replicate.
Just going to mention that if you want this stuff quickly, you're going to have to add a method of how to get it :D

Hopefully I'll finish the interlude chapter later today...
Mail order. :p
I guess a important question is how much time is going to pass over the next update.
What do you think of my plan? There isn't a limit to how many things we can give him, so i don't see much reason to not give him everything.
Keep in mind again that we routinely and repeatedly screw up with our power.

The more limited the changes we make the more likely we get to see how the results settle out before eating Deku again for more upgrades.
Metabolic upgrades are relatively easier, because we have a very large sample size.
Keep in mind again that we routinely and repeatedly screw up with our power.

The more limited the changes we make the more likely we get to see how the results settle out before eating Deku again for more upgrades.
Metabolic upgrades are relatively easier, because we have a very large sample size.
We screw up rather big and complicated stuff. Like growing a new limb. What we are doing with De-kun is far simpler. Most of the things are simpler than the metabolism adjustment and we should have similarly big sample sizes. Metabolism is an entire system of checks and balances we have to rebalance. Myostatin is just flipping a switch from on to off.
Secondary hearts and better lungs (like bird lungs). We can't really make any changes beyond what we have already. Our circulatory system just can't keep up, this was basically all but thrown in our face in one update and I've suggested such changes at least twice now as well.
Hmm, people know of any good cellular energy resources we can try to replace our cellular respiration with, one not using oxygen? Because it'd be really handy to ditch our need to breath.