In the Beginning, There Was Man: Cosmic Dust

Stickied Info

My betas are: @Snowfire, @Icipall, @Ruirk, and @Chief18753. They will occasionally be announcing when moratoriums and voting times are over. You can also consider their words to be Word of QM if they say "Torr said..."

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[x] Plan Swiss Equality:
- [x] Direct Democracy
- [x] Xenophilic (1)
- [x] Curious (1)
- [x] Cultured (1)
- [x] Adaptive (1)
- [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Nix's Warden on Aug 27, 2017 at 9:07 AM, finished with 102 posts and 49 votes.

  • [x] Plan Swiss Equality:
    - [x] Direct Democracy
    - [x] Xenophilic (1)
    -[X] Curious (1)
    - [x] Cultured (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    [X] Plan Terran Federation:
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
    -[X] Curious (1)
    -[X] Traders (1)
    -[X] Paranoid (1)
    -[X] Ugly (-1)
    -[X] Manifest Destiny (1)
    [x] PLAN: Omnissiah's Mandate
    -[X] Theocratic Republic
    -[X] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
    -[X] Curious (1)
    -[x] Spiritual (1)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Ugly (-1)
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    [x] Plan Just because It's the End doesn't mean we have to be Crude about it.
    [X] Plan Best Humans
    [X] Stratified Democracy
    -[X] Psionically Fertile
    -[X] Adaptive
    -[X] Problen-Solvers
    [X] The Flower of the One
    -[X] Theocratic Republic
    - [x] Xenophilic (1)
    -[X] Curious (1)
    - [x] Cultured (1)
    -[X] Pacifistic (1)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Weird (1)
    -[X] Flashy (1)
    [X] Plan no stone unturned.
    [X] Stratified Democracy
    -[X] Curious (1)
    -[X] Flashy (1)
    -[X] Weird (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    [x] Plan Bite the Pillow (AKA Plan Fancy Dominatrix)
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[x] Attractive
    -[x] Duty's Burden
    -[x] Xenophobic
    -[x] Cultured
    -[x] Weird
    [x] Plan: Let's hide our swords behind our smiles.
    [X] Stratified Democracy
    [x] Plan Psionic Avenging Explorers
    [X] Stratified Democracy
    -[x] Militant (1)
    -[x] Psionically Fertile (3)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[x] Attractive (1)
    -[X] Curious (1)
    [X] Plan no stone unturned with guns
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[X] Curious (1)
    -[X] Flashy (1)
    -[X] Weird (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    [X] Plan Scared Survivors.
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[X] Blunt
    -[x] Weird
    -[X] Ruthless
    -[x] Duty's Burden
    -[X] Problem Solvers
    [X] Plan: Space Puritans
    -[X] Theocratic Republic
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    [X] Blunt (1)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Manifest Destiny (1)
    -[X] Traders (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    [X] Duty's Burden (1)
    [X] Plan Cult of Novelty
    -[X] Theocratic Republic
    -[X] Curious (1)
    -[X] Weird (1)
    -[X] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
[x] Plan Swiss Equality:
- [x] Direct Democracy
- [x] Xenophilic (1)

-[X] Curious (1)
- [x] Cultured (1)
- [x] Adaptive (1)
- [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
[x] Plan Swiss Equality:

Looks like my favorite is dead and everything similar is tied to dealbreakers.
Least objectionable plan time
I share the exact same sentiment. If Plan Swiss Equality does end up winning, all I really would have to say at this point is to wish the QM the best of luck with this.
Well we could always be as xenophobic and militaristic as possible in the quest, eventually contradict our original aspects and hopefully replace them, unfortunately the deal breaker of the plan (for me) is something we can't change easily. The Psionic normalness instead of commonality
We still have at least until Monday guys, we can come all together and vote for a compromise that gets at least some of what we all want instead of one that many of us don't want?
Paging @gutza1:
Can you please explain your Plan for a minute? I would like to know if there's anything more to it than what I read as I combing the posts involving it.

Since a culture can be have wonderful arts and literature and be quite welcoming, while being militaristic as well. As that was your main written complaint of other Plans.

If this read as me being rude and confrontational, I apologise and would like to state that that was not the case or intent. I'd just like to know.

Edit 2:
For that matter, for others, why the overwhelming focus on Psionic Powers?
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Maybe we can edit your plan slightly and compromise with some of the Swiss voters?
That's the only way I can see us winning against the Swiss plan.
Hmm, I'd like to vote for something that has weird in it and a winning chance as well. Probably too much to ask there at this point. :p
Well we could always be as xenophobic and militaristic as possible in the quest, eventually contradict our original aspects and hopefully replace them, unfortunately the deal breaker of the plan (for me) is something we can't change easily. The Psionic normalness instead of commonality

Psionically Barren means Universal Psionics tech isn't acquirable so even without the psionic fertility it should be acquirable at some point, and it wouldn't be easy to change other traits just possible through play.

Psionically Barren (-1) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Fertile, Locks Universal Psionics technology