In the Beginning, There Was Man: Cosmic Dust

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[x] Plan UltimatePaladin
-[x] Theocratic Republic
-[x] Weird (1)
-[x] Psionically Fertile (3)
-[x] Attractive (1)
Weird Humans*

[x] Plan Weird Humans
-[x] Stratified Democracy

-[x] Curious (1)
-[x] Weird (1)
-[x] Psionically Fertile (3)

[x] Plan Stratocracy
-[x] Military Republic
-[x] Manifest Destiny (1)
-[x] Ruthless
-[x] Psionically Fertile
Just because It's the End doesn't mean we have to be Crude about it*

[x] Plan Just because It's the End doesn't mean we have to be Crude about it.
-[x] Stratified Democracy
-[x] Curious
-[x] Cultured
-[x] Xenophilic
-[x] Vindictive
-[x] Psionically Fertile

Shaped like a Friend*

[x] Plan Shaped like a Friend
-[x] Stratified Democracy
-[x] Psionically Fertile (3)
-[x] Attractive (1)
-[x] Xenophilic (1)
Nice guys finish first!

[X] plan: Nice guys finish first!
-[X] Stratified Democracy
-[X] Curious
-[X] Traders
-[X] Attractive
-[X] Pacifistic
-[X] Manifest Destiny

What We Usually Do Anyways*

[x] Plan What We Usually Do Anyways
[x] Direct Democracy
[x] Curious
[x] Weird (1)
[x] Psionically Fertile (3)
Peace through Power

[x] Plan: Peace through Power
-[x] Military Republic
-[x] Curious
-[x] Paranoid
-[x] Traders
-[x] Slippery
-[x] Manifest Destiny
-[x] Psionically Barren
-[x] Logical

[x] Plan Democratic
-[x] Stratified Democracy
-[x] Manifest Destiny (1)
-[x] Cultured (1)
-[x] Psionically Fertile

Let's hide our swords behind our smiles.

[x] Plan: Let's hide our swords behind our smiles.
- [x] Military Republic
-- [x] Curious (1)
-- [x] Paranoid (1)
-- [x] Cultured (1)
-- [x] Militant
-- [x] Spiritual (1)
-- [x] Adaptive (1)
Psionic Avenging Explorers*

[x] Plan Psionic Avenging Explorers
-[x] Stratified Democracy
-[x] Militant (1)
-[x] Psionically Fertile (3)
-[x] Vindictive (-1)
-[x] Attractive (1)
-[x] Curious (1)

Swiss Equality

[x] Plan Swiss Equality:
- [x] Direct Democracy
- [x] Xenophilic (1)
- [x] Curious (1)
- [x] Cultured (1)
- [x] Adaptive (1)
- [x] Problem-Solvers (1)

Blue and Yellow Honor (w/ psychic powers)*

[X] Plan Blue and Yellow Honor (w/ psychic powers)
-[X] Direct Democracy
-[X] Duty-Bound
-[X] Weird
-[X] Psionically Fertile (3)
Humans: Do NOT Fight!†

[x] Plan Humans: Do NOT Fight!
-[X] Theocratic Republic
-[X] Weird
-[X] Paranoid
-[X] Duty's Burden
-[X] Slippery
-[X] Militant
-[X] Frugal
-[X] Ugly
-[X] Vindictive
Terran Federation*

[x] Plan Terran Federation:
-[x] Military Republic
-[x] Vindictive (-1)
-[x] Psionically Fertile (3)
-[x] Curious (1)
-[x] Traders (1)
-[x] Paranoid (1)
-[x] Ugly (-1)
-[x] Manifest Destiny (1)
Bite the Pillow

[x] Plan Bite the Pillow (AKA Plan Fancy Dominatrix)
-[x] Military Republic
-[x] Attractive
-[x] Duty's Burden
-[x] Xenophobic
-[x] Cultured
-[x] Weird
Ball of Contradictions

[x] Plan Ball of Contradictions
-[x] Military Republic
-[x] Weird
-[x] Frugal
-[x] Adaptive
-[x] Problem Solvers
-[x] Spiritual
-[x] Conservative
-[x] Vindictive
Cult of Novelty*

[x] Plan Cult of Novelty
-[x] Theocratic Republic
-[x] Curious (1)
-[x] Weird (1)
-[x] Psionically Fertile (3)
Space Puritans!*

[x] Space Puritans!
-[X] Theocratic Republic
-[X] Problem Solvers (1)
-[X] Blunt (1)
-[X] Vindictive (-1)
-[X] Manifest Destiny (1)
-[X] Psionically Fertile (3)

no stone unturned.

[X] Plan no stone unturned.
-[X] Stratified Democracy
-[X] Curious (1)
-[X] Flashy (1)
-[X] Weird (1)
-[X] Adaptive (1)
-[X] Problem Solvers (1)
Omnissiah's Mandate*†

[x] PLAN: Omnissiah's Mandate
-[X] Theocratic Republic
-[X] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
-[X] Curious (1)
-[x] Spiritual (0)
-[X] Vindictive (-1)
-[X] Ugly (-1)
-[x] Problem-Solvers (1)
-[x] Adaptive (1)

* Plan includes Psionically Fertile.
† Plan has unused points.
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Anywho, might as well explain the reasoning behind my plan based on what I know of the mechanics.

[ ] Plan Terran Federation:
-[ ] Military Republic
-[ ] Vindictive (-1)
-[ ] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
-[ ] Curious (1)
-[ ] Traders (1)
-[ ] Paranoid (1)
-[ ] Ugly (-1)
-[ ] Manifest Destiny (1)

The reason I chose Military Republic for the government type was because of the fact that it first and foremost offers a bonus to our planetary and naval warfare stats even at the expense of any strife generated. Speaking out of character for a moment, seeing as how the quest by Kaelor already dealt with some of the potential internal issues concerned with such a government type, I believe that the players would be much more able to construct suitable solutions to any internal problems that crop up due to some of them having already been solved.

When it comes to choosing Vindictive as a trait, I felt that the benefit of gaining an additional trait option was worth the potential diplomatic malus that it would incur. Sure, being vindictive would probably hamper our diplomatic efforts somewhat in that our agenda would partially be based around settling our debts and grudges, however if we make sure that we have the military and economic might to back up our threats and grudges, we should be able to avoid some of the potential downsides of things. Due to how the trait was worded and phrased, it makes sense to me that vindictive would make it so that we would incur strife penalties for any slights or grudges left unanswered. Problematic in that it might constrain our relations with other polities, but also something that we can work with. So long as we make an example out of any faction that earns our ire, we should be able to use that example as a warning to others, something that they will hopefully take into account when it comes to our interactions with them. Also, seeing as we will already be dealing with the militant trait due to the government type chosen, being vindictive on top of that doesn't really change much as diplomacy will likely the dump stat in this build. Again, while this malus may be somewhat constrictive when it comes to our options, I believe that so long as we can back up our threats, and be predictable to other factions, we should be able to deal with this trait since we are cognizant of it.

Psionically Fertile was chosen because I felt that the benefits of it were worth the high cost. While one of the downsides of it is that its effects won't be available until Psionic Theory is researched, I feel that we have either a good chance to get the tech outright at the beginning of the game, or at the very least have a bonus to researching it due to how the increased availability of the trait in the population would allow for easier research and access. As for the benefits it offers, having more psionics is always a benefit. When it comes to the military applications, its potential use as a force modifier for both naval and planetary warfare are obvious, whether military psionics are using their abilities to improve force cohesiveness or simply using it to blow stuff up. When it comes to the other aspects of psionics, unlike with biotics in Mass Effect, psionic powers do seem to have utility off the battlefield as well. Espionage for example becomes much more easy when you can use psionic agents to potentially read or control minds, while counter espionge is easier when you have psionics who can detect potential enemy spies. Economics will probably benefit from it as well seeing as psionics are common enough that some psionics are spared from military service enough to pursue a career in the private sector, where their numerous abilities no doubt allow them to gain an edge on the competition. Diplomatically of course, psionics would probably be very helpful. While we don't know exactly how psionic powers work in this setting, I don't think it would be a stretch to assume that a psionic can use their powers to understand others better, whether it be mind reading or simple empathic perception, both would be helpful when it comes to dealing with the envoys of other factions. All in all, while being psionically fertile may have a great cost, I believe that in the end said cost is worth it.

When it comes to the Curious trait, it's benefits are obvious. Curious is something that will no doubt enhance our technological research speeds, something that I am sure our AI companions will no doubt help with. Being able to out-tech our potential rivals and opponents is something that will always be useful, plus I feel that it fits somewhat thematically with the origin we have chosen. It makes sense that a polity like humanity to be curious, for that curiosity likely influenced humanity to create the AIs, as well as indulging that curiosity enough to follow through with the idea that the AI synthetics we created were not just servants but companions and sentients that deserved the same rights as us.

The benefit that come from the Trader trait are fairly obvious as well. This trait will likely give us an increase to our Economics stat as well as Territory. We will need to have a strong economy to support any of our endeavors, after all, researchers need to be paid, and colonies needed to be funded, and traders will give us a boost to our economic power by allowing us to be natural merchants.

When it came to Paranoid, it was honestly a toss up for me, in that I was juggling whether Paranoid would fit this build better or whether Adaptive would. At the moment I have chosen Paranoid, firstly because I wasn't sure if Adaptive was available at the time of creation, and secondly because I believed it fit the build plan I had in mind already. Paranoid from the text given to us is clearly a trait that will increase our military related stats though likely at the cost of our Territory or Economics stat. Seeing how I am still open to changing this out with Adaptive, I may as well speak about that as well. Seeing as I am the author of said trait, I believe that this trait has a lot of potential benefits. First and foremost adaptive will probably give us a bonus to our territory stat, due to humans being much more adept at surviving hostile planetary conditions. Secondly adaptive will also likely benefit our military due to how adept our soldiers are. For those who have an interest for my plan, feel free to chime in on whether I should switch Paranoid out for Adaptive.

The reason I chose ugly is not because I want our species to be reviled across the galaxy, but because it fit in with all of the other choices made so far. If it hasn't become clear yet, this build will likely have our diplomacy stat be our dump stat. With that being the case, I see no reason to try to make us more attractive to other potential species since we will likely suck at talking to them in the first place early on. Rather than trying to improve a stat that isn't likely to be a priority of ours, I thought it would be more useful to use the point garnered for taking this trait so as to use it gain another beneficial trait that will hopefully help us enough in the early game.

Finally the last trait I chose was Manifest Destiny. One of the reasons this trait appealed to me was because it felt like something that would fit us thematically. With the New Eden origin chosen it makes sense to me that the humanity from the other universe would want to expand, having already lost one homeworld and galaxy, they would probably wish to make sure to avoid such a fate again by spreading outwards and claiming the stars for themselves. Going from a galaxy spanning faction to a single world would no doubt be jarring for many of them, and it would make sense to me if some of them still felt like it was their birth right or mission to claim the galaxy for themselves. After all, they are the survivors of the ones who discovered how the universe will end. That fact alone would probably motivate them to believe that it is their duty to stop the end from occurring again, and to do that many will likely see that to do that they will need the resources of a galaxy. In terms of mechanics I believe that this trait will give us a bonus when it comes to our territory stat, since we are ever expanding, as well as our economics stat because with a boost to territory at the beginning of the game, that likely will also include a boost to developed territories and industry giving way to a powerful economy with many markets.

Altogether, I feel that my plan is one that will allow us to have a strong start at the beginning of the game. Considering how many of the points in the timeline seemed to have conflicts or potential conflicts raging, I felt it was necessary to choose a build that would give us a fighting chance of surviving it by both giving us an edge in research, as well as in pure military power through the many traits chosen. With our creation and coexistence with AI's I believed we would probably have a penalty when it came to diplomacy due to the many stigmas associated with AIs in science fiction, which is why I had diplomacy be our dump stat. When it came to the strife mechanic, due to how the initial rating was determined (PW + SW + Ec), I made a build to optimize our faction so as to have both strong scores in PW and SW, but also Ec as well. While our Economics score will likely not be too high initially, the territory focus will likely help with that in the long run due to how much industry and infrastructure we will have available to build on that. All in all, I feel like this build is something that will give us a strong start.
@Shark8 I haven't finalized Idealistic Determinators, actually-- I may be voting Swiss Equality and may not be using Xenophilia if I do go with my own.

ERK-- and I've gotta run until 4:00. See everyone!
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i used as an example, i think being psychically null will allow us to have defence from that kind of powers maybe we will act as blank, the would be great.
That's not how Psionically Barren works. It simply makes psionics extremely rare. If it made humanity immune to any psionic powers it would be a positive trait, not negative. If you want trait like that, write one and recommend it to torr.
Not sure, has it been 6 hours?
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tbh I'll probably vote for swiss equality
especially if we swap xenophilic for dutiful and "Swiss Equality" for "IKEA"
Psionically Null (0):
Not only do humans never naturally have psionic powers, they in fact weaken the psionic powers of those around them and disperse or negate any psionic effects that come within range of this effect. And, as humans gather in larger numbers, this effect increases in both strength and range, rendering planets and stations with sizable human populations psionically void. While this effect renders any psionic weapons or abilities used against humans ineffectual, it also prevents humans from directly employing and benefiting from such opportunities themselves. Furthermore, such an ability means that humans are a threat to psionic individuals at large and psionically fertile species as a whole. Lastly, even on neutral stations humans are expected to admit their presence and adhere to boundaries mandated in order to protect psion-dependent individuals and psion-involving processes from such an effect. Due to the hassle this results in, humans will often end up using their synthetic companions as intermediaries rather than deal with issues in person.
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A bit of explanation:

Ball of Contradictions Humans: Do NOT Fight!
  1. Military Republic
  2. Weird
  3. Frugal
  4. Adaptive
  5. Problem Solvers
  6. Spiritual
  7. Conservative
  8. Vindictive
  1. Theocratic Republic
  2. Weird
  3. Paranoid
  4. Duty's Burden
  5. Slippery
  6. Militant
  7. Frugal
  8. Ugly
  9. Vindictive
  10. (One unused point.)
BoC is intended to be (a) decently good all around, (b) modeling humanity's own somewhat contradictory nature, and (c) fun for @torrmercury to write.

Weird and Adaptive are both somewhat contradictory to Conservative, and to a lesser extent Frugal. Also, Problem Solvers dovetails nicely with Frugal. Spiritual is typically against Vindictive, and many of Earth's religions espouse a more peaceful mindset, which is contradicted by the Militaristic nature of our Military Republic.

Being Weird, Adaptive, Problem Solvers means that we have a unique way of looking at the world, are quick to adopt and apply new technologies, and good at finding new applications for old technologies.

Being Conservative and Frugal means we are good at keeping things working, as well as making things that last.
The point of Humans: Do Not Fight is not only being the biggest ass-kickers on the block, but being incredibly hard to fight at all, even with the deck stacked against them.

Weird and Slippery both are included to make it hard to win in a straightforward engagement. Duty's Burden and Militant combine to make the average soldier incredibly dedicated and steadfast in accomplishing the mission.

Paranoid helps against espionage, and disasters, while Frugal means that we get things done on-the-cheap. (It's slightly contradictory because the multiple redundancies mandated by Paranoid increase cost while Frugal means we cut costs where possible and "make do" with what we have on hand.)

Ugly and Vindictive are there mostly for point-boosts, but the psycological effect is nice: being physically hideous/repulsive means that we'll gain a battlefield advantage... and being Vindictive means that once we interact with another polity we can make use of "Once Bitten, Twice Shy".

Finally, Spiritual works well to give our people a sense of shared camaraderie beyond just culture and training.
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Hmm, maybe I should actually try to sell my Plan and explain myself...

Gimme a sec.
[] Plan: Let's hide our swords behind our smiles.
- [] Military Republic
-- [] Curious (1)
-- [] Paranoid (1)
-- [] Cultured (1)
-- [] Militant
-- [] Spiritual (1)
-- [] Adaptive (1)

So! What is "Plan: Let's hide our swords behind our smiles." exactly?

I believe that it is in fact the nature of humanity boiled down into one structure, one that could very well IRL help us break free from Earth.

Here's why:

Military Republic
I seriously wasn't kidding when I mentioned that some...if not all of our greatest civilizations were militaristic to extent or another. Life in the military teaches discipline and respect to one's superiors, but also instills a sense of brother/sisterhood and innovation (for the unorthodox units especially, why else are bored members of the military know?), it's that kind of attitude that needs to be taken out there into the stars. One that guarantees that every single colony or larger settlement that humanity founds has defenders.

This also helps in keeping track of the population as knowing that every single Citizen is going to join the military, you technically don't need to establish departments for census-taking as every Unit keeps track of their own, even after retirement.

Leaders who were once in the military also have an advantage, as they understand what the military needs and doesn't need, this kind of knowledge cannot in any way, shape, or form be overstated enough. Logistics is king. Especially at such a grand level as a star-spanning civilization. The fact humanity as a whole can mobilize as a cohesive military organization if need be is a massive bonus.

"Huh, I wonder..."

Those words are a powerful statement to humanity's most enduring trait, our need to know, to understand, to explore, to discover. Without this, who knows where we would (not) be now.

The Universe is not nice. Neither is the life within it.

Is it really all that surprising that a species needs to at least have plans and drills for when something deadly and unforeseen happens?

Personally, this is the best part about humanity. The moment we sat and started thinking about thinking, things got crazy after that and it was beautiful.

This is something that I honestly think should be taken with each colony ship, and maybe, one day when descendants of those colonists return, wouldn't it beautiful if they came back with something new, something that can be taught and learned; language, customs, foods, arts, songs...the works.

See Military Republic
(Forgot that this was free with MR)

We've always had gods watching over us.

From those that ruled over the herds we once hunted, to those that embodied concepts of Nature and Beyond, to the unknowable and untouchable source of compassion and forgiveness.

Why and how would humanity, travelling into the unknown, ever leave these, our oldest of companions, behind?

New place, new rules, new everything.

"Meh, we've been through worse." - An unnamed Colonist.

Because seriously, we have adapted to live all over the place on Earth, I mean we have legitimate technologies being developed to live underwater, on the Moon, and even Mars.

This has ALWAYS been our strongest trait and to simply leave it behind? Unthinkable.

Now, looking at them seperately, they seem...lackluster, especially when compared with other traits, especially Psionically Fertile, but just sit down and look at them combined.

Curious, Paranoid, Adaptive - New stuff poked and proded, somewhat safely, and then adapted either into our arsenal and/or safeguards against them are worked on.

Spiritual, Cultured, Militant - Warrior cultures with codes of discipline appear all over, with lots of art and crafts to express who and what they are all about, not only to the current generation, but the future one as well.

And those mixes came off the top of my head. There's a lot more to this choice than CHOOSE THE SHINY! Humanity's indentity, place, and legacy in this universe is the focus here and I like to think that my plan shows off the legacy of humanity's past and its impact on these new citizens of the stars.

Oh yeah, before I forget:
- Why did I choose that name in particular?

After the number of times people hid their true intentions behind a facade of something else, and some even becoming Heroes of Folklore for it, why can't the space faring humans be any different?
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Humans: Do NOT Fight!
I just dislike how unsexy this plan is. I'm not playing this game to be hideous, I'm playing it to make an aesthetically attractive race that all will want to diplomance so that we can slowly work our way through the universe and conquer it peacefully. (Or through infowars using our AI compatriots cough cough cough)
[] Plan no stone unturned.
-[] Stratified Democracy
-[] Curious (1)
-[] Flashy (1)
-[] Weird (1)
-[] Adaptive (1)
-[] Problem Solvers (1)

You know whats good? SCIENCE! This plan has been made to offer maximum science, so humanity will be at the forefront of every single technology, and I think we can all agree that leading the universe in the great technology of quantum cat simulations is the greatest ideal any race can strive for.
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[X] Plan no stone unturned.
-[X] Stratified Democracy
-[X] Curious (1)
-[X] Flashy (1)
-[X] Weird (1)
-[X] Adaptive (1)
-[X] Problem Solvers (1)

You know whats good? SCIENCE! This plan has been made to offer maximum science, so humanity will be at the forefront of every single technology, and I think we can all agree that leading the universe in the great technology of quantum cat simulations is the greatest ideal any race can strive for.

Sometimes you should put principles ahead of min-maxxing.
I just dislike how unsexy this plan is. I'm not playing this game to be hideous, I'm playing it to make an aesthetically attractive race that all will want to diplomance so that we can slowly work our way through the universe and conquer it peacefully. (Or through infowars using our AI compatriots cough cough cough)
I completely understand that -- it's kinda why I made two plans -- Do Not Fight is essentially a min/max on military while Contradictions is much more of the "generalist" vein.
Creche-style Income-based Democracy
What you're worth determines what your vote is worth, quite literally. Every citizen gets a vote, and every vote is worth exactly as much as that citizen's income last year. What keeps this system from a rich-stay-rich, poor-stay-poor situation? No one raises children except the people whose job is raising children. Everyone grows up in a nursery cohort, gets educated among that cohort, and often intermarries among that cohort. Individuals never being equal, while the net of intrasupporting ties typically formed among the cohort will drag the worst individuals upwards, the fact that at least a few of the people they've grown up with - along with the fact that they themselves climbed the ladder - tend to stick around the middle means that most at the top look charitably towards those beneath them.
Comes w/ Trader's trait for free.

Whoever cn lif da must waits gtz 2 b da ldr.

Darwinian Proto-Anarchy:
If other people can be made to agree to support you, you get whatever you can get them to give you.
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No one raises children except the people whose job is raising children. Everyone grows up in a nursery cohort, gets educated among that cohort, and often intermarries among that cohort.
I see the hereditaryness of PoC has left its mark upon ye :V
[X] Plan Terran Federation:
-[X] Military Republic
-[X] Vindictive (-1)
-[X] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
-[X] Curious (1)
-[X] Traders (1)
-[X] Paranoid (1)
-[X] Ugly (-1)
-[X] Manifest Destiny (1)

Off by a few seconds.
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