[X] I want to fight alongside her, if she's anything like the Sakura I knew, I think I can trust her with my back
[X] An armor mystic code designed to support Shirou in combat
[x] I don't want her to get hurt, we'll kidnap her after school and resolve this before she even summons a Servant
[x] Checking out the area around Kirei's church

Umm, what? Please explain. Awakening an Origin is a pretty big deal, and tends to lead to insanity.

You might have a point there.

Although Kiritsugu knew his Origin and he wasn't particularly insane. So I think it's circumstantial.

I changed it to 'learned' his Origin instead just to be on the safe side.
Yeah, I think you can know your origin with pretty much no issues, whereas forcibly awakening to it can create the likes of Lio Shirazumi from KnK who is irrefutably insane
(He possibly was prior to awakening though, so it may have just exacerbated the situation).

That said, several other characters with awakened origins are at least able to function fairly normally (notably Ryougi Shiki, Tomoe Enjou and Araya Souren), though all of them are at least a bit odd at times (being fair this statement does apply to lots of Magi as well...). Origins are explored much more in KnK than F/SN, so poking around with the materials from that might be helpful in ironing out any issues you have.
Hmmmm...can Medea find Lancer?

Because I wonder what'll happen if we doink him with Rule Breaker intending to take his contract from Kirei.
Hmmmm...can Medea find Lancer?

Because I wonder what'll happen if we doink him with Rule Breaker intending to take his contract from Kirei.
Steal All the Command Seals? :p

Also, just stumbled over some clarification on the Fraga clan trait that allows them to forge Fragarach. Apparently it's not hereditary, but is rather something they literally have present in their blood...
[X] I don't want her to get hurt, we'll kidnap her after school and resolve this before she even summons a Servant
[X] Examine various Noble Phantasm's from your Reality Marble
[X] I don't want her to get hurt, we'll kidnap her after school and resolve this before she even summons a Servant
[X] Looting Tohsaka's home

who knows we may find ruby.
[X] I don't want her to get hurt, we'll kidnap her after school and resolve this before she even summons a Servant
[X] Examine various Noble Phantasm's from your Reality Marble
[ X] Looting Tohsaka's home

Dunno about monks eating eggs though.
Issei might as he is still in training.
[X] I don't want her to get hurt, we'll kidnap her after school and resolve this before she even summons a Servant
[X] Looting Tohsaka's home
Sees all the people that want to go full "Adventurer" mode on Tohsaka.

Lol, at this rate Rin will actually have to please old men for money.

Hmm, perhaps it's time for a short story on 5-Star Archer SHIROU Emiya, the Servant that Ritsuka sticks on her team because he's hax.
[X] I want to fight alongside her, if she's anything like the Sakura I knew, I think I can trust her with my back

[X] Making your own Origin Bullets using your 'Sword' Origin
[X] I don't want her to get hurt, we'll kidnap her after school and resolve this before she even summons a Servant
[X] Looting Tohsaka's home

Loot Sakura, loot the devil~
I'm not sure Origin Bullets are actually worth the trouble of an action slot. Bobmiya resorted to them because his mindset deviated enough to lock out his ability to use UBW. Shirou is better off just firing A and B rank phantasms.
I'm not sure Origin Bullets are actually worth the trouble of an action slot. Bobmiya resorted to them because his mindset deviated enough to lock out his ability to use UBW. Shirou is better off just firing A and B rank phantasms.
In this case, so long as you get the bullet into the body, it's pretty impales someone from the inside out with E-A++ Rank Noble Phantasms.

From his character art, Detroit Emiya could still use Unlimited Blade Works I think, but it's probably just more fitting for him to actualize a miniature reality marble into his enemies.

That said, I'm only 60% sure about this so don't take my word for the second sentence.

I'll just say that it can take several lives at once so long as the bullet gets in.

Oh, and for all those worried about Berserker, don't worry. Miyuverse Shirou has a special technique that only an EMIYA with bullshit amounts of prana can use that would be overkill compared with Nine Lives Blade Works. The clue is that it's been used by Class Card Gilgamesh and that it's combined with EMIYA's ability.
In this case, so long as you get the bullet into the body, it's pretty impales someone from the inside out with E-A++ Rank Noble Phantasms.

And that brings up another point. Bobmiya's a servant and his Origin Bullets are as spiritual and empowered as he is. Shirou's will be regular rounds and require Medea to reinforce them with Kuzuki-style magic juju prior to use.

As a fallback weapon for Medea not being around or Shirou losing his OP mana source, it's not so great on servants.
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[x] I don't want her to get hurt, we'll kidnap her after school and resolve this before she even summons a Servant
[x] Making your own Origin Bullets using your 'Sword' Origin
[X] I don't want her to get hurt, we'll kidnap her after school and resolve this before she even summons a Servant

[X] Examine various Noble Phantasm's from your Reality Marble