My Magical Warrior Best Friend can't find out my Secret!

I'm thinking the boon and Banes at least are going to need a plan by plan basis.

[X]Plan Duality
-[x] You gain resistance to a damage type opposite of you strength gaining a high physical resistance under a new moon and a high magical resistance under a full moon.
-[x] A being of living shadow prone to mischief but reliable all the same.
-[x] Bane: The traditional Weaknesses: While normal silver does hurt you the enchanted stuff can do a good deal of damage to you, even with all your durability.
-[x] Bane: Sensitive to the Sun: Neither of your components do well in sunlight, you find yourself weakened in the day and prefer dark places.
-[x]Bonus boon: The power of the growing/shrinking moon has minor benefits on your human form, giving you better physical/magical abilities in the days leading up to the full/new moon.
-[x]Bonus retainer: Lesser Werewolf

[X]Name: Romulus Umbra

[X]Appearance: L from Deathnote.jpeg

[X] At range with a bow.
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[X] Jonathan

[X] Wild and unkempt looks, but you pull it off surprisingly well

[x] Lesser fey swarm to your side, during the peaks of your power you are never alone.
[x] Your very presence is an boon to your allies, allied magic becomes more powerful during a New Moon, and allied physical capibiliteis are enhanced during a full moon.

[x] Close in with your bare hands.

[x] A being of living shadow prone to mischief but reliable all the same

[x] The traditional Weaknesses: While normal silver does hurt you the enchanted stuff can do a good deal of damage to you, even with all your durability.

If we're going werewolf I want to go full in
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[X] Plan Dylan
-[X] Jonah Artemis
-[X] Refined. Ish. Our brown hair likes to get more unruly the more we lose our temper as we have a habit of running our hands through it in frustration. Striking green eyes. Tanned skin.
-[X] Distantly with a Halberd.
-[X] A being of living shadow prone to mischief but reliable all the same
-[X] Lesser fey swarm to your side, during the peaks of your power you are never alone.
-[X] The power of the growing/shrinking mood has minor benefits on your human form, giving you better physical/magical abilities in the days leading up to the full/new moon.
-[X] Sensitive to the Sun: Neither of your components do well in sunlight, you find yourself weakened in the day and prefer dark places.
-[X] The traditional Weaknesses: While normal silver does hurt you the enchanted stuff can do a good deal of damage to you, even with all your durability.
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Ok first things first.

What is your name?
[x] Write in.

What do you look like?
[x] Write in

First off your transformations during the Full and New Moons carry one extra befit. What are they? (Choose 1)
[x] Lesser fey swarm to your side, during the peaks of your power you are never alone.
[x] You gain resistance to a damage type opposite of you strength gaining a high physical resistance under a new moon and a high magical resistance under a full moon.
[x] The power of the growing/shrinking mood has minor benefits on your human form, giving you better physical/magical abilities in the days leading up to the full/new moon.
[x] Your very presence is an boon to your allies, allied magic becomes more powerful during a New Moon, and allied physical capibiliteis are enhanced during a full moon.

Next how do you fight in your human form?
[x] Close in with your bare hands.
[x] At range with a bow.
[x] Very personally with a battle axe.
[x] Distantly with a Halberd.

In addition one Fey retainer has been assigned to you, who is he? (Choose 1)
[x] A less werewolf as loyal as they come.
[x] A being of living shadow prone to mischief but reliable all the same
[x] An old caster calm but holding a great deal of power non the less.
[x] A Fey bird of your own creation, it's nature is a double sided as your own.

Finally you can do take up to two flaws for an equal number of the above boons.
[x] Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.
[x] Sensitive to the Sun: Neither of your components do well in sunlight, you find yourself weakened in the day and prefer dark places.
[x] The call of Savagery: When you transform into your true form during all full moon your own nature infuses those around you making it hard for friend and foe alike to tell the difference between the two.
[x] The traditional Weaknesses: While normal silver does hurt you the enchanted stuff can do a good deal of damage to you, even with all your durability.
Mind threadmarking this so we can find it easily?

So, question, if we take both the traditional weaknesses and the resistance trait can they cancel each other out?

Side note to everyone, I think we should get Enraged by the Twisted ... simply cause all the villain groups seem to be enemies of eachother anyway, so having a trait that means we dislike them should not be a problem for us. If you want another flaw you can grab it as well, we can take 1-3 flaws and their are benefits to taking more. I just don't see the sense in not taking it honestly.


For da Plan here we go:

[X]Plan Away We Go!
-[x] Boon. You gain resistance to a damage type opposite of you strength gaining a high physical resistance under a new moon and a high magical resistance under a full moon
-[x] Fighting Style. Distantly with a Halberd.
-[x] Retainer. A Fey bird of your own creation, it's nature is a double sided as your own.
-[x] Bane. Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.
-[x]Bonus boon. The power of the growing/shrinking mood has minor benefits on your human form, giving you better physical/magical abilities in the days leading up to the full/new moon.

[X] Name. Jonah Artemis.
[X] Appearance. Refined. Ish. Our brown hair likes to get more unruly the more we lose our temper as we have a habit of running our hands through it in frustration. Striking green eyes. Tanned skin.

So my reasoning for this is:
I'd like the resistance to a damage type to cover our gaps when we are under our moons. It lets us stand on our own against theoretical bad match ups.
The bonus boon ties into this, making it so that we are not as vulnerable outside of the full and new moon.
I could be convinced to go for another bane and then go for the ally boost too.

I've never played a character that used a Halberd before and it has fun implications for what our fighting style could turn into. It does mean that we are at a disadvantage if we lose it, though probably not a bad one since we are assumedly trained in basic hand to hand and this is just a specialty and preference, coupled to the above boons I picked mitigating the possible weaknesses of our body. Another is that it has to be carried with us to be used, which I intend to counter by finding an enchantment that lets us store it in a miniature form or some kind of ring of holding.

The retainer I don't mind. I think my second choice would be the old caster so we can have a person to ask for wisdom and to negate any idiocy on the character, but the Fey bird is intriguing.

The bane is an interesting social debuff for what I consider to possibly be a passive Sin and Evil detector. That is a big help for being aware of possible surprises. It won't become really important until later when the Sins emerge but that also means the debuff will take some time to really get going.

The name is a shameless mix of the Jonathan and Artemis suggestions. I ain't good with names. :V
The appearance is meh, so if someone can suggest a better one I will gladly edit it in.

E: Also as an aside I find the resistance thing to be incredibly trolly. The schadenfreude possible tickles me.
Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Jul 27, 2017 at 3:50 PM, finished with 10 posts and 7 votes.

  • [x] A being of living shadow prone to mischief but reliable all the same
    [x] Your very presence is an boon to your allies, allied magic becomes more powerful during a New Moon, and allied physical capibiliteis are enhanced during a full moon.
    [x] Close in with your bare hands.
    [x] At range with a bow.
    [x] Lesser fey swarm to your side, during the peaks of your power you are never alone.
    [x] The traditional Weaknesses: While normal silver does hurt you the enchanted stuff can do a good deal of damage to you, even with all your durability.
    [x] Artemis
    [x] Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.
    [X] Wild and unkempt looks, but you pull it off surprisingly well
    [X] Jonathan
    [x] Classic bishonen
    [x] Sensitive to the Sun: Neither of your components do well in sunlight, you find yourself weakened in the day and prefer dark places.
    [x] A Fey bird of your own creation, it's nature is a double sided as your own.
    -[x]Bonus boon: The power of the growing/shrinking mood has minor benefits on your human form, giving you better physical/magical abilities in the days leading up to the full/new moon.
    [x] Distantly with a Halberd.
    [x] You gain resistance to a damage type opposite of you strength gaining a high physical resistance under a new moon and a high magical resistance under a full moon.
    -[x] Fighting Style. Distantly with a Halberd.
    -[x] Boon. You gain resistance to a damage type opposite of you strength gaining a high physical resistance under a new moon and a high magical resistance under a full moon
    -[x] Retainer. A Fey bird of your own creation, it's nature is a double sided as your own.
    -[x] Bane. Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.
    -[x] Name. Jonah Artemis.
    [X]Plan Away We Go!
    [X]Appearance: L from Deathnote.jpeg
    [X]Name: Romulus Umbra
    [x] Write in.
    -[x]Bonus retainer: Lesser Werewolf
    -[x] Bane: Sensitive to the Sun: Neither of your components do well in sunlight, you find yourself weakened in the day and prefer dark places.
    -[x] Bane: The traditional Weaknesses: While normal silver does hurt you the enchanted stuff can do a good deal of damage to you, even with all your durability.
    [X]Plan Duality
    [x] The call of Savagery: When you transform into your true form during all full moon your own nature infuses those around you making it hard for friend and foe alike to tell the difference between the two.
    [x] An old caster calm but holding a great deal of power non the less.
    [x] A less werewolf as loyal as they come.
    [x] Very personally with a battle axe.
    [x] The power of the growing/shrinking mood has minor benefits on your human form, giving you better physical/magical abilities in the days leading up to the full/new moon.
    -[x] Appearance. Refined. Ish. Our brown hair likes to get more unruly the more we lose our temper as we have a habit of running our hands through it in frustration. Striking green eyes. Tanned skin.

Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Jul 27, 2017 at 3:50 PM, finished with 10 posts and 7 votes.

  • [x] A being of living shadow prone to mischief but reliable all the same
    [x] Your very presence is an boon to your allies, allied magic becomes more powerful during a New Moon, and allied physical capibiliteis are enhanced during a full moon.
    [x] The traditional Weaknesses: While normal silver does hurt you the enchanted stuff can do a good deal of damage to you, even with all your durability.
    [x] Close in with your bare hands.
    [x] At range with a bow.
    [x] Lesser fey swarm to your side, during the peaks of your power you are never alone.
    [x] Classic bishonen
    [x] Sensitive to the Sun: Neither of your components do well in sunlight, you find yourself weakened in the day and prefer dark places.
    [x] Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.
    [X] Jonathan
    [x] Distantly with a Halberd.
    [X] Wild and unkempt looks, but you pull it off surprisingly well
    [x] Artemis
    [X]Plan Duality
    [x] You gain resistance to a damage type opposite of you strength gaining a high physical resistance under a new moon and a high magical resistance under a full moon.
    [x] A Fey bird of your own creation, it's nature is a double sided as your own.
    -[x] Bane: The traditional Weaknesses: While normal silver does hurt you the enchanted stuff can do a good deal of damage to you, even with all your durability.
    -[x] Bane: Sensitive to the Sun: Neither of your components do well in sunlight, you find yourself weakened in the day and prefer dark places.
    -[x]Bonus boon: The power of the growing/shrinking mood has minor benefits on your human form, giving you better physical/magical abilities in the days leading up to the full/new moon.
    -[x]Bonus retainer: Lesser Werewolf
    [X]Name: Romulus Umbra
    [X]Appearance: L from Deathnote.jpeg
    [x] Write in.
    [x] A Fey bird of your own creation, it's nature is a double sided as your own.
    [x] The call of Savagery: When you transform into your true form during all full moon your own nature infuses those around you making it hard for friend and foe alike to tell the difference between the two.
    [x] An old caster calm but holding a great deal of power non the less.
    [x] A less werewolf as loyal as they come.
    [x] Very personally with a battle axe.
    [x] The power of the growing/shrinking mood has minor benefits on your human form, giving you better physical/magical abilities in the days leading up to the full/new moon.
    [x] You gain resistance to a damage type opposite of you strength gaining a high physical resistance under a new moon and a high magical resistance under a full moon.
    [X]Plan Away We Go!
    -[x] Boon. You gain resistance to a damage type opposite of you strength gaining a high physical resistance under a new moon and a high magical resistance under a full moon
    -[x] Fighting Style. Distantly with a Halberd.
    -[x] Retainer. A Fey bird of your own creation, it's nature is a double sided as your own.
    -[x] Bane. Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.
    -[x]Bonus boon: The power of the growing/shrinking mood has minor benefits on your human form, giving you better physical/magical abilities in the days leading up to the full/new moon.
    -[x] Name. Jonah Artemis.
    -[x] Appearance. Refined. Ish. Our brown hair likes to get more unruly the more we lose our temper as we have a habit of running our hands through it in frustration. Striking green eyes. Tanned skin.

Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Jul 27, 2017 at 3:51 PM, finished with 10 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Jonathan
    [X] Wild and unkempt looks, but you pull it off surprisingly well
    [x] Lesser fey swarm to your side, during the peaks of your power you are never alone.
    [x] Your very presence is an boon to your allies, allied magic becomes more powerful during a New Moon, and allied physical capibiliteis are enhanced during a full moon.
    [x] Close in with your bare hands.
    [x] A being of living shadow prone to mischief but reliable all the same
    [x] The traditional Weaknesses: While normal silver does hurt you the enchanted stuff can do a good deal of damage to you, even with all your durability.
    [x] Write in.
    [x] Lesser fey swarm to your side, during the peaks of your power you are never alone.
    [x] You gain resistance to a damage type opposite of you strength gaining a high physical resistance under a new moon and a high magical resistance under a full moon.
    [x] The power of the growing/shrinking mood has minor benefits on your human form, giving you better physical/magical abilities in the days leading up to the full/new moon.
    [x] Your very presence is an boon to your allies, allied magic becomes more powerful during a New Moon, and allied physical capibiliteis are enhanced during a full moon.
    [x] Close in with your bare hands.
    [x] At range with a bow.
    [x] Very personally with a battle axe.
    [x] Distantly with a Halberd.
    [x] A less werewolf as loyal as they come.
    [x] A being of living shadow prone to mischief but reliable all the same
    [x] An old caster calm but holding a great deal of power non the less.
    [x] A Fey bird of your own creation, it's nature is a double sided as your own.
    [x] Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.
    [x] Sensitive to the Sun: Neither of your components do well in sunlight, you find yourself weakened in the day and prefer dark places.
    [x] The call of Savagery: When you transform into your true form during all full moon your own nature infuses those around you making it hard for friend and foe alike to tell the difference between the two.
    [x] The traditional Weaknesses: While normal silver does hurt you the enchanted stuff can do a good deal of damage to you, even with all your durability.
    [x] Artemis
    [x] Classic bishonen
    [x] Your very presence is an boon to your allies, allied magic becomes more powerful during a New Moon, and allied physical capibiliteis are enhanced during a full moon.
    [x] At range with a bow.
    [x] A being of living shadow prone to mischief but reliable all the same
    [x] Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.
    [X]Plan Duality
    [x] You gain resistance to a damage type opposite of you strength gaining a high physical resistance under a new moon and a high magical resistance under a full moon.
    [x] A Fey bird of your own creation, it's nature is a double sided as your own.
    -[x] Bane: The traditional Weaknesses: While normal silver does hurt you the enchanted stuff can do a good deal of damage to you, even with all your durability.
    -[x] Bane: Sensitive to the Sun: Neither of your components do well in sunlight, you find yourself weakened in the day and prefer dark places.
    -[x]Bonus boon: The power of the growing/shrinking mood has minor benefits on your human form, giving you better physical/magical abilities in the days leading up to the full/new moon.
    -[x]Bonus retainer: Lesser Werewolf
    [X]Name: Romulus Umbra
    [X]Appearance: L from Deathnote.jpeg
    [x] At range with a bow.
    [x] Artemis
    [x] Classic bishonen
    [x] Distantly with a Halberd.
    [x] A being of living shadow prone to mischief but reliable all the same
    [x] Sensitive to the Sun: Neither of your components do well in sunlight, you find yourself weakened in the day and prefer dark places.
    [X]Plan Away We Go!
    -[x] Boon. You gain resistance to a damage type opposite of you strength gaining a high physical resistance under a new moon and a high magical resistance under a full moon
    -[x] Fighting Style. Distantly with a Halberd.
    -[x] Retainer. A Fey bird of your own creation, it's nature is a double sided as your own.
    -[x] Bane. Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.
    -[x]Bonus boon: The power of the growing/shrinking mood has minor benefits on your human form, giving you better physical/magical abilities in the days leading up to the full/new moon.
    -[x] Name. Jonah Artemis.
    -[x] Appearance. Refined. Ish. Our brown hair likes to get more unruly the more we lose our temper as we have a habit of running our hands through it in frustration. Striking green eyes. Tanned skin.

Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Jul 27, 2017 at 4:33 PM, finished with 13 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Jonathan
    [X] Wild and unkempt looks, but you pull it off surprisingly well
    [x] Lesser fey swarm to your side, during the peaks of your power you are never alone.
    [x] Your very presence is an boon to your allies, allied magic becomes more powerful during a New Moon, and allied physical capibiliteis are enhanced during a full moon.
    [x] Close in with your bare hands.
    [x] A being of living shadow prone to mischief but reliable all the same
    [x] The traditional Weaknesses: While normal silver does hurt you the enchanted stuff can do a good deal of damage to you, even with all your durability.
    [x] Write in.
    [x] Lesser fey swarm to your side, during the peaks of your power you are never alone.
    [x] You gain resistance to a damage type opposite of you strength gaining a high physical resistance under a new moon and a high magical resistance under a full moon.
    [x] The power of the growing/shrinking mood has minor benefits on your human form, giving you better physical/magical abilities in the days leading up to the full/new moon.
    [x] Your very presence is an boon to your allies, allied magic becomes more powerful during a New Moon, and allied physical capibiliteis are enhanced during a full moon.
    [x] Close in with your bare hands.
    [x] At range with a bow.
    [x] Very personally with a battle axe.
    [x] Distantly with a Halberd.
    [x] A less werewolf as loyal as they come.
    [x] A being of living shadow prone to mischief but reliable all the same
    [x] An old caster calm but holding a great deal of power non the less.
    [x] A Fey bird of your own creation, it's nature is a double sided as your own.
    [x] Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.
    [x] Sensitive to the Sun: Neither of your components do well in sunlight, you find yourself weakened in the day and prefer dark places.
    [x] The call of Savagery: When you transform into your true form during all full moon your own nature infuses those around you making it hard for friend and foe alike to tell the difference between the two.
    [x] The traditional Weaknesses: While normal silver does hurt you the enchanted stuff can do a good deal of damage to you, even with all your durability.
    [x] Artemis
    [x] Classic bishonen
    [x] Your very presence is an boon to your allies, allied magic becomes more powerful during a New Moon, and allied physical capibiliteis are enhanced during a full moon.
    [x] At range with a bow.
    [x] A being of living shadow prone to mischief but reliable all the same
    [x] Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.
    [X]Plan Duality
    [x] You gain resistance to a damage type opposite of you strength gaining a high physical resistance under a new moon and a high magical resistance under a full moon.
    [x] A Fey bird of your own creation, it's nature is a double sided as your own.
    -[x] Bane: The traditional Weaknesses: While normal silver does hurt you the enchanted stuff can do a good deal of damage to you, even with all your durability.
    -[x] Bane: Sensitive to the Sun: Neither of your components do well in sunlight, you find yourself weakened in the day and prefer dark places.
    -[x]Bonus boon: The power of the growing/shrinking mood has minor benefits on your human form, giving you better physical/magical abilities in the days leading up to the full/new moon.
    -[x]Bonus retainer: Lesser Werewolf
    [X]Name: Romulus Umbra
    [X]Appearance: L from Deathnote.jpeg
    [x] At range with a bow.
    [x] Artemis
    [x] Classic bishonen
    [x] Distantly with a Halberd.
    [x] A being of living shadow prone to mischief but reliable all the same
    [x] Sensitive to the Sun: Neither of your components do well in sunlight, you find yourself weakened in the day and prefer dark places.
    [X]Plan Away We Go!
    -[x] Boon. You gain resistance to a damage type opposite of you strength gaining a high physical resistance under a new moon and a high magical resistance under a full moon
    -[x] Fighting Style. Distantly with a Halberd.
    -[x] Retainer. A Fey bird of your own creation, it's nature is a double sided as your own.
    -[x] Bane. Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.
    -[x]Bonus boon: The power of the growing/shrinking mood has minor benefits on your human form, giving you better physical/magical abilities in the days leading up to the full/new moon.
    -[x] Name. Jonah Artemis.
    -[x] Appearance. Refined. Ish. Our brown hair likes to get more unruly the more we lose our temper as we have a habit of running our hands through it in frustration. Striking green eyes. Tanned skin.
    [X] Wild and unkempt looks, but you pull it off surprisingly well
    [x] Your very presence is an boon to your allies, allied magic becomes more powerful during a New Moon, and allied physical capibiliteis are enhanced during a full moon.
    [x] Close in with your bare hands.
    [x] An old caster calm but holding a great deal of power non the less.
    [x] Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.

Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Jul 27, 2017 at 6:14 PM, finished with 16 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Jonathan
    [X] Wild and unkempt looks, but you pull it off surprisingly well
    [x] Lesser fey swarm to your side, during the peaks of your power you are never alone.
    [x] Your very presence is an boon to your allies, allied magic becomes more powerful during a New Moon, and allied physical capibiliteis are enhanced during a full moon.
    [x] Close in with your bare hands.
    [x] A being of living shadow prone to mischief but reliable all the same
    [x] The traditional Weaknesses: While normal silver does hurt you the enchanted stuff can do a good deal of damage to you, even with all your durability.
    [x] Write in.
    [x] Lesser fey swarm to your side, during the peaks of your power you are never alone.
    [x] You gain resistance to a damage type opposite of you strength gaining a high physical resistance under a new moon and a high magical resistance under a full moon.
    [x] The power of the growing/shrinking mood has minor benefits on your human form, giving you better physical/magical abilities in the days leading up to the full/new moon.
    [x] Your very presence is an boon to your allies, allied magic becomes more powerful during a New Moon, and allied physical capibiliteis are enhanced during a full moon.
    [x] Close in with your bare hands.
    [x] At range with a bow.
    [x] Very personally with a battle axe.
    [x] Distantly with a Halberd.
    [x] A less werewolf as loyal as they come.
    [x] A being of living shadow prone to mischief but reliable all the same
    [x] An old caster calm but holding a great deal of power non the less.
    [x] A Fey bird of your own creation, it's nature is a double sided as your own.
    [x] Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.
    [x] Sensitive to the Sun: Neither of your components do well in sunlight, you find yourself weakened in the day and prefer dark places.
    [x] The call of Savagery: When you transform into your true form during all full moon your own nature infuses those around you making it hard for friend and foe alike to tell the difference between the two.
    [x] The traditional Weaknesses: While normal silver does hurt you the enchanted stuff can do a good deal of damage to you, even with all your durability.
    [x] Artemis
    [x] Classic bishonen
    [x] Your very presence is an boon to your allies, allied magic becomes more powerful during a New Moon, and allied physical capibiliteis are enhanced during a full moon.
    [x] At range with a bow.
    [x] A being of living shadow prone to mischief but reliable all the same
    [x] Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.
    [X]Plan Duality
    [x] You gain resistance to a damage type opposite of you strength gaining a high physical resistance under a new moon and a high magical resistance under a full moon.
    [x] A Fey bird of your own creation, it's nature is a double sided as your own.
    -[x] Bane: The traditional Weaknesses: While normal silver does hurt you the enchanted stuff can do a good deal of damage to you, even with all your durability.
    -[x] Bane: Sensitive to the Sun: Neither of your components do well in sunlight, you find yourself weakened in the day and prefer dark places.
    -[x]Bonus boon: The power of the growing/shrinking mood has minor benefits on your human form, giving you better physical/magical abilities in the days leading up to the full/new moon.
    -[x]Bonus retainer: Lesser Werewolf
    [X]Name: Romulus Umbra
    [X]Appearance: L from Deathnote.jpeg
    [x] At range with a bow.
    [x] Artemis
    [x] Classic bishonen
    [x] Distantly with a Halberd.
    [x] A being of living shadow prone to mischief but reliable all the same
    [x] Sensitive to the Sun: Neither of your components do well in sunlight, you find yourself weakened in the day and prefer dark places.
    [X]Plan Away We Go!
    -[x] Boon. You gain resistance to a damage type opposite of you strength gaining a high physical resistance under a new moon and a high magical resistance under a full moon
    -[x] Fighting Style. Distantly with a Halberd.
    -[x] Retainer. A Fey bird of your own creation, it's nature is a double sided as your own.
    -[x] Bane. Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.
    -[x]Bonus boon: The power of the growing/shrinking mood has minor benefits on your human form, giving you better physical/magical abilities in the days leading up to the full/new moon.
    -[x] Name. Jonah Artemis.
    -[x] Appearance. Refined. Ish. Our brown hair likes to get more unruly the more we lose our temper as we have a habit of running our hands through it in frustration. Striking green eyes. Tanned skin.
    [X] Wild and unkempt looks, but you pull it off surprisingly well
    [x] Your very presence is an boon to your allies, allied magic becomes more powerful during a New Moon, and allied physical capibiliteis are enhanced during a full moon.
    [x] Close in with your bare hands.
    [x] An old caster calm but holding a great deal of power non the less.
    [x] Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.
    [X] Jonathan
    [X] Wild and unkempt looks, but you pull it off surprisingly well
    [x] Lesser fey swarm to your side, during the peaks of your power you are never alone.
    [x] Your very presence is an boon to your allies, allied magic becomes more powerful during a New Moon, and allied physical capibiliteis are enhanced during a full moon.
    [x] Close in with your bare hands.
    [x] A being of living shadow prone to mischief but reliable all the same
    [x] Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.

Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Jul 27, 2017 at 6:18 PM, finished with 16 posts and 9 votes.

  • [x] A being of living shadow prone to mischief but reliable all the same
    [x] Your very presence is an boon to your allies, allied magic becomes more powerful during a New Moon, and allied physical capibiliteis are enhanced during a full moon.
    [x] Close in with your bare hands.
    [x] Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.
    [X] Wild and unkempt looks, but you pull it off surprisingly well
    [x] Lesser fey swarm to your side, during the peaks of your power you are never alone.
    [X] Jonathan
    [x] At range with a bow.
    [x] The traditional Weaknesses: While normal silver does hurt you the enchanted stuff can do a good deal of damage to you, even with all your durability.
    [x] Artemis
    [x] Classic bishonen
    [x] Sensitive to the Sun: Neither of your components do well in sunlight, you find yourself weakened in the day and prefer dark places.
    [x] A Fey bird of your own creation, it's nature is a double sided as your own.
    [x] An old caster calm but holding a great deal of power non the less.
    [x] Distantly with a Halberd.
    [x] You gain resistance to a damage type opposite of you strength gaining a high physical resistance under a new moon and a high magical resistance under a full moon.
    -[x]Bonus boon: The power of the growing/shrinking mood has minor benefits on your human form, giving you better physical/magical abilities in the days leading up to the full/new moon.
    [X]Name: Romulus Umbra
    -[x] Fighting Style. Distantly with a Halberd.
    -[x] Retainer. A Fey bird of your own creation, it's nature is a double sided as your own.
    -[x] Bane. Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.
    -[x] Name. Jonah Artemis.
    -[x] Boon. You gain resistance to a damage type opposite of you strength gaining a high physical resistance under a new moon and a high magical resistance under a full moon
    [X]Plan Away We Go!
    [X]Appearance: L from Deathnote.jpeg
    [x] Write in.
    -[x]Bonus retainer: Lesser Werewolf
    -[x] Bane: Sensitive to the Sun: Neither of your components do well in sunlight, you find yourself weakened in the day and prefer dark places.
    -[x] Bane: The traditional Weaknesses: While normal silver does hurt you the enchanted stuff can do a good deal of damage to you, even with all your durability.
    [X]Plan Duality
    [x] The call of Savagery: When you transform into your true form during all full moon your own nature infuses those around you making it hard for friend and foe alike to tell the difference between the two.
    [x] A less werewolf as loyal as they come.
    [x] Very personally with a battle axe.
    [x] The power of the growing/shrinking mood has minor benefits on your human form, giving you better physical/magical abilities in the days leading up to the full/new moon.
    -[x] Appearance. Refined. Ish. Our brown hair likes to get more unruly the more we lose our temper as we have a habit of running our hands through it in frustration. Striking green eyes. Tanned skin.

Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Jul 27, 2017 at 10:39 PM, finished with 24 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Jonathan
    [X] Wild and unkempt looks, but you pull it off surprisingly well
    [x] Lesser fey swarm to your side, during the peaks of your power you are never alone.
    [x] Your very presence is an boon to your allies, allied magic becomes more powerful during a New Moon, and allied physical capibiliteis are enhanced during a full moon.
    [x] Close in with your bare hands.
    [x] A being of living shadow prone to mischief but reliable all the same
    [x] The traditional Weaknesses: While normal silver does hurt you the enchanted stuff can do a good deal of damage to you, even with all your durability.
    [x] Write in.
    [x] Lesser fey swarm to your side, during the peaks of your power you are never alone.
    [x] You gain resistance to a damage type opposite of you strength gaining a high physical resistance under a new moon and a high magical resistance under a full moon.
    [x] The power of the growing/shrinking mood has minor benefits on your human form, giving you better physical/magical abilities in the days leading up to the full/new moon.
    [x] Your very presence is an boon to your allies, allied magic becomes more powerful during a New Moon, and allied physical capibiliteis are enhanced during a full moon.
    [x] Close in with your bare hands.
    [x] At range with a bow.
    [x] Very personally with a battle axe.
    [x] Distantly with a Halberd.
    [x] A less werewolf as loyal as they come.
    [x] A being of living shadow prone to mischief but reliable all the same
    [x] An old caster calm but holding a great deal of power non the less.
    [x] A Fey bird of your own creation, it's nature is a double sided as your own.
    [x] Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.
    [x] Sensitive to the Sun: Neither of your components do well in sunlight, you find yourself weakened in the day and prefer dark places.
    [x] The call of Savagery: When you transform into your true form during all full moon your own nature infuses those around you making it hard for friend and foe alike to tell the difference between the two.
    [x] The traditional Weaknesses: While normal silver does hurt you the enchanted stuff can do a good deal of damage to you, even with all your durability.
    [x] Artemis
    [x] Classic bishonen
    [x] Your very presence is an boon to your allies, allied magic becomes more powerful during a New Moon, and allied physical capibiliteis are enhanced during a full moon.
    [x] At range with a bow.
    [x] A being of living shadow prone to mischief but reliable all the same
    [x] Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.
    [X]Plan Duality
    [x] You gain resistance to a damage type opposite of you strength gaining a high physical resistance under a new moon and a high magical resistance under a full moon.
    [x] A Fey bird of your own creation, it's nature is a double sided as your own.
    -[x] Bane: The traditional Weaknesses: While normal silver does hurt you the enchanted stuff can do a good deal of damage to you, even with all your durability.
    -[x] Bane: Sensitive to the Sun: Neither of your components do well in sunlight, you find yourself weakened in the day and prefer dark places.
    -[x]Bonus boon: The power of the growing/shrinking mood has minor benefits on your human form, giving you better physical/magical abilities in the days leading up to the full/new moon.
    -[x]Bonus retainer: Lesser Werewolf
    [X]Name: Romulus Umbra
    [X]Appearance: L from Deathnote.jpeg
    [x] At range with a bow.
    [x] Artemis
    [x] Classic bishonen
    [x] Distantly with a Halberd.
    [x] A being of living shadow prone to mischief but reliable all the same
    [x] Sensitive to the Sun: Neither of your components do well in sunlight, you find yourself weakened in the day and prefer dark places.
    [X]Plan Away We Go!
    -[x] Boon. You gain resistance to a damage type opposite of you strength gaining a high physical resistance under a new moon and a high magical resistance under a full moon
    -[x] Fighting Style. Distantly with a Halberd.
    -[x] Retainer. A Fey bird of your own creation, it's nature is a double sided as your own.
    -[x] Bane. Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.
    -[x]Bonus boon: The power of the growing/shrinking mood has minor benefits on your human form, giving you better physical/magical abilities in the days leading up to the full/new moon.
    [X] Name. Jonah Artemis.
    [X] Appearance. Refined. Ish. Our brown hair likes to get more unruly the more we lose our temper as we have a habit of running our hands through it in frustration. Striking green eyes. Tanned skin.
    [X] Wild and unkempt looks, but you pull it off surprisingly well
    [x] Your very presence is an boon to your allies, allied magic becomes more powerful during a New Moon, and allied physical capibiliteis are enhanced during a full moon.
    [x] Close in with your bare hands.
    [x] An old caster calm but holding a great deal of power non the less.
    [x] Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.
    [X] Jonathan
    [X] Wild and unkempt looks, but you pull it off surprisingly well
    [x] Lesser fey swarm to your side, during the peaks of your power you are never alone.
    [x] Your very presence is an boon to your allies, allied magic becomes more powerful during a New Moon, and allied physical capibiliteis are enhanced during a full moon.
    [x] Close in with your bare hands.
    [x] A being of living shadow prone to mischief but reliable all the same
    [x] Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.
    [x] Plan Killing Moon:
    [x] Floyd d'Eglantine.
    [x] Like this, but in anime form I guess.
    [x] Lesser fey swarm to your side, during the peaks of your power you are never alone.
    [x] Distantly with a Halberd.
    [x] A being of living shadow prone to mischief but reliable all the same
    [x] Sensitive to the Sun: Neither of your components do well in sunlight, you find yourself weakened in the day and prefer dark places.
    [X] Plan Brawler
    [X] Jonah
    [X] Muscular, not very kept hair. Higher than average height.
    [x] You gain resistance to a damage type opposite of you strength gaining a high physical resistance under a new moon and a high magical resistance under a full moon.
    [x] Your very presence is an boon to your allies, allied magic becomes more powerful during a New Moon, and allied physical capibiliteis are enhanced during a full moon.
    [x] Close in with your bare hands.
    [x] A Fey bird of your own creation, it's nature is a double sided as your own.
    [x] Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.
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[x] Wild and unkempt looks, but you pull it off surprisingly well
[x] Your very presence is an boon to your allies, allied magic becomes more powerful during a New Moon, and allied physical capibiliteis are enhanced during a full moon.
[x] Close in with your bare hands.
[x] An old caster calm but holding a great deal of power non the less.
[x] Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.
[x] Lesser fey swarm to your side, during the peaks of your power you are never alone.
[x] The power of the growing/shrinking mood has minor benefits on your human form, giving you better physical/magical abilities in the days leading up to the full/new moon.
[x] Your very presence is an boon to your allies, allied magic becomes more powerful during a New Moon, and allied physical capibiliteis are enhanced during a full moon.
If we took two flaws in order to get all three of these, would we get weaker versions of the ally summon and ally boost while in human form as our power increases on the days leading up to our transformation? Because I'd really like to have that combo available more often than two days a month.
[X] Jonathan

[X] Wild and unkempt looks, but you pull it off surprisingly well

[x] Lesser fey swarm to your side, during the peaks of your power you are never alone.
[x] Your very presence is an boon to your allies, allied magic becomes more powerful during a New Moon, and allied physical capibiliteis are enhanced during a full moon.

[x] Close in with your bare hands.

[x] A being of living shadow prone to mischief but reliable all the same

[x] Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.
[x] Plan Killing Moon:

What is your name?
[x] Floyd d'Eglantine.

What do you look like?
[x] Like this, but in anime form I guess.

First off your transformations during the Full and New Moons carry one extra befit. What are they? (Choose 1)
[x] Lesser fey swarm to your side, during the peaks of your power you are never alone.

Next how do you fight in your human form?
[x] Distantly with a Halberd.

In addition one Fey retainer has been assigned to you, who is he? (Choose 1)
[x] A being of living shadow prone to mischief but reliable all the same

Finally you can do take up to two flaws for an equal number of the above boons.
[x] Sensitive to the Sun: Neither of your components do well in sunlight, you find yourself weakened in the day and prefer dark places.
Okay. THinking on it. Here's my plan:

[X] Plan Brawler

What is your name?
[X] Jonah

What do you look like?
[X] Muscular, not very kept hair. Higher than average height.

This essentially except being younger:

First off your transformations during the Full and New Moons carry one extra befit. What are they? (Choose 1)
[X] You gain resistance to a damage type opposite of you strength gaining a high physical resistance under a new moon and a high magical resistance under a full moon.
[X] Your very presence is an boon to your allies, allied magic becomes more powerful during a New Moon, and allied physical capibiliteis are enhanced during a full moon.

Next how do you fight in your human form?
[x] Close in with your bare hands.

In addition one Fey retainer has been assigned to you, who is he? (Choose 1)
[X] A Fey bird of your own creation, it's nature is a double sided as your own.

Finally you can do take up to two flaws for an equal number of the above boons.
[X] Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.

Basically, take advantage of high physical capacity and synergy between knowing how to fight bare handed and fighting when transformed. Fey bird to allow us to keep a lower profile.

Enraged is a double edged sword. Social suffers, plus there's higher chance of outing outselves when we are trying to keep a lower profile (like say, maybe not trying to get involved in a brawl between other evil factions if they are throwing around dark magic). But it might be a circumstantial boon if it lets us twig onto presence of evil magic.

The name I'm not set on tbh.
I'm not gonna vote on Chargen more, I'm just gonna wait for the game.

I've never read a good Quest that had an in depth character creation, in fact it's almost always a sign of someone who has no clue what they are doing.
Add that with the fact that the intro had zero, well, you know, intro.
And well, the only reason I'm not gone yet is because even my current fandom setting Quest has like 3 voters on a great day. And this is original.
So I can only assume the GM has a reputation for badass.
So kinda chiming in on the plans...

I don't think we need to tie name, fighting style or appearance to any given plan, but we should probably do so with Boons and Banes/Merits and Flaws... Just so Undead can know what to cut if we can't math.

On a separate note... @undead frog, as we are a Bona Fide lunatic in the original meaning of the word... I would like to ask about the Moon Cycle and magic. How long is the Moon Cycle itself, and how long do the New Moon, Half Moon, and Full Moon phases last? Is it like in our world where we give three nights to each New, First Quarter, Full, and Third Quarter? Or does magic only care about the single specific instant where the moon is full, half and half, or completely cloaked?
On a separate note... @undead frog, as we are a Bona Fide lunatic in the original meaning of the word... I would like to ask about the Moon Cycle and magic. How long is the Moon Cycle itself, and how long do the New Moon, Half Moon, and Full Moon phases last? Is it like in our world where we give three nights to each New, First Quarter, Full, and Third Quarter? Or does magic only care about the single specific instant where the moon is full, half and half, or completely cloaked?
Three Nights each sounds accurate.
So... Personal feelings on the Boons/Banes:

Lesser Fey swarm->Beast Master/Leader of Men power, great if we want to have mooks to get taken down as a distraction. (High Synergy with Presence Aura)
Human Guise Resistance->Very much a power reminiscent of the Shade Lord in that it keeps the enemy guessing at how to best fight us.
Human Guise Power Bleed-> Makes us more offensively viable while playing human.
(Both human Guise abilities are weakest at the Half Moon. Which by GM is 78 days of the year. Still... Not a bad gift. Both together synergize into Why Transform? They also play off each other.)
Presence Aura->Gets better the more people we have on our side. Again great with the swarm, though the boost is likely not that great individually. Also can sometimes boost the wrong thing. And we can't control that.

Lessor Werewolf->Noted that he/she's loyal. Given we're in a Fey court that is barely holding itself together at the seams right now, and Fey court... Loyalty, BIG PLUS. Likely Mothers.
Living Shadow->"Mischievous but reliable." To anyone not expecting a shadow to be a spy or a knife in the dark, a nasty surprise. Likely Fathers.
Old caster->Powerful. Main advantage here would likely be more access to magic, and not focusing on either father or mother too heavily. That said, likely a contractor... And that has me worried.
Bird of our own creation->Noted to have a double nature, as we do. This one can either exacerbate or counteract our mood swings (remember we're a Lunatic). Likely to be one that we are personally rather fond of.

Rage->Very... Garouy... If any of you get my drift. I'd actually prefer not to... Since I expect that the other factions might try to get us into a deal, (We're Fey, deals are what we do) and they're less likely to see a double-cross if we aren't snarling at them every time we get within a hundred feet. (Being able to nullify those things 39 days a year is likely going to be a big shock to them.) Likely Mother's side coming through here. Though by same token a "nice" flaw to have if we ever reveal ourselves... Or get revealed.
Sensitive to the Sun->Me, personally? I like this one. I feel like it can make us the odd friend for our magical girl princess. Half-Otaku, half-Gollum. Especially depending on the Moon Phase. I think it could be fun to play. Of course, also means that we are not going to be at our best... approximately half the year, especially during daylight raids of evil or wanton destruction.
Call of Savagery->Wolfzerker. Also very Garouy! A temper unleashed in battle could be good... Or really, really bad. Anti-synergy with the Presence Aura and Lesser Fey Swarm. Mother coming through again.
Traditional Weaknesses->It's... a "safe" problem to have. It's predictable... For both sides. We know they know and they know we know that they know. Both makes overt traps easy to spot and we can already start to prepare contingencies... But the opponents can start making those traps much faster than if they had to really research us.
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[x] The traditional Weaknesses: While normal silver does hurt you the enchanted stuff can do a good deal of damage to you, even with all your durability.
[x] Sensitive to the Sun: Neither of your components do well in sunlight, you find yourself weakened in the day and prefer dark places.
[x] A Fey bird of your own creation, it's nature is a double sided as your own.
[x] Distantly with a Halberd.
[x] You gain resistance to a damage type opposite of you strength gaining a high physical resistance under a new moon and a high magical resistance under a full moon.
[x] The power of the growing/shrinking mood has minor benefits on your human form, giving you better physical/magical abilities in the days leading up to the full/new moon.
[x] A less werewolf as loyal as they come.
So... Personal feelings on the Boons/Banes:

Lesser Fey swarm->Beast Master/Leader of Men power, great if we want to have mooks to get taken down as a distraction. (High Synergy with Presence Aura)
Human Guise Resistance->Very much a power reminiscent of the Shade Lord in that it keeps the enemy guessing at how to best fight us.
Human Guise Power Bleed-> Makes us more offensively viable while playing human.
(Both human Guise abilities are weakest at the Half Moon. Which by GM is 78 days of the year. Still... Not a bad gift. Both together synergize into Why Transform? They also play off each other.)
Presence Aura->Gets better the more people we have on our side. Again great with the swarm, though the boost is likely not that great individually. Also can sometimes boost the wrong thing. And we can't control that.

Lessor Werewolf->Noted that he/she's loyal. Given we're in a Fey court that is barely holding itself together at the seams right now, and Fey court... Loyalty, BIG PLUS. Likely Mothers.
Living Shadow->"Mischievous but reliable." To anyone not expecting a shadow to be a spy or a knife in the dark, a nasty surprise. Likely Fathers.
Old caster->Powerful. Main advantage here would likely be more access to magic, and not focusing on either father or mother too heavily. That said, likely a contractor... And that has me worried.
Bird of our own creation->Noted to have a double nature, as we do. This one can either exacerbate or counteract our mood swings (remember we're a Lunatic). Likely to be one that we are personally rather fond of.

Rage->Very... Garouy... If any of you get my drift. I'd actually prefer not to... Since I expect that the other factions might try to get us into a deal, (We're Fey, deals are what we do) and they're less likely to see a double-cross if we aren't snarling at them every time we get within a hundred feet. (Being able to nullify those things 39 days a year is likely going to be a big shock to them.) Likely Mother's side coming through here. Though by same token a "nice" flaw to have if we ever reveal ourselves... Or get revealed.
Sensitive to the Sun->Me, personally? I like this one. I feel like it can make us the odd friend for our magical girl princess. Half-Otaku, half-Gollum. Especially depending on the Moon Phase. I think it could be fun to play. Of course, also means that we are not going to be at our best... approximately half the year, especially during daylight raids of evil or wanton destruction.
Call of Savagery->Wolfzerker. Also very Garouy! A temper unleashed in battle could be good... Or really, really bad. Anti-synergy with the Presence Aura and Lesser Fey Swarm. Mother coming through again.
Traditional Weaknesses->It's... a "safe" problem to have. It's predictable... For both sides. We know they know and they know we know that they know. Both makes overt traps easy to spot and we can already start to prepare contingencies... But the opponents can start making those traps much faster than if they had to really research us.
Nice. I like these.

I think the only thing I don't think I agree with is the:

Human Guise Resistance->Very much a power reminiscent of the Shade Lord in that it keeps the enemy guessing at how to best fight us.

Thing. I read this:

[x] You gain resistance to a damage type opposite of you strength gaining a high physical resistance under a new moon and a high magical resistance under a full moon.
As applying to both forms. Do you as well and I'm just missing it? If you meant that it applies in both forms but is especially useful in human form then I agree completely with the above.
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