My Magical Warrior Best Friend can't find out my Secret!

@BungieONI any chance you'll swap back over to the werewolf prince? Mad Scientist is getting abit close and Werewolf *does* have a lead over Sin and iirc your okay with either of them winning.

And i'd really like to not be yet another RnD PC in a Quest frankly. SV chooses them a lot.

As a Quest writer, I do not want to be in any Quest where the big issue is "We need to remember to make intelligent decisions."
Because um, I see a lot of dumb decisions from very smart people.

That's why I didn't pick the scientist. As great as its potential, everyone else has leeway to be a little off base. The scientist can easily be screwed from one mistake. And that mistake doesn't even really need to be dumb, it can be a perfectly rational decision picked for the wrong time or circumstance.
As a Quest writer, I do not want to be in any Quest where the big issue is "We need to remember to make intelligent decisions."
Because um, I see a lot of dumb decisions from very smart people.

That's why I didn't pick the scientist. As great as its potential, everyone else has leeway to be a little off base. The scientist can easily be screwed from one mistake. And that mistake doesn't even really need to be dumb, it can be a perfectly rational decision picked for the wrong time or circumstance.
Yeah. But seems like the Science! brigade has won. Again. God damn it. This is exactly what i mean by SV tends to gravitate towards RnD heros.

No matter the cons they do so. Ugh. God damn it. If only the GM would have closed the fucking voting yesterday.

One bad roll or mistake and the mad scientist is fucked if other evil factions find out about him.

Well. Only hope is if the Sin voters swap to werewolf. Otherwise, yet another science hero here we come. *sigh*

And i bet most of the late voters will lurk for the rest of the quest.

Edit: also, correct me if i'm wrong. But has there been any actual quest with a werewolf as a protagonist?
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Yeah. But seems like the Science! brigade has won. Again. God damn it. This is exactly what i mean by SV tends to gravitate towards RnD heros.

No matter the cons they do so. Ugh. God damn it. If only the GM would have closed the fucking voting yesterday.

One bad roll or mistake and the mad scientist is fucked if other evil factions find out about him.

Well. Only hope is if the Sin voters swap to werewolf. Otherwise, yet another science hero here we come. *sigh*

And i bet most of the late voters will lurk for the rest of the quest.
May I ask why you prefer what you are voting for then? As one of the science voters you are upset about, I'd like to know what your position is, because while I probably won't change my vote I'd at least like to know what your reasons for choosing what you did are.
May I ask why you prefer what you are voting for then? As one of the science voters you are upset about, I'd like to know what your position is, because while I probably won't change my vote I'd at least like to know what your reasons for choosing what you did are.

Okay. I voted for the werewolf prince/fae princess combo.

My reasons are that first, the werewolf prince is fairly high up there in terms of individual power, yet is not completely up in the top tier (yet) unlike say, the Sin, whom would easily be a evil overlord of his own had he not have 6 siblings and a stronger boss. So the werewolf, while being able to hold his own or defeat most shit with his innate power won't be steamrolling everything in sight and thus wont be getting *everything* dropped on him if he unleashes his full power. Thus he can take care of himself without having to rely on minions and his power is always available and at his control (unlike the mad scientist) unless there's a full moon which taxes his control due to being boosted so much. Frankly I dislike the idea of essentially losing control of the player character.

Also, the werewolf prince swaps between being the uber tanky and strong warrior and being a caster focus depending on wether there's a full moon or new moon iirc. And there's quite a synergy between the heroine and the werewolf prince in a fight if they fight together.

Second, the interaction between the fae princess and the werewolf prince would be hilarious imo, due to fae politics. Especially with how the werewolf prince can nullify any Fae contracts or curses at certain times. Which basically throws the wrench into how fae society works and thus result in hilarity if used. And I think it would be a rather awesome scene if the werewolf prince is able to tell the rest of the Fae to fuck off if they try to tell him what to do about the pesky heroine.

Third, related to fae politics, his father. As described, he's a troll in essence. And the werewolf prince also has a troll streak in him, which promises to be rather amusing. And the interaction between the protag's father and himself seems like it would be quite fun, especially with regard to the fae princess, as if he's as much of a troll as I suspect the father won't be able to resist trolling his son about her.

Fourth, werewolf prince AFAIK is rather unique as the protagonist. I personally haven't seen any quest that features a werewolf as a protag.

Fifth, the werewolf seem to be best placed at keeping his head down until action is needed and can for the large part avoid being actually, ya know, evil. Other then the occasional jobs assigned by his parents.
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Those are good points you have there, and certainly better reasoning than backs my choice ("I like science, especially when mad, so I'll go with the choice that gives me this") so I will have to consider switching, but I shan't decide now, rather I will put it off until later so that I can decide to stick with or change my vote. I suspect, though, that my changing vote won't actually change the result, but nothing is set in stone until the final tally.
[x] The Werewolf Prince: The son of the Lady of Savagery and the Lord of Shades you are a powerful fey abomination capible of utterly destroying most who oppose you...and that's without a full moon boosting your power.
Pros: Very powerful physical combatant and your later appearance means that you have plenty of time to study up on the other evils.
Cons: Fey politics and all the entails.

[x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!: Descended from a line of good fey the Fairy Princess attacks her enemies using a variety of confusing magical attacks.
[x] The Werewolf Prince: The son of the Lady of Savagery and the Lord of Shades you are a powerful fey abomination capible of utterly destroying most who oppose you...and that's without a full moon boosting your power.
Pros: Very powerful physical combatant and your later appearance means that you have plenty of time to study up on the other evils.
Cons: Fey politics and all the entails.
[x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!: Descended from a line of good fey the Fairy Princess attacks her enemies using a variety of confusing magical attacks.
Those are good points you have there, and certainly better reasoning than backs my choice ("I like science, especially when mad, so I'll go with the choice that gives me this") so I will have to consider switching, but I shan't decide now, rather I will put it off until later so that I can decide to stick with or change my vote. I suspect, though, that my changing vote won't actually change the result, but nothing is set in stone until the final tally.
He's planning on closing the Votes today, and by my current count, the vote difference is about 1 person.
Fifth, the werewolf seem to be best placed at keeping his head down until action is needed and can for the large part avoid being actually, ya know, evil. Other then the occasional jobs assigned by his parents.

You actually have a number of good points. I don't really thing he'll be able to keep his head down, because he's a Prince, so his name is already out there.

I admit a large part of the reason I want to be a Mad Scientist is that I recently read Narbonics.

That being said, I do think the Mad Scientist is the best option. Along with his Science! involved, which at later levels will allow blatant reality warping, there's also the fact that, despite the occasional bout of madness, we're still a pretty normal person, at least at first. We'd have time to prepare and build what we want before we attack, and while I've been building up the affably evil side, that's not really the only path.

For example, we could start off affably evil, as I've already explained. Once we get a) forcibly recruited or b) stopped by our friend, we can, either directly or via a note, inform our friend of our condition. Now we get sympathy from our friend and help when we need it (possibly).

And while we lose some control during our episodes, the same happens during the full moon, so I wouldn't choose WW over Science! just because you want control.

And once again, we'll be able to build tech that warps reality.

Honestly I don't think either of us will convince the other, but I figured if you gave your pitch I'd give mine.
I changed votes as I wanted there to be a theme with us and our enemy best friend either magic or science.
And once again, we'll be able to build tech that warps reality.
You understand magic warps reality right?
That's the nature of magic. That statement from the GM was the not a statement that the Scientist will be stronger than the others. It was saying "They will eventually be able to play ball with everyone else as an actual threat assuming you don't die painfully before then."

(I think people are forgetting that that's a real possibility. There are villains. We actually can get ripped in half. By literally everyone.)
You understand magic warps reality right?
That's the nature of magic. That statement from the GM was the not a statement that the Scientist will be stronger than the others. It was saying "They will eventually be able to play ball with everyone else as an actual threat assuming you don't die painfully before then."
Yeah, but even without that we'll be able to play ball, at least to an extent. Warping Reality isn't needed to beat magic, our regular tech will be able to do that just fine.

It's just fun to say Warp Reality.
Pretty sure at least some of the other factions are immune to standard bullets. Which means no, Mad Scientist is not able to "play ball" with them right away.

Mad Scientist is on defense while he tries to research what actually hurts them, builds something for that... Backslides horribly about five times between... And oh yeah, already gained their attention, because Giant Robots stomping through the city causing STUPID amounts of property damage tends to do that!

The other groups kinda already know generally how to fight each other. (...Except maybe how to fight the Sins. They're new.) They've kinda been fighting before. And they know humans are really squishy and non-magical humans can't directly affect any magical geas they place on them.
Adhoc vote count started by AbZHz101 on Jul 27, 2017 at 8:44 AM, finished with 164 posts and 49 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by AbZHz101 on Jul 27, 2017 at 9:15 AM, finished with 168 posts and 49 votes.
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Pretty sure at least some of the other factions are immune to standard bullets. Which means no, Mad Scientist is not able to "play ball" with them right away.

Mad Scientist is on defense while he tries to research what actually hurts them, builds something for that... Backslides horribly about five times between... And oh yeah, already gained their attention, because Giant Robots stomping through the city causing STUPID amounts of property damage tends to do that!

The other groups kinda already know generally how to fight each other. (...Except maybe how to fight the Sins. They're new.) They've kinda been fighting before. And they know humans are really squishy and non-magical humans can't directly affect any magical geas they place on them.
I doubt the Mad Scientist will be using bullets of all things. I mean, at the very least he could use lasers or something. And we will be able to fight them before we get super late into the game, simply because if that were not the case it would mean @undead frog made one choice blatantly worse then the others.

Have some faith that choosing Mad Scientist won't immediately screw us over if we pick it.

Of course, this isn't really something that either of us will convince the other of, so meh.
I doubt the Mad Scientist will be using bullets of all things. I mean, at the very least he could use lasers or something. And we will be able to fight them before we get super late into the game, simply because if that were not the case it would mean @undead frog made one choice blatantly worse then the others.

Have some faith that choosing Mad Scientist won't immediately screw us over if we pick it.

Of course, this isn't really something that either of us will convince the other of, so meh.
That's actually not true.
The scientist could be incapable of harming them the entire game and it wouldn't necessarily be 'worse.'

Because we weren't given an intro, there's no tone set, we haven't even been given an objective. Period.
This is a blatant case of 'choose the game you want to play.' Which is not necessarily smart because it means most people are gonna drop when their choice isn't picked.

But in general, I could think of lots of ways we could take this where the scientist would be perfect while other choices would be worthless. They're just not combat related.
It's pretty clear right from the get-go that the scientist isn't the combat choice.
Well, tactical vote here I go

[x] The Werewolf Prince: The son of the Lady of Savagery and the Lord of Shades you are a powerful fey abomination capible of utterly destroying most who oppose you...and that's without a full moon boosting your power.
Pros: Very powerful physical combatant and your later appearance means that you have plenty of time to study up on the other evils.
Cons: Fey politics and all the entails.
[x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!: Descended from a line of good fey the Fairy Princess attacks her enemies using a variety of confusing magical attacks.

Because as lovely as science sounds, I'm not playing the good guy this time, and that includes the cursed guy (yes I'm aware of the irony)
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That's actually not true.
The scientist could be incapable of harming them the entire game and it wouldn't necessarily be 'worse.'

Because we weren't given an intro, there's no tone set, we haven't even been given an objective. Period.
This is a blatant case of 'choose the game you want to play.' Which is not necessarily smart because it means most people are gonna drop when their choice isn't picked.

But in general, I could think of lots of ways we could take this where the scientist would be perfect while other choices would be worthless. They're just not combat related.
It's pretty clear right from the get-go that the scientist isn't the combat choice.
While that's true, what I mean is that I doubt we'll be fighting enemies we can't hurt in the early game. And later game we'll have reality warping weapons, so it won't really matter.
Current Tally:

Wolf Prince: 12+6+2=20
Mad Scientist: 9+8+1=18
Sin of Gluttony: 8+1=9

Fairy Princess: 19+7+2=28
Lady of Gears: 9+6=15
Adhoc vote count started by AbZHz101 on Jul 27, 2017 at 9:22 AM, finished with 169 posts and 49 votes.
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[x] The Werewolf Prince: The son of the Lady of Savagery and the Lord of Shades you are a powerful fey abomination capible of utterly destroying most who oppose you...and that's without a full moon boosting your power.
Pros: Very powerful physical combatant and your later appearance means that you have plenty of time to study up on the other evils.
Cons: Fey politics and all the entails.

[x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!: Descended from a line of good fey the Fairy Princess attacks her enemies using a variety of confusing magical attacks.
Walks in.

*Looks at current votes.*


Ok consider the voting closed the Wereworlf prince takes it.

I'll have the next part of character generation out soon...and then we get this shindig started.
[X] The Mad Scientist: Instead of and ancient evil or hopped up cult the source of your problems comes from your own madness, while you are decent and even helpful most of the time the fact remains that your worst parts can flare up at a moments notice, and you can cause quite a bit of damage during those instances.
Pros: Greatest flexibility, most enemies know nothing about you.
Cons: The only option that can and will backslide, once discovered other evils will have no problem pressing you into service.

[X] Lady of Gears: Using a powerful mechanical enchantment passed down through her family the lady of gears faceevil with an arsenal of magical firepower!
Character Generation Part 2
Ok first things first.

What is your name?
[x] Write in.

What do you look like?
[x] Write in

First off your transformations during the Full and New Moons carry one extra befit. What are they? (Choose 1)
[x] Lesser fey swarm to your side, during the peaks of your power you are never alone.
[x] You gain resistance to a damage type opposite of you strength gaining a high physical resistance under a new moon and a high magical resistance under a full moon.
[x] The power of the growing/shrinking mood has minor benefits on your human form, giving you better physical/magical abilities in the days leading up to the full/new moon.
[x] Your very presence is an boon to your allies, allied magic becomes more powerful during a New Moon, and allied physical capibiliteis are enhanced during a full moon.

Next how do you fight in your human form?
[x] Close in with your bare hands.
[x] At range with a bow.
[x] Very personally with a battle axe.
[x] Distantly with a Halberd.

In addition one Fey retainer has been assigned to you, who is he? (Choose 1)
[x] A less werewolf as loyal as they come.
[x] A being of living shadow prone to mischief but reliable all the same
[x] An old caster calm but holding a great deal of power non the less.
[x] A Fey bird of your own creation, it's nature is a double sided as your own.

Finally you can do take up to two flaws for an equal number of the above boons.
[x] Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.
[x] Sensitive to the Sun: Neither of your components do well in sunlight, you find yourself weakened in the day and prefer dark places.
[x] The call of Savagery: When you transform into your true form during all full moon your own nature infuses those around you making it hard for friend and foe alike to tell the difference between the two.
[x] The traditional Weaknesses: While normal silver does hurt you the enchanted stuff can do a good deal of damage to you, even with all your durability.
[x] Artemis
[x] Classic bishonen
[x] Your very presence is an boon to your allies, allied magic becomes more powerful during a New Moon, and allied physical capibiliteis are enhanced during a full moon.
[x] At range with a bow.
[x] A being of living shadow prone to mischief but reliable all the same

[x] Enraged by the twisted: Your temper is notably worse in the presence of evil magics such as those of demons or the can make you far less pleasant to be around than you would be normally.