May I ask why you prefer what you are voting for then? As one of the science voters you are upset about, I'd like to know what your position is, because while I probably won't change my vote I'd at least like to know what your reasons for choosing what you did are.
Okay. I voted for the werewolf prince/fae princess combo.
My reasons are that first, the werewolf prince is fairly high up there in terms of individual power, yet is not completely up in the top tier (yet) unlike say, the Sin, whom would easily be a evil overlord of his own had he not have 6 siblings and a stronger boss. So the werewolf, while being able to hold his own or defeat most shit with his innate power won't be steamrolling everything in sight and thus wont be getting *everything* dropped on him if he unleashes his full power. Thus he can take care of himself without having to rely on minions and his power is always available and at his control (unlike the mad scientist) unless there's a full moon which taxes his control due to being boosted so much. Frankly I dislike the idea of essentially losing control of the player character.
Also, the werewolf prince swaps between being the uber tanky and strong warrior and being a caster focus depending on wether there's a full moon or new moon iirc. And there's quite a synergy between the heroine and the werewolf prince in a fight if they fight together.
Second, the interaction between the fae princess and the werewolf prince would be hilarious imo, due to fae politics. Especially with how the werewolf prince can nullify any Fae contracts or curses at certain times. Which basically throws the wrench into how fae society works and thus result in hilarity if used. And I think it would be a rather awesome scene if the werewolf prince is able to tell the rest of the Fae to fuck off if they try to tell him what to do about the pesky heroine.
Third, related to fae politics, his father. As described, he's a troll in essence. And the werewolf prince also has a troll streak in him, which promises to be rather amusing. And the interaction between the protag's father and himself seems like it would be quite fun, especially with regard to the fae princess, as if he's as much of a troll as I suspect the father won't be able to resist trolling his son about her.
Fourth, werewolf prince AFAIK is rather unique as the protagonist. I personally haven't seen any quest that features a werewolf as a protag.
Fifth, the werewolf seem to be best placed at keeping his head down until action is needed and can for the large part avoid being actually, ya know, evil. Other then the occasional jobs assigned by his parents.