My Magical Warrior Best Friend can't find out my Secret!

[x] The Mad Scientist: Instead of and ancient evil or hopped up cult the source of your problems comes from your own madness, while you are decent and even helpful most of the time the fact remains that your worst parts can flare up at a moments notice, and you can cause quite a bit of damage during those instances.

[x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!: Descended from a line of good fey the Fairy Princess attacks her enemies using a variety of confusing magical attacks.

Science vs Magic!
[x] The Mad Scientist: Instead of and ancient evil or hopped up cult the source of your problems comes from your own madness, while you are decent and even helpful most of the time the fact remains that your worst parts can flare up at a moments notice, and you can cause quite a bit of damage during those instances.

[x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!: Descended from a line of good fey the Fairy Princess attacks her enemies using a variety of confusing magical attacks.
[x] The Mad Scientist: Instead of and ancient evil or hopped up cult the source of your problems comes from your own madness, while you are decent and even helpful most of the time the fact remains that your worst parts can flare up at a moments notice, and you can cause quite a bit of damage during those instances.

[x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!: Descended from a line of good fey the Fairy Princess attacks her enemies using a variety of confusing magical attacks.

Science vs Magic!
Also potential oodles and oodles of trauma. And SCIENCE!

I am okay with this.
Not really? I mean... Most of them have this trope of being addicted to eating one food. But we eat literally everything.
So, a Saiyan basically. Not really disproving his point.

Anyways, I'm not taking Gluttony unless we're something other than "Eat Literally Everything" because I think we can do better than having no standards. Maybe having absurdly high standards instead? Outright refusing to eat all but the very best foods, kind of like Beerus from DBS.
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[x] The Mad Scientist: Instead of and ancient evil or hopped up cult the source of your problems comes from your own madness, while you are decent and even helpful most of the time the fact remains that your worst parts can flare up at a moments notice, and you can cause quite a bit of damage during those instances.

[x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!: Descended from a line of good fey the Fairy Princess attacks her enemies using a variety of confusing magical attacks.

Science vs Magic!

You're right by Jove!
[x] The Mad Scientist: Instead of and ancient evil or hopped up cult the source of your problems comes from your own madness, while you are decent and even helpful most of the time the fact remains that your worst parts can flare up at a moments notice, and you can cause quite a bit of damage during those instances.

[x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!: Descended from a line of good fey the FairyPrincess attacks her enemies using avariety of confusing magical attacks.
It's like the plot of a shoujo light novel!

I can't resist!

And Mad Scientist + Beautiful Fairy Princess is even more of a shoujo plot waiting to happen.
I said when I picked those two that I smelled Shakespeare.

You honestly can't believe that if it wins Romeo & Juliet won't be in the air/on everyone-who-knows' minds.
Adhoc vote count started by AbZHz101 on Jul 24, 2017 at 8:07 PM, finished with 36 posts and 20 votes.
  • 21

    [x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!: Descended from a line of good fey the Fairy Princess attacks her enemies using a variety of confusing magical attacks.
    [x] The Sin of Gluttony: Transformed into an abomination as the result of a horrible experiment you are the eldest and most powerful of your brother answering only to the Lady of Sin in your forces proverbial hierarchy, and that's saying something considering how strong each and every one of your siblings are.
    [x] The Mad Scientist: Instead of and ancient evil or hopped up cult the source of your problems comes from your own madness, while you are decent and even helpful most of the time the fact remains that your worst parts can flare up at a moments notice, and you can cause quite a bit of damage during those instances.
    [x] The Werewolf Prince: The son of the Lady of Savagery and the Lord of Shades you are a powerful fey abomination capible of utterly destroying most who oppose you...and that's without a full moon boosting your power.
    [x] Lady of Gears: Using a powerful mechanical enchantment passed down through her family the lady of gears face evil with an arsenal of magical firepower!
    [x] The Defender of Light!: A heroine who channels the power of light into her attacks, at the moment she's limited to light blasts but who knows how long it will stay that way?
    [x] The Werewolf Prince
    [x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!
    [x] The Alpha Homunculus: Created by a witch from a long lost magical empire you were actually created recently and have been raised in the modern day to counteract the Witches own behind the times attitude. Unfortunately one of the Witches mortal enemies also happens to have been one of your friends ancient predecessors.
    [x] The Werewolf Prince
    [x] Lady of Gears
    [x] Valor: Channeling the virtue of Valor this champion will never cower in the face of evil!
    [X] The Sin of Gluttony
    [X] Valor
I said when I picked those two that I smelled Shakespeare.

You honestly can't believe that if it wins Romeo & Juliet won't be in the air/on everyone-who-knows' minds.
It's amusing as hell to envision.

Like I can literally see the cover for the light novel of either Werewolf Prince + Fairy Princess or Mad Scientist + Fairy Princess.

And that is too amusing not to have as a background possibility, among all the violence and horror and screaming cacophony of this train on it's way to... wherever we want!

I have manic grins.
It's amusing as hell to envision.

Like I can literally see the cover for the light novel of either Werewolf Prince + Fairy Princess or Mad Scientist + Fairy Princess.

And that is too amusing not to have as a background possibility, among all the violence and horror and screaming cacophony of this train on it's way to... wherever we want!

I have manic grins.

Could easily go Shonen imho. Sure, a dash of tragedy, suspense, misunderstandings. But also the potential for our character to tell the rest of the world to fuck off with their politics, 'friends dont abandon each other!'

I mean, can you imagine it? Almost everyone, both on the side of good and the side of evil, thinks that our guy and his friend should fight. That there can be no friendship. And then he/they go 'No.' and make it stick. That moment would be pretty awesome. Especially since the two complement each other (physical warrior and the wizard/mage combo) in terms of combat ability.
They called me Mad for romancing the hero! MAD!!!
(I've definitely overdone it.)
[x] The Werewolf Prince: The son of the Lady of Savagery and the Lord of Shades you are a powerful fey abomination capible of utterly destroying most who oppose you...and that's without a full moon boosting your power.
Pros: Very powerful physical combatant and your later appearance means that you have plenty of time to study up on the other evils.
Cons: Fey politics and all the entails.

[x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!: Descended from a line of good fey the Fairy Princess attacks her enemies using a variety of confusing magical attacks.
And it would work.

Enemy gloats at the werewolf prince from the sky.

Que the heroine's entrance.

'Do the thing?' 'Do the thing.'

Que the flying catapulted werewolf laying a smackdown on some fool. :p


*ded enemy*

*couple proceeds to begin to bicker like an old married couple*

We are also rather well spec-ed to sneak up on her and get close for three reasons: a) we are holy shit fast I would assume with our physical abilities, b) enhanced senses allowing to puncture illusions, c) familiarity with Fae politics and magic.

First though before we get to the shoujo... the obligatory FUN times.

Then after those the obligatory EXTRA FUN times.

Then we can get to the FUN intertwined with the shoujo.
Alright so, I've been thinking about sin of Gluttony and I've come up with a few neat ideas for characterization. Being a foodie, as in "I love food, and if I don't love it, I don't swallow." variety, leading us to having a really skeletal appearance. And the whole "Skeletal appearance hiding power" thing made me think of the character All Might from Hero Academia.

I mean, we're a sin after all, and as we're not Lust why have us look remotely pretty?

And since we're Gluttony, we're a fuck awesome chef, so the heroin will end up eating like a queen breakfast lunch and dinner as a result of being friends with him.
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Alright so, I've been thinking about sin of Gluttony and I've come up with a few neat ideas for characterization. Being a foodie, as in "I love food, and if I don't love it, I don't swallow." variety, leading us to having a really skeletal appearance. And the whole "Skeletal appearance hiding power" thing made me think of the character All Might from Hero Academia.

I mean, we're a sin after all, and as we're not Lust why have us look remotely pretty?

And since we're Gluttony, we're a fuck awesome chef, so the heroin will end up eating like a queen breakfast lunch and dinner as a result of being friends with him.

Urge to headcannon the character as Meme Oshino and vote for Gluttony rising. Someone Halp!

Urge to headcannon the character as Meme Oshino and vote for Gluttony rising. Someone Halp!
Hm... Gluttony has 7 other rivals of equal strength and seems to have a overlord that it has to obey? And those rivals probably going to be doing everything they can to knock Gluttony (and others) down a peg?

Werewolf, from the background, rather seems like the 'Fuck you politics! I wanna enjoy life!' prince, so while his life is likely politically relevant he doesn't have a truly relevant superior he has to unquestioningly obey?

Also, @undead frog any fun tidbits about the werewolf prince? Plus, does he lose control on full moon or does he retain full control over himself and his power even when boosted by the Moon?

Edit: Also, funny typo on the tags.
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