Um, did we make sure to grab Sansa's friend, the one Littlefinger sticks in a whorehouse?
Hint hint folks.
Marry Robb to Shireen, assuming Stannis does his job correctly she is going to be Princess of Westeros. Though having a Florent on the throne is a little weird.
[X] Plan Hedge Our Bets
-[X] Eddard will go North and Robb will stay south. The heir to Winterfell has proven himself an adept commander, and it has been too long since its Lord saw his lady wife.
-[X] Send as many scouts and rangers out as possible, in a wide but closely connected net, so that if one disappears or dies, the others know of it. Order them to bring you word of whatever they hear or see. Simultaneously, order for a small host to be gathered near the Long Lake.
-[X] Say nothing in regards to Stannis or Renly. We may have declared for Stannis, but we owe him nothing; he did nothing to aid Lord Eddard in his danger, as should be his duty. Vassalage is a two-way street - if Stannis wants the powers of it, let him prove he also honors its responsibilities. As For Renly, we have no quarrel with him; the Riverlands are ours, and should he want anything of them or us, let him come and ask.
-[X] Execute Ser Gregor and send his head to Prince Doran. He was sentenced to death under King Robert, with the sentence carried out by his loyal Wardens of the North, the Stark; let that be an end to it. Still, Princess Elia deserves justice, so they now have it (if we have Amory Lorch, do the same for him).
-[X] Send a message to all the Lord and Ladies of the Vale regarding the recent occurrences. Express surprise that Lysa did not come aid her siblings,but understanding that she may not have been able to do so. Proclaim Petyr Baelish to be a traitor who killed Jon Arryn and desires to rule the Vale. Indicate a willingness to betroth Sansa to Robin Arryn, and should that not work out, to Harrold Hardyng.
-[X] Along with Gregor Clegane's head, send a message to Prince Doran, indicating willingness to betroth Arya* to Quentyn or Trystane Martell.
-[X] Speak with Lord Lefford and his daughter about betrothing Alysanne to Bran. Should they (most likely) refuse, offer instead a betrothal between Edmure Tully** and Alysanne
-[X] Speak to Lady Whent and Edmure Tully about making Rickon*** heir to Lady Whent.
-[X] Send a force of men with Arya to find her direwolf. Nobody wants that beast to become feral and terrorize the Riverlands.
*I don't really care about Dorne, but it makes us look willing to talk, and let's be honest, Arya will need to be married, and Dorne is probably the place she'd be happiest.
**Brings the Golden Tooth into the Riverlands, doesn't cost us anything, and is an excellent offer - they'd be fools to refuse.
***Will also have the benefit of making Walder Frey happy.
It's called 'hedge our bets', precisely because we're not committing to anything. We've offered a nice betrothal to Lysa. Obviously she can say no if she wants; we don't need the Vale currently, we just want their neutrality. The Hardyng offer is obviously not something we're sending to Lysa - it's meant as reassurance to the other Lords and Ladies of the Vale that we're willing to deal with them and respect them, not just with Lysa. And unless House Royce rules the Vale (which it currently doesn't), marrying Ysilla is pointless. Worse,it could easily be spun as us trying to give the Royces the power to take over the Vale, leading to civil war there.Could you add in a betrothal between Robb and Ysilla Royce, it's ensure our eastern border and that the Vale Lords can't attack us, Harold Harding and Sansa will just be seen as an attack by Lysa and Robin and Sansa is just a poor idea that will definitely get rejected by Lysa.
No he's not Shireen is 9 years old to his 14.
See who has lost the most due to Clegane's rampage and offer that lord to take his head. Before the execution, send out an invitation to Dorne.
The man who passes the sentence should take the sword.
Clegane's execution shouldn't be a sport. As much as literally everyone will enjoy it.
I didn't. I don't plan anything for Theon yet. I don't want to make him bitter by forcing him into a marriage, and I'd rather keep him close for now. If he wants something, has found a girl and wants our help, again, he can come to us. I'm leaving the Iron Islands alone; in canon, when Robb tried to get Balon's help, it backfired spectacularly.You forgot about Theon in your plan.
Before we start voting on plans en masse, though...we should take a bit to consider if there's anything else we want to look into.
Oh, Bella should still be at Stoney Sept. We should pick her up. Gotta collect all the Baratheon bastards, after all.
I don't think the stance of neutrality is going to fly, though. I don't think Ned would go for it unless we actually are dealing with an immediate threat like the Greyjoys or Wildlings. But we'd have to actually be able to point out that they're attacking.
We could try to broker peace between the brothers.
Stannis only has Shireen as heir. If she is barren, Renly is still effectively Stannis's heir. If she isn't barren...perhaps we could broker an arrangement between the Baratheons. Joining the lines. Shireen's heir with Renly's. In the meantime Renly hangs onto Storm's End. Kind of squicky, I know, but if it avoids war...
It's a border castle. Lord Lefford would want a man who can protect his daughter and his castle. All due respect to Bran, a cripple won't do.
I didn't. I don't plan anything for Theon yet. I don't want to make him bitter by forcing him into a marriage, and I'd rather keep him close for now. If he wants something, has found a girl and wants our help, again, he can come to us. I'm leaving the Iron Islands alone; in canon, when Robb tried to get Balon's help, it backfired spectacularly.
I really care nothing for Robert's bastards, it's not like any of them have a good claim on the throne. I assume the only reason we brought them along is because doesn't want any more dead kids on his conscience, but they're not a bargaining chip or anything.
Brokering peace isn't something I want to do. Let them hash it out,if the winner has problems with us, we crush him too. War that's not taking place in the Riverlands or North is not our problem.
It's a border castle. Lord Lefford would want a man who can protect his daughter and his castle. All due respect to Bran, a cripple won't do.
Here's my outline of a possible plan.
I'm really not sure about the marriages and would like input on that. Marrying Bran to Lord Lefford's daugther seems like a fair bet and hitching Theon with a Mormont girl should prove rather interesting. If we can get Lady Whent to proclaim Rickon as her heir, that'd be great but I wouldn't count on it. I'm not sure what to do in regards to Sansa and Arya but Robb should probably marry a Northern girl in order to secure the trust and loyalty of our vassals. Then again, Robb probably already has that given his extraordinary victories against the Lannisters.
I'd also like to execute 'Reek' who's currently sitting in a cell in Winterfell. Killing Ramsay Snow could prevent a lot of misery and death in the North and nobody will miss him, not even his father.
Um, did we make sure to grab Sansa's friend, the one Littlefinger sticks in a whorehouse?
Huh. Shireen Baratheon and Margaery Tyrell look a lot alike. I guess the Florents are closely related to the Tyrells after all.
Robb should definitely marry within the North, especially as Rickon isn't and Bran is dubious. Honestly, I think Sansa should do the same. It's important to keep a connection to our vassals (which does not ITTL include the rivermen). As to the Lefford heiress... I'd say pitch the idea to Edmure, because, again, it's really much more relevant to Tully than to Stark interests.
Rickon inheriting Harenhal would be interesting, but I'm not sure it's even desirable, given that the place is cursed.
(Current preferences: Robb - Meera Reed, Sansa - TBD northerner (Harrion Karstark?), Arya - Trystane Martell. Though any Arya betrothal is far in the future still.)
Okay so you are ignoring the fact that with Baelish at her side Lysa will find out about the Harry betrothal and it will screw us massively, you say a Ysilla betrothal is us sticking our noses in? No, that's the Harry thing, that is so much worse it's ridiculous. Also the offer to Lysa will seem like we are trying to take him from her, alongside the Harry thing and Baelish she will declare war. Your plan is so much worse for the Vale it hurts.It's called 'hedge our bets', precisely because we're not committing to anything. We've offered a nice betrothal to Lysa. Obviously she can say no if she wants; we don't need the Vale currently, we just want their neutrality. The Hardyng offer is obviously not something we're sending to Lysa - it's meant as reassurance to the other Lords and Ladies of the Vale that we're willing to deal with them and respect them, not just with Lysa. And unless House Royce rules the Vale (which it currently doesn't), marrying Ysilla is pointless. Worse,it could easily be spun as us trying to give the Royces the power to take over the Vale, leading to civil war there.