[x] The High School Student who comes from a rather rich family but became a delinquent. Originally started in order to try and get attention from her parents, she got addicted to street fighting but got bored of them when she kept on winning without much effort
[X] The Middle school student who, beneath her friendly and outgoing facade, is desperately looking of a purpose in life. Having tried all kinds of hobbies, none of them really clicked with her despite her talent in many of them. Puts her all into whatever she's doing.

Reminds me of myself actually.

Also, what is with those rolls? That seems mathematically improbable.
[X] The Middle school student who, beneath her friendly and outgoing facade, is desperately looking of a purpose in life. Having tried all kinds of hobbies, none of them really clicked with her despite her talent in many of them. Puts her all into whatever she's doing.

I feel like just giving her powers would be a good way of securing her loyalty. That and assuring her we aren't completely evil (if she even cares).
... A very important question I think:
Is Count Cuddle's roomba a golem already?
I imagine it'll be more fun to have a 'living' friend/steed to play with.
After doing this a couple of times, you eventually stopped to at least introduce yourself as well as learn a bit more about these alternative magical girls. You learnt their team names, individual code names, who they fought and why, along with the fact that all of them are apparently under the supervision of this The Lady Celestial, regional chief of the Bureau of Magical Girl Affairs as well as leader and coordinator of magical girl teams in her district.
Well then, look like they are coordinated, and not just rag-tag band of magical vigilantes.
Question is- does Company have direct ties to this Bureau? Are they a part of the same organization, have diplomatic relations, or literally any contact at all?

[X]Miss pretty mask, empty soul. (The Middle School one)
She's talented, dutiful, bored, desperate for someone to find her a road in life.
She's so perfect I want to cry. She's the minion equivalent of a waifu. Best girl minion.
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:???: Zeph... she's pretty much just entering puberty... why the... what are... no. Just, no. No, waifu out of a thirteen year old for a seventeen going on eighteen year old Dark Lord.
:???: Zeph... she's pretty much just entering puberty... why the... what are... no. Just, no. No, waifu out of a thirteen year old for a seventeen going on eighteen year old Dark Lord.
She's the minion equivalent of a waifu.
She's the minion equivalent of a waifu.
Not a waifu. But as far as minions go, she sounds great.
[X] The Middle school student who, beneath her friendly and outgoing facade, is desperately looking of a purpose in life. Having tried all kinds of hobbies, none of them really clicked with her despite her talent in many of them. Puts her all into whatever she's doing.

Not going to lie, I am totally unimpressed with the Black Beasts Veekie insisted were the right call. They're too few to be any more readily deployable than elites, are incredibly noticeable, and are outright beasts instead of just simpletons. These are not remotely toys we should be using if we want to try and keep under the radar.
Not going to lie, I am totally unimpressed with the Black Beasts Veekie insisted were the right call. They're too few to be any more readily deployable than elites, are incredibly noticeable, and are outright beasts instead of just simpletons. These are not remotely toys we should be using if we want to try and keep under the radar.

Well, I was voting for the Elites... but to be fair, the roll on Black Beasts was not particularly high; you can not blame this going less well completely on the choice.
Besides, we can still go for Elites next turn.

Actually, it would make sense to unlock all of the basic options first before upgrading; just to see what each is good for.
Not a waifu. But as far as minions go, she sounds great.
I thought about making a pokemon joke about minion evolution; but then realized that a magical girl minion, that willing waits on us nearly hand and foot, 'evolving' into 'waifu' is a little to close to home. Also, in order for a minion to be an equivalent of a waifu, one would have to share many traits with the other. (hence the 'minion evolution' joke being to close to home)

So I still stand by my assertion of teenybopper magical girl minion being bad idea as waifu for near or fully legal adult Jacob/Ebon.
I really only picked the high school magical girl so she and Roselyn could have sparks flying between them. After all, considering that almost all male heroes have harems. Maybe having a harem will convince others we are not evil. But instead a man who has faced the same difficulties as other Mc. At least the male ones anyway, the female heroes will probably see us as scum. Plus the rules do say no Lolita...so yeah.
I really only picked the high school magical girl so she and Roselyn could have sparks flying between them. After all, considering that almost all male heroes have harems. Maybe having a harem will convince others we are not evil. But instead a man who has faced the same difficulties as other Mc. At least the male ones anyway, the female heroes will probably see us as scum. Plus the rules do say no Lolita...so yeah.
Good, and better points;

[X] The High School Student who comes from a rather rich family but became a delinquent. Originally started in order to try and get attention from her parents, she got addicted to street fighting but got bored of them when she kept on winning without much effort.

Has my vote. Was inclined anyways, just could previously see potential with middle schooler too, till the waifu comment came up, and now we have suggestion for built in low profile minion cover. Win. Besides, I understood this to be the first Ebon Magical Girl, so middle schooler is likely to remain option for a few more weeks by the time we get around to making EMG #2.
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So I still stand by my assertion of teenybopper magical girl minion being bad idea as waifu for near or fully legal adult Jacob/Ebon.

Let me add emphasis on what Zephyr said:

Not a waifu. But as far as minions go, she sounds great.

Why do you still say they see the girl as a potential waifu when they repeatedly tell you this is not what they meant?
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I want to pick the high school girl next. I just feel the middle schooler's loyalty to our cause and drive is the most assured of the three.
Also the idea of telling a delinquent highschooler that because of the differences in experience she has to take orders from a cheery outgoing middleschooler makes me laugh.
Yo let's call those dark stars as

Contract Sigils.

Because edge is necessary in everything we do. Not to mention it can double down as a sort of "Flag" for or disguise if we wanna throw people off or whatever.

>That fuck up when the Middle Schooler option turns out to be our sister.
Also I suprised nobody has written in.

Hm... I did not even see the option.
However, I think that the given choices will be fine either way... and I got nothing.

>That fuck up when the Middle Schooler option turns out to be our sister.

First off, I like the name.
Secondly... well, that would be amusing. But I think we actually have pictures of the respective girls. Jacob would have noticed.
(Maybe she becomes an option down the line...)
... Let me add emphasis on what Zephyr said:
Let me quote the part that caught my attention.
She's the minion equivalent of a waifu.

Why do you still say they see the girl as a potential waifu when they repeatedly tell you this is not what they meant?
Because what Zeph originally said, and what he insists he meant are worded in completely different fashions. Also, the manner in which this quest runs, unless by author fiat, almost guarantees that the "joke" will be less of a joke than Zeph intended.

Yo let's call those dark stars as

Contract Sigils.

Because edge is necessary in everything we do. Not to mention it can double down as a sort of "Flag" for or disguise if we wanna throw people off or whatever.

>That fuck up when the Middle Schooler option turns out to be our sister.
... Oh. Oh, ho, ho, ho.... this... please, this, yes. But dang it... that means voting for middle schooler and risking it not being our imouto. *grabs at hair on head* WHY?
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Yo let's call those dark stars as

Contract Sigils.

Because edge is necessary in everything we do. Not to mention it can double down as a sort of "Flag" for or disguise if we wanna throw people off or whatever.

>That fuck up when the Middle Schooler option turns out to be our sister.
Doubt it, but she might be a friend of sis. Elementary school girl could also be our little bro's crush. Both are unlikely, but this is anime.
Let my quote the part that caught my attention.
Because what Zeph originally said, and what he insists he meant are worded in completely different fashions. Also, the manner in which this quest runs, unless by author fiat, almost guarantees that the "joke" will be less of a joke that Zeph intended.

No. Just no. This is not how this works.
Besides, I am prone to bad wording myself; just because it happens does not mean they actually meant what you think it means.

So... could you please accept that they meant something else?
Is there a reason we can't form a team straight off?
Maybe because one is already an organizational and general problem? Better see how it'll go with one, then go after next four?
Because what Zeph originally said, and what he insists he meant are worded in completely different fashions. Also, the manner in which this quest runs, unless by author fiat, almost guarantees that the "joke" will be less of a joke that Zeph intended.
... you know, I am surprisingly okay with that reality.
Not because I want Jacob to explore different venues of villainy, but because it could be more like another little sister, or something else entirely [platonic] (like a fanatically loyal minion with a cold interior with just a bit of warmth for her lord).
... Yes, it's not a waifu then, but dammit it's not the wording, but cute girls that matter here.
... Oh. Oh, ho, ho, ho.... this... please, this, yes. But dang it... that means voting for middle schooler and risking it not being our imouto. *grabs at hair on head* WHY?
Also I suprised nobody has written in.
We do have write-ins to make your dreams come true.
[] Vivian. A middle-schooler and your little tsundere sister.
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[] Vivian. A middle-schooler and your little tsundere sister.
If you can get others to vote for it, I will vote for making the sister our first magical girl. She should be a good and loyal minion.
Adhoc vote count started by PyrrosWarrior on Jul 17, 2017 at 5:22 PM, finished with 97 posts and 50 votes.

  • [X] The Middle school student who, beneath her friendly and outgoing facade, is desperately looking of a purpose in life. Having tried all kinds of hobbies, none of them really clicked with her despite her talent in many of them. Puts her all into whatever she's doing.
    [x] The High School Student who comes from a rather rich family but became a delinquent. Originally started in order to try and get attention from her parents, she got addicted to street fighting but got bored of them when she kept on winning without much effort
    [X] Beasts of the Black Kingdom: You realized that before you try making monsters out of people, you should try making loyal monsters out of ordinary animals. There are lots of stray cats and dog as well as wild animals out in the city that you can use. PETA would be on your ass for using animals to test your powers but you're a villain so screw them. Cost: 200 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: New Minion Type – Beast.
    [X] Shadow Army: The Shadows are your most numerous combat assets. While they seem to multiply on their own, as things stand, you're going to be needing a hell lot more of them, both the regular Shadows and Neoshadows. Thankfully, it seems that your regular Shadows have also developed the ability to hide in other people's shadows and drain their energy though only the Neoshadows can drain enough energy to be a threat. Time to make some more Shadows. Cost: 500 EP. Chance of Success:70%. Reward: 200 Ebon Shadows. 40 Neoshadows.
    [X] Energy Farm: The easiest way to get more Ebon Power is to increase the number of captives that you can drain energy from. With the number of Shadows you have under your control, it should be child's play to capture a bunch of people to act as your Ebon Power generators. You'll have to make sure that whoever you kidnap will not be missed anytime soon. Cost: 60 Ebon Shadows. 10 Neoshadows. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Minimum 2d6+5 Human Captives. Increased Ebon Power Income.
    [X] Magical Girl Mayhem: A Magical Girl fights for love, peace, and friendship. The means they do so are varied. Type A uses love-empowered magical elemental attacks while Type B uses empowered fists of love and justice. Both, however, don't really have a support network like the Company do. Thus, you find both types running themselves ragged fighting all these strange monsters. How about you go and take the pressure off them a little by destroying a bunch of these posers? How dare these magical villains try and home in on your energy harvesting schtick. Cost: 100 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Information on Magical Girl Factions. Support Link gained. ???
    [X] Fallback: Anonymity is one of your greatest tools at this point of the great game. With the cash that you have, you can start making full use of it. You'll need secret identities to hide your civilian actions behind since doing Ebon stuff as Jacob is just asking for trouble. Your glamour needs an upgrade so that you can appear as more than just a guy in a black coat with glowing red eyes. You'll need to also make sure your base is extra secure since it's not actually that hard to break into. You need to truly hide all traces of your assets if you want to keep some nosy idiot from getting lucky and finding their way into your base. Cost: 300 EP, $20000. Upkeep: $1000. Time: 2 Turns. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Base properly hidden and secure. False identities acquired. Better Glamour. Loose threads severed. (Will be completed this turn)
    [X] Information Network: Yuudai's greater understanding of the world of espionage, as well as his own connections with various information brokers, has prompted him to set up a proper information network for you instead of trying to sift through hundreds of hours of Seeker Recordings of whatever seems interesting. Of course, he's going to change how the Seekers do their thing but he also needs more seekers to do so. Cost: 800 EP, $5000. Upkeep: $500. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Information Network available. Weekly Rumour mill.
    [X] Ninja Techniques and Ebon: Ninja uses a combination of their trained bodies and qi in order to pull off some of their more fantastical ninja techniques, the ones that you usually see in anime and movies. Turns out that a lot of them are legit but for most parts are usually held in reserves since they are usually too flashy for the usual stealth-based task ninjas do. Still, pulling off ninja skills as either Ebon or Jacob sounds like fun. Time for some experimentation! Cost: 400 EP. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Acquire ability to replicate Ninja Techniques. Increased intrigue.
    [X] Power of a Wish: The Wishing Stone is an object of great power that is capable of altering reality to grant wishes. You had originally planned to try and replicate this incredible power by absorbing the Wishing Stone. However, Evetta has informed you that such an approach would either result in nothing but a large influx of Ebon Power or you being bound by rules and compulsions beyond your current means to resist, essentially partially becoming a wish-granting machine. Instead, she has theorized that you might be able to create your own version of the Wishing Stone. It'll require a lot of effort but it'll be worth it to create your own magical girl army. Cost: 600 EP, 1 Wishing Stone. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Gain the ability to create your own Wishing Stone variant.
    [X] Teleportation and Transference: Being able to teleport from one place to another in an instant is one of your biggest fantasies. However, magic that messes with time and space, and playing with portals can be quite dangerous. Thankfully, Evetta is more than capable of teaching you the basics as well as the combat applications. You want to blink from enemy to enemy, slashing them as you pass them by, and continue enhancing your Reaper cosplay with a Shadow Step skill. Cost: 200 EP. 70% Reward: Gain short-range teleportation ability. Gain ability to generate portals and set them in places.
    [X] Friends and Family: While you do have a clone doing the things that Jacob Anderson should be doing, not to mention you also gain his memories when you come and replace him with a new clone, it'd be nice to take a break and hang with your friends and family for a bit for real. Plus you may spot things that Jacob misses as well. Cost: 0. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Increased Relationship with Friends and family. Lowered Suspicions from Friends and Family. ???
    [X] My Little Slime: You've got a pet slime of magical ebon-fueled origins. Cuddles seems capable of eating anything organic and it can blow bubbles. It is also technically your first minion. Spend some time with it. Get to know it better. Build up your bond with the little fellow. Cute is justice and nothing's cuter than Count Cuddles. Cost: 10EP. Chance of Success: 80% Rewards: Increased Relationship with Count Cuddles. ???
    [X] The elementary school girl who is a fan of magical girl shows and wishes she could become one. Not just because of her fantasies but because she believes that she could help patch up her parent's gradually deteriorating relationship if she had magical girl powers.
    [X]Miss pretty mask, empty soul. (The Middle School one)
    [X] Write-in: Vivian. A middle-schooler and your little tsundere sister.
[JK] Your little bro likes magical girls, right? You wonder how he'll react to your offer of turning him into one.

Nothing could go wrong. But seriously, let's not drag our family into this yet. It would make things way too complicated.