[X] The Middle school student who, beneath her friendly and outgoing facade, is desperately looking of a purpose in life. Having tried all kinds of hobbies, none of them really clicked with her despite her talent in many of them. Puts her all into whatever she's doing.
[X] The Middle school student who, beneath her friendly and outgoing facade, is desperately looking of a purpose in life. Having tried all kinds of hobbies, none of them really clicked with her despite her talent in many of them. Puts her all into whatever she's doing.

I'm voting for the Middle School Student because we're basically the Edge-Fairy, there to grant her Chuunibyou wish.


"An evil power resides in my right eye!"

"Oh, that's just Mikasa. She thinks she's some sort of dark magical girl. Weird, but she's sweet, so it's easy to get used to."


"The flames of doom will be your undoing!"

"You'll still have to pay for your icecream, though, young miss."


*Giant monster bursts into her friend's birthday party*


Everybody Else: "Wait, she was serious?!"
[X] The Middle school student who, beneath her friendly and outgoing facade, is desperately looking of a purpose in life. Having tried all kinds of hobbies, none of them really clicked with her despite her talent in many of them. Puts her all into whatever she's doing.
In summary

[X] Beasts of the Black Kingdom:

...getting a message from someone called Salem, apparently we're being sued for copyright infringement.

Eh, the multiverse courts take forever, and since we aren't using the name we'll be fine.

Random new unit! We'll investigate next turn.

Reliable Energy sources secured. Very good stuff.

[X] Magical Girl Mayhem:

So, we're Tuexedo Mask without the good intent and reincarnation angle. Works for us!

Nothing super-fancy. But security is always good to have, especially early game.

[X] Ninja Techniques and Ebon

The Log Generation Technique is critical. We must replicate this. Or at least a bag of holding.

With logs.

[X] Power of a Wish:

While you had been busy working on other things, Evetta has been hard at work designing a magic circle meant to keep the Wishing Stone from activating while you examine it for its secrets.

I KNEW IT! I knew that learning about circle magic would help us!

Also, This could be useful in creating either a super-strong Hero unit. Or a squad of elites. Up to the voters!

[X] Teleportation and Transference:

It's not a huge advantage, but it's rock solid. We have stealth options now, instead of relying on brute force.

[X] Friends and Family:

Well, nothing like surviving a robbery to bond with family!

Also, what has Roselyn been up to? She seems to be taking the whole magical robbery thing a bit TOO well.

[X] My Little Slime:

It's the emperor. Isn't it? We managed to free him in the first turn and he came back cute.:V

More seriously, we MIGHT be able to handle the vault again. But I would recommend one more turn to prep in training and such. Maybe see if we could look up info Padraidis and formulate a solid strategy

As for the vote, I'm tempted to go for the Middle school option...

But if I or someone else could write up a team...

Let me think on this...
[X] The Middle school student who, beneath her friendly and outgoing facade, is desperately looking of a purpose in life. Having tried all kinds of hobbies, none of them really clicked with her despite her talent in many of them. Puts her all into whatever she's doing.

Nanoha expy? Nanoha expy.
[X] The Middle school student who, beneath her friendly and outgoing facade, is desperately looking of a purpose in life. Having tried all kinds of hobbies, none of them really clicked with her despite her talent in many of them. Puts her all into whatever she's doing.
[X] The Middle school student who, beneath her friendly and outgoing facade, is desperately looking of a purpose in life. Having tried all kinds of hobbies, none of them really clicked with her despite her talent in many of them. Puts her all into whatever she's doing.

I'm voting for the Middle School Student because we're basically the Edge-Fairy, there to grant her Chuunibyou wish.


"An evil power resides in my right eye!"

"Oh, that's just Mikasa. She thinks she's some sort of dark magical girl. Weird, but she's sweet, so it's easy to get used to."


"The flames of doom will be your undoing!"

"You'll still have to pay for your icecream, though, young miss."


*Giant monster bursts into her friend's birthday party*


Everybody Else: "Wait, she was serious?!"
She's even in the right age band for people to dismiss it as regular chuunibyou
[X] The Middle school student who, beneath her friendly and outgoing facade, is desperately looking of a purpose in life. Having tried all kinds of hobbies, none of them really clicked with her despite her talent in many of them. Puts her all into whatever she's doing.
[X] The Middle school student who, beneath her friendly and outgoing facade, is desperately looking of a purpose in life. Having tried all kinds of hobbies, none of them really clicked with her despite her talent in many of them. Puts her all into whatever she's doing.
[X] The Middle school student who, beneath her friendly and outgoing facade, is desperately looking of a purpose in life. Having tried all kinds of hobbies, none of them really clicked with her despite her talent in many of them. Puts her all into whatever she's doing.
[X] The Middle school student who, beneath her friendly and outgoing facade, is desperately looking of a purpose in life. Having tried all kinds of hobbies, none of them really clicked with her despite her talent in many of them. Puts her all into whatever she's doing.

I'm voting for the Middle School Student because we're basically the Edge-Fairy, there to grant her Chuunibyou wish.


"An evil power resides in my right eye!"

"Oh, that's just Mikasa. She thinks she's some sort of dark magical girl. Weird, but she's sweet, so it's easy to get used to."


"The flames of doom will be your undoing!"

"You'll still have to pay for your icecream, though, young miss."


*Giant monster bursts into her friend's birthday party*


Everybody Else: "Wait, she was serious?!"
This honestly reminds me of Ranko in Granblue. Though I have no idea if for her it's like: try to say something, pass though chuuni translator, comes out that way.
[x] The High School Student who comes from a rather rich family but became a delinquent. Originally started in order to try and get attention from her parents, she got addicted to street fighting but got bored of them when she kept on winning without much effort
[X] The Middle school student who, beneath her friendly and outgoing facade, is desperately looking of a purpose in life. Having tried all kinds of hobbies, none of them really clicked with her despite her talent in many of them.Puts her all into whatever she's doing.

Oh, this interlude should be fun. Hey we needed some magic cores for the book. Looks like some prole just "volunteered."
[X] The Middle school student who, beneath her friendly and outgoing facade, is desperately looking of a purpose in life. Having tried all kinds of hobbies, none of them really clicked with her despite her talent in many of them. Puts her all into whatever she's doing.

Unlimited Edge Works, here we come!
[X] The Middle school student who, beneath her friendly and outgoing facade, is desperately looking of a purpose in life. Having tried all kinds of hobbies, none of them really clicked with her despite her talent in many of them. Puts her all into whatever she's doing.

Sounds like nanoha
[X] The Middle school student who, beneath her friendly and outgoing facade, is desperately looking of a purpose in life. Having tried all kinds of hobbies, none of them really clicked with her despite her talent in many of them. Puts her all into whatever she's doing.
[x] The High School Student who comes from a rather rich family but became a delinquent. Originally started in order to try and get attention from her parents, she got addicted to street fighting but got bored of them when she kept on winning without much effort

She's the oldest and therefore the one that might not be an option next time
[X] The Middle school student who, beneath her friendly and outgoing facade, is desperately looking of a purpose in life. Having tried all kinds of hobbies, none of them really clicked with her despite her talent in many of them. Puts her all into whatever she's doing.

This is going to be amazing.
[X] The Middle school student who, beneath her friendly and outgoing facade, is desperately looking of a purpose in life. Having tried all kinds of hobbies, none of them really clicked with her despite her talent in many of them. Puts her all into whatever she's doing.
[X] The Middle school student who, beneath her friendly and outgoing facade, is desperately looking of a purpose in life. Having tried all kinds of hobbies, none of them really clicked with her despite her talent in many of them. Puts her all into whatever she's doing.

The middleschooler wants a purpose. Her purpose will be to revive the Ebon Emperor.
That kind of loyalty means she won't need a minder and could in fact as one for the other two.
I think the high schooler should be second. While her profile just screams disrespect for our authority I don't believe she would actively turn on us.
The Elementary school student looks like someone who could easily become disallusioned with us. She'll have the least free time too. Finally, I feel uncomfortable recruiting someone that young. So let's leave her for last when she'll have two sempais to give her an example of what to expect. ...It will also give us more time to plan how to "fix" her parents relationship.
[X] The Middle school student who, beneath her friendly and outgoing facade, is desperately looking of a purpose in life. Having tried all kinds of hobbies, none of them really clicked with her despite her talent in many of them. Puts her all into whatever she's doing.
The Middle school student who, beneath her friendly and outgoing facade, is desperately looking of a purpose in life. Having tried all kinds of hobbies, none of them really clicked with her despite her talent in many of them. Puts her all into whatever she's doing.

She seems like she would be the easiest to both control and train

I have changed to voting for sis
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[X] The Middle school student who, beneath her friendly and outgoing facade, is desperately looking of a purpose in life. Having tried all kinds of hobbies, none of them really clicked with her despite her talent in many of them. Puts her all into whatever she's doing.