Facts Known:
Eye - Tells Lifestyle
Skull Shape - Tells General Diet / Lifestyle
Current Position - Lifestyle of Choice
Eye most resembles that of a gecko, so expect a gecko-morph type animal. Possible adaptations, just from what is visible in the picture alone is a nocturnal animal. Unlikely to be built for extensive digging so tunnels are safe. Gecko eyes are extremely adapted to nightlife, able to differentiate shades of colours by moonlight. General skull shape, from what is seen, tells of a ambush/short pursuit predator. Possibly has chameleon-type tongue for range option. Likely possesses a short burst of speed to overwhelm lesser prey, likely to be seen used on bad-wormy. Probably prefers insectoid-style prey, lack of bone-structure allows general pressure of jaws to eventually puncture exoskeleton through pure force. Bones are meddlesome in that while flesh can be torn off them, it takes longer for endoskeleton prey to die in gecko-prefered hunt style than it does exoskeleton prey.
Above ground is a no-go. Position on branch is telling, most likely adapted/prefers arboreal lifestyle in the trees and branches. Likely has gecko-style feet adaptation allowing for better mobility in branches/vertical surfaces. May use sticky feet to cling to larger prey's back, allowing it to bypass most limb weaponry, rodeo-style, to bite at neck. If such adaptation use is employed likely has jaw/teeth akin to the Sectatoad from earlier or more advanced serrated teeth. Fact that is visible on branch means lack of camouflage ability, or that such ability takes extreme amounts of time to come into affect like average chameleon.