[X] A beautiful sleeping doll

But we got only 5 minutes because of the roll or because we chose it so late?
The latter. A better roll would have resulted in more time, entering the vault the day before the contract expires or even Padraidis deciding he wants to try doing something else for a change and joins you as a hero/advisor unit. But that last one is like triple crit and would require significant amount of sage dice to pull off.
who wants to research how to make ebon power into a blood elixir which functions as a panacea which we can turn into a lethal poison a will?
Honestly, at the rate things are going. Past maybe later on, if we beat the Dragon in Martial overkill, like a natural... If we beat that Ebon Dragon, I'd so want it to be our buddy adviser. Especially/more so if we end up being 'best friends' in violence.

And the less said on the long term possibility, on turning our 'Antique' owner into a possible Mage/Magic Adviser/unit, if we're that desperate, assuming we want to risk him going outside of his comfort zone in not dealing with 'shady master artifact makers'. At least we have a short term 'sales' arrangement for an assured quality of decent magic items.


But other than that, and likely passive reference that our Trinkets are grade A, for a newcomer... How long, until we can arbitary understand/figure out a pitch for the Black Kingdom, that'd get those Incubator expies full on our services, and gain a de-facto faction of Magical Girls, to obviously be our #1 PR/Diplomatic Faction?

Especially on if we play the long term card, research Ebon enough to do convert back to X/Y, or useful substances for the Company, that they might consider a long term pact with our eventual revival of the Black Kingdom, with benefits, investment, and maybe influence.
Damn, we only really had one good roll. TBF, it was a very good roll, but I'm not yet certain it makes up for all the others only barely scraping by.
Short term, if you really care that much, write Omake?

But more seriously, not every quest has Sage Dice. Some even have Kubo dice, where the protagonist rolls a string of natural 1's all the time.

Now, to wait and see on how long, until someone makes an omake where Company Magical Girls, are in awe over Jacob's sweet hidden base, full of mystery, and wonder...

And cute, Golem Gangsters, and Cuddles.

EDIT: As for Bloodborne references. Blood? Oh please...

All we need in that 'sense', is an Italian old man, in a wheelchair, hat and a name of "Harman." To be our Intrigue Adviser in more... Criminal actions, and we'd have possibly a nice combo of Bloodborne... And Killer7.
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One last thought in hindsight. But that Stewardship roll?

If one bothers to look at the previous options... Did we just accidentally combined a Diplomatic option on top of that? So no risk of a low price 'bargain' for magical artifacts to the blind eye. And actual deal made with a magician for magical trinkets of obviously not questionable origin, and of high standard/quality?
Something tells me the chance of that option succeeding will be either in negative % (roll over 100 to have a chance at winning!) or it will be straight up unavailable until later.

Reward: All Golems gain ability: Bomber High – After channelling essence for three seconds, explode with lethal force. Power and size of the explosion increase with the size of the Golem. All Golems gain Ability: Berserk Bomb - Greatly increase all physical capabilities temporarily. Forcing longer duration risks chance of self-destructing and exploding. Fury is annoyed.
I'll be frank- I am excited. So worth it.
Imagine filling an office with golem staplers and other equipment, then hold the place hostage with tons of explosive minions in place.
I do wonder if a normal mage can easily detect those golems though?

Also, with our new flying ability, maybe just maybe we can start slowly planning to fly really high.
Like, you know, to space.
And then we'll use our pocket dimensions and golems and more bullshit powers to make our own space station or Ebon Satelites!
Just imagine- tactical Ebon bombardment from orbit! Dropships filled with Ebon Knights! Space Ebon Death Ray! Our own Ebon RayTM​!

I do wonder if there are aliens, and if Jacob could eventually meet them.
Space lazers, spaceships and space allies!
...Also space waifus!
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The Guardian by Naron (Semi-Canon) (+10)
Well, reading about this dragon inspired me. Here goes!

Omake: The Guardian
Have some music

Padraidis returned to rest on the vast pile of riches and let their body sink into them again. The fact that this new Ebon Lord had fled instead of foolishly fighting was a good sign.

The progenitor of Dragonkind was... not content, but pleased.
They had been in the Ebon Vault since time immemorial and saw them all appear sooner or later, from the first to the last. There were the mighty, the cunning, the brave and the kind ones... which would the next one turn out to be? If the human's first impression was something to go by, the latter terms might be an appropriate descriptor.

A low growl slowly rolled out of Padraidis' throat, echoing from the walls in the distance. The vault itself was so vast humans and their like could not perceive them, but the dragon very well could.
If they wanted, they could simply leave this place and, for the first time in eons, stretch their wings to fly.
But there was a duty to be tended to.

Many an intruder believed that the guardian was created by the Ebon Emperor; some figured that all of their kind originated from the Empire, so long forgotten. They all met their demise, of course... but they wondered where this misconception originated from.
Padraidis merely shifted beneath the treasures over those memories, feeling the weight of their valuable blanket on their scales. It was... soothing, after how long it had been.

The Ebon Emperor was the first and last entity to ever truly gain their respect. There were others that defeated the primordial dragon before, but none to ever impress them. That was why they took upon the duty of guarding this treasury, remaining even after the Emperor was defeated and sealed away.
But Padraidis had realised eventually; Ebon Lords appeared, went and died. There were many, working to rebuild the Empire... yet the Emperor, what faint information they could get about him, was becoming more desperate. The dragon doubted that this impressive being still longed for supremacy.

Yet, even when knowing all this, Padraidis could not change anything about it; the dragon lacked the powers necessary to do so. It could only hope for the Ebon Lord to succeed.

But none ever did.

Another growl echoed through the vault. If there was anything this being had, it was patience; it already waited for so long... maybe this one would be different.
Heh. I will stay here as long as it takes, old friend.
Even if they could not do anything by themselves, they could watch for an Ebon Lord capable enough. They could wait until the stars aligned.

And once the Ebon Emperor was freed, this vault would lose its purpose as well as its guardian. Then, when all was said and done, Padraidis would fly again.
Reward: All Golems gain ability: Bomber High – After channelling essence for three seconds, explode with lethal force. Power and size of the explosion increase with the size of the Golem. All Golems gain Ability: Berserk Bomb - Greatly increase all physical capabilities temporarily. Forcing longer duration risks chance of self-destructing and exploding. Fury is annoyed.
... In before if Human Tanks is possibly a route/indication, one Golem may eventually figure out the art of Bomb Fu.

Or, turn otherwise lethal explosions into some sense of Explosive Boost. (Or IE: Don't risk exploding after three seconds, instant explode part of themselves to move/fight harder, then recover like a regenerating bombshell.)

But eh, that'd likely be a sort of trait that'd lead to... Explosive results.
[X] A scroll in a box with an oriental design.

I want dat sick knowledge. Besides, having to explain why we own a larger than life porcelain doll is not going to help our creepy factor, and it's likely at least Aestia would meet it.

Anyways- the really important thing? I think we have enough EP to make a Knight next turn!
[X] A scroll in a box with an oriental design.

Just say I prefer having a normal human as our (first) waifu, and having a doll in our possession is just plain creepy...
Eh, now to do a vote tally, since I have a rough inking there's a bandwagon for a Hero Unit on hand...
Adhoc vote count started by Master Basher on Jun 18, 2017 at 4:14 PM, finished with 51 posts and 31 votes.

  • [x] A beautiful sleeping doll.
    [X] A scroll in a box with an oriental design.
    [X] A mysterious black helmet.
    [X] More Than Just Meets The Eye: In consideration of Fury's request, you've decided to see what you can do to make your Golems stronger. You have several ideas of how to go about doing this such as giving them an alternate battle capable form, enchanting them to have super strength and the likes, and even just given them the ability to evolve somehow. This will takes some major experimenting. Cost: 200 EP. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Minion Type - Golem Rank Up. All existing Golems gains upgrade.
    [X] Ebon Jeweller: It costs you about ten units of Ebon Power to create a hundred grams of any mundane substance regardless of what it is. A hundred gram gold bar is easily worth around four thousand dollars and the value of an uncut diamond weighing a hundred grams goes beyond what you handle or hide at the moment. Since you don't want to attract attention just yet, you'll have to practice to make some decent jewellery that won't make people question where you got them or faint at the sheer value. Cost: 100 EP. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: 5000+ Funds.
    [X] Company Collaboration: Right now, you've just been dealing with the Fallout of Aestia's squad but there are at least half a dozen Company squads out there that could probably do with a free Fallout cleansing. See if you can convince Aestia and her friends and Ranbey if you can meet with other Company Magical Girls to help them out and stuff. Cost: 0 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Company Magical Girls Survival increased. Company relations increased. Increased relations from various Company Magical girls?
    [X] Enter the Vault: You really should check out this Ebon Vault thing. You have access to the Treasure Vault of the Black Kingdom which has all kinds of stuff inside it that would most certainly help your cause greatly. From treasure to weapons, forbidden knowledge to sealed servants of your predecessors. You must know what is in the vault! Cost: 50 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Funds. Possible Artifacts. Possible Hero Unit.
    [X] Ebon Power and Electronics: Last week you discovered how to destroy electronic devices with just a touch of Ebon. Now you must learn how not to destroy electronics with Ebon Power and instead learn how to take control of such technology. It's time to become a super magical hacker. Cost: 50 EP. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Learn how to control electronics with Ebon Power.
    [X] I Believe I Can Fly: You saw Aestia flying before she had been blown up. Aestia explains that she just flies without thinking about it too much. You had assumed that you would have to factor in stuff like aerodynamics, air resistance, and a whole bunch of science stuff. Can it really be as simple as believing you can fly? Time to find out. Cost: 50EP. Chance of Success: 75% Reward: Gain the ability to move through the air under your own power.
    [X] Aestia's Check Up: Aestia Creed has an arm that can turn into Ebon Steel. Who knows what strange and weird abilities that it can give the Magical Girl or whether it is safe to have at all!? You need to contact her and ask if she can come in for a quick check and maybe see how things are going with her. Cost: 0. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Increased Relations with Aestia Creed. Aestia Creed gains new trait.

Adhoc vote count started by Master Basher on Jun 18, 2017 at 4:14 PM, finished with 50 posts and 30 votes.
[X] A scroll in a box with an oriental design.

:rofl: Of course SV would pick the potential waifu...
[ ] The Power of a Wish: The Wishing Stone is a potent object of power. Within it lies the power to alter reality in order to grant the wishes of young maidens as well as the power to give them power beyond mortal men. If you had the same sort of power, wouldn't creating an army of Ebon-based Magical Girls be the best way to build up your forces? You'll have to try and absorb the Wishing Stone in order to even try and replicate it in some form though and who knows what a reality warping gemstone would do to you. Cost: 1 Wishing Stone, 900 EP. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Gain the ability to grant wishes. Gain the ability to create "Ebon Magical Girls". ???

With Savior of Ebon, we got 60% chance of success.

Omake Bonuses

@ComradeH +5 Available

@DaLintyGuy +15 Available

@PurposefulZephyr +5 Available
@PurposefulZephyr +10 Available

@SoaringHawk218 +15 Available

Wanna do it next turn?
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[X] A scroll in a box with an oriental design.

I want dat sick knowledge. Besides, having to explain why we own a larger than life porcelain doll is not going to help our creepy factor, and it's likely at least Aestia would meet it.

Anyways- the really important thing? I think we have enough EP to make a Knight next turn!
but I want to INCREASE the creep factor! ( no seriously this here just convinced me to go FOR the doll)

[X] A beautiful sleeping doll.
:rofl: Of course SV would pick the potential waifu...
Either that, or we prefer potential allies/advisors/heroes over equipment... at least this is my reasoning.

Yep. Maybe we get extra actions, maybe we get a teacher, maybe we get a hero unit. But at the very least we know we'll get EYES.

That's the gift that keeps on giving.

*Am now imagining summoning a great one and riding to battle on its head*

Anyways- the really important thing? I think we have enough EP to make a Knight next turn!
With Savior of Ebon, we got 60% chance of success.

Wanna do it next turn?

YES!!!! One of these two options must be taken next turn!

Finally we can start building our evil army and start to take over the world City! MWHAHAHAHA!!!:rofl::):rofl:

...I'm excited, in case that wasn't clear:oops: