Anyway. Link needs the Cuirass due to him having to use the Sword and Shield. While Sheik needs the Brigandine for her stealth moves. If link gets a Brigandine instead of a Cuirass than he is more susceptible to harm.
I'm inclined to go for a mace. Just as much damage to fleshy things, and a bunch more damage to armor. Also far less likely to get us shocked if we fight another Guardian.
[X] Knight's Broadsword - 1 x 350 Rupees
[X] Traveler's Shield - 1 x 50 Rupees
[X] Hylian Brigandine - 2 x 60 Rupees

I'm not really all that knowledgeable about Elixers, but I do like the weapons and armor. As a side note, @ImmortalsBlade , you do know that Brigandines are typically metal plates riveted to leather, right? I'm not sure how stealthy it would be, given the plates are on the outside, and prone to clanking against each other. Lamellar armor might be a better light option, as it can be made from a variety of materials (thus allowing for regional variations throughout Hyrule, as well as makeshift variants) and the way it's constructed should cut down on a lot of noise...
I suspect by Brigandine they might mean Gambeson. If the names and descriptions are pulled from the game though what can we do?
I'm a fan of spears myself.
If it's reach? Link either already has reach by using a weapon or doesn't have reach because they're bigger and/or weapon-users. Also spears tend to be two-handed here and the shield is a handy thing to have.
you do know that Brigandines are typically metal plates riveted to leather, right?
Not quite. It was common soldiers gear so it was made with whatever was on hand and cheaply.

It's actually pretty quiet for something not designed with stealth in mind.
I suspect by Brigandine they might mean Gambeson. If the names and descriptions are pulled from the game though what can we do?
Gambesons is basically cloth padding; while great at stopping arrows it's not going to help much against Lizalfos equipped with metal weapons.

Also really warm.

Anyway, we need equipment and funds are limited.

[X] Plan: We're broke and need gear.

[X] 1 Soldier's Broadsword - 200 rupees
[X] 1 Traveler's Shield - 30 rupees
[X] 1 Hylian Brigandine for Zelda - 60 rupees
[X] 1 Hylian Hauberk - 200 rupees
[X] 1 x5 Lighting Arrows - 60 rupees
[X] 4 hearty lizards - 80 rupees
[X] 2 rope venom - 40 rupees
[X] 2 sweet mushroom - 4 rupees
[X] 1 Traveler's Fishing Pole - 20 rupees
[X] 1 Bladed Rhino Beetle - 4 rupees
[X] 1 Sunset Firefly - 2 rupees

Total: 700 rupees

That should cover all our needs for the time being as well as compensating for the fact Link ain't going to be the stealthiest person.

Lightning arrows will be a godsend against tougher monsters.
Well, here we go again. Two or three plans bounce their way around the quest and then @Bag of Bones comes up with a plan I find myself throwing support behind.

[X] Plan: We're broke and need gear.
Little overwhelmed by the inventory stuff. More detailed reaction note to come.

Staying any length of time in Castle Town is a no. Barring a quick dive to get more stuff at a later date (if we get to more rupees, shrines, etc.), Zelda doesn't like how they've redecorated and Link isn't super-fond of cities.

Looking forward to them playing music together.

Kinda thinking we should grab a mace of some kind. Previous encounters with Guardians suggested getting a crushing weapon would be a decent idea.

Probably a good idea to actually elixir-ize some of our ingredients (it's not like the elixirs will go bad) so they're in ready-to-use form sometime soon.

Of note we also have that royal dagger and the hatchet from earlier unless they magically disappeared through the power of being forgotten about.

[x] Plan What Plan

[x] Knight's Mace x 1
[x] Hylian Cuirass x 1
[x] Hylian Brigandine x 1
[x] Hearty Lizard x 4
[x] Rope Venom x 2
[x] Sweet Mushrooms x 2
[x] Traveler's Fishing Pole x 1
A brigandine and a cuirass would both cover the same region of the body... Do you want to get one for someone else in the party?

[X] Plan Travelling Light

Having some rupees leftover is a good idea in case we need them on the road. Always plan ahead.

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A brigandine and a cuirass would both cover the same region of the body... Do you want to get one for someone else in the party?

[X] Plan Travelling Light

Having some rupees leftover is a good idea in case we need them on the road. Always plan ahead.
Yeah, forgot to note down that one was for us and one for Zelda.
Here is a Tally of the lists that we have right now.
Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on May 8, 2017 at 5:43 PM, finished with 1092 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan: We're broke and need gear.
    [X] Plan Travelling Light
    [X] Journey preperations
    [X] Knighs Broadsword - 1 x 350 Rupees - Minus 50 Rupees trade in value of Rusty Broadsword
    [X] Traveler's Shield - 1 x 50 Rupees - Minus 20 Rupees trade in value of wooden Shield
    [X] Hylian Cuirass - 1 x 120 Rupees
    [X] Broadhead Arrow - 5 x 15 Rupees
    [X] Hylian Brigandine - 1 x 60 Rupees
    [X] Hearty Elixer - 1 x 40 Rupees
    [X] Traveler's Fishing Pole - 1 x 20 Rupees
    [X] Rope Venom 2 x 4
    [X] Sweet Mushroom 2 x 40
    [X] Hearty Lizard 2 x 40
    [X] Traveler's Shield - 1 x 50 Rupees
    [X] Hylian Cuirass - 1 x 120 Rupees
    [X] Hylian Brigandine - 1 x 60 Rupees
    [X] Hylian Hauberk - 1 x 200 Rupees
    [X] Hylian Greaves - 1 x 80 Rupees
    [X] Plan Travelling Light
    [X] Knight's Broadsword - 1 x 350 Rupees
    [X] Traveler's Shield - 1 x 50 Rupees
    [X] Hylian Brigandine - 2 x 60 Rupees
    [X] 5 Shock Arrows - 1 x 60 Rupees
    [X] Traveler's Fishing Pole - 1 x 20 Rupees
    [X] Hearty Lizard - 2 x 20 Rupees
    [X] Rope Venom - 2 x 2 Rupees
    [X] Sweet Mushroom - 2 x 20 Rupees
    [X] Willow Tree Bark - 8 x 2 Rupees
    [X] Journey preperations
    [X] Knight's Broadsword - 1 x 350 Rupees
    [X] Traveler's Shield - 1 x 50 Rupees
    [X] Hylian Brigandine - 2 x 60 Rupees
    [X] Plan: We're broke and need gear.
    [X] 1 Soldier's Broadsword - 200 rupees
    [X] 1 Traveler's Shield - 30 rupees
    [X] 1 Hylian Brigandine for Zelda - 60 rupees
    [X] 1 Hylian Hauberk - 200 rupees
    [X] 1 x5 Lighting Arrows - 60 rupees
    [X] 4 hearty lizards - 80 rupees
    [X] 2 rope venom - 40 rupees
    [X] 2 sweet mushroom - 4 rupees
    [X] 1 Traveler's Fishing Pole - 20 rupees
    [X] 1 Bladed Rhino Beetle - 4 rupees
    [X] 1 Sunset Firefly - 2 rupees

Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on May 8, 2017 at 8:25 PM, finished with 1107 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Plan: We're broke and need gear.
    [X] Plan Travelling Light
    [X] Journey preperations
    [X] Knighs Broadsword - 1 x 350 Rupees - Minus 50 Rupees trade in value of Rusty Broadsword
    [X] Traveler's Shield - 1 x 50 Rupees - Minus 20 Rupees trade in value of wooden Shield
    [X] Hylian Cuirass - 1 x 120 Rupees
    [X] Broadhead Arrow - 5 x 15 Rupees
    [X] Hylian Brigandine - 1 x 60 Rupees
    [X] Hearty Elixer - 1 x 40 Rupees
    [X] Traveler's Fishing Pole - 1 x 20 Rupees
    [X] Rope Venom 2 x 4
    [X] Sweet Mushroom 2 x 40
    [X] Hearty Lizard 2 x 40
    [X] Traveler's Shield - 1 x 50 Rupees
    [X] Hylian Cuirass - 1 x 120 Rupees
    [X] Hylian Brigandine - 1 x 60 Rupees
    [X] Hylian Hauberk - 1 x 200 Rupees
    [X] Hylian Greaves - 1 x 80 Rupees
    [X] Plan Travelling Light
    [X] Knight's Broadsword - 1 x 350 Rupees
    [X] Traveler's Shield - 1 x 50 Rupees
    [X] Hylian Brigandine - 2 x 60 Rupees
    [X] 5 Shock Arrows - 1 x 60 Rupees
    [X] Traveler's Fishing Pole - 1 x 20 Rupees
    [X] Hearty Lizard - 2 x 20 Rupees
    [X] Rope Venom - 2 x 2 Rupees
    [X] Sweet Mushroom - 2 x 20 Rupees
    [X] Willow Tree Bark - 8 x 2 Rupees
    [X] Journey preperations
    [X] Knight's Broadsword - 1 x 350 Rupees
    [X] Traveler's Shield - 1 x 50 Rupees
    [X] Hylian Brigandine - 2 x 60 Rupees
    [X] Plan: We're broke and need gear.
    [X] 1 Soldier's Broadsword - 200 rupees
    [X] 1 Traveler's Shield - 30 rupees
    [X] 1 Hylian Brigandine for Zelda - 60 rupees
    [X] 1 Hylian Hauberk - 200 rupees
    [X] 1 x5 Lighting Arrows - 60 rupees
    [X] 4 hearty lizards - 80 rupees
    [X] 2 rope venom - 40 rupees
    [X] 2 sweet mushroom - 4 rupees
    [X] 1 Traveler's Fishing Pole - 20 rupees
    [X] 1 Bladed Rhino Beetle - 4 rupees
    [X] 1 Sunset Firefly - 2 rupees
I'm not really all that knowledgeable about Elixers, but I do like the weapons and armor. As a side note, @ImmortalsBlade , you do know that Brigandines are typically metal plates riveted to leather, right? I'm not sure how stealthy it would be, given the plates are on the outside, and prone to clanking against each other. Lamellar armor might be a better light option, as it can be made from a variety of materials (thus allowing for regional variations throughout Hyrule, as well as makeshift variants) and the way it's constructed should cut down on a lot of noise...
Yes I know what it is, though in truth it's based more off the Jack of Plates on the same page and the Hylian set found in Breath of the wild. It's called a Brigandine for ease of differentiation and as was pointed out a Brigandine didn't have a set method of construction.

In this quest, do we need to worry about lightning strikes when wearing metal armor in the rain?
Lightning behaves like real lightning, though Hyrule's lightning strikes are more like artillery blasts than what we're used too and thunderstorms are terrifying in their power.
If it's reach? Link either already has reach by using a weapon or doesn't have reach because they're bigger and/or weapon-users. Also spears tend to be two-handed here and the shield is a handy thing to have.
Pretty sure they meant as far as gameplay. Spears are my favorite weapon in BOTW too, because they get really high attack speed.
@MEHFOOD, @dragonson, @Joshrand1982
Would any of you be willing to switch to Plan Travelling Light? It and Journey preperations are nearly the same, but Travelling Light is only one vote behind at the moment, and it includes all the stuff that you were voting for Mehfood. (Personally, they both cover what I was looking for, but Travelling Light appears to have the better shot at winning.)
@MEHFOOD, @dragonson, @Joshrand1982
Would any of you be willing to switch to Plan Travelling Light? It and Journey preperations are nearly the same, but Travelling Light is only one vote behind at the moment, and it includes all the stuff that you were voting for Mehfood. (Personally, they both cover what I was looking for, but Travelling Light appears to have the better shot at winning.)
My only problem with Traveling light is that you have Zelda wearing a Brigantine which is counter productive to her stealth based moveset. Zelda needs a Hylian Cuirass to keep her Stealth rating high. Other than that its perfect. You should probably also get rid of the Willow bark since we already have some in the inventory.

Correction Link needs the Hylian Cuirass and Zelda Needs the Brigantine for her stealth based moveset
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Pretty sure they meant as far as gameplay. Spears are my favorite weapon in BOTW too, because they get really high attack speed.
Weapons here behave similarly to real weapons. A polearm is honestly better in a lot of situations and will punch right through mail if you manage to thrust it right. Those massive two-hander swords Link runs around with in game are just as easily wielded by him it's just here it take into context what hitting someone with a chunk of metal that size will do.

My only problem with Traveling light is that you have Zelda wearing a Brigantine which is counter productive to her stealth based moveset. Zelda needs a Hylian Cuirass to keep her Stealth rating high. Other than that its perfect. You should probably also get rid of the Willow bark since we already have some in the inventory.
A cuirass is made of plate, a Brigandine is made of leather.
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My only problem with Traveling light is that you have Zelda wearing a Brigantine which is counter productive to her stealth based moveset. Zelda needs a Hylian Cuirass to keep her Stealth rating high. Other than that its perfect. You should probably also get rid of the Willow bark since we already have some in the inventory.
Bamboozled once again, I'm afraid. Cuirass metal, Brigandine cloth.

In fact, you got this the other way around earlier.
Anyway. Link needs the Cuirass due to him having to use the Sword and Shield. While Sheik needs the Brigandine for her stealth moves. If link gets a Brigandine instead of a Cuirass than he is more susceptible to harm.