[x] Merc halls

Link was cold, and there was only one blanket in the room. So either one of them freezes, or they share accomodations.

Aaand instead of recognizing this they both ended up on the floor.

...how old are they, again?
How do you count the debuffs from the horrible trauma from their childhood?
I am more interested in the sequence of events that brought her to our shower cabin.

Looking how embarassed she was by the fact even without us realizing it, and going by her personality, I can't imagining her doing this on purpose, not even with FOR SCIENCE! excuse... but I can't think of a string of accidents that would lead her there either.

I'd blame Ganondorf, but alas he is absent.

A mystery indeed. :ninja:
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I am more interested in the sequence of events that brought her to our shower cabin.

Looking how embarassed she was by the fact even without us realizing it, and going by her personality, I can't imagining her doing this on purpose, not even with FOR SCIENCE! excuse... but I can't think of a string of accidents that would lead her there either.

I'd blame Ganondorf, but alas he is absent.

A mystery indeed. :ninja:
Link's hot and she's a repressed nerd.

Not that complicated.
A bit more complicated than that, though. Nerd is the key word. She needs a good excuse to herself, as without it checking people out is pretty brazen and as such seems a bit uncharacteristic of a girl that goes beet red at a mere thought of showing direct interest in the opposite sex. Hence her thin veneer of scientific curiosity towards Link.

She is a terrible liar, but she is pretty great at deceiving herself at least.

Eh, it's hardly important.
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In regards to Zelda being a colossal nerd, I just realized that there's a song from a completely different game that's a perfect fit for the times she goes on random nerd tangents and forgets about the actual topic of discussion :V

Coincidentally, the princess referred to in that song's title is also a gigantic nerd (although for her its more a love of tinkering with vacuum tubes) :lol
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[X] Castle Town market

You both make the decision to get all your shopping done today since you want to leave before it gets dark tomorrow. You also don't want to hold off on that musical show you're supposed to do and raise suspicions. With everything settled you step out of the room to let Zelda get changed. When she's finished Zelda heads downstairs while you quickly get dressed.

Clad in the clothes Zelda bought for you and meeting up with Zelda at the front entrance the two of you make your way to Hyrule Castle Town Market.

It was easy enough to find, as all the traffic in the city seemed to direct the two of you there. Uncomfortably, it also seemed to draw you closer to the castle, the great structure dominating the skyline. You almost felt a feeling of... apprehension as you drew nearer, the castle itself electing feelings of foreboding in you despite its benign exterior.

But whatever you were feeling was nothing compared to Zelda, who clung to your arm as you approached the market. While she might have said she was simply doing it to not get separated in the crowds if you asked neither of you drew attention to it, both your gazes always fixed on the castle, the buildings on each side of the street looming over you like the closing jaws of some great beast.

Eventually, however, the claustrophobic streets empties out into a massive square. It was positively filled with market stalls, with far more wealthy shops filling the buildings surrounding the square. Musicians could be heard faintly over the din as people talked and merchants hawked their wares. In the center of it all was the fountain, the most recognizable feature of Castle Town Market and what you will use to orient yourself. When the crowd eventually pushed you towards it however you had to do a double-take. Gone was the symbol of the royal family, replaced by a massive statue of a man in armor holding up a sword. An effigy to William the Just's vanity, you presume.

Your arm smarts a bit as Zelda tightens her grip, her eyes locked on the statue and the castle looming behind it with not anger, no defiance but just... the look of someone unable to grasp what she was seeing. Like a child trying to understand some horrible event taking place in front of them, beaten for a reason they don't understand.

It's one of the most painful things you've ever seen.

You pull Zelda away from it, toward the stall selling musical instruments. She seems to snap out of her fugue, loosening her grip on your arm. She even points out the Lyre she wanted, picking it up and plucking a few strings experimentally. She smiles faintly at the sound and plucks away at a few more strings as she closes her eyes, losing herself to a rhythm you don't know. Only the shopkeeper asking that she pay for it snaps her out of it. Luckily it and the pan flute together only cost 100 Rupees, and the two of you once more enter the sea of people surrounding you.

At that point, it becomes hard to even see where you need to go, and the two of you end up walking a complete circuit several times just to get an idea of where you were.

"Goddess," Zelda mutters behind you, "I saw this place all the time from my window but I never imagined it'd be like this. How does this not turn into a riot?"

Yeah, as someone who spent a good portion of your life alone in the woods you were starting to become really uncomfortable. It was honestly hard to breathe, and you felt like you could collapse any moment. You were almost leaning on Zelda now, though she seemed to think you were just being pushed by the crowd.

You needed to shop, now. No more lollygagging. Subtracting tonight's room cost you have 700 Rupees to spend. You notice a lot of two-handed weapons on sale. If you buy one you'll have to decide whether you'll pack away your bow to use it, as you can only carry 1 type of two handed weapon at a time. Do you switch your bow out for say a claymore or do you keep it? Polearms luckily could be kept on your horse and drawn in a moments notice while riding for mounted combat. As for armour, some of it could be worn over your clothes, though you could only choose to wear either a brigandine or a cuirass. You also didn't want to replace your cap with a helmet just yet.

Zelda if you buy armour for her obviously prefers light gear that won't make noise, which narrows out every armour that uses metal. On the bright side, for weapons, you can trade your rusty sword in for a new sword. It wasn't selling it, rather exchanging it for a discount since the metal was still good. You could probably get 50 Rupees off your next purchase at the weapon blacksmith, and 20 Rupees for exchanging your shield for another. Sadly your bows don't count for the same, you'll have to sell it and you aren't allowed to do that since you lack a merchant's license.

Elixirs don't come with a bottle if you buy any, so you'll only be able to afford as many as you have bottles. You also have to remember you have limited space to carry stuff. You might only be able to fit a couple bombs into your saddle bags if that since you have food, medicine and clothing concerns and you were already pretty well packed unless you hitched your horses to a wagon.

All in all, you were very limited on space and you'll need to choose carefully. You also already have 10 Chuchu Jelly, 10 restless crickets, a decent amount of Broadhead arrows, 1 Bokoblin gut, a handful of horns and teeth, 2 Traveler's bows, 1 Rusty Broadsword, 1 wooden shield and 7 bottles.
Blacksmith: weapons


-A basic two-handed sword often wielded by aspiring adventurers. Its immense weight can knock enemies' shields right out of their hands.
1 x 200 Rupees
TRAVELER'S SPEAR -A spear used mainly by travelers to fend off wolves and other beasts. It's easy to hold and simple to use. 1 x 50 Rupees
TRAVELER'S SWORD -A very common sword often kept by travelers to fend off small beasts. It's fairly durable, but a bit unreliable against monsters. 1 x 150 Rupees
TRAVELER'S HATCHET -This Multipurpose tool is popular among soldiers and travelers alike for its versatility. Its combat utility isn't great though. 1 x 40 Rupees
TRAVELER'S PICK -Used by traveling prospectors its sharp point breaks stone with ease. While a bit unwieldy to swing, it can pierce armour with one powerful swing. 1 x 50 Rupees
TRAVELER'S KNIFE -A basic hunting knife. It's surprisingly well weighted, though few travelers have the skill to use it as a throwing weapon. 1 x 30 Rupees
SOLDIER'S BROADSWORD -A sword brandished by the soldiers of the Empire. Its durable blade is well tuned for slaying men or monsters. 1 x 250 Rupees
SOLDIER'S CLAYMORE -A two-handed sword designed for combat. It's heavy and hard to use but has decent build quality and durability. 1 x 300 Rupees
SOLDIER'S SPEAR -A long spear popular with soldiers of the Rozsa Empire. Easy to use but difficult to master. The iron tip is very sturdy and the shaft will not burn when exposed to flame. 1 x 100 Rupees
SOLDIER'S MACE -A mace brandished by the soldiers of the Empire. Its weighty head is perfect for smashing skulls. 1 x 250 Rupees
SOLDIER'S BATTLEAXE -This double-sided ax was designed with fighting in mind. It's a bit unwieldy, so it requires a well-practiced technique to use efficiently. 1 x 350 Rupees
SOLDIER'S MAUL -Intended to break the legs of larger monsters only the strongest of soldiers can use this unwieldy weapon. 1 x 300 Rupees
SOLDIER'S DAGGER -Adopted from the Hyrulean army this dagger has become a popular tool for the soldiers of the Empire. Strangely, its well-weighted design makes it an effective throwing weapon. 1 x 60 Rupees
KNIGHT'S BROADSWORD -Knights of Hyrule once carried this type of sword. These days it's the weapon of choice for seasoned adventurers thanks to its ease of use and durability. 1 x 350 Rupees
KNIGHT'S CLAYMORE -Only the most confident of Hyrule Castle's knights carried this two-handed sword, though it's only a status symbol now. Its cutting edge is finely honed. 1 x 400 Rupees
KNIGHT'S HALBERD -A spear used by knights adept in mounted combat. The spearhead is modeled after an ax. 1 x 200 Rupees
KNIGHT'S DAGGER -Knights of Hyrule would compete among themselves on their dagger throwing skills with these effective weapons. Strangely, it is rumoured the practice was started after a demonstration by Queen Tetra. 1 x 90 Rupees
KNIGHT'S MAUL -Said to be based on Goron Cobble Crusher's few in the empire believe Hylian knights ever used this monstrous weapon in combat. 1 x 400 Rupees
KNIGHT'S MACE -Knights of Hyrule once carried this type of mace. These days it's the weapon of choice for seasoned adventurers thanks to its ease of use and durability. 1 x 350 Rupees
Blacksmith: Armour
HYLIAN BRIGANDINE -A common garb that achieved widespread popularity in Hyrule, particularly among travelers. Its light-yet-sturdy fabric doesn't limit movement. Provides arm and chest protection. Can be worn over most armour and clothes. 1 x 60 Rupees
HYLIAN HAUBERK -A shirt made of metal rings linked together. Commonly used to supplant plate or other armours, advances in technology have reduced the time-consuming process of making it, resulting in widespread popularity. 1 x 200 Rupees

-Metal armour popular with travelers and worn over chain and leather. Its lightweight construction is both weather resistant and durable, though not particularly quiet. 1 x 120 Rupees
HYLIAN GREAVES -Mounted Traveler's favor these greaves, the lightweight metal protecting vulnerable legs from monster attacks. Easy to slip on and off, they do tend to make quite a racket. 1 x 80 Rupees
IMPERIAL AUXILARY'S BRIGANDINE -Cheap and mass-produced, this is the common armour for the Rozsa Empire's Auxilary Troops. Provides minimal protection, and never seems to quite fit. 1 x 50 Rupees
IMPERIAL HAUBERK -A shirt made of metal rings linked together poorly, unlike Hylian work this shoddy construction tends to fall apart under too much force. But it's cheap, making it a common piece of soldier's kit. 1 x 120 Rupees
IMPERIAL GALEA -Commonly used helmet throughout the Empire. It isn't that sturdy, but it'll stop a sword or club in a pinch. 1 x 80 Rupees
IMPERIAL LEGIONNAIRE'S CUIRASS -Standard armour of the Imperial Legion, it now see's use mostly with the Empire's Golems. Made up of metal plates, it provides adequate protection to the torso and arms, but poor quality control makes it uncomfortable to wear. 1 x 300 Rupees
IMPERIAL LEGIONNAIRE'S GREAVES -Greaves issued to the Imperial Legion. Provides adequate protection, but tends to pinch. 1 x 250 Rupees
IMPERIAL LEGIONNAIRE'S HELMET -Standard issue helmet for the Imperial Legion. Strangely, it lacks a visor and is completely enclosed. 1 x 100 Rupees
IMPERIAL CENTURION'S CUIRASS -Based on stolen Hyrulean designs it boasts a high level of protection. Made from sturdy plates of metal, the high level of craftsmanship that went into it is buried under gaudy ornamentation. 1 x 5000 Rupees
IMPERIAL CENTURION'S GREAVES -Imperial officers favor these greaves. They owe their distinctly high defense to the metal plates they're made from, but the added weight takes some getting used to. 1 x 2000 Rupees
IMPERIAL CENTURION'S HELMET -Headgear made from sturdy metals for frontline officers. Praised for their defensive capabilities, these helmets are covered in distinctive ornamentation allowing for easy recognition on the field. 1 x 1000 Rupees
WOODEN SHIELD -This lightweight, simple shield is ideal for less-experienced fighters. It can withstand light attacks, but blocking stronger blows is not recommended. 1 x 30 Rupees
TRAVELER'S SHIELD -A sturdy shield loved by many an adventurer. It is made of animal hide and sturdy wood and is best suited to defending against weak monsters or animals. 1 x 50 Rupees
AUXILARY'S SHIELD -This simple shield is given to the Empire's Auxilary forces. Its combat capabilities aren't much better than the standard wooden shield, but its better than nothing. 1 x 40 Rupees
LEGIONNAIRE'S SHIELD -A shield used by Imperial golems. It's easy to handle, but its core is made of wood, so it can catch fire. 1 x 100 Rupees
CENTURION'S SHIELD -A shield favored by Imperial officers. Its sturdy metal construction makes it quite durable, but its weight requires decent skill to wield. 1 x 200 Rupees
-A small bow used by travelers for protection. It doesn't do a lot of damage, but it can be used to attack foes from a distance.
1 x 100 Rupees
SOLDIER'S BOW -A bow designed for armed conflict. Inflicts more damage than a civilian bow, but it will still burn if it touches fire. 1 x 150 Rupees
KNIGHT'S BOW -The sturdy metal construction of this bow offers superior durability, while its lack of firing quirks makes it quite reliable. Once favored by the knights at Hyrule Castle. 1 x 400 Rupees
TRAVELER'S CROSSBOW -A small crossbow used by travelers for protection. It doesn't do a lot of damage, but it can be used to attack foes from a distance. 1 x 200 Rupees
SOLDIER'S CROSSBOW -A crossbow designed for armed conflict. Inflicts more damage than a civilian bow, but it will still burn if it touches fire. 1 x 250 Rupees
KNIGHT'S CROSSBOW -The sturdy metal construction of this crossbow offers superior durability, while its lack of firing quirks makes it quite reliable. Once favored by the knights at Hyrule Castle. 1 x 500 Rupees
BROADHEAD ARROW -A common arrow. Its shaft was carved from the wood of a sturdy tree. 5 x 15 Rupees
FIRE ARROW -An arrow imbued with the power of fire. It breaks apart on impact, igniting objects in the immediate area. It's incredibly effective against cold things. 5 x 60 Rupees
ICE ARROW -An arrow imbued with the power of ice. It breaks apart on impact, freezing objects in the immediate area. It's incredibly effective against hot things. 5 x 60 Rupees
SHOCK ARROW -An arrow imbued with the power of electricity. It breaks apart on impact, channeling electricity into nearby objects. It's incredibly effective against metal or anything wet. 5 x 60 Rupees
BOMB ARROW -A powerful arrow designed to destroy monsters. The explosive powder packed into the tip ignites on impact, dealing massive damage to anything caught in the blast. 5 x 60 Rupees
CROSSBOW BOLT -A common bolt. Its shaft was carved from the wood of a sturdy tree. 5 x 5 Rupees
EXPLOSIVE BOLT -A powerful bolt designed to destroy monsters. The explosive powder packed into the tip ignites on impact, dealing massive damage to anything caught in the blast. 5 x 20 Rupees
TRAVELER'S MUSKET -A small musket used by travelers for protection. Very inaccurate, but the smoke and noise are usually enough to ward off wolves. 1 x 150 Rupees
SOLDIER'S MUSKET -A musket designed for armed conflict. Inflicts more damage than a civilian bow, but still not the most accurate weapon. 1 x 250 Rupees
KNIGHT'S MUSKET -The sturdy metal construction of this musket offers superior durability, while its unique firing mechanism makes it very reliable. Once favored by the knights at Hyrule Castle. 1 x 500 Rupees
TRAVELER'S HANDCANNON -Little more than a metal tube, the user seems more likely to blow themselves up than their target. It is gaining popularity in frontier settlements though. 1 x 200 Rupees
SOLDIER'S HANDCANNON -Used to batter down fortications, it is mostly used by golem troops. Living soldiers prefer weapons that aren't likely to kill what's behind it as well as in front. 1 x 400 Rupees
KNIGHT'S HANDCANNON -Rumored to have been used by only the most courageous of Hyrule's knights most can't imagine wielding this by hand. Instead, they use it as a portable crew served weapon for sieges. 1 x 600 Rupees
MUSKET BALL -A common musket ball. Its ease of construction has caused it to rapidly replace the arrow as the ammunition of choice. 15 x 5 Rupees
BUCKSHOT -Tiny metal balls kept in a packet. Tears through flesh at close range but has terrible armour penetration. 5 x 5 Rupees
FLAMESHOT -Flammable material kept in a packet. Does little damage on its own, but will set everything in front of the musket on fire. 5 x 40 Rupees
CANNON BALL -Heavy metal ball. Tends to ruin the resale value of homes. 1 x 60 Rupees
GRAPESHOT -A bunch of musket balls in a canister. Using it tends to result in stains that will never come out. 1 x 120 Rupees
EXPLOSIVE SHELL -A powerful shell designed to destroy monsters. The explosive powder packed inside ignites on impact, dealing massive damage to anything caught in the blast. 1 x 240 Rupees
INCINDARY SHELL -A shell imbued with the power of fire. It breaks apart on impact, igniting objects in the immediate area. It's incredibly effective against cold things. 1 x 240 Rupees
CYRO SHELL -A shell imbued with the power of ice. It breaks apart on impact, freezing objects in the immediate area. It's incredibly effective against hot things. 1 x 240 Rupees
SHOCK SHELL -A shell imbued with the power of electricity. It breaks apart on impact, channeling electricity into nearby objects. It's incredibly effective against metal or anything wet. 1 x 240 Rupees


-This bark taken from the Hylian Willow Tree contains a unique compound that soothes aches and cramps. Chew or make into a Tea to release its effect!
1 x 2 Rupees
ELIXIR BOTTLE -These bottles are used to store elixirs for later consumption, their corks are tied to the bottle so you never have to worry about losing them, and their sturdy construction makes them perfect for rough traveling. 1 x 50 Rupees
RESTLESS CRICKET -A very energetic cricket. Cook it with monster parts to create a stamina-recovery elixir. 1 x 2 Rupees
HIGHTAIL LIZARD -A lizard found throughout Hyrule. It's a bit slow to react at times, but if given a chance to escape, it will dart off quickly. Cook it with monster parts for a speed-boosting elixir. 1 x 2 Rupees
HEARTY LIZARD -This rare lizard lives deep in the forests. It feeds on high-nutrient foods, giving it great vitality. When used to make elixirs, it will mend even the most grievous of wounds. 1 x 20 Rupees
BLADED RHINO BEETLE -This beetle's razor-sharp horns demand that you handle it with care. Boil the horns alongside monster parts to concoct an elixir that will increase your strength. 1 x 4 Rupees
RUGGED RHINO BEETLE -This beetle's hard body resembles armor. When the shell is cooked with monster parts, the resulting elixir toughens your flesh and bones making it harder to be injured. 1 x 4 Rupees
SUMMERWING BUTTERFLY -A butterfly found in the woods and plains of warm regions. Its wings absorb the warmth of the sun. Cook it with monster parts to create an elixir that makes you feel warm and fuzzy. 1 x 2 Rupees
SUNSET FIREFLY -These fireflies glow gently in the dark. When cooked with monster parts, the compound that causes it to glow results in an elixir that will allow you to move more quietly. 1 x 2 Rupees
HOT-FOOTED FROG -A quick frog that can be found hopping around near water. Cook it with monster parts to draw out its speed-boost effect. 1 x 2 Rupees
COLD DARNER -This dragonfly prefers the cool shade of trees to the warmth of the sun. Its wings disperse heat from its body, which can be cooked into a heat-resistant elixir. 1 x 2 Rupees
WARM DARNER -This dragonfly has a special organ that causes it to sweat profusely. Cook it with monster parts for an elixir that will raise your core temperatures so you can resist the cold. 1 x 2 Rupees
ROPE VENOM -Venom extracted from dead rope snakes. When combined with sweet mushrooms they make a potent antitoxin. 1 x 20 Rupees
SWEET MUSHROOM -Poisonous mushroom. However, when combined with Rope Venom they make a poten antitoxin. 1 x 2 Rupees
CHUCHU JELLY -A gelatinous substance that came from a Chuchu. It's only useful for elixirs in this state, but applying a bit of elemental stimulation will change its form. 1 x 15 Rupees
CHILLY ELIXIR -Grants a cooling, hydrating effect, raising your body's resistance to heat. Crucial for long journeys through the desert. 1 x 20 Rupees
ENERGISING ELIXIR -Restores your Stamina, making you feel instantly well-rested and fed. 1 x 20 Rupees
HASTY ELIXIR -Grants a haste effect, which boosts your speed and reaction times. 1 x 20 Rupees
HEARTY ELIXIR -Heals even the most grievous of wounds, resetting bones and mending flesh. 1 x 40 Rupees
MIGHTY ELIXIR -Grants a might effect, which strengthens your body and mind to boost your attack power with all weapons. 1 x 25 Rupees
SNEAKY ELIXIR -Grants a stealth effect, which calms the nerves and silences footfalls. Allows you to move about undetected by monsters and animals. 1 x 20 Rupees
SPICY ELIXIR -Warms your body from its core, increasing your resistance to cold environments. Very useful in the snow-covered mountains. 1 x 20 Rupees
TOUGH ELIXIR -Grants a toughness effect, which fortifies your bones to strengthen your defense. Best to use before facing off against hard-hitting enemies. 1 x 25 Rupees
ANTI-POISON ELIXIR -Cures poison, venom and disease and repairs the damage they've done to your body. 1 x 40 Rupees


-A horn full of gunpowder. Useful for 15 musket shots or 1 hand cannon shot. Keep away from fire or water!
1 x 20 Rupees
BOMB - Little more than a container full of gunpowder with a short fuse. Light the fuse and then throw as far as possible. Keep away from fire! 1 x 30 Rupees
FLASHBANG -Filled with an alchemical powder that only produces a loud bang and bright light. Very disorientating, and often used to scare animals. 1 x 20 Rupees
FLARE -Stick of alchemical substances that produce a bright light and coloured smoke. An essential part of military doctirne. 1 x 15 Rupees
Traveling supplies

-These special gloves allow climbers to cling to vertical surfaces, letting them scale cliffs with ease! 1 x 120 Rupees
NO-SLIP BOOTS -These rock-climbing boots have special no-slip toes that help you cling to walls. 1 x 120 Rupees

-A harness for all your climbing needs and specially designed for carrying weapons. Includes tools and rope. 1 x 240 Rupees
TRAVELER'S FISHING POLE -A fishing pole for the traveler on the go. Its sturdy construction lets you catch tougher fish without the line snapping. 1 x 20 Rupees
Horse Gear

-This extravagant bridle has been adopted as standard kit by Imperial Officers and is decorated with little feathers and gold embroidery. Originally intended to add a splash of colour, it now seems a bit garish. 1 x 5000 Rupees
CENTURION'S SADDLE -This ornamental saddle has been adopted as standard kit by Imperial Officers. The delicate embroidery leaves a lasting impression. It's perfect for those who want to stand out. 1 x 8000 Rupees
KNIGHT'S BRIDLE -Hyrulean knights once outfitted their horses with this bridle. It boasts additional armour to protect the horse's head and neck. 1 x 2000 Rupees
KNIGHT'S SADDLE -Hyrulean knights once favored this saddle. Its heavy armor made their mounts as invincible as they were. 1 x 6000 Rupees
CHILLED SADDLEBAGS -These saddlebags are enchanted with sapphires to cool anything inside of them, letting them store perishable food for longer periods of time. 1 x 8000 Rupees
What do you buy?
[] Write-in.
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Ooh, so much stuff! :D

We should upgrade our sword/shield/bow/armor a level or two.
I am working on a plan right now but I don't know what we have in our inventory.
I think we should spring for the Knight's Broadsword, and get a Traveler's Shield to go along with it. That way we will have a good weapon, but until we draw it all anyone will see is the scabbard and a run of the mill shield. If we get a two handed sword or a military grade shield, we will stand out far more.
[X] Journey preperations

[X] Knighs Broadsword - 1 x 350 Rupees - Minus 50 Rupees trade in value of Rusty Broadsword
[X] Traveler's Shield - 1 x 50 Rupees - Minus 20 Rupees trade in value of wooden Shield
[X] Hylian Cuirass - 1 x 120 Rupees
[X] Broadhead Arrow - 5 x 15 Rupees
[X] Hylian Brigandine - 1 x 60 Rupees
[X] Hearty Elixer - 1 x 40 Rupees
[X] Traveler's Fishing Pole - 1 x 20 Rupees
[X] Rope Venom 2 x 4
[X] Sweet Mushroom 2 x 40
[X] Hearty Lizard 2 x 40

Edit: Sorry I realized that I accidently deleted the Total from the list before I published it.
Here is the total amount spent: 669 Rupees leaving you with 31 rupees left.
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I say get all Hylian armour, hauberk, cuirras and greaves for us and the brigandine for Shiek/Zelda, that's only 460 and it's good quality stuff.

[X] Traveler's Shield - 1 x 50 Rupees
[X] Hylian Cuirass - 1 x 120 Rupees
[X] Hylian Brigandine - 1 x 60 Rupees
[X] Hylian Hauberk - 1 x 200 Rupees
[X] Hylian Greaves - 1 x 80 Rupees
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Should remind people, you do have 10 Chuchu Jelly, 10 restless crickets, a decent amount of Broadhead arrows, 1 Bokoblin gut, a handful of horns and teeth and 7 bottles.

I think we should spring for the Knight's Broadsword, and get a Traveler's Shield to go along with it. That way we will have a good weapon, but until we draw it all anyone will see is the scabbard and a run of the mill shield. If we get a two handed sword or a military grade shield, we will stand out far more.
They could tell by the crossguard what type of sword it is, though it isn't as big a deal as you make out. Also, two-handers are very common weapons among travelers, especially in more dangerous terrain where Moblins or Lizalfos hide.

Broadswords technically are sidearms.
Should remind people, you do have 10 Chuchu Jelly, 10 restless crickets, a decent amount of Broadhead arrows, 1 Bokoblin gut, a handful of horns and teeth and 7 bottles.

They could tell by the crossguard what type of sword it is, though it isn't as big a deal as you make out. Also, two-handers are very common weapons among travelers, especially in more dangerous terrain where Moblins or Lizalfos hide.

Broadswords technically are sidearms.
You really need to make an Inventory tab so that its easier for us to know what we have when we need to look it up.
Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on May 8, 2017 at 8:29 PM, finished with 1107 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Plan: We're broke and need gear.
    [X] Plan Travelling Light
    [X] Journey preperations
    [X] Knighs Broadsword - 1 x 350 Rupees - Minus 50 Rupees trade in value of Rusty Broadsword
    [X] Traveler's Shield - 1 x 50 Rupees - Minus 20 Rupees trade in value of wooden Shield
    [X] Hylian Cuirass - 1 x 120 Rupees
    [X] Broadhead Arrow - 5 x 15 Rupees
    [X] Hylian Brigandine - 1 x 60 Rupees
    [X] Hearty Elixer - 1 x 40 Rupees
    [X] Traveler's Fishing Pole - 1 x 20 Rupees
    [X] Rope Venom 2 x 4
    [X] Sweet Mushroom 2 x 40
    [X] Hearty Lizard 2 x 40
    [X] Traveler's Shield - 1 x 50 Rupees
    [X] Hylian Cuirass - 1 x 120 Rupees
    [X] Hylian Brigandine - 1 x 60 Rupees
    [X] Hylian Hauberk - 1 x 200 Rupees
    [X] Hylian Greaves - 1 x 80 Rupees
    [X] Plan Travelling Light
    [X] Knight's Broadsword - 1 x 350 Rupees
    [X] Traveler's Shield - 1 x 50 Rupees
    [X] Hylian Brigandine - 2 x 60 Rupees
    [X] 5 Shock Arrows - 1 x 60 Rupees
    [X] Traveler's Fishing Pole - 1 x 20 Rupees
    [X] Hearty Lizard - 2 x 20 Rupees
    [X] Rope Venom - 2 x 2 Rupees
    [X] Sweet Mushroom - 2 x 20 Rupees
    [X] Willow Tree Bark - 8 x 2 Rupees
    [X] Journey preperations
    [X] Knight's Broadsword - 1 x 350 Rupees
    [X] Traveler's Shield - 1 x 50 Rupees
    [X] Hylian Brigandine - 2 x 60 Rupees
    [X] Plan: We're broke and need gear.
    [X] 1 Soldier's Broadsword - 200 rupees
    [X] 1 Traveler's Shield - 30 rupees
    [X] 1 Hylian Brigandine for Zelda - 60 rupees
    [X] 1 Hylian Hauberk - 200 rupees
    [X] 1 x5 Lighting Arrows - 60 rupees
    [X] 4 hearty lizards - 80 rupees
    [X] 2 rope venom - 40 rupees
    [X] 2 sweet mushroom - 4 rupees
    [X] 1 Traveler's Fishing Pole - 20 rupees
    [X] 1 Bladed Rhino Beetle - 4 rupees
    [X] 1 Sunset Firefly - 2 rupees