@Pirx Thanks for voting for my plan, but I am switching to this plan now. It is almost identical with my old one and has a much higher chance of winning
[X] Ransom the Ring of Barahir (-15 Gold, -10 Metal)
[X] Cavalry: These horsemen are a short, sharp shock, and are willing to take casualties if it means dealing a decisive blow.
[X] Equipment Doctrine: Well Equipped (-2 Metal): +1 Attack/Defense
[X] Make effort to practice forestry management, and to replant trees where possible.
[X]Attempt to reconstitute a service of couriers/messengers to carry the Chieftain's messages and otherwise keep the cities connected.
[X]Dispatch party to scout Caras Nurnelen ruins
[X]Rotate a section of the military to Bree regularly to show the flag and to help sweep the roads between Bree and Ost.
[X]Trade Hardwood to Mithlond for five years, as a favor to a treasured ally.
[X]Request advice from Mithlond on forestry management.
[X]And from Imladris on skulking patrolling through the wilderness; we're going to have to rebuild instituional knowledge lost with the fall of Fornost.
[X]Send emissaries to the Shire; it's right on the road to Bree, so no point neglecting it, and the Shire-hobbits did swear allegiance to the kings of Arnor. Besides, the halflings DID send a company of archers to the Battle of Fornost.
[X] Import 2 Food (Market Price): -4 gold/turn
[X] Import 2 Stone (Market Price): -6 gold/turn
[X] Export 1 Hardwood (Market Price+1) [Mithlond]: +6 gold/turn
-4 gold/turn
[X] Ciralya (Merchant Ship) (-10 Gold, -10 Wood) [Req. 1 Shipbuilding]
[X] Fishing (-3 Gold, -2 Wood, +3 Food)<-[Unemployed unit of Population goes here]
----[X] Armorers (-10 Gold, Increase Quality Available) [Req. Iron/Steel]
[X] Tame the Baranduin (-10 Gold, -20 Stone)
YEAR 3 [+1 POP!]
----[X] Drill Square (-10 Gold, Better Units)
[X] Logging Camp (-3 Gold, +3 Wood)[New Pop here]
[X] Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Housing)
[X] Mercantile District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Taxes)
--[X] Smithing Quarter (-5 Gold, -2 Taxes, 2 Iron -> 2 Steel Conversion)
YEAR 5[+1 POP!]
[X] Ciralya (Merchant Ship) (-10 Gold, -10 Wood) [Req. 1 Shipbuilding]
[X] Quarry (-3 Gold, +2 Stone) [New Pop here]