I have to say, this is the cutest Zelda I've seen. Also, Sheikah Slates OP, plz nerf. At least it doesn't have an internet connection, we'd never get her off it if it did.
[X] Rich inn - 100 Rupees a night
Also, Sheikah Slates OP, plz nerf. At least it doesn't have an internet connection, we'd never get her off it if it did.
Bah, this is nothing! Just wait until the Slate reveals its ability to function as a magic wand.
It can spontaneously generate Bombs that are nearly weightless, and then functions as a Detonator for those Bombs!

It can let you use Telekinesis on anything that's magnetic!

It can let you instantly create climbable pillars of ice anywhere where there's an open body of water!

It can let you freeze enemies in time for a few seconds, or let you push an object with 10 seconds worth of effort in a single moment!
To be fair, the upgrade is needed to use it on enemies. It won't have that capability when they find the shrine with the rune.
The other half of its effect is still plenty bullshit if you know what you're doing.

And it's amazing how many ways people have already found to munchkin the effect of Magnesis, even with the limitations of game design.
The other half of its effect is still plenty bullshit if you know what you're doing.

And it's amazing how many ways people have already found to munchkin the effect of Magnesis, even with the limitations of game design.
The short version being that (among other things) Troll Physics can actually be made to work. "Because magic," probably.
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Interesing fact about the bombs. did you know that throwing bombs into water with fish nearby kills them and you can then harvest them for food or money.
I accidentally discovered Redneck (electro) Fishing the other day shooting one of my scads of shock arrows (I've been hunting Lynels) at an Octorok, one that happened to be near about half a dozen fish. I'm not sure I'm ever fishing normally (or at least, BotW normally) again.
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I accidentally discovered Redneck (electro) Fishing the other day shooting one of my scads of shock arrows (I've been hunting Lynels) at an Octorok, one that happened to be near about half a dozen fish. I'm not sure I'm ever fishing normally (or at least, BotW normally) again.
You can also Redneck Fish by using Magnesis to dip a sword partially in the water during a thunderstorm :V

I've only ever done a serious amount of 'normal' fishing ONCE in BOTW, and that's because Stealthfin Trout are a pain in the ass to catch and I already had an inventory full of 5 shot Savage Lynel Bows.
[X] Rich inn - 100 Rupees a night

"I am going to kill him," Zelda states with calm certainty, a stark contrast to her burning ears and flushed cheeks, "I am going to fill him with so many arrows they will have to roll him into his grave."

"Aha, don't you think that's a little extreme...?" You say as you walk towards your room, stifling your own embarrassment.

"No. He planned this! He planned this from the start! Making us do something so embarrassing... The nerve!" She says through gritted teeth.

"So uh... if it's so embarrassing why are you still holding onto my arm?" You ask Zelda, who was clinging to said limb rather tightly. It was actually kinda awkward, you'd never done this before.

"Because if I let go I'm going to curl into a ball and wish I could die."


The two of you finally get to your room, unlocking it with the key the innkeeper gave you. The room you enter was well furnished, with nice rugs, dressers and cabinets, a table and a few chairs. The single large bed was soft and clean, not a hint of straw and the window pointed out towards the street. Zelda detaches herself and makes a move for the bed, before looking down at the state of her dusty clothes and thinks better of it. Instead, she collapses into a chair and lays her head down on the table, her arms covering it.

You honestly didn't blame her, Ganondorf was not kidding when he said they'd be concerned about your and Zelda's relationship with each other. Immediately they started asking questions about how long the two of you had been a couple or looking at Zelda's hand. You quickly lied, saying the two of you had been engaged and married by your parents but had lost everything thanks to a Bokoblin raid, Sheik sustaining horrific burns. You'd sold what you could for medicine and supplies then traveled to castle town in the hopes of becoming bards to make enough to settle down, as well as find someone who could heal Sheik's burns.

Zelda to her credit sold the lie, pulling down her scarf to reveal her necrotic flesh and muttering quietly "We... we lost everything."

You did your best to ignore how she glanced at the castle then.

Unfortunately, this did mean you'll have to buy musical instruments as they had asked to hear what you're capable of. You only hope that Zelda was actually a decent singer or decent with the lyre, as neither of you actually wanted your lie exposed. Still, it was rupees you could have used for armour and weapons, this lie you had been caught in might end up costing you a lot.

You wonder if things would have been easier if the two of you just simply bought seperate rooms rather than following Ganondorf's advice. You really didn't look forward to the awkwardness of figuring out what to do with the sole bed in the room. But that could wait, it had taken you all day to find this inn while navigating the unfamiliar streets, the two of you stopping to take in every sight. Castle Town was absolutely bustling, countless people wandering around the packed streets. Yet... there seemed to be a clear divide here, a wealth gap you hadn't anticipated. More than a few Hylians gave the two of you in your dusty clothes odd looks when you were wandering around the richer part of town, Zelda happily pointing out that the style of buildings that dominated the city had lasted since ancient times.

The sun had not set yet and while the markets would most likely be closed it still was not the time for dinner. You supposed the two of you could hang around the inn, listen in on the local news and ask for directions around castle town. You had some information from Ganondorf but his info was not up to date. He certainly didn't know where to find a shop that sold musical instruments. You'll probably go ask-

"Hey, you're heading to take a bath now, right?" Zelda asks, peeking from between her arms.

"No, I was going to find a table. I mean we just got here..." You say, remembering she had said you needed to take one.

"Go take a bath, and get your clothes washed as well. We aren't leaving the impression we're filthy savages," Zelda tells you, and you get the impression you didn't have room to argue.

"Fine fine..." You say, setting down your pack and digging into it for spare and all your dirty clothes and then loading them into a basket set beside the door.

You exit the room, heading down the stairs with your basket of clothes in your hand to the common room. It was a large space, with several tables and a small stage. A roaring fire kept the place pleasantly warm but unlike the tavern you were used to this place lacked the cramped, smokey atmosphere. The tables all had table cloths on them, the tables were set out in an orderly fashion and the bar wasn't stained with alcohol and other substances. There were no stuffed heads, mounted shields or anything of like, only decorative tapestries, small portraits of the innkeeper and his family and looming over everyone a portrait of the emperor himself. It was a place that looked like it prided itself on being respectable, rather than being a home away from home.

It was mostly empty, save for the staff and a few merchants discussing their business over meals. Unsure of where to go you wave one of the serving girls, an older woman whose hair was starting to grey, over.

"Excuse me, when we paid for the room the innkeeper mentioned shower and laundry services?" You ask, unsure if it was considered polite to ask about it.

The serving girl nods, "Of course, we have showers in the back. The water is heated and pumped in from the local pumping station rather than more expensive enchanted systems so we have set times for showers and laundry. You're just in time though, the washerwoman will be making their rounds soon and the company this establishment hires is very well reputed. Just write your name on the ticket and set your basket out and tomorrow morning all your clothing will be good as new!"

The woman then claps a hand to her cheek "Ah, but your wife doesn't know about this either, does she? Don't worry, I'll take your basket up to her when you go to the showers. You do have a clean change of clothes, right?"

You nod, feeling kinda awkward about all this.

"Ah good good," Her expression then turns serious, "Now I know you're both a young and in love but this here is a respectable establishment, not like those bathhouses. The showers are separated, no mixing of any sort!"

You nod, cheeks burning at the insinuation and the serving girl leads you into the back, where there was indeed two doors separating what you assume were changing areas. The serving girl explains she'll be taking your basket of clothes in ten minutes, roughly when the water starts being pumped in and she expects you to be in the showers by then as once again she says this is a respectable establishment.

Then she leaves you, and you enter the men's changing room feeling awkward and embarrassed. It was a small room with shelves lined up one the walls. The walls had baskets with numbers on them, in each basket were clean, fluffy towels. You end up standing there for a minute, mulling over what the woman said. Why did she even keep mentioning that kind of thing? You weren't even sure what "those" bathhouses even were! You couldn't imagine anything more awkward!

Well maybe not that awkward, you'd already seen Zelda-

Slamming both palms into your cheeks to get that plea- image out of your head and reminding yourself of how hurt she was you quickly undress, take the towels from a basket while putting your clean clothes in it and feeling quite exposed head into the shower room. It wasn't much, just a small tiled room with a window at the far end with luminous stone lamps set into the ceiling. One wall was covered in nozzles, knobs and a glass indicator that was slowly filling with water while the other had bars you assume you hang your towel on. A bench ran through the middle of the room, on it was a variety of soaps and brushes you assume you were free to use.

Feeling glad no one else was going to use this at this time you stand there rather aware of how drafty the room was until the indicator was full. Then grabbing some soap and a brush you step over and turn the tap.

Instantly any sense of embarrassment vanished. You don't know how long you stood there, enjoying the feel of hot water on your skin. All you knew was that you were well and truly drenched before you started washing yourself. You kinda wished this place had a bath you could soak in but as someone whose only baths were diving into a river to catch fish with his bare hands, this was heaven. Years of grime washed away as you scrubbed, and you felt the aches and pains of the road melt away with the heat.

You did manage to sting your eyes a little when you washed your hair, which temporarily blinded you and made it impossible to properly distinguish the room. You even thought you saw a shadow at the window, but it vanished when you turned to look at it.

Probably a bird...

You return to your room clean, refreshed and carrying a tray of food and beer. Meat and rice with a side of vegetables, you'd even snagged some cutlery. Luckily it wasn't frowned upon to eat in your room, only that you left the food tray outside. When you enter you see Zelda sitting in the corner, curled up with her hands over her mouth with her ears completely red. She doesn't turn to look at you or even acknowledges your presence.

"Uh, hey? You okay? I got-"

"I AM FINE!!" Was the very high pitched response as she suddenly goes ramrod straight, her hands shooting to her sides.

"Ooookay? I got food."


You set the food down, taking a seat and grabbing a fork to begin digging into the meal. You pause though when you see Zelda hadn't moved. "You... going to eat?"

"Y-YES!" Zelda says, shooting up and walking over to the table, taking a seat with an odd stiffness. She then immediately grabs her food and starts wolfing it down, refusing to make eye contact with you. She was also completely beat red, though you suspected it was from choking as she quickly ends up grabbing her throat before reaching for a tankard and draining it in a few seconds.

You hadn't even started, simply staring at Zelda with a raised eyebrow and mouth slightly agape.

"Are you sure you're alright?" You ask, concerned.

"Ahaha I'm fine! I'm fine!" Zelda laughs, still refusing to look you in the eye. "I'mjustgoingtotakethebathImeanshowernowbye"

And just like that she grabs the laundry basket, her clean change of clothes and vanishes out the door.

Well... that was strange.

Eating your meal in silence your thoughts drift from topic to topic. Eventually, however, they settle on the portrait of the emperor and what had disturbed you about it. This was a man who ordered Zelda's family butchered, conquered Hyrule and upended so many lives. Yet he looked so... normal.

An older man with a receding, gray hairline. Sharp features, blue-grey eyes, and a trimmed beard wearing black, unadorned armour. You were used to monsters looking disturbing, obviously evil yet this man looked like any other.

You didn't like looking at that portrait, and you didn't wish to see Zelda's expression whenever her eyes fell on the face of the man who ordered her family murdered.

But you could take solace in one thing though.

You'll stand against anything he sends to harm her...
It took a while for Zelda to return, her voluminous golden hair still damp. She was wearing only a simple gray dress, which reflected the mood on her face.

"Uuugh it was packed," She groans, before flopping onto the bed.

"Long line?" You ask, and she groans again.

"I had to stand there freezing waiting for my turn while everyone gawked at my scars," Zelda explains into the bed sheets.

"All those people... that must have been really uncomfortable," You say, glad you were the only one there when you went.

"Eh? Not really, sorta like the hot springs back home," She says, looking up from the bed, "Everyone staring was the worst part,"

You lean back in your chair, pondering that. "Hot springs? That sounds nice..."

"Muuuch better than the lukewarm water here, and the mineral waters are actually very beneficial for your health," Zelda said with a content sigh "Why Paya and I did extensive studies on it, though I, unfortunately, haven't transferred my notes to the Sheikah Slate."

You smirk, "And that wasn't just the two making excuses to bathe in a hot spring regularly?"

"Well, maybe a little."

She giggles, and you can't help but chuckle as well. You both fall quiet after a minute though, the Moblin in the room becoming more and more apparent.

"Sooo, I'll take the floor then," You state, getting up from your chair.

"W-wait! Must you really sleep on the floor? Isn't it supposed to be cold tonight?" Zelda asks, a blush creeping into her cheeks.

You shrug, "It'll be fine. These rugs are way more comfortable than our bedrolls. Just pass me a pillow."

She reluctantly hands it over, before suddenly saying "You don't have to do this just because I'm... you know. Take the bed, I'll sleep on the floor."

You just lay down on the floor, setting the pillow under your head, "It's fine, I'm not going to make you sleep on a hard floor with your injuries, you'll be half-crippled tomorrow."


"Goodnight Sheik."

She sighs, before getting up to blow out the candles. The room falls into pitch darkness until suddenly a faint blue light illuminates the room along with the sound of tapping.

Doing your best to ignore it and the temperature rapidly dropping causing you to shiver you close your eyes and drift off to sleep...

You awaken the next day to Zelda hissing in pain. She was sitting on the bed, clutching her side. You push yourself up, ready to ask her if she needs the tea when you notice a blanket fall off you.

She'd... covered you in the night as the temperature dropped.

You look back up at Zelda who looks away from you as you do so, her ears turning pink.

You shake your head, smiling. This girl...

Climbing to your feet you stretch, letting your limbs wake up. A knock on the door draws both your attentions and Zelda gets up to answer it. She opens it and after quickly thanking the person at the door returns with a basket of clean clothes.

She picks up and hands you your tunic, and you're amazed at how clean it is, a floral scent drifting off it. You could get used to this kind of stuff.

You lay the tunic out on the bed as Zelda starts sorting through all your clothing-


Why are all the pillows on the ground and not on the bed?

"Ahem! SO! What's our plan for today Link?" Zelda suddenly asks, her face red.


You sigh, you honestly hadn't given it much thought. You only planned to stay here one more night, so you could only really get something done today and tomorrow before you left Castle Town for Lanayru.

You could visit Castle Town market today or tomorrow, but you weren't sure how long you'd need to stay there to buy everything you need. You don't know if you'll have time tomorrow.

You could visit the academy for information, Ganondorf told you the library was open to the public. Sadly Zelda wouldn't be able to go there, to much risk of someone recognizing if not her than her Sheikah ancestry.

You could search for that black market lead he also mentioned, but you'd never done that before and if the guards catch you...

You could visit local mercenary companies and adventurer hang-outs. They might have information on monsters you'll be encountering.

You could visit the local garrison, the public can watch them drill and you might learn a thing or two if you ever need to fight them.

You could just go sight seeing, Zelda did mention she wants to see how Castle Town has changed these last eight years.

You could also visit the Sacred Grounds, Zelda also mentioned she wanted to see it. She did promise to avoid doing anything spiritual there that'd give away her identity.

You could go to a restaurant, just the two of you. Eating together. Like a-

ANYWAYS there was also theaters you could catch a play or opera-


Okay you needed to decide fast before this lie really messes up your perception of things.

Where do you go? Choose one.
[] Castle Town market
[] Academy Library
[] Slums to search
[] Merc halls
[] Garrison
[] Sight Seeing
[] Sacred Grounds
[] Resturant
[] Theater
[] Write-in
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Spying on his shower. Sleeping on the floor next to him. That surprises me. Rather fortunate for Link that she is still The Worst Liar.

All in favor of ensuring that Link remains as romantically dense as possible? Just to really piss off the QM.
[X] Castle Town market

We must do our chores first. This is probably our most important stop, and we may only be able to do it today.
You can vote for Link to act however you want, but do you really think it's a good idea to piss me off?
For the sake of those of you have somehow still failed to get the memo, no. It is never a good idea to piss off the QM, they are your god in a quite literal sense.

"Suddenly 8 Savage Lynels" comes to mind as an example.