You are the leader of an organization in what is a fairly screwed up world. To be specific, a supernatural organization. Not that that means you have magic or anything on your side, no that would be too damn easy. Rather, you have to hunt down vampires, ghouls and a variety of other monsters with bullets and gumption. Frankly, it's a pretty shitty situation. You're centered in
[] South America. Nations in South America aren't exactly bursting with cash. So, to save on the cost, they banded together and made an organization to cover the entire continent. Luckily for you, insurrections are rare in the entirety of the continent. Unluckily for you, monsters in South America breed in communities.
Cannon Fodder, Ho!: You have a wide range of influence. Thanks to that, your founders have given you more men to throw at the problem. More Military units to begin with.
They Come In Bursts: A lot of the monsters inhabiting your home continent are content with chewing on sheep and wildlife for the rest of their lives. Furthermore, they usually clump together in tribes or packs. Insurrections are usually bursts of activity in one area, rather than a crap ton of small fires. Less Intrigue actions needed after a military one.
Kill It With Fire: For the most part, South American monsters don't have mystic abilities. Instead, they have powerful physical capabilities. While this is bad, it's not as bad as them pulling some magical bullshit on you. Monsters don't have supernatural powers alongside their supernatural origins.
Gorilla And Guerrilla Warfare: Not only are many of your monsters used to fighting in jungles and rivers, they are made for jungles and rivers. It takes some effort to uproot them enough to make a firm offensive. Intrigue actions for surveying or scouting monsters more difficult.
Holy Water Is Less Effective Than Gasoline: While it may be nice that the monster's can't pull magical crap on you, the same goes for you. El Hombre Caiman is a crocodile man. He's fast, strong and that's it. Unfortunately, he's strong enough to throw a car, and it takes a point blank shotgun to break skin in a significant way. And they travel in packs. No iron and holy water to deal with them. Piety actions are not nearly as effective.
A Lot Of Ground To Cover: Intrigue actions such as scouting occur in Sections. Multiple Intrigue actions to understand all of the factions and groups in South America
[X] Japan. A land full of history and mythology, spirits run rampant through these lands. Now, you've been tasked with corralling them in. Somehow, you think your work is cut out for you.
Shinto Showdown: The local religion here has an entire branch dedicated to sealing and exorcism. You have a lot more room to operate on the religious side. Much easier to accomplish Piety actions.
Fractured Spiritscape: As many dangerous spirits as there are, there are also helpful ones. There's a possibility of gaining alliances with local spirits that don't want to eat people by the truckload.
Well Documented: While it's unfortunate how many spirits there are, you can rest assured that you know of almost all of them. The spirits themselves are well documented, and this proves a good boost to your abilities of understanding them. Bonus to Learning Rolls for local spirits and monsters.
So. Many. Spirits: Your land is literally overflowing with spirits. Cotton sheet blowing in the wind? Wants to strangle you. Spirit in the bathroom? It's either going to flay the skin off your back or strangle you. There's a lot of small shit to deal with. Increased upkeep for regular operations.
Spiritual Nonsense: A downside to having an exorcism division ready and waiting for you is the fact that half of what you fight requires exorcism to put down. There are a variety of spirits that will just fly through the walls or possess something else to get away from your troops. Negative modifiers to military actions against tricky spirits.
Divinity Can Be A Bitch: You have nature spirits, and they're almost everywhere. This means that you have to appease them every once and a while, or they get pretty pissy. Something about humans going spirit hunting isn't allowed without a bunch of offerings. Whatever, just pay them. Diplomacy action to appease nature spirits, otherwise natural disasters and other failures occur.
[] USA/Canada. The Good old US of A banded together with Canada to fund their own supernatural organization. Canada was included mostly just to avoid jurisdiction problems. Anyway, apparently that whole "kill and segregate the Indians" thing didn't just blow over. Now you've got skinwalkers, wendigos, oh my! Here's cash, deal with it.
Capitalism Is The Best: The USA puts its faith in money. You get a shit ton of it. Increased Funding compared to others.
We Have So Many Tanks: The US has many specialized forces and various types of expensive weaponry. In fact, they have so much they can afford to give you some. Now you've got enough heavy weaponry to level a town, and you're still rather nervous. Bonus modifiers to military rolls.
Don't Worry, We Spy On Everyone: The government has a level of surveillance that allows your teams to deploy very quickly against any threats. Even if it does make you feel like putting tape over your webcam, it's helpful to your operations. Bonus to yearly operations roll.
No Faith, Only Guns: Unfortunately, you could use some faith. Nowadays, Indian Shaman are fairly rare in the US. And you need enough to deal with most of continental North America? Urgh. Piety division starts very small, low number of Shaman.
The Dead Can't Stay Dead: The numerous ancient Indian Burial Sites said to be around the US, are. And there's always a chance of some angry spirit waking one up and trying to start a zombie apocalypse. Every year, there's a small chance of a graveyard waking up that you need to deal with using a Mandatory Martial action.
Coyote Can Rot In Hell: There are divine spirits that wander around. Luckily there are only a few. Unluckily, one of them likes to fuck with people. Every turn, there is a chance that Coyote will try to fuck up on of your Intrigue actions. Negative 20 modifier to whatever he chooses.
AN:This starts ten years before canon. Updates are likely to be sporadic, given how many quests i'm running. I'm taking Manual voting for now, but I'll use surveys once we get into actual Turns. And this is based on Hellsing Ultimate, not the anime.
No flame wars. I've seen threads spend pages upon pages arguing over details until it basically turns into mud slinging. Arguments are fine, just keep civil.
If you think i'm wrong, think about it carefully, then bring it up with me. There's a possibility that I am wrong, and if so, I will endeavor to correct it. At the same time, i'll be sure to let you know if this is due to special circumstance, or defend what I wrote should I disagree with your analysis.
Votes on Turns will be collected on Surveys. I do accept Double Downs, but that i'll collect by a manual vote, since i'm lazy.
If there are no Surveys, Turn votes should be in plans. I have no time for counting individual votes otherwise.
I do take Omakes. I do give bonuses for the option that omake is related to. If the omake is only tangentailly related, i'll still give the bonus. If the omake is unrelated to any of the options, i'll add the bonus to wherever you do worst. Any point of clarification needed, PM me. Omakes do need to be over a certain length. I'm thinking five hundred words or so.
Alright, I think that covers it. Anything you believed i missed here, just bring it up with me and i'll do my best to answer your questions. This is my first CK2 quest, so I ask that you please be patient with me.
Martial:10+1=11 (You're a trained priestess, and have all the knowledge in the world to fight them. Unfortunately, you lack the physical prowess to enact upon all of that. As such, you can take out your average joe, but the martial arts are not for you.)
Diplomacy:15+1=16 (You're a smooth talker, and are used to giving guidance to many temple goers. You have experience in guiding people down the correct path and alleviating their worries. And getting them to give you stuff, that too.)
Stewardship:13+1=14 (You know finance pretty well, but how to make more money tends to escape you. You'd much rather collect donations than engage in capitalism.)
Intrigue:10+1=11 (About the sneakiest you've ever gotten was in high school, where you would donate to shrines while your "cool" friends weren't looking. A priest doesn't have much room to sneak, and the skill has gone unpracticed.)
Piety:17+2+1+2+2=24 (You've known that you wanted to be a priest since birth. When you were a child, you saw spirits everywhere in your life. Now regarded as a prodigy within the priesthood, you may be a world class talent for interacting with the kami and fighting youkai.)
Learning: 14+1=15 (You possess all of the brainpower and none of the patience for studying phenomena and other assorted sciency things. You can understand an oral presentation or a quick summary fairly easily, but kami forbid you read a textbook.)
Priest: You are a fully qualified Shinto priest authorized to enact a large quantity of ceremonies. You also possess intimate knowledge of the spirit world and its workings. +2 Piety
Driven: You have an irrepressable need to accomplish your goal, but it is tempered with patience and wisdom. +1 to all stats.
Spiritual Savant: You are a master of the ways of Shinto from an early age. This talent makes you more pious than most. +2 Piety
Blessed By Amaterasu: Your left arm is branded with the kanji for Sun, a symbol of the Sun Godesses approval for you. Well, her hate of impurity. You doubt she actually cares about your continued existence. Still, you pray a bit more to her than you did in the past. +2 Piety, Left arm is now a spiritual weapon.
Kōan 9-ka
Treasury: 490
Upkeep: 620
+100 Yearly Operations
+20 Hihi Blood
+40 Coastal And Mountain Patrol
+50 Helipcopters
+50 Kitsune Clan
+20 Base Maintenence
+30 Swordsmen Production
+30 Aquatic Division
+30 World Information
+30 Sealing Squads
+20 Rangers
+20 Extra Agents
+50 Warrior Monks
+50 Networking
+20 Crow Corps
+20 Tesso
+20 Mystic Recruitment
+20 Informants
Income: 1350
+400 Government funding
+50 Police Funding
+100 Commercial Income
+100 Public Protection
+100 Power income
+300 Shipping income
+100 Donation Income
+200 Trade Income
Military: Infantry
Fourty Squads of ten Basic Agents
-Equipped With Basic Seals and Basic Sutras
Four Heavy Impaler Squads of five men
Fifty Rangers
100 Crow Flyers Vehicles
5 Attack Helicopters
1 Bone Mecha Magic Users
24 Onmyōji
40 Buddhist Monks
Eleven Mystic Swordsman
Five Sealing Squads
Seven Warrior Monks
Origin: The IM is a group of Greek monster hunters that are led by a partial demigod named Diokles Logo. Diokles Logo is the result of being the direct descendant of one demigod countless generations ago. He's practically an exemplar of human performance, but he falls very short of actual superhuman abilities. He leads the Illegitimate Menagerie, which is an eclectic group of monsters and men. They have at least fifty experienced melee monster hunters, ten Minotaurs and a dryad. They've been on retainer for the Greek government for as far back as Diokles family can remember, but now he wanted out. Greece has just started to get its act together economically, but between the monsters and the previous crisis, he's feeling like some new scenery would be good for him.
Status: Employable
Sekhmet's Slaughterers
Race: Human & Undead
Type: Necromancers, Long Range
Origin: A group of Necromancers and snipers, this group is one of the few remaining groups who worships Sekhmet, the Egyptian goddess of fire, war, vengeance and medicine. There are about fifty of them who carry sniper rifles into battle, and are rumored to be experts at marksmanship on the move. The remains twenty five are strong men and women who carry actual sarcophagi on their backs. Inside these ceremonial coffins are mummies, that the Necromancers who carry them can bring back to life to destroy their enemies and fulfill their wishes. Their leader's name is Jendayi, one of the snipers. They are a full time mercenary group, who are currently contracted by no government.
Status: Employable
The Raven Company
Race: Human
Type: Cavalry
Origin: The Raven Company is based in Scandinavia, and fights the monsters of Norse myth. This means killing creatures such as trolls or draugr, and they have little supernatural assistance of their own. They do however, have a pack of wolves of supernatural descent large enough to ride. So, as any sane person would, they got very drunk and decided to ride them into battle. So far it seems to have worked out for them. They have about 100 wolf riders, all of which are capable of some decent climbing and such. Their leader, Saehildr Vestlidadottir, rides the alpha wolf of the pack, and all of them carry spears and assault rifles. The rifles are cheap in comparison to yours, since they got them illegally. Therefore you'd get them at a reduced price in return for giving them quality firearms from your backup storage.
Status: Employable
The Dreamers
Race: Human
Type: Close Combat Magic
Origin: The name of this group is also the name of their primary combat asset. An aboriginal tribe out of Australia, these men and women are called dreamers for their ability to merge with the animal subject of their Dreaming. This provides a heightened physical capability and certain powers depending upon the animal. A shark dreamer can breathe underwater and chomp on things with a full set of shark teeth or send people's positions in the water with electricity or a thousand and one other things that a normal shark could do. This thirty man group is very versatile thanks to this. Led by a dreamer named Barwon, they're looking for work, but cost more than the others for foreign contracts.
Status: Employable
The Last Tribe
Race: Human
Type: Trackers, Aztec Magic
Origin: A group of practitioning Aztec tribe members, the Last Tribe's title isn't quite true. Central America and northern South America still has pockets of Aztecs living their lives. However, those tribes are closed off, and would sooner sacrifice themselves to the gods than give an outsider even a hint as to the secrets of their magic practices. The Last Tribe is primarily a group of trackers who split from their tribe to be mercenaries. However, they also brought a small cadre of fanatical priests named Sacrifices. Contrary to their name, a Sacrifice isn't sacrificed. Instead, the rabid priest will cut someone with a sacrificial ritual knife, and use it as a catalyst for the Mutual Death spell. When this spell is activated, any injury to the priest will transfer to the target of the spell without harming the priest. Until the target is dead, the priest cannot be harmed. There are seventy of these expert trackers and ten Sacrifices. They're led by a female Jaguar, or Aztec warrior, named Momoztli.
Status: Employable
Hyena's Feast
Race: Human, Undead
Type: Sorceress, Ghūl
Origin: Zulfa Rasul doesn't worship any gods, which is good for what she does. Born in a Muslim country to a Muslim family, she chucked tradition aside when she found an ancient Arabic tome detailing how to enslave the dead and demonic to her will. Practicing in secret throughout her childhood, she amassed a pack of Ghūl to aid and protect her. Ghūl are similar to their ghoul counterparts in the fact that they're undead, but they are also stick thin, move as fast as humans and can change into Hyenas. Zulfa's first tome appeared to be one of kind, as she has yet to find another one dealing in the same subject matter in the years since. She charges money for her services, but she declared that her services would be free to anyone who could give her the next level tome on the matter of demonic summoning. As it is, she can only summon imps without taking serious risks. Still, her small host of Arabian zombies is all the firepower she needs for now.
Minor Kami: She is one created by purely spiritual energies, and as such reflects her nature in her ability with supernatural arts. +4 Piety
Supernatural Toughness: Due to her nature as a kami, Shizukana has the ability to not die to a variety of mundane fatal blows. This allows her to both attack and defend with some measure of strength, +3 Martial
Shy: Shizukana has had little experience with others beyond members of her own community, and it shows. Be it kitsune, yurei or plain old humans, Shizukana can become very nervous when meeting those she's unfamiliar with. Thanks to constant speech therapy and Kochika exposure, she has managed to tone down these nervous habits. -2 Diplomacy
Educated: Where there was once a gap in your knowledge, you know understand most of modern technology and culture, even if it makes no sense to you at times. +2 Learning
Spousal Approval: 100/100 You love her, and you would do just about anything for her. You'd like to stay by her side forever.
Name: Renko Akuma
Age: 156 years old
Race: Purified Oni
Martial: 25+5+1=31 (You have power beyond measure. A hunter of oni and youkai, you are strong and hardy beyond human capability, and possess the skill to conquer almost any monster.)
Diplomacy: 13+2=15 (You understand how people work to an extent, and those who say no to you do so under the threat of ceasing to exist.)
Intrigue: 2-1=1 (You crack the very ground beneath you as you walk. When you enter a room, every eye is drawn to you. Mostly because they're fucking terrified.)
Piety: 8+5+2=15 (You are a devout believer in the kami, and will do anything for their approval. In addition to this, you're nature as a spirit gives you some sway over supernatural powers.)
Learning: 6-2+4=8 (When you were human, you were an uneducated peasant. Then you lived in the mountains for a little over a century. You don't know too much. Luckily, tutors have filled in your missing context.)
Oni: Equipped with a mystical nature and supernatural prowess, an oni is not a weak creature in any sense of the word. Except intelligence of course. (+5 Martial, +5 Piety, -2 Learning)
Born In Tragedy: A blood soaked tragedy turned you away from the path of evil and impurity, giving you devout beliefs in the kami and purity. (+2 Piety)
Aura of Power: You reek of power and anger, intimidating lesser souls, and giving away your own position in the place of it. (+2 Diplomacy, +1 Martial, -1 Intrigue)
Educated: Where there was once a gap in your knowledge, you know understand most of modern technology and culture, even if it makes no sense to you at times. +4 Learning
Martial: 20+3=23 (You're supernaturally fast, strong and powerful, and ingrained instincts as an ambush predator gives you the power to pull off the skills and techniques to utterly destroy an enemy on the field of battle.)
Diplomacy: 9-2=7 (You have a general idea of how humans work, but it's very vague, and your lack of understanding of some basic human emotional traits pushes people away from you a bit.)
Stewardship: 6 (You grew up in a place where all the food was rotten, the landscape was hell and natural resources was how many corpses you could cannibalize that day. But hey, you can count!)
Intrigue: 22+5+2=29 (You're no longer invincible in the darkness, but kami-damned you're invisible. You have skill nearly unmatched by any creature in Japan, and certainly outpaces any human infiltrators.)
Piety: 11+3=14 (You're no spellcrafter, but you don't spend millennia in Yomi without picking up a few things. You have a good deal of knowledge about the mechanics of impurity and its effects, and can use some minor spells to boost your abilities.)
Learning: 3+4=7 (Before, you were uneducated, but now you've had the benefit of learning a variety of history and science among other things, even if you are no genius.)
Ex Shikome: You were formerly a shikome, a creature of the night born from Yomi. While purification took a major toll on your abilities, you still possess powerful skill in hiding in the darkness. It also grants you enhanced strength and speed, although that plays second fiddle to your abilities as an infiltrator. +5 Intrigue, +10 to ambush rolls, +3 Martial
Remorseless: You have no remorse or guilt about the scores of people slaughtered by your hand. You don't even care that you ate them, besides recognizing it as somewhat unhygienic. You're totally capable of empathizing with others and forming bonds with others, but in the end you have no qualms about ending the lives of strangers. In your mind however, this just makes you a better spy. -2 Diplomacy, +2 Intrigue
Yomi Spawn: You were birthed directly from Yomi, the realm of death, decay and impurity. You could bathe in a field of corpses without any real effect. Your ability to shrug off any harmful effects from impurity exposure is a benefit when working on hunting down creatures that trudge impurity behind them like mud from boots. +3 Piety, Immune to direct impurity exposure. (Does not protect from impurity fueled curses and spells)
Educated: Where there was once a gap in your knowledge, you know understand most of modern technology and culture, even if it makes no sense to you at times. +4 Learning
Name: Kyong Na Rae
Age: 10
Race: Vampire
Martial: 25+3=28 (When pressed, she can become a flying ball of sharp and feisty death. Her vampiric physique serves her well here.)
Diplomacy: 26-1+3=28 (You don't know who taught her puppy eyes, but damn them to the very depths of Yomi. And Jigoku too, screw them. Kyong can convince a lot of people a lot of things.)
Stewardship: 2 (She's ten)
Intrigue: 14+2+1=17 (Sneaky for a supernatural ten year old, but Miyako and Wakai can run circles around her.)
Piety: 11 (She's open to religious ideals such as Shinto and Buddhism, but has little experience in such things.)
Learning: 2 (She's still ten)
Traits: Vampiric Physique: Kyong isn't a vampire, but her body is. Thanks to this, she doesn't need blood to survive, although going without causes hunger pains. Her form makes her stronger, faster and quieter, basically turning her into a very cute killing machine. +3 Martial, +2 Intrigue
Stoic: Kyong is used to a life of terror and hardship, and the effects of that childhood will likely never go away. Luckily, it only really affects her in that she doesn't let emotion show on her face easily. When she tries to act more grown up than she is, it can actually be a bit adorable though. +1 Intrigue, -1 Diplomacy
Puppy Eyes: Kyong is amazingly good at getting people to do what she wants. Whether it be an appeal to their emotions, or cold hard logic, she can be an awfully bossy ten year old. +3 Diplomacy
Racial Hatred(Vampires): Kyong lived her life under the despotic thumb of her vampiric ancestors, and hates vampires with a passion. Which is a bit awkward since she is one, but it's a balance.
Name: Renko Aimi
Age: 1
Race: Human(?)
(Picture is obviously not applicable at the moment. It's what she'll look like grown up.)
Martial: 4 (Like your godly mother, you have a bad habit of tripping over your own feet when in combat. And your mind for tactics isn't exactly the sharpest.)
Diplomacy: 14+2=16 (You understand people to an extent, and know how to get the to open up to you. In terms of talent, you are one of the better talkers around.)
Stewardship: 9 (You're slightly better than average with numbers, but it's certainly not your specialty.)
Intrigue: 13+2=15 (You can sneak with a professional scout, but compared to the myriad of skilled and mystical individuals, you tend to be lacking in comparison.)
Piety: 26+4+3+5=38 (You are capable of wielding more magic than any human in Japanese history, and you have an easy affinity for it. You even have access to types of magic previously unknown to humans without complex and powerful rituals.)
Learning: 17 (Sciences come easy to you, and science is an easy topic. You aren't much of an inventor however.)
Touched By The Sun: You are blessed by proxy by the Sun Goddess Amaterasu. This manifests in softly glowing skin and a pupil with the visage of a shining sun. You have a warning system if anything impure around you has malicious intent, and an affinity for magic that utilizes the sun's light. Even outside of those areas, your ability in manipulating the natural energies in the world are endlessly helped by the blessing. +2 Intrigue, +4 Piety, Sun Magic is available to you
One With The Water: Your mother is a river kami, and you have a coinciding love of the water. Sometimes when you're swimming, and especially in moving water, it feels like you could just slip into the current and become the water… but that's probably just your imagination. But you do have functioning gills, which is always nice. Either way, this translates to a magical ability to control water, and gets more complex with practice. +3 Piety, water magic available to you
Beautiful: You turn heads when you walk into a room, and keep them there. People will pay more attention to you than others. +2 Diplomacy
????: +5 Piety
Note: More Traits will be added as Aimi grows up and matures.
Because it's the one where we get a lot of divine support, could probably get some warrior monks and there are numerous shrines dedicated to the spirits of great humans who's spirits we could contact for advise.
So, I'm guessing this is set later than the series, because America had a pretty meh surveillance system until the last.. decade or so? I believe.. the UK had a much better surveillance system with all the CCTV everywhere when they got that set up..
So, I'm guessing this is set later than the series, because America had a pretty meh surveillance system until the last.. decade or so? I believe.. the UK had a much better surveillance system with all the CCTV everywhere when they got that set up..
The statement is relative. They have good surveilance at the time. And yeah, England has that crap on lock down. Much better bonuses for them. Anyway, this happens ten years before canon. So right now, Integra is freeing Alucard and fucking over her asshole uncle. Pleasant times.
Yeah, we get to fight Big Foot and the Chupacabra using tanks and if there's anything that we don't have, including people with certain specialties, we can just use our large amount of money to import it.
The statement is relative. They have good surveilance at the time. And yeah, England has that crap on lock down. Much better bonuses for them. Anyway, this happens ten years before canon. So right now, Integra is freeing Alucard and fucking over her asshole uncle. Pleasant times.
The problem is relevance. Demons are real in Hellsing, but we see and hear very little of them. So they're likely very quiet. The problems you face that's killing civilians and destroying crap are Native American monsters and spirits. Hence, you are ill equipped to deal with them in more than a "throw bullets at it" methods. Because a catholic priest can exorcise a demon, but probably couldn't tell you how to permakill a wendigo.
Quite a lot of people, considering the large amount of cross membership. Besides, I really don't like the idea of constantly dealing with Coyote screwing over intrigue and fighting off zombie Indians.