I doubt that we will summon Grail influence again soon and we would not be able to delay with Damsel, so no point to wait for it in regards to other socials.
Also as was mentioned Christopher is gone, better to spend action on befriending other advisors.
The sooner we finish inner circle socials the sooner we have additional actions.
Also I'd rather recover some health before going on expedition, while we have health pool to take damage it appears that we don't have free actions to properly heal.
[X] Plan: Grind Socials while recovering
-[X] You are injured (You currently have two wounds. You'll make a roll at +15 against a DC of 70. You must select one of the below)
--[X] Rest and recover (Cost zero actions, roll one recovery dice.)
---[X] Your body will heal on its own terms (Costs nothing)
-[X] On work and the people you preach to.
--[X] You'll end a few minutes early, subtly of course (Gain an extra action)
-[X] On furthering the cause.
--[X] Request Funds (This does not cost an Action)
---[X] 30 Funds, for summoning Sun Sparks
--[X] Assist somebody else in their task
---[X] (Dappled Wing) Delilah is working over Agent Coulson, ensuring he suffers from problems and setbacks so why not lend your aid
-[X] On the goal, of rites, rituals, and summoned creatures
--[X] (Dappled Wing) Search out a Ritual
-[X] On learning the Lores.
--[X] Lady Mylissa is willing to teach, request a lesson
---[X] Grail
-[X] Cast a Ritual
--[X] Summon a Sun Spark (x2)
--[X] The Attention of the Laws (Moth)
-[X] On matters outside the cult.
--[X] Spend time with somebody
---[X] [Charlotte] Who? (Damsel)
---[X] Who? ( Delilah )
-[X] The Mansus, a place of contradictions. It calls to you, reach out.
--[X] The Woods
---[X] There must be something you haven't found, keep exploring