It Belongs to a Museum

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Sheer math says most of his students turned out fine. There've been less than 10 notably problematic ones in around 4000 years! That's a good record, when you think about it.

Uncle: I've been teaching people how to build nukes for over four thousand years and I've only had ten nuclear detonations.
Concerned Citizen: But why are you teaching them how to build nukes?
Uncle: Hey shut up!
Uncle: Wanna learn how to built a nuke, it's really simple. :V
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[X] Skeletons
[X] Relics

These pop out to me as my preferred ones. They both got that right balance of historical value and attention grabbing that we want to get some folks to make the trek out to our island, and this early in the museum with not much else to showcase I'm valuing some guaranteed pickups over riskier ones that might fail.

Also aww, that was a sweet scene at the end.
Delicious lore.
Although I find myself frustrated that we cannot yet compare Paht's impressions to what we have seen from Mathilde. Example: He describes the Elven builders as 'swift and efficient'. Swift and efficient in comparison to who? To human master-craftsmen? To Dwarf journeymen? To what Paht could pull off with his four millennia of life?
More data is needed!

This part, on the other hand, would be unauthorized. It would be nice if this was because of concerns about feeding an obsession in those with lost loved ones that would come at the expense of living their lives, but in reality it was so that nobody else would be able to check up on exactly how many of the tombs were still occupied and secure.
To the surprise of nobody the Mortuary Cult was more concerned with maintaining their monopoly than with providing quality service.

To Aelsabrim, finally brushing against the achingly familiar soul of her lost beloved and receiving confirmation that he's still here and still okay...

You and Telsomar turn away from her to give her some privacy as tears stream down her face.
More wholesome than expected for a dark rite.

Hope she considers it worth the price over the long term. Speaking of…

[X] Relics
We need some centrepieces, things with historical and at least tangentially-vampiric significance, before we expand to the generic stuff like beasts and plants.
Not least because it is more likely to prompt lore updates.
Which of these kingdoms would have the least amount of bad blood with the Pirate Coast?

Hard to say. Cothique and Eataine both have extensive trade and colonial interests as well as making up a significant portion of Ulthuan's navy, and Yvresse used to completely control the Citadel of Dusk and still does the military portion, so all three would have clashed with it in the past.
So I'm thinking of what could be our museum's vocation considering our character, starting location and current aquisitions.

I think we we might aim to create a kind of museum that visitors of the Pirate Coast/Lustria in general could visit to be made aware of the dangers (and wonders) they are facing by coming here :

Exposition : Lustria, Land of Terror and Wonders

[O] The Dread Abyssal
Could be used as part of an introduction to the Pirate Coast and it's ruler. Showcasing who Luther Harkon is to his subjects and foes, as well as explaining how to try to stay on his good side/survive in his realm.

Could also be used as part of an exibit on the different navies of the factions of the new world.

[X] Beasts
[X] Plants
Pretty self explanatory, learn the dangerous fauna and flora that people might encounter in Lustria.

[X] Relics
Lizardmen certainly are one of the main dangers of Lustria any understanding of this foreign and mysterious civilization could go a long way toward saving the neck of someone who encounters Lizardmen.

I'd aim to get an exposition on all Lustrian Powers and their relevant fleets/navies : Lizardmen, the Drucchi, the Asur, Old World countries' colonies, and of course, the greatest of them all, the Pirate Coast.
Hard to say. Cothique and Eataine both have extensive trade and colonial interests as well as making up a significant portion of Ulthuan's navy, and Yvresse used to completely control the Citadel of Dusk and still does the military portion, so all three would have clashed with it in the past.
I have to say, I'm also intrigued about the lack of Tiranoc on that list, especially when Yvresse is an option despite their rivalry over the Citadel... Was our Princess effectively assigned to Siberia as a result of falling so far out of favour in her home kingdom, I wonder?
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Technically this is not a dark rite, the kind of technical that would be of no use if you did it in torch range of a witch hunter, but still. This is a religious rite for preserving the soul in an earthly tomb because the deceased, or in this case his nearest kin, prefer that to the risk of seeking further passage.

Paht: Keeping a soul around isn't dark rites!

Servant: What are you keeping the princes soul around for near the necromancy country?

Paht: This is basic mortuary rites! This is religious discrimination!
[ ] Other - write in
On top of her influence over Ulthuan's colonies in Lustria, Aelsabrim is still a Princess with the wealth and authority to tap into the trade networks of the so-called Sea Elves. A mind-boggling variety of goods flow through the seas of the world, and Aelsabrim can cause some of it to be diverted to you.
Would something like 'Elvish art featuring (heroic clashes against) Luthor' be a valid option or too specific? I'm imagining something like surrounding the Dread Abyssal with art depicting how sailors treat mere survival against it is as a glorious feat.
[X] Skeletons

If we are going to more than dabble here, we want museum displays that will last at least a little bit of time, a few centuries at minimum, so we need either self-sustaining exhibits, or already stable ones.

Skeletons have a high drama factor, so a good place to start.
[X] Skeletons
[X] Critters

I'd imagine any exhibit we make will have to bend back around to glorifying Harkon one way or the other, so this can be the bases of a 'How the Arch-Grande Commodore tamed Lustria' or some such. It's also familiar territory for Uncle Lionbutt preserving skeletons and swarms of animal life.
[X] Skeletons

[X] Relics

Hrmm kinda ambivalent on the acquisitions part since I'm not directly seeing how they grok together with the Dread Abyssal yet. Yeah I agree general "ohhh look how dangerous Lustria is, how cool is Luthor for taming this land?" probably works but its still kinda hrrrrmm for me.

Also damn yeah the construction and final bonding moment at the end is pretty much all I wanted from voting Grief. Love the musings on the Liche Priests' actual jobs!
I will repeat that we probably should look into somehow getting bodies that look like Harkon or modifying them to look like him. Because having a Harkon in the dioramas would add to the authenticity.

If possible we'd get Harkon to record some relevant speech explaining the scene in the diorama.
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