Fractured Fantasy: A CK2 Style Final Fantasy quest

Voting is open for the next 1 day, 9 hours
Gemstone Studies New
Gemstone Studies

The laboratory was dominated by dark gunmetal machinery and green fluorescent screens, their purpose was known only to those few educated and trusted by the company. Wires and tubes hung down from the ceiling, making sure the flow of data, energy, and fluid remained consistent for the research wing's ever growing appetite. Dominating the room was a large, cylindrical, glass chamber, housing a black haired girl. Scientists in white lab coats manned a myriad of monitors which analysed everything from the girl's vitals to the atmosphere in the chamber. Overlooking it all was the head of the research department, Professor Hojo.

The professor looked on the proceedings with disdain. For the first time in his life, he felt overworked. Such a feeling should have been impossible for the man, he lived for his experiments, but there were too many subjects and too little time. He went from study to study and if the results were not immediately promising those higher than even he would suspend or even call off the study. It was like being allowed to taste everything from a five course meal only to have it snatched away before you could truly appreciate it.

Hojo huffed derisively, at least this subject held enough promise to capture the interest of the board. How he wished to squeeze every drop of information from brat before ripping her apart to glean what insights could be had from her remains. But no, the board refused to send out a team to capture more of her species claiming their forces were stressed already. The best he could get away with were a few blood and skin samples. Fools, did they not realize such insights could be used to create a program to rival or surpass even the likes of SOLDIER? With such limited stock, more delicate methods would need to be employed.

The Professor approached one of his lessers manning one of the computers, "How are her vitals?"

"She had elevated levels of cortisol but well within expected parameters given her current condition." The subordinate diligently professed.

Hojo looked over at the girl. Outwardly, she appeared human but analysing her genetic makeup revealed she was anything but. In the few predictive conversations they've had, she claimed to belong to a race referred to as summoners. A bit on the nose but he supposed it was apt. What set these summoners apart from other summoners was the fact their power was passed to their descendants. The similarities they shared with the Cetra were promising though he doubted these summoners could lead them to a promised land but one could hope.

"Very well, I will begin interrogation shortly. Begin recording." Without waiting for confirmation, the man approached the container. The girl's eyes fixed on him, betraying her anxiety and discomfort.

Hojo folded his arms behind his back and stared at her, smiling slightly. He let a moment of silence pass before stating, "Good morning, Garnet."


The professor suppressed a frown. She was feeling rebellious today. For her age, she was frustratingly canny. "Come now, it won't kill you to be cordial you know. I'm not your enemy."

The scowl on the summoner deepened, "Is that why you locked me in a cage like some sort of animal?"

"That is a simple, unfortunate precaution." Hojo gently explained, "The world has become a far more dangerous place and we have found ourselves surrounded by unknowns where we were previously alone at the top of our world."

"Is that what I am to you? An uncontrollable monster?" Garnet spat.

The professor put his palms up and to his sides, "Well not everyone can summon town leveling beasts on a whim." The girl narrowed her eyes at the mention of beasts. He would need to be more careful when referring to summons it seemed. "The more you cooperate with us, the better we will understand your people and the sooner you will get out of this cage." It was a lie of course but the truth wouldn't get him what he wanted.

Garnet's expression softened, if only a little. She did not fully trust Hojo or Shinra but getting out of the cage was appealing. Steel and glass weren't known for comfort or privacy.

"What do you want to know?" She asked carefully.

Hojo controlled his smile. He had been told it was 'unnerving' by some fool and while he wasn't in the habit of taking a fool's advice he was currently talking to one. "Could you tell me more about these summons? While fascinating, it is rather unnerving to think an irate summoner could level Midgar on a whim."

Strangely, the girl looked upset by his question, "Eidolons are not merely summoned on a whim."


"Those 'beasts' you referred to."

Great, another name for summons, as if there weren't enough already. At least he could refer to them in a way that wouldn't upset her. "Then please tell me more about these Eidolons."

Garnet hesitated for a moment, "Eidolons are born to protect the planet." She said curtly.

Hojo lifted a hand, "While the origin of Eidolons is undoubtedly fascinating, I was referring to their capabilities." Shinra already had a rough idea of the summoner's world's myths learned from their world's scholars. Not enough to be satisfied with, he wasn't lying about being fascinated by it, but with what little they knew of the stream of souls indicated it was disturbingly similar to the lifestream. Another similarity the summoners had with the cetra. Would that make Eidolons similar to Chaos? What a pity it was he had a mission when he started their conversation.

The summoner was a little put off by the interruption but continued, "While Eidolons are certainly powerful, they are still reliant on the skill of the summoner. To an extent, their effects can be replicated by a strong enough mage." She sank a little in her chair, "But I wouldn't be worried about running into another summoner, at least one like me."

"Why is that?"

"Because there are no other summoners. The rest were killed when I was still a baby."

A look of utter disgust crossed Hojo's face, "That is endlessly tragic."

Garnet was surprised by such a strong reaction. She didn't think he would pity her to such an extent.

He didn't of course. He wasn't upset at the idea of a people being effectively genocided but rather the lack of test subjects available to him. No point in sending out a retrieval squad when there was nothing to retrieve. Assuming she was telling the truth, though her reaction seemed sincere. That meant his test subject had just gone from valuable to irreplaceable and any means of getting more fell comfortably on the 'do not endanger the subject' side of his orders. At least for now. He couldn't even go behind the board's back, not with how closely they were monitoring this particular study. If he let this subject expire, the board would be furious, probably more so than they were with Ifalna.

Huh, that was another similarity summoners had with the cetra: Near extinction. How strange.

"That will be all for now, thank you." With that, the professor walked away, leaving Garnet to her confinement. It was a far shorter discussion than he had originally planned but the situation had changed vastly and he would need to reconsider how to proceed. While the conversation wasn't unproductive per say, it didn't bring them closer to anything actionable.

As much as he wanted to spend more time on this particular subject, he was the head of the scientific department and his responsibilities were vast as his intelligence.

"Professor Hojo."

The professor's attention was drawn to one of his subordinates who approached him while he was lost in thought, "What is it?" He snapped.

"I was just curious about what you hope to glean from this experiment."

Hojo perked up slightly, it was good to see one of his lessers take interest in what they did. Far too many of these so-called scientists were satisfied with recording data and crunching numbers. "Well for starters, I hope to have the summoner's abilities codified into a new breed of supersoldier. One whose magical prowess could compliment a SOLIDER's physical prowess."

The scientist nodded along, "An Esper is quite the ace to have up your sleeve."

"The subject referred to them as Eidolons."

The scientist stiffened, "I was not aware."

"Then there are the Eidolons themselves. They could serve akin to an autonomous weapon. Simply order it to attack an enemy and let it do the rest."

"What if the Eidolon is intelligent? They might refuse."

Hojo scoffed, "There are ways to entice rebellious spirits. I find pain works well enough."

Unnoticed by Hojo, the scientist's pace faltered for a moment.

"Of course, in order to do anything with these Eidolons, we must find a way to create our own summoners."

"Or find a vessel that could store an Eidolon." The scientist offered.

Hojo lifted a brow, "Perhaps. Have you any ideas on what vessel might contain such a creature?"

The scientist went quiet, long enough to test Hojo's (thin) patience.

"...No. No I don't."

"Well I have somewhere I need to be at the moment and I'm sure you do too." Hojo sternly said.

The scientist bowed, "Yes sir, thank you for your time." He was quick to take his leave afterwards.

It dawned on Hojo where he remembered that particular subordinate from. He was the one assigned to the magicite study. He shook his head, that was yet another subject he would need to return to. For now, he needed to check up on the otherworldly species experiments. He couldn't help but laugh at the thought. At least most of those had the decency to have a healthy subject pool.

And he has oh so many ideas.


For however cruel Sephiroth and Shinra are, Hojo has a unique mix of cruelty and callousness that makes him utterly despicable. I know people might expect him to be more mad scientist but he has been shown to be extremely manipulative as well so mad scientist Hojo will have to wait until later.

Garnet was harder to write. I'm not as familiar with Final Fantasy IX but any inconsistencies can probably be waved off as fatigue from being in captivity for a few weeks. Her hex code is 9A2A2A or garnet. I was torn between that and orange as that's what she mostly wears.
Eeeeugh. Great job writing Hojo, I feel utterly disgusted after reading this omake. As I usually do when reading about anything Hojo does, so I'd say you got him down great.
Very good, very slimy, I appreciate it. I mean, I hate it, but that's because Hojo is one of those characters that makes my insides wriggle uncomfortably. He is one of the few mad scientist characters that I feel truly puts the two halves of the character archetype together. Some mad scientists seem like they don't really care about the science part, it's just used to explain why they're so smart. Hojo has an honest curiosity about all sorts of subjects and would like nothing more than to get to the bottom of them. If getting to the bottom of them requires him to harvest a few organs as samples, so be it. Very well written.

I wasn't sure if Hojo should be capable of namedropping Chaos right now, but it is Hojo. The man who is in the business of knowing more than everyone else, so I'll let it slide.

As promised, your Reward: -20 to Shinra's next attempt to research Garnet's abilities
Turn 8 New

Winning Vote

[X] Hire Shadow
[X] Accompany Tantalus as a Stagehand/Actor

It's hard to tell if you were nervous or not the next day when you said goodbye to Alfyn and Freya before stepping onto Tantalus's airship.

They gave you a quick rundown. Baku was their founder and leader, a tall and powerfully built man with a pink beard who was eternally wearing goggles. Blank was wearing a leather belt like a headband, and had red hair and visible stitches on his body. Cinna had pointed ears, a metal helmet, and was very conspicuously wearing everything but a shirt. Marcus was the fellow with the little tusks and bandanna you met the other day. Zidane looked the least conspicuous, if one ignored his brown-furred tail. Finally, Ruby had grey hair, a blue bandanna, and a low-cut white blouse.

What a colorful cast of characters.

"Hey! Wait up!" Vaan called out, jogging onto the deck in his normal attire. "I'm coming with you."

"This is the one I told you about Baku." Ruby said cheerfully, "I already told him he could come with us. You wouldn't make me a liar, would you?"

Baku glowered at Vaan, eyebrow twitching in annoyance, but he just sighed. "If that's our last passenger, we should set out."

"I can't believe you convinced Migelo to let you come with us." You admit as the ship starts to take flight. "He seems protective of you."

"... Who says I told Migelo?" Vaan asked.

[-1 Fund for Hiring Shadow]
[This turn, only Freya or Alfyn's stats (whichever is higher) will be applied to Faction Actions]
[After the Faction Turn results are posted, Aerith & Tantalus will have a Turn in Midgar]

Local Events (Rabanastre)

Sunstone Prices Return To Normal

The emergency storage of Sunstones has finally been refilled, meaning the prices have returned to what they were before the cold snap. Barring any future 2 month long cold snaps, it should stay that way

[Sunstone Prices Return to Normal]

Heist Of The Century?

The knights and guards have been on edge, with no specific reason being given as to why, rumors are flying in the streets that something terrible must have happened, though what exactly is up to furious (and wildly inaccurate) debate.

By checking Aerith's Resistance 'drop off' point, the truth was revealed to your group. A criminal (presumed to be a sky pirate) broke into the palace and made off with an 'item of great importance.' What the item is has been kept secret, all Ashe revealed is that it was a 'crystal' of some kind. A manhunt is being organized, but given how thin the knights are it won't be a big one.

[Wonder what it was…]

A Gift

As Generals Celes and Leo prepare to take their leave, Ashe delivers a symbolic gift to Celes, a tome of Folklore that the general found interesting. It is a small gift in the grand scheme of things, but an appreciated one.

Politically, the two nations stand with open borders and no obvious signs of war or conflict. Not quite allies, but definitely not enemies.

[The relations between the Empire and Dalmasca stand as peaceful and warm… for now.]

The Whims Of A Gambling Man

Setzer is set to leave the city soon with the Blackjack, having made a killing selling transport during the Mist outbreak. A gambler at heart, he's made it clear his plans are to "go where the winds take him," unless of course someone can convince him otherwise.

[Setzer is leaving this turn]

Cocoon Exodus

The Cocoon refugees have finished the vast majority of their preparations and are planning to set out soon. The journey will be long and harsh, but they are resolute in their decision.

[The Cocoon refugees leave this turn]

World Events

Alliance: Dalmasca & Padarak

Dalmasca and Padarak have been in talks for a long time about entering an official alliance, but with some understandable reluctance to seal the deal. However, Queen Ashe and King Leo have made it official.

Resources will be shared between the two kingdoms, attacks on one will invite reprisal from the other, and they will work together to solve problems that weaken one or the other.

[Dalmasca & Padarak are now Allies]

Chaos Event: Sinspawn

The Church of Yevon has put out a warning, that they detected monsters they call "Sinscales" in the region between themselves and Dalmasca, which they believe marks the presence of a larger beast called a "Sinspawn." They have called a Crusade to hunt the beast, and are requesting aid from both their own Summoners and Dalmasca.

Naturally, the Hunter Clans of Dalmasca are more than willing to take on the task, but the Yevonite warn that this is a particularly important foe to hunt. For Sinspawns often attract Sin…

[Sinspawn ??? occupies a location within the Dalmasca region. If not killed in ??? turns…]

Midgar Mastiffs vs Al Bhed Psyches!

D100= 86+ 38 =124 vs 42+ 24= 66
Dominating Victory!

Though less crushing than their victory over the Guado Gories, the Midgar Mastiffs continue to impress and frighten the Blitzball world with their performance. There are many rumbles and grumbling about 'outsiders,' but it has yet to boil over.

[The Spirans seem almost… threatened by this upset to their world. Rumor has it the Midgar Mastiffs are being sent against the Ronso next on purpose.]

Agreement Between Shinra and Timber

Despite a mild reluctance amongst the population, Timber eventually agreed to Shinra's deal, the construction of a railway between the town and Midgar, along with the construction of a Mako reactor. Some citizens are unhappy, but others seem convinced that this will improve their quality of life.

The construction of the Mako reactor is expected to start once the railroad between the town and Migar is finished, which due to a combination of Timber's excellent construction skills and Migar funding, will only take 2 months, counting this one.

[Mako Reactor Construction in Timber will begin in 2 months]

Cocoon Airship Shot Down!

A Cocoon Airship that entered Yusnaan's airspace was shot down by The Patron, wielding what appeared to be either the power of a summoned creature, or absolute mastery over ice. Those who survived the crash were allowed to flee, but The Patron made it clear that he would not tolerate Cocoon's ships within his borders.

Cocoon of course took the opposite tack, calling him an aggressive madman. But they have held back for now, apparently fearful of being struck down.

[Hostilities intensify between Cocoon and Yusnaan intensify.]

Turn 8 Actions

Current Funds: 7
Note: Aerith isn't here right now. All of these actions will use Freya or Alfyn's stats as a modifier, whichever is higher/makes the most sense.

Martial (Freya)

[ ] Explore the Desert Around Dalmasca: It should be simple enough now that the Mist has receded. Plus it's not that different from the desert back home. [DC: 50] (Reward: Find locations of interest or items.)

[ ] Explore the Garamsythe Waterway: You've been around the Waterway before, but it's a big place with lots of winding paths and secret tunnels. You could poke around a bit more. [DC: 50] (Reward: Find locations of interest or items)

[ ] Practice fighting in Formation: Admittedly, fighting in formation isn't something you're used to. A dragoon's greatest strengths require them to break formation quite often for your dive bombs. But you can see why it would be useful. [DC: 60] (Reward: Unlock "Formations" during adventures or combat)

[ ] Hunt The Sinspawn: Yevon seems scared of this creature, enough to put out a general call for hunters. There are plenty of people looking for it already but you can add your assistance to the search. [DC: 80/150] (Reward: Lower DC for future "Hunt Sinspawn" actions. On total success or crit, find the Sinspawn.)

Diplomacy (Alfyn)

[ ] Start A Faction: Shucks, it would feel wrong to do it without Aerith, and you're still missing most of the pieces you need. Something for later. [Locked] (Reward: create a faction. Unlock a second personal action for Aerith)

[ ] Indulge in Gossip: It's only been a month since you cleaned everyone out of good gossip. You should give them some time to come up with something new before you trouble them again. [Locked] (Reward: Reveal additional information about world and local events.

[ ] Question the Shinra Caravan: You can sorta guess they're going through Timber, but the specifics evade you. Course, it's nothing a little talk won't settle. [DC: 60] (Reward: Learn more about Shinra's actions and their presence in Timber)

[ ] Get Setzer to Take The Cocoon Refugees Home: If you're quick, you can catch him before he sets off. The Blackjack isn't big enough to take all of them in one trip, but it is a very large, very fast Airship. You have no doubt it could take them all over in a couple of trips. The only question is if Setzer will be willing. [DC: 70. Costs ??? Funds] (Reward: A more favorable deal with Setzer. Note: Even on a failure, Setzer will take them to Cocoon. But his services might get… pricy]

[ ] Get a Hunter Clan to Take The Cocoon Refugees Home: This one is a bit tricky. You know some folks who would be ready and willing, but the problem is that Cocoon Refugees don't particularly enjoy being around magic, and Cocoon itself seems pretty determined to avoid it at all costs. It'll be tricky convincing them to try and get along. [DC: 90. Costs 1 Fund] (Reward: The Cocoon refugees will be protected by a Hunter Clan on their way to Cocoon)

[ ] Try Getting Closer To The Returners: It's understandable that they'd be a little… well, twitchy, being rebels and all. But you really just want to help. It's best that you approach slowly, like you would anyone who's feeling nervous or anxious. [DC: 60] (Reward: Learn about the Returners.)

Stewardship (Alfyn)

[ ] Uphold Your Deal: Making enough medicine to stock an entire Hunter Clan is going to be tough, but you can do it. Put your nose to the grindstone and get it done! [Auto Pass] (Reward: Gain passive income and access to all Clan Centurio's benefits (monster info, potential to call in favors, access to Clan Centurio's shop.))

[ ] Open a Stall in the Bazaar: You reckon it wouldn't hurt to get your name out there. Make some over-the-counter medicine and put it up for sale in the Bazaar. Though the competition might be a bit stiff. [DC: 40/60/80/100] (Reward: Gain Funds depending on the tier of success. Slightly improves Aerith's reputation) (Note: Costs 1 fund. Crossing the 40 DC will break even)

[ ] Make a Deal with Migelo: Migelo is a friend of Aerith's, and she said she was considering selling stuff in his store. You don't know him personally like Aerith does, but you could hammer out a deal, right? [DC: 80] (Reward: Gain passive income, as your products are sold at Migelo's shop)

[ ] Outfit The Cocoon Refugees With Proper Gear: Now, it would be expensive. Like, really, really expensive. But if you can them all some camping gear, warm clothes, up-to-date maps, and maybe some better weapons, it would go a long way to keeping them safe. [DC: 40/80] (Note: Costs 3/2 funds depending on tier of success Reward: The Cocoon refugees are properly kitted out and get a bonus to their travel and survival rolls. Higher tier of success means less money spent)

[ ] Open a Store: Shucks, this would be really cool but it just isn't happening. You don't have enough money, or a building, or enough stuff to stock the shelves…[Locked. Requires venue, products, and Funds]

Intrigue (Freya)

[ ] Acquire Setzer's Services: You don't understand why someone would devote their life to… chance. You come from a kingdom of proud warriors who stand for your own honor and strength. This breezy 'go with the flow' type of person makes no sense to you. [DC: ???] (Reward: Setzer joins as a Hero. On a failure, you will either owe Setzer a favor, or a lump sum of money)

[ ] Find the Black Market: You're no stranger to the idea of a Black Market. You're friends with a thieving theatre troup for goodness's sake. Some goods are illegal for a reason, but others can be quite useful in the right hands. [DC: 60] (Reward: Gain access to the Black Market, where rare and often illegal goods are sold)

[ ] Steal from the Shinra Caravan: Absolutely not. You're no Zidane. [Locked]

[ ] Look For The Crystal Thief: To break into the palace… whoever did this must have been a very cunning individual indeed. You doubt they would leave much of a trail, but there should be signs somewhere. Witnesses, or traces perhaps? [DC: ???]

[ ] Monitor Resistance Communications: Aerith told you about these, the old dead drop locations used by the Resistance. It seems as though the old Resistance members, the ones who didn't join the army after the Empire disappeared, have remained in contact. And now the Returners have entered the mix… [DC: Auto Pass] (Reward: Learn about the Returner's situation and their actions)

[ ] Check The Sewer Monster's Den: Call it reckless curiosity, you've been wondering what it is in that Den for a long time. Surely you could creep down and check on it… (DC: 70) (Reward: Identify the sewer monster.)

Learning (Alfyn)

[ ] What Could You Make?: Medicine obviously but what else? There's perfume, incense, dye maybe? It wouldn't be your specialty but, really if you can make a medicinal balm out of leaves and roots, surely the others can't be that hard? [DC: 40/70/100] (Reward: Lowers DC of Stewardship options related to selling products.]

[ ] Research Chaos: Chaos sounds like some kind of… demon or something. Some odd, unnatural entity, or a dark god. Surely there must be some kind of records, right? [DC: 80] (Reward: Obtain information on Chaos)

[ ] Monster Research: Truth be told, most of your familiarity with monsters are the ones from your world and your regions. These new ones are… well they're a bit odd. You should probably brush up, just in case it takes special care to treat the [DC: 40/80] (Identify monsters in the Dalmasca region, providing additional information in combat and lowering the DC of monster hunts. Chance to uncover the identity of the monster in the Waterway)

[ ] Visit Padarak: With the trade route properly in place, visiting Padarak would be as easy as hitching a ride or walking. You're kinda curious what the kingdom is like. [DC: Auto Pass] (Reward: Unlock Actions related to or in Padarak. Potentially meet heroes from Padarak)


[ ] Home Brew Potions: It's always a good idea to keep a healthy stock of medicine on hand.
[ ] Ply Your Trade: Hey, you're an Apothecary. It's what you do.
[ ] Universal Herbology Catalog: Trying to make a usable codex when you have several world's worth of plants is a hell of an undertaking. But you've heard Partitio plans to try. It'd be a nice feather in your cap to contribute.
[ ] Practice Your Axework: As much as you'd rather end everything peacefully… that's not always going to happen. It's best to stay sharp just in case.
[ ] Read About Dalmascan Folklore: You remember what that old librarian said to you. Maybe reading up some Folklore wouldn't be so bad?
[ ] Train: The only way to stay in top form is to train and practice constantly. Perform some katas to maintain your strength.
[ ] Hunt On Your Own Time: You've become quite an accomplished hunter during your time in Dalmasca. Killing lesser prey for a little coin is well within your skillset
[ ] Visit Lostime For A Honing: The work that Freja did on your spear was wonderful. You would quite like to see it sharpened again.
[ ] Look For The Others: Maybe was selfish of you to focus so heavily on Cleyra after the Upheaval. You never spared a thought for the others…
[ ] Visit The Palace: As a Dragon Knight of Cleyra, you have some small measure of authority. Getting to see Ashe is unlikely, but perhaps you could bend the ear of Basch and a few knights? You want to know what happened...

Voting Will Be Open Until 12:00 PM CST Wednesday

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based on events, looks like quite a bit's happening but they're mostly things we can't impact or have already tried and failed at :P
sinspawn's notable, it may warrant investigation. maybe we'd get the chance to join in with clan centurio doing stuff? could be good if so.
maybe we can also check it out on an adventure to other sections of dalmasca? not sure if we can manage both this time but may be worth a go, there's networking to accomplish there anyhow right? (edit, if there's a action specifically for this it might be rolling the dice a tad?)

seems like the Midgar Mastiffs are doing pretty well. it's pretty weird, but hopefully not part of a secret plot? that would be weird. lets hope they don't piss off everyone i guess...
shame about Timber, if stuff's already been agreed on it may not be worthwhile to try and mess with it? would have to see.. (seems like we would have found out about this earlier if we looked into the Shinra caravan right away? rip)

~actions of note~​

martial has exploration, practicing formations and hunting the sinspawn (guess adventures aren't an option without Aerith? probs for the best)
with hunting the sinspawn we can only realistically expect the lower DC, but if we're willing to commit to it it might be worth doing? expect to need multiple turns (though maybe we can still contribute if we're doing it with Clan Centurio and providing them information gained?)
if not, should probs leave it for others and get formations out of the way. a bit weird without Aerith present but if it's a matter of figuring stuff out then should work, and it'd mean we'd have opportunity to other stuff in the future

for diplomacy connecting to the returners or questioning shinra's caravan seem the best. maybe the former, if we're already doing stuff in Midgar and the caravan action's a bit old (meaning there's less we can influence in timber? deal's already made)
helping the Cocoon refugees may be good (and could let us get getting a positive impression/allies in cocoon?) but it's a bit of a high/expensive DC so i'm not sure...
update: if bringing refugees , trying for seltzer may be best. if they're traveling via airship there's no need for tons of supplies? so they'd effectively have the bonus of that, but without us having to pay for it? lower DC too, and may synergise if we're taking his intrigue option...

stewardship's a bit limited action/stats wise, may be best to fulfil our side of the hunter clan deal, get it out of the way with while we have low stats/less good options anyhow? (admittedly not sure how often we're obligated to take that, but it'd give money anyhow so possibly as good as other selling actions?)
outfitting the cocoon refugees has the same advantages and disadvantages as the diplomacy actions, but it's probably even less affordable (it doesn't even specify prices?) so i'm a bit worried there... would be easier to fit in, at least?

not sure if we can succeed at acquiring seltzer's services, but they're apparently available as a hero so that could be worth the risk? owing them a failure on loss isn't the end of the world
if not worth it though, there's plenty of good things to investigate. ideally do what we're looking to help with in the future?
checking the sewer monster could be important if we're getting "what's up with them?" vibes, would set us up for an extermination in future turns which may be important (and as a martial hero, freya's well equipped to be investigating it without getting ganked)
searching for what was stolen is a mystery DC too, even if it's important there's no point if we just fail it (maybe it'd be easier if we had access to the black market?)
we don't need to investigate the returners/resistance communication if doing their diplomacy action (and since we're not improving relations this way) so it's probably not a good call

learning: finding what we could make and getting a leg up on stewardship actions could be wise, especially to work towards making our clan membership dues less inconvenient, possibly? though researching monsters or visiting Padarak could also open options

Alfyn should probably contribute to the universal herbology catalog since it's time sensitive? the other actions are just training/standard stuff so less important
freya might be best served visiting the palace for more intel if we want to contribute to the robbery investigation (regardless of if trying this turn or not) . if not, looking for the others seems the most important to do
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I'm assuming we're not assigning heroes to actions if their stats are already being used?

Lots of appealing actions this turn, making a plan will be tough.
outfitting the cocoon refugees has the same advantages and disadvantages as the diplomacy actions, and whilst it's probably even less affordable (it doesn't even specify prices?) it'd be easier to fit in at least?
I knew I had forgotten something. It's 3 Funds on a Tier 1 success, 2 Funds on a Tier 2 success. I'll add that to the Turn post.

Just to break down the Cocoon Refugee actions real quick. If you do nothing, I'll roll dice for them as they make their way to Cocoon, with the results making their trip easier or more difficult. If they roll well, they'll get there safely, if they roll poorly...

As for the actions you can take, all of them will work to give the refugees safety, but they have different costs and risks. The Hunter Clan would be cheap, but it's a bit of a hard sell since the refugees hate magic and nonhumans. Setzer, gambler at heart, will either be very cheap or very expensive depending on who fortune favors. As always, it's up to you.
I'm assuming we're not assigning heroes to actions if their stats are already being used?
Yeah, it's automatic this turn. I've tagged whose stats will be used for each action.
As for the actions you can take, all of them will work to give the refugees safety, but they have different costs and risks. The Hunter Clan would be cheap, but it's a bit of a hard sell since the refugees hate magic and nonhumans. Setzer, gambler at heart, will either be very cheap or very expensive depending on who fortune favors. As always, it's up to you.
So just to be clear, we only need to succeed on one of the potential Cocoon Refugee actions for them to get them to their destination safely, or do they simply add bonuses to the roll?
So just to be clear, we only need to succeed on one of the potential Cocoon Refugee actions for them to get them to their destination safely, or do they simply add bonuses to the roll?
Barring any Chaos Events that get in the way, any one of those actions should be sufficient. Technically Setzer is the "safest" since he can just fly them there, but the Escorts or Gear should be plenty.

... Assuming I don't roll anything particularly violent on the Chaos Table. If a plague starts or Doom Train appears in their path all bets are off.
The One Armed Guardian New
The One Armed Guardian.

Of all the expressions Barret might ever get tired of seeing, he didn't expect hope to ever be one of them. But still, every time one of the townsfolk from Besaid looked at his charge, their eyes widening, their lips curling up in a cautious smile as they'd start to make the motion of the prayer, he wanted to slap them in the goddamn face. With the club arm.

Not that he didn't want them to hope. It was just that this kind of hope was a lot of weight to put on any person.

And they damn well shouldn't be putting that weight on a seven year old girl.

She wasn't looking at them. The girl putting up a great show. Her back straight, her staff in hand, marching towards the Temple for her trial all conviction. He couldn't see her expression from his position walking behind her, looming protectively, but he'd seen it enough to see it reflected in the crowd's eyes.

He kept his mouth shut though. He was her Guardian, and he'd learned that if he contradicted her in public, she dug in her heels. And along with way too much expectation, these folks were giving her way too much authority to go with it.

Summoner Rydia, miracle, blessed by Yevon, prodigal mage. And damn if it wasn't true. He'd seen what the girl could do.

They arrived at the temple, where the statues of previous high summoners who managed to defeat Sin were. All of them, he noted, grown ass people. The priest spoke fancy words. About a time of trials for all followers of Yevon. Of old sins coming back to repeat history. About her presence being a sign that Yevon hadn't turned his back on humanity in disgust.

The girl just raised her chin, and spoke. "Shinra hurt many people! They killed my mom. And I won't let them hurt anyone else! And Sin too!" She said. All the determination of a seven year old stopping Shinra should be cute. But the loud cheers, and prayers that were done made his stomach churn.

And then, the portal opened to the inner Sanctum, and the door closed behind him, and he let out a breath that he'd been keeping in. "Rydia..." He said. "You sure about this?"

The girl was a bit more relaxed, free from all the expectant gazes, her grip on her staff less white knuckled. "Of course Barret. I'm going to get a new summon, and become powerful. Then we'll show Shinra!"

"I just want you to be careful, alright?" He said. He knew this wasn't helping but damn it, he'd done all the keeping his mouth shut that he could stand about this.

"I'll be careful. I'm strong now. I'll not let anyone down!"


Barret didn't know if he was projecting on her, but being one of the sole survivor of your home town. He knew the guilt, the shame that stuck on him, and the thought that this girl was carrying that stuff too was heavier than the metal pole attached to his wrist.

"Alright Rydia. Then let's see what we need to do."

There was apparently some kind of puzzle to open the door to the Chamber of the Fayth. He made sure to let Rydia solve it. Figuring it out, her face looked like a seven year old's face ought to look. Thinking, making Barret push the platforms back and forth. For a minute, it was almost like the girl was playing a game, her face brightening every time she got a step closer.

Barret honestly had wished the puzzle had been far more complicated. Before long, they stood there. The next door, he had to let her go in alone. To this mysterious 'Fayth' that would do something to her and let her summon something else. And if she succeded, the hopeful, expectant faces outside would cheer and... he noticed she was looking at the door, gathering her courage.

"You know I'm not here because of the Yevon thing, Rydia. We're gonna fight Shinra. We can look at other options." Options that involved getting this kid somewhere safe.

"I know Barret." She said. "But... I have to be brave. I know I can do this. But... thank you." She gave him a heartbreaking smile, and then walked past that door, and Barret had to fight down every instinct to pull her back, consequences be damned.

And so he had time to himself. To stew in his own self-disgust. How could he face Marlene? In three years, she'd be Rydia's age. And here he was, assisting in sending that child off to war. To fight Shinra, giving them ample opportunity to kidnap her. Protect her? He'd never done that good a job of protecting.

Like always it had been all about the good intentions. He'd found the followers of Yevon, and they didn't like Shinra. He'd been happy enough to make allies while trying to figure out where the rest of AVALANCHE was. He'd told them everything he knew about them, about Midgar, Turks, SOLDIER, Materia, the whole thing.

It was because of his knowledge of Shinra that he was there when the Guado presented the Summoner they had saved. The one hushed whispers had spoken of would turn the tides against Shinra. He'd half expected Aerith to be there honestly.

Instead, he'd seen a girl, trying not to look terrified as a variety of Crusader, Warrior Monks and other warriors sought to gain the honor of accompanying her. He'd spoken up. Loudly. He hadn't been exactly tactful. And then some of the folks had angrily suggested he might be in league with Shinra and.... he didn't know what he'd responded exactly, but he knew he'd been pretty closed to being tossed out on his ass when Rydia had interrupted.

"You hate Shinra too." She had said.

And he'd answered 'yes' with all the anger at them that still filled him.

And she'd picked him as her Guardian, despite protests from everyone around. In the end, he'd given up his gun arm for a more 'low tech' solution.

Because of his anger towards Shinra. Because he fought them and she wanted to fight them too. And so, Barret was dreading victory as much as defeat. Because victory meant that this child would get her hands bloodied. And he'd be leading her right down that path. He could see Dyne look at him with scornful disgust.

The Guardian's solitary gloomful thoughts were interrupted by the door opening. Rydia was standing in the opening. Her face was pale, her body shaking and her eyes glimmered with unshed tears.

He stormed up, his left arm reaching to pick her up and lift her. "Rydia? You alright? What's wrong?"

"I'm... fine... I got... I got the Aeon." He didn't give a rat's ass about the Aeon right now. "It's just... the Fayth feels... so sad... so very sad and I... I feel sad too." She took a deep breath.

He didn't give a damn about the Aeon. "Yeah." his voice cracked. "Things are... real sad." He said.

"I'm... I'm not going to cry. I'm... I'm strong." She said.

"Well..." he said, feeling some tears in his eyes. "That's a shame, cuz I'm gonna."

"You're a grown up. Grown ups don't cry!" She protested, her voice cracking more.

" I won't tell if you won't." He said.

She let out a little chuckle, then turned into a sob and then into heartfelt weeping against his shirt. And if Barret Wallace had never thought he'd be tired of seeing hopeful faces, he'd also never thought he'd ever be so relieved to hear a little girls' sobs.
The One Armed Guardian.
You really understood the assignment. That hurt to read, in a good way. It should hurt considering what all of them have gone through. I'm glad we got to see a mix of Rydia's resolve, Barret's inner softness, the frankly irresponsible way that the Church of Yevon idealizes summoners, and a little bit of that Cloister puzzle action. Excellent job.

For your reward, I'll write up a little interlude of Barret and Rydia planning out the pilgrimage. Give you guys a little sneak peek at what they've got planned.
(oh, no benefit for combining buying supplies and getting someone to escort the cocoon refugees? probs for the best lol)

Did some thinking and came up with some plans(please tell say what you think, if anything's more important/won't work, or if my textspam's a bit messy and i need to clarify)

[X]plan: helping out, but in ways we can afford
-[X] Hunt The Sinspawn:
-[X] Try Getting Closer To The Returners:
-[X] Uphold Your Deal:
-[X] Check The Sewer Monster's Den:
-[X] What Could You Make?:
-[X] Universal Herbology Catalog:
-[X] Visit The Palace:

[X]plan: helping out, and to hell with the cost!
-[X] Hunt The Sinspawn:
-[X] Get Setzer to Take The Cocoon Refugees Home:
-[X] Uphold Your Deal:
-[X] Acquire Setzer's Services:
-[X] What Could You Make?:
-[X] Universal Herbology Catalog:
-[X] Visit The Palace:

these focus on where i think we can help out best as opposed to trying to force through things we're not equipped for or that have DCs that are high when we're operating at a malus)
I think the biggest decision here's whether to help out the people heading to Cocoon. it's sort of a big deal, but there's plenty of other stuff to do. I'm thinking if we *don't* do that we'd have the freedom to take on new workloads, but if we do we should focus on it?
(also need to pay some attention on growing our options)

if we're helping the refugees it's best to go to seltzer, and we'd probably want to roll the dice in their intrigue action too for possible synergy? we have funds, so it costing an unreliable amount isn't terrible?
(it could avoid bad things happening next turn/improve relationships between cocoon and Dalmasca/give us allies in cocoon)

if not helping the refugees, we're able to do new stuff, so may want to take the chance to reach out to the returners and investigate the sewers for the future?
(this gives us freedom to help out in other ways. supporting the rebellion may be big long-term and we may be able to preemptively take a boss off the board before it can do something bad in dalmasca)

regardless of those two options, I'm thinking it's best to take time-sensitive personals, research how to make more money so we have more to spend(it's buffed this turn from Alfyn being on it without needing to be taken off diplo! second best time to do a multi-tier action!), hunt the sinspawn and focus on fulfilling our clan dues (edit: according to griffinlw's response, this is needed to get membership perks)
by the way @griffinlw , what resources do we have from Clan Centurio membership, and what are our dues exactly? do we have to wait for Aerith to be around to see the shop? do we get the clan's assistance/to help the clan when hunting the Sinspawn?

We probably SHOULDN'T go into the sewers for martial this turn since we can investigate first, look for the stolen thing this turn since Freya can gain more information first, or monitor the resistance when we can do that firsthand. (visiting the black market may also be lower priority if we have access to Clan Centurio's shop, though it could still open options in the future/be relevant to finding the stolen thing)
(there's a few other stuff like this where there's things that are more immediate priorities, would make the action easier so should be done first, or probably render something irrelevant)

I'd love to be able to do both options when it comes to diplo/intrigue, but ah well. would be happy with either really, not sure what's best.

generally this is what stands out when other options have been discounted as maybe bad calls via process of elimination (getting info on the Shinra caravan would also be good, but the intrigue option's locked and Aerith has a chance to find stuff herself, so maybe not a good time?)

i guess if we want to do everything we should go with refugees/Seltzer since they leave this turn, and save other stuff for the future? though there's always stuff to do. forgoing them would free us up in the future and let us respond to the new issues immediately rather than putting them of having things possibly get worse
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A Final Fantasy Quest? Nice, those are quite rare.

With Aerith as the MC?

Holy Shit! That has to be a league unto its own!

And Octopath Traveler 1/2 thrown in? Kingdom Hearts?

Dare I say Dragon Quest/SaGa/Mana? Don't think I've seen connections to those. Ditto Final Fantasy XV and XVI.

Also Sin, Jenova, the Heartless on the same world? This world is on a timer, several of them, and that's not even getting into the fact Sephiroth and Chaos are out there as our big bads. Shit, did not even think of a potential Chaos Sephiroth until now.
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by the way @griffinlw , what resources do we have from Clan Centurio membership, and what are our dues exactly? do we have to wait for Aerith to be around to see the shop? do we get the clan's assistance/to help the clan when hunting the Sinspawn?
Short Version: By choosing to fulfill your side of the bargain, you will get 4 turns of passive income, a favor to call in, and access to the Clan Hall including the shop and the Hunt Board. Assuming you do take that option, you'll get a +10 to Rolls related to hunting monsters, the same as Dalmasca's Faction Trait (appropriately named Hunder Clans) and if you need a little extra oomph, you can call in that favor to get one of the clan's stars to hunt with you (adding a bonus based on their martial and traits)

Long Version: Basically, the deal was that you would stock the Clan's shop with medicine in exchange for access to the Clan Hall, intel on monster hunts, etc. Right now since Aerith isn't here and you don't have a proper faction, Alfyn has to do it all himself. For every turn that Clan Centurio stays stocked, you'll get 1 fund, but once they run out (4 turns unless exceptional circumstances expend more supplies) you'll be expected to whip up more. Once you have a faction it'll be no problem, but for right now it takes Alfyn a lot of work to stock them. Also, while you've made the Deal with Clan Centurio, they are waiting for you to uphold your end of the bargain before they let you get all the benefits of a partnership. Montblanc is a shrewd guy, kupo.
A Final Fantasy Quest? Nice, those are quite rare.

With Aerith as the MC?

Holy Shit! That has to be a league unto its own!

And Octopath Traveler 1/2 thrown in? Kingdom Hearts?

Dare I say Dragon Quest/SaGa/Mana? Don't think I've seen connections to those. Ditto Final Fantasy XV and XVI.

Also Sin, Jenova, the Heartless on the same world? This world is on a timer, several of them, and that's not even getting into the fact Sephiroth and Chaos are out there as our big bads. Shit, did not even think of a potential Chaos Sephiroth until now.
Hello! Welcome to the thread, I hope you're enjoying it. Yes, there is a little bit of Ocopath and Kingdom Hearts thrown into the mix, I must sadly confess there is no DQ, SaGa, or Mana here. Partly because they're further away from Final Fantasy in style and design, partly because I am just less familiar with them. Anyway, glad to have you.

Also, by Chaos Sephiroth, I think you mean Archfiend of Darkness Sephiroth. Hmm, actually now that I type that out I'm not so sure. Archfiend of Death? Archfiend of Life? Something to do with JENOVA probably.
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Short Version: By choosing to fulfill your side of the bargain, you will get 4 turns of passive income, a favor to call in, and access to the Clan Hall including the shop and the Hunt Board. Assuming you do take that option, you'll get a +10 to Rolls related to hunting monsters, the same as Dalmasca's Faction Trait (appropriately named Hunder Clans) and if you need a little extra oomph, you can call in that favor to get one of the clan's stars to hunt with you (adding a bonus based on their martial and traits)

Long Version: Basically, the deal was that you would stock the Clan's shop with medicine in exchange for access to the Clan Hall, intel on monster hunts, etc. Right now since Aerith isn't here and you don't have a proper faction, Alfyn has to do it all himself. For every turn that Clan Centurio stays stocked, you'll get 1 fund, but once they run out (4 turns unless exceptional circumstances expend more supplies) you'll be expected to whip up more. Once you have a faction it'll be no problem, but for right now it takes Alfyn a lot of work to stock them. Also, while you've made the Deal with Clan Centurio, they are waiting for you to uphold your end of the bargain before they let you get all the benefits of a partnership. Montblanc is a shrewd guy, kupo.
good to know. I was actually a bit worried about agreeing to something we didn't have stock for, so having a requirement like that's perfectly fine from my point of view, especially since i guess they have a stockpile already? I wonder where those came from, just bought directly? or did we accidentally undercut someone? if so that might be somewhat awkward tbh...

with this info it definitely seems like getting that out of the way with immediately is worthwhile then, especially with the sinspawn hunt going on.
I wish Alfyn luck with the workload!
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Well, one extra hand on deck is always appreciated, even if I'm unsure of how good Vaan is at stealth. Eh, he can still be a stagehand like Aerith.

A Mako reactor being build is never a good thing. Unfortunately, i don't think there's much we can do for them. At least for now. If a sabotage option appears, i would be willing to take it.

For the actions, since we don't have Aerith's half of the modifiers, i think we should be wary of taking high DC options. That being said, i really want to help the refugees.

[X] Plan: Helping Hand V.1
-[X] Practice fighting in Formation
-[X] Get Setzer to Take The Cocoon Refugees Home
-[X] Uphold Your Deal
-[X] Look For The Crystal Thief
-[X] What Could You Make?
-[X] Universal Herbology Catalog
-[X] Visit The Palace

[X] Plan: Helping Hand V.2
-[X] Explore the Garamsythe Waterway
-[X] Get Setzer to Take The Cocoon Refugees Home
-[X] Uphold Your Deal
-[X] Acquire Setzer's Services
-[X] What Could You Make?
-[X] Universal Herbology Catalog
-[X] Visit The Palace

There's plenty of hunters going after the sinscales, so us not going after them this turn shouldn't be a big issue. Next turn we can go after it no problem.

Getting Setze the help the refugees is guaranteed, the only consequence of failing is the price, but we are high on funds this turn, so it's not that big of a problem.

Also, we will definitely have to go to Cocoon at some point, since the crystals are spread all over the world. Having a large group of people thankful to us for helping them would be a great advantage, specially in a place where the fact most of our heroes use magic can cause some problem.

Ashe has been a good friend to Aerith and a trusted ally. I say we put some effort into finding this thief. Also, whatever he stole is going to be important.
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Getting Setze the help the refugees is guaranteed, the only consequence of failing is the price, but we are high on funds this turn, so it's not that big of a problem.

Also, we will definitely have to go to Cocoon at some point, since the crystals are spread all over the world. Having a large group of people thankful to us for helping them would be a great advantage, specially in a place where the fact most of our heroes use magic can cause some problem.

Ashe has been a good friend to Aerith and a trusted ally. I say we put some effort into finding this thief. Also, whatever he stole is going to be important.
getting started on the search right away is good, though remember the DC is a mystery and Freya has low intrigue (though this is a problem regardless of what we pick unless going with the autosuccess, which may not be worth the investment) what do you think about possible synergy with Seltzer's intrigue action and diplomacy one? also risky, but i'm willing to take risks if the low chance of a high payout's better than the high chance of a low payout. can't expect every action to succeed, sometimes you need to take individual longshots and know that on average your successes/failures will even out into a net positive over time, or such

in other news, looks like the DC for finding the black market is down? i wonder if that's just a matter of things being easier to find now there's been time for information to spread, or if Freya's specifically better suited to that so has an easier time even with her lower stats?
Face of the Enemy New
Face of the Enemy


Aerith at long last beheld her enemy, Chaos. Her mouth moved before she could stop it.

"A Throne of Skulls? Really?"

She winced as sheer power suddenly radiated from the demonic figure sitting on the skull throne. It was near enough to make her dizzy.

She nonthlesss held her stance and staff at the ready.

"You aim to defeat Chaos?" He called out in a dubious tone, the sound echoing through the vast hall.

She felt a flicker of confusion.


The armored figure of chaos began to stand, his armor barely making a sound.

"Don't make me laugh. You have skill in magic to get this far I'll give you that, but you don't stand a chance in fucking Hell as you are."

"I know. I still have to try."

"Then prove it!" He roared, and leaped at her with horrifying speed, fists blazing with scarlet light.

Only her training and experience with Zack, Cloud, Avalanche and the adventures in this new world kept her from dying.


Even as her eyes widened, a barrier of light flashed in front of her as she twirled out of the way. Chaos smacked the barrier with a glowing fist, and to her growing horror cracks shattered across the dome of light from his sheer strength.

SOLDER 1st class power...if not above.

She snapped her staff, blizzaga sending water warping and freezing into a jagged crackling frozen lance towards Chaos. He punched it as she stared, and the lance shattered as its fragments continued around him, a mountain of disintegrating vapor freezing the far wall and columns.

She urgently summoned Shiva, watching as his fists flew towards her- Walls of water and ice suddenly flowed around her, and he was actually pushed back for the first time as Shiva hovered in front of her.

"Hmmm. Not bad. You're a natural at summoning." He withdrew a blade and took a different stance.

Oh shit.

"Were you holding back Mr. Chaos?" She asked, eyeing him wearily, ice in her stomach.

"Call me Jack. And yes I was."
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getting started on the search right away is good, though remember the DC is a mystery and Freya has low intrigue (though this is a problem regardless of what we pick unless going with the autosuccess, which may not be worth the investment) what do you think about possible synergy with Seltzer's intrigue action and diplomacy one? also risky, but i'm willing to take risks if the low chance of a high payout's better than the high chance of a low payout. can't expect every action to succeed, sometimes you need to take individual longshots and know that on average your successes/failures will even out into a net positive over time, or such

in other news, looks like the DC for finding the black market is down? i wonder if that's just a matter of things being easier to find now there's been time for information to spread, or if Freya's specifically better suited to that so has an easier time even with her lower stats?

I'm aware that looking for the thief is risk due to the unknown dc. However, I don't want to take too long to go looking for him, as the trail might get colder the longer time passes and it might be harder to find him later.

About Seltzer, I agree that we should take risks from time to time, but I don't see much benefit in taking both of his actions this turn? Even if we fail the diplomacy one, he will take the refugees, and we should be able to cover the price with our current funds. If we take the Intrigue action, there's a risk of failing both actions and owning him even more.

About the black market... Yeah okay i can switch the Intrigue action to that one, since it might help getting information on the thief.
You really understood the assignment. That hurt to read, in a good way. It should hurt considering what all of them have gone through. I'm glad we got to see a mix of Rydia's resolve, Barret's inner softness, the frankly irresponsible way that the Church of Yevon idealizes summoners, and a little bit of that Cloister puzzle action. Excellent job.

For your reward, I'll write up a little interlude of Barret and Rydia planning out the pilgrimage. Give you guys a little sneak peek at what they've got planned.
Thanks! I'm really proud of this one. The combination of lil' Rydia, whose main thing in her early story is that she's all about 'no, gotta be strong, don't cry', Barret who's filled with guilt and very much is a father figure, and the first trial, where I very much remember that Yuna was left in tears at the end of it, with Lulu's 'no tears next time' really made these things come together.
About the black market... Yeah okay i can switch the Intrigue action to that one, since it might help getting information on the thief.
fair enough for not wanting to risk losing even *more* money, though to be clear the appeal of their intrigue action's less for boosting the diplomacy and more that apparently he's recruitable as a hero? which seems big when we only have two atm? the possible synergy's just a bonus/reason to combine the actions, especially since if we're spending an expensive diplomacy action on helping out we probs want to counterbalance it with something that helps us long-term?

(not sure how hero recruitment would work with them leaving, but whether it's him going about but staying in contact/helping out where possible or choosing to stick around/hang out in dalmasca more, both would be somewhat nice (IF it succeeds))

and there's no need to visit the black market if you don't want it. it *could* help, but it also might not? so it's a matter of if you want to spend this turn hunting for it+getting that info from the palace and to spend the next turn with better odds. the possible speedup+regular benefit from having black market access might be worth it, but i can't say for sure, it's probably partially up to opinion. though at the very least it means we definitely get the benefit from visiting the palace before attempting the action
(i'd say it's the sort of thing that would possibly have been nice to have ready for now, but the DC was higher back then so if it's easier going forward it may be a good thing it wasn't taken, could have easily failed.))
Honestly, while we're gonna get the story of what Rydia will do, it's not impossible that she and Barret might be sent to deal with Sinspawn, so if we help there, that's an opportunity to meet with Barret, and in good circumstances. And I imagine Aerith might see some of herself in young Rydia in some ways, being yet another 'last of her kind'. She, Dagger and Rydia can commiserate.
[X] Plan: Helping Hand
-[X] Practice fighting in Formation
-[X] Get Setzer to Take The Cocoon Refugees Home
-[X] Uphold Your Deal
-[X] Look For The Crystal Thief
-[X] What Could You Make?
-[X] Universal Herbology Catalog
-[X] Visit The Palace
While I generally like this plan, I think that we should wait on Practice fighting in Formation until Aerith returns, as she'll obviously be a significant part of any formation the Party comes up with due to her role as Healer/Caster.

Instead we may be better served by exploring the Garamsythe Waterway, as it may give us some more leads WRT the crystal thief. (I think Ashe at one point told us that there may be secret/hidden passageways connecting it to the Palace.) Or at the very least, give us some more items/exp from killing monsters.
This is a little short and definitely non-canon, but I do find it interesting. The idea of Chaos Himself going, "Looks like it's about time I stop holding back" is about the most terrifying thing you can imagine. He still goes by Jack. I don't know if that's cute or not. Also, I really, really hope you guys don't make Aerith fight Chaos alone. I know that's how it works in Dissidia but uh, probably got a good idea here.

Anyway, here is 2 QP to you, if you don't know you can spend that to boost a roll you think is important, 1 QP is worth 1 point on the roll. I try to keep track of QP and other items on the Information Threadmarks, specifically the ones on page one.
Voting is open for the next 1 day, 9 hours