To the Sky's Drums Marching
28th of Kuthona 4707 A.R. (Absalom Reckoning)
Words bubble to your lips like tar, a sting upon the lips and weight unbearable in the mind:
Flesh torn bones crushed to dust
Hunger to the wheel of agony broken
Naught but agony left of power's lust
Of pale wings a curse unceasing spoken
Drown in Old Blood
You stumble forward, stomach twisting and a bitter taste invading your mouth like drinking swamp water as you struggle to expel a phantom foulness. "That didn't taste like devils," you say slowly.
"I did not know thou for a connoisseur of devil flesh," Sirim jests, drawing a vaguely horrified look from Mina and a surprised giggle from Anippe.
"I'm not seeing anything around the camp," Pepper calls. The iruxi had taken the sight of a winged-cat with surprisingly few questions, less than Cob's new knives had in fact. But then the knives had an obvious use and the cat only now proves the same, eyes alight with piercing sight.
Gorok can be heard musing, half to himself: "Hunters said it comes to them when alone. Afraid of numbers? Fire?
"Maybe it's nothing." Mina's words have more of hope than conviction as the Blackscales begin to move with Gorok at the chief's left side. 'Shaman's place,' you hear one of the others who had accompanied you to east say, surprisingly.
As you look towards them they explain, "Gorok Eagle-Friend two-kinds strong, arm and... dream?"
It's clear that wasn't quite the word he was looking for, though thankfully Mina is still close enough to explain. To the iruxi, magic is not a thing apart to be called with relic and ritual, it is simply a part of the world under the surface, just as the great swamp lizards of the Whisper River do and is equally dangerous
"There's crocodiles?" Annipe asks with worry that had not been there when Sirim had joked about tasting devils. "Mother told me about crocodiles, they are sacred to Sotek, but their hunger is bigger than their holiness. Maybe that's what you're seeing. Old Blood... cold blood maybe? Like your friend Gorok?"
"You think we should be 'fraid of iruxi?" Cob asks her, seeming to materialize out of the shadows under the trees, as is his wont.
"Well, not
these ones. Mother said the greatest danger to man is not angels nor devils nor demons, but man himself. So I figured the same is true for the scaled folks."
"Warmblood talk," Gorok says from atop a newly restored Warty, though without rancor, more like he's trying to show her how to fish or read a trail. "It would be good for there to be so many for us to be our own worst trouble."
In the distance all you can hear is a chorus of frogs and, of course, rain just starting up. Too much to hope for that it not rain in this damnable place. At least the air's still, unlike the last time passing through here. That makes it merely miserable under oiled canvas as opposed to setting one wondering how anyone could think to live here.
Gorok had chosen to organize the tribe into a roughly arrow shaped formation, with the youngest and oldest in the middle and the most skilled warriors in front. With some reluctance you volunteer to take one of the points just as he and Cob had done. True, you can't say you're much good with a sword, but at least you can take a hit or three more than the iruxi around you, and with Pepper and Avarice patrolling in the sky above you're never too far from help.
The rain, if not the frogs, stops as the whole gathering gets moving at last while thunder booms in the distance, almost like a warning, though for all your omen-craft you cannot say if it's to stop or go. You had been walking across the swamp perhaps an hour when the warning goes up from Pepper.
"Fire! Fire to the south!" Turning quickly you realize what you had taken for thickening clouds is in fact a pal of smoke and there is only one thing there that could be burning.
"Longacre, Longacre is burning," the spectral feline adds.
"Let it burn!" the old chief hisses and many of his people seems to agree, but Gorok stops, one claw tapping the underside of his jaw in thought.
"Might be dangerous, we should see what it is at least."
To no one's surprise Cob volunteers, but should he?
[] Say nothing, Cob goes scouting
[] Argue that you should stick together, what do you care if the lumbermen who have been bedeviling Gorok's tribe for so long die
[] Write in
OOC: No visible rolls this time since you do not know what you do not know in character.