Finding the Spark (Pathfinder 1E Quest)

Arc 10: Post 20: Other Side of the Coin
Other Side of the Coin

27th of Kuthona 4707 A.R. (Absalom Reckoning)

"Anippe, her mother said undead would be after her..." you feel a sudden pang of guilt at the almost inaudible gasp behind you as a sleepy girl emerges from from the corridor, following Sirim no doubt. "We need to lose our tail."

After dropping the bag of gold in front of the suspicious innkeeper with warning about gossip he'll probably breach before your shadow is even off his threshold, you get to work. First Mina wards against mundane senses, then Pepper with a touch of his nose gives some small arcane protection against blows to both his mistress and the suddenly all too quiet child. She's heard a tale or three about vampires, no doubt.

Lost 200 gp

Looking down at the ring on her left hand a thought comes to mind. I can do that too... maybe even better. Energies twist in unaccustomed ways in your mind, whispering half-understandable pleas to gods long dead. But still you fill them with a shadow of their old power. "There, now it won't be able to sense us for a time."

"What if has living eyes, thralls?" she asks seriously.

"Puppets are easily blinded," Sirim reassures her as he seems to exhale, though he has no breath, and a mist like a translucent dew descends, letting the moonlight glide through your flesh.

"Git in here, it's in another... er, hedge? Field?" Cob offers, opening his arcane bag.

"Another plane, silly," the girl seems happy to be able to correct someone about magic, taking on what one a more of a tutor's tone as she adds: "It's not really a plane though, more of a pocked dimension, that is to a plane what a grain of sand is to a whole wide beach. You ever been to the... oh right, get in." Even though you can't see her getting in you can hear her moving aside vials, trinkets, and spare knives.

"Guess we can add stealing children away in our sack to our list of 'misdeeds'," Mina's tries to humor, and the fact Sirim laughs makes it clear it's some kind of jape the rest of you aren't privy to.

Holding hands in a circle you feel the breath of Elsewhere's currents for three long heartbeats that seem to stretch in the thinking... and then you come to regret their absence as Mina had sent you behind one of the city's glue-makers, turning amble fish bone into useful product and the kind of reek that almost brings one of a mind to the xulgath. Thankfully that is not the last of the spells Mina had studied over the past several days in the city. At her command a cartridge of iron and wood stained back emerges onto the street, met with garbled curses by the pair of drunk sailors holding each other up in an unsteady embrace at the end of the street.

Piling in quickly to escape the smell as much as prying eyes, everyone but Gorok, who had taken on the role of driver, tries to find a comfortable seat.

"Sirim, you can use..." It's still bizarre to think of your body as something apart from yourself, as true as it might be. Sentence unfinished, you center yourself and breathe out the shadow of your soul to an awed gasp from Anippe.

As you float above a the meandering conveyance the sound of Sirim casting one more spell on the girl herself reaches your ears, but you're already fixed upon the road ahead even before you are treated to the unsettling sight of your own body moving to another's will. A long way from not having anyone I'd trust with a rock behind my back.

The thought comes and goes like the swiftly moving streets, Copperdown giving way to Fleet. These streets are peopled even at this late hour by a motley assortment of dung-gatherers, hawkers as unlucky as they are stubborn, and those who are selling things best not shown 'in the light of day'. One wonders just how many of those whose eyes can pierce the so-called-darkness under the moon laugh under their hands at the pretense. At least the carriage, in the style of old Ustalav, is looked upon in less askance here, though one does have to wonder when Gorok gets off the driver's seat to knock one beglamoured hand on the door of the carpenter carrying your order what do they see?

"Bet they think we're the vampires now," Anippe whispers, not quite daring to find it funny.

"Come now child, it's a perfectly respectable conveyance," Sirim says with your voice.

"With a ghost horse," she presses from inside the bag.

Still, no actual vampires find you. Maybe your efforts that had been enough to slip away.

The craftsman had finished his work and he seems quite happy to have both models off his hands if it also means he can see the last of strangers on his pouch. Amusingly, he even seems eager to pay you back some of the extra coin he'd taken from the 'Galtan lady'. You wonder for a moment at the fear that lingers in the city's air and fogs the eyes of her people. Surely 'tis more than just poor fishing...

Foci Creation (DC 20): 1d100: 63 (Success)
Gained 500 gp

"Why's that coin got magic on it? Look, that one there shines sorta blue in the deep sight, divination magic."

Sirim then proceeds to teach her several words in Nidalese, which from the tone one would guess are not meant for children's ears. "Someone's looking to track us with the coin, counting on us not questioning good luck. "

Anippe Perception* (DC 20): 1d20+5 = 23 (Success)
Sirim Spellcraft (DC 15): 1d20+14 = Automatic Success

*only one who had her mage sight active to look at the coin pouch

"Not opportunistic, from the start," Gorok proclaims. "Thrall?" he tries out the new word with the care of a hunter considering his next quarry. "Tell them take more coin, give some back with spell."

"If it's the vampire we should go back and save..." Mina says, or starts to as she looks down at the girl still inside a bag for her own safety. "Maybe we should just get rid of it."

What do you do about the marked coin?

[] Just get rid of it

[] Go back to the carpenter, see if he's dominated and break the spell

[] Write in

OOC: Enjoy.
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Anippe is trying to compete with Warty for the party's mascot, I see. It won't be that easy, girl. Warty is a Slurk's Slurk, even if he's just a statuette at the moment. 🐸

I'm very glad she caught that one. All the precautions in the world don't amount to much if we've been lojacked. Whoever is behind this likely assumed we would soon be at sea and our mobility would be significantly hampered because of it. It would have been easy for them to track the coin and catch up to us.

I'm not inclined to go back and press our luck with the carpenter. He's probably not enthralled by the Vampire, IMO. It's more likely that he's been paid by someone looking to collect the bounty on us or looking to target a wealthy Galtan noble far from home. They're not popular around here at all.

EDIT: On second thought, maybe we can use it as a distraction.

[X] Just get rid of it
-[X] Leave the coin in the carriage, give the carriage's Unseen Driver instructions to leave the city via the main road and to continue on for the remainder of its duration.
-[X] After casting Hermean Potential on herself and using her Fortune Hex on herself, Mina will use a Greater Teleport scroll to transport the group to the last location she Scryed Gorok's tribe.
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Anippe already proving her worth!

But yeah, unlikely carpenter is a thrall and more likely in on it. And even if they aren't I doubt they will be in any actual danger since they are not target.

Best to use marked coin as a decoy, and not like we are hurting for gold that we don't mind losing it.

[X] Goldfish

@Goldfish I don't suppose Cob could rig up a trap with marked coin purse with a bomb at all in carriage that will blow up if anyone tries to take it? Likely not worth trouble, but would be fitting payback for attempt to track us.
@Goldfish I don't suppose Cob could rig up a trap with marked coin purse with a bomb at all in carriage that will blow up if anyone tries to take it? Likely not worth trouble, but would be fitting payback for attempt to track us.
He could probably rig up something crude, but I don't see it being worth the time or effort. Better to just send the carriage on its way and let it serve as a distraction for as long as possible.
After we get to Gorok's tribe - and assuming that there's nothing terrible happening - does anyone think we can run a divination with the coin's worldline as the focus to try and get a bit more context if we're lucky? (Kori's method takes an hour to cast the spell)
Or does the spell not work on objects/far away objects?

Also, maybe we should GT a short distance from the tribe rather than just pop in infront of them? Or is that being a bit overcautious?
After we get to Gorok's tribe - and assuming that there's nothing terrible happening - does anyone think we can run a divination with the coin's worldline as the focus to try and get a bit more context if we're lucky? (Kori's method takes an hour to cast the spell)
Or does the spell not work on objects/far away objects?

Also, maybe we should GT a short distance from the tribe rather than just pop in infront of them? Or is that being a bit overcautious?
Mina should have been Scrying on them daily since she learned the spell. It was part of a vote before we left Cassomir. If something terrible has happened, it would have just occurred.

I'm all for using a Divination targeting the coin to try to learn something about who is behind placing it. Even a null result could be helpful, in that it would tell us the enemy has protected themselves against Divinations.

Unfortunately, the way Scrying works is that you can see 10 feet around the sensor, so it doesn't really let you see nearby surroundings, unless @DragonParadox lets us have some wiggle room thanks to Greater Teleport being so powerful?
Scrying works as in text, no reason why it would be enhanced unfortunately
That's what I was thinking.

Well, I doubt we'll drop right on top of them, since the last location she Scryed might not be exactly where they are right now. They've been hiding in the swamplands, or nearby, so they're probably on the move, at least to the extent that they aren't settling in one place for any significant length of time.
I've been distracted as heck, but I just want to say that - assuming this was your idea - I really appreciate you.

I've been a bit worried about that tribe.
How's the new job going?

You know me, I'm a paranoid sort of fish. Keeping an eye on the tribe eases my mind. I've been worried they had Hell Knights on their metaphorical doorstep for months now.
[X] Just get rid of it
-[X] Leave the coin in the carriage, give the carriage's Unseen Driver instructions to leave the city via the main road and to continue on for the remainder of its duration.
-[X] After casting Hermean Potential on herself and using her Fortune Hex on herself, Mina will use a Greater Teleport scroll to transport the group to the last location she Scryed Gorok's tribe.
We should find out who ordered the hit by the time we come back this way.

[X] Just get rid of it
-[X] Leave the coin in the carriage, give the carriage's Unseen Driver instructions to leave the city via the main road and to continue on for the remainder of its duration.
-[X] After casting Hermean Potential on herself and using her Fortune Hex on herself, Mina will use a Greater Teleport scroll to transport the group to the last location she Scryed Gorok's tribe.
Gift Quote ReplyReport
[X] Just get rid of it
-[X] Leave the coin in the carriage, give the carriage's Unseen Driver instructions to leave the city via the main road and to continue on for the remainder of its duration.
-[X] After casting Hermean Potential on herself and using her Fortune Hex on herself, Mina will use a Greater Teleport scroll to transport the group to the last location she Scryed Gorok's tribe.
Anippe is trying to compete with Warty for the party's mascot, I see. It won't be that easy, girl. Warty is a Slurk's Slurk, even if he's just a statuette at the moment. 🐸

This reminds me of my last attempt to run Carrion Crown.

We rescued and adopted a little girl named Aggie from her abusive/murderer mother and her grandmother that had been using magic to enchant the townsfolk...and accidentally sparked off a Salem-style witch trial complete with the two women being burned at the stake for their crimes. Anyways, we soon became convinced that Aggie was actually the Chosen of Pharasma since she never rolled below a 19 and was suspiciously good at killing undead with knives. We ended up joking that, as soon as she showed up, we were no longer the main characters.

I have several from my group's try at the Carrion Crown AP for Pathfinder (slight spoilers), so brace yourself for a wall of text.

  1. We were all convinced that our paladin Dan (aka "our pal Dan" and yes, we gave him crap for that) was cursed for daring to be a paladin of Sarenrae in Ustalav. *Everything* crit him whenever possible, he frequently rolled 1s for attacks and skill checks...not to mention he was struck by lightning on a clear day. Twice. (We rolled a random event chart while travelling and he got it twice)
  2. Instead of being the serious Van Helsing-esque occultist he was supposed to be, Petros Lorrimor was recharacterized as an irresponsible frat boy due to an offhand comment from my character (a dwarven wizard who was a former classmate at university). This further turned into him being a deadbeat dad and being in someway responsible for everything in the country going to crap. My character basically ended up adopting his daughter despite her being an adult (at least in human terms).
  3. We rescued and adopted a little girl named Aggie from her abusive/murderer mother and her grandmother that had been using magic to enchant the townsfolk...and accidentally sparked off a Salem style witch trial complete with the two women being burned at the stake for their crimes. Anyways, we soon became convinced that Aggie was actually the Chosen of Pharasma since she never rolled below a 19 and was suspiciously good at killing undead with knives. We ended up joking that, as soon as she showed up, we were no longer the main characters.
  4. Our characters frequently questioned why they were trying to save Ustalav. The locals were all racist and insane, damn near everything was trying to kill us, curses and ghosts were everywhere, there was a tunnel into the Darklands that spewed out a horde of ghouls, and the weather was trying to kill us.
Remember the random event chart I mentioned earlier? We managed to roll a fire tornado that chased us most of the way to our destination before veering off to hit a random village. On the way back...we rolled the fire tornado *again,* only this time, it split into four tornadoes that hit the *same village.* That village was probably filled with the only people more cursed than our paladin.

I think we actually ended up statting her as an Inquisitor of Pharasma.
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Well we can't be sure of the situation but at least we know can discount the possibility that the undead are after Anippe cause her dad's secretly a lich
Cause if her father was a lich he'd actually be the reverse
That's right, he'd be
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Well we can't be sure of the situation but at least we know can discount the possibility that the undead are after Anippe cause her dad's secretly a lich
Cause if her father was a lich he'd actually be the reverse
That's right, he'd be
That's a legit Undead Dad joke.

Bravo, good sir, bravo. :V
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jan 11, 2025 at 11:13 AM, finished with 17 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Just get rid of it
    -[X] Leave the coin in the carriage, give the carriage's Unseen Driver instructions to leave the city via the main road and to continue on for the remainder of its duration.
    -[X] After casting Hermean Potential on herself and using her Fortune Hex on herself, Mina will use a Greater Teleport scroll to transport the group to the last location she Scryed Gorok's tribe.
    [X] Just get rid of it
Arc 10: Post 21: From Shore to Swamp
From Shore to Swamp

27th of Kuthona 4707 A.R. (Absalom Reckoning)

"We do not know if it's the same foe," Gorok tips his head as though listening for a distant horncall through the moonlit streets. "Could be another, could find more trouble."

Sirim nods... with your head. That will never not feel odd, you are beginning to suspect. To seek from dwelling on it you add your own voice with a plan. "Don't throw it away, leave it in the carriage and have it lead whoever's scrying it on a dead rat hunt." You pause. "Well, absent the ghouls."

"Ghouls?" Anippe asks with a sort of fascinated dread. So you explain the habit of the Darkland-ghouls to find and kill dire rats or other common prey beasts then reanimate in their old ranger, the better to draw two-legged hunters away that the ghouls may make of them prey in turn.

"There's whole cities of ghouls under the ground?" she looks down at her feet resting on the floor of the caridge as though expecting an emaciated ghoul arm to come tearing out of it.

"Aye, and that's not the worst of it," you shake your head, thinking of the drow and the horrors of their crafting. Some things aren't for sharing with children. Thankfully, Anippe doesn't have an interest in that. She confesses instead that her her mother had taught her little of the theory of necromancy, the craft of Geb. True, Eshe did not use it herself, but she had spent long years dueling Gebbites openly upon the shifting sands of the Mana Wastes and in secret in the bazaars of Absalom.

Were you to make a guess, and the child is skilled in many things but not keeping her feelings off her face so tis a good one, you'd say Anippe is interested in necromancy mostly as a proxy for her mother's history before she was born. As far as she could remember they had always lived in the self styled 'City at the Center of the World,' the amenities of the city's foreign quarter ensuring that her daughter would be raised in the traditions of distant Nex, until about half a year ago they had been moved in haste here to Augustana where they had been safe from whoever had been chasing them, at least until now. The girl tries to put on a brave face when it comes to her mother's skills as a duelist, but it's hard not to notice the worry shadowing her gaze.

Truth be told you are not sure what to do about it, and for once Sirim's silver tongue seems to have deserted him as well since the most he can do is offer those necromancy lessons she said she lacked once you are in Cheliax. Again all of you array in a circle, this time within the confines of the carriage just as it is turning towards the gate. Mina unrolls one of the precious scrolls you'd acquired in Cassomir, words of power upon it gleaming the color of old gold. Thus she utters with conviction the words of translocation.

This time it is less a wind from Elsewhere and more a storm to match the most vicious you've had the displeasure of encountering upon the face of Golarion, and yet it deposits all of you safely at under the boughs of thick growing cypress... at least you think that's what the tree above you is called.

Lost Greater Teleport Scroll
Mina Casting Check (DC 14): 1d20+6 = 26 (Success)


"Ooh! Is this a swamp?" Annipe asks, in the tone of someone who has never encountered the kinds of things that live in a swamp.

"Yup, swamp stuff's good eating," Cob declares with almost as much good cheer as Gorok and the other iruxi take the lead in heading down what you are informed is a 'game trail,' for all that the only game you can see are sleepy birds perched on the gnarled branches of the Whisperwood.

You let out a breath you had not known you were holding at the sight of the reed shelters and iruxi guards scrambling to get the chief. The wrath of Cheliax had not fallen on Gorok's people while you were half a world away, not even the wrath of Longacre. They seem awed to see you return after all this time, though you are not sure why. Certainly it doesn't extend to Annipe, so it cannot just be the magic you bear.

An entire tribe of iruxi, eggs and all, isn't moved in the span of a few hours. Gorok has some explaining to do to his kin, quite a lot of it in fact. In the meantime, you could do some scouting on the path south towards the sea, speak to Annipe again to learn more about her and her mother, or even find what rest you can. Something tells you there won't be much of that ahead.

What do you do?

[] Scout in shadow form

[] Talk to Annipe, the girl is interested in stories of Nar Voth, not something you've dealt with before

[] Rest while you can, the road stretches out before you long and full of obstacles

[] Write in

OOC: Background dice for Cheliax not shown because you guys would have no way to know that in character.
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We're back! It seems like it was so long ago that we left Cheliax, but it's not even been six months. We've done a lot of adventuring in that time, though.

I'm glad the tribe wasn't wiped out while we were gone. That would have been pretty awful.
Sirim should have a little over an hour left on his Marionette Possession spell, so we might as well let him enjoy having a body for a while, unless he would prefer to go back to his Smokeshade form.

@DragonParadox, has Sirim chosen a name for his Summoned Draconic Ally? It'll be much easier to refer to it by name rather than description all the time.

[X] Kori will position himself a few hundred feet over the Iruxi village and keep an eye out for trouble until shortly before Sirim's possession spell elapses.
-[X] Pepper, with Shoffe as a passenger to act as a telepathic relay, and Sirim's Draconic Ally (who really needs a name), will fly a wide patrol around the village to provide overwatch while the Iruxi are distracted by our return.
[x] Talk to Annipe, the girl is interested in stories of Nar Voth, not something you've dealt with before