There is also the whole 'White Lotus Paranoia' aspect to consider when it comes to having anything to do with Iroh. Everything else aside, he deliberately acted against the Fire Nation on the day of the comet and nobody in the FN has any idea how long he has been part of said organization and what he has secretly done in the name of 'balance'.
I mean, given his past, the short few years between his son's death and Zuko's scarring seem likely.
[X] Minister Aikawa, seemingly still considering himself in the favor of the Fire Lord given his role in the boy's birth, took that opportunity to comment on her skull shape and its implications for her ability to govern. The vocabulary used made it somewhat difficult to understand
what exactly he was trying to communicate, though the Fire Lord clearly took it poorly, ordering him dismissed: the elderly doctor left without much of a fuss, seeming more sad about the matter than anything else, but his departure is an all-too-public show of weakness within the imperial household.
A show of weakness is a Zuko problem and we can earn favor by helping him navigate it.
[X] Minister Shu lingered in the room, casting an appraising eye over the young chancellor before seeming to sigh, approaching her with obvious reticence. While she was not
thrilled by the direction things seemed to be heading, the woman was quite motivated to ensure that they were on the same page when it came to the economic realities of peace.
The Economic adjustment of the fire nation is going to be the major issue of fire lord Zuzu's reign. We need this heads up more than anything else.
The bulletin votes are kind of a pain to copy. Quotes would work better.