She did get that vision of an older version of herself holding her hand consolingly and telling her "love is hard" when she Exalted.Grace is The Lovers to a t and I want to see how she embraces it. I bet it's the sign she Exalted under, even.
She's also a terrible Prude, as is her best friend. I'd expect some difficulty in portraying the demeanor of a sailors slave lover if Grace were to become incredibly stiff in response to any of her "Saviors" becoming particularly affectionate in front of her.[X] The Lovers
Grace is The Lovers to a t and I want to see how she embraces it. I bet it's the sign she Exalted under, even.
Article: The Lovers rule imbalanced and uneven relationships. It's the sign of debt, slavery, poverty, and sexual intimacy. In its positive aspect, such relationships prove beneficial, or at least a mixed bag, like the best relationships one can hope for between parent and child, teacher and student, employer and employee, or landlord and tenant. In its negative aspect, the relationship's power imbalance leads to exploitation, manipulation, or physical, emotional, or financial abuse. Themes: Abuse, desire, duress, lack of options, power imbalances, physical intimacy, servitude, unfair contracts, unhealthy relationships, unspoken obligations, vermin, victims of the Fair Folk.
I mean, sex and physical intimacy are definitely a major theme, but like, you're correct that it's not the reason why Grace was Exalted under this constellation. Ultimately, Venus is the maiden associated with sex and love, among other human relationships, and that's going to be present in the themes of her constellations and her charms. How Grace negotiates that as an asexual Joybringer is something we're going to get into as the quest proceeds.Lovers doesn't need to have anything to do with love, sex, or even affection. It is the constellation of uneven relationships - of any kind. And the Lovers option in this vote makes no mention of what she did for her former owner.
Article: The Lovers rule imbalanced and uneven relationships. It's the sign of debt, slavery, poverty, and sexual intimacy. In its positive aspect, such relationships prove beneficial, or at least a mixed bag, like the best relationships one can hope for between parent and child, teacher and student, employer and employee, or landlord and tenant. In its negative aspect, the relationship's power imbalance leads to exploitation, manipulation, or physical, emotional, or financial abuse. Themes: Abuse, desire, duress, lack of options, power imbalances, physical intimacy, servitude, unfair contracts, unhealthy relationships, unspoken obligations, vermin, victims of the Fair Folk.
Huh. I'm quoting this post specifically so I can search my history for it later and workshop ideas on how to fit it into some kind of scene.
That's fair. I just find some parts of the article nuanced and enlightening in unexpected but interesting ways, and was hoping to to see how the others compared.That wouldn't be difficult, but you do have the specific context for what these cover identities entail. They are a slave girl, a feckless peasant consort, and a hard done by bureaucrat.
Article: The Musician rules contentment in life and sensual pleasure. It's the sign of joy, desire, and art. In its positive aspect, people indulge in luxury and leisure and return from their idylls renewed. In its negative aspect, pleasure leads to the neglect of one's responsibilities, greed and pointless materialism conquer reason, and people compromise their principles in pursuit of pleasure. Themes: Contentment in living, excess, extramarital relationships, greed, hedonism, herbivorous animals that live in small groups, intoxication, laughter, luxury, music, theater.
The Pillar rules relationships tested by time. It's the sign of parenthood, sovereignty, and platonic relationships: family, friends, coworkers, business partners, and acquaintances as casual as drinking buddies. In its positive aspects, these relationships prove stable and steady in the face of challenges. In its negative aspects, they are tested and found wanting. Themes: Bureaucrats and functionaries, business, civil society, family, friendship, herd animals, mutual benefit, resolving interpersonal issues, royalty, stability, stagnation, unjust authority.