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Even with the underestimation of the situation, he is too arrogant.
It seems possible that Reinald may have some magical methods of finding information. But even without having anything like this, Reinald is still able to invest Zeal to enhance Scouting throws in order to get at least 10-15 successes to find information about the incident.
I will remind you that there are actual professional generals of the modern era who make mistakes like, "Failed to double check how much fuel they had before leaving".

Or the Schlieffen Plan's assumption that Russia would absolutely not be able to build up an army fast enough to stop the Germans from conquering France before they could then swing back around to throw their weight that direction.

Waering was arrogant to the extreme but his plan was sound provided he was always the actor and others only reacted. Attempting to compensate for all contingencies is a fool's errand and a surefire path to paralysis by analysis, but Waering was assuming that Audrey would not be as personally willing to act to directly and immediately. Likely he expected more testing the waters in the Court to find out why or dig up some support. Not go for the nuclear option so immediately and especially he overestimated his lackey's ability to avoid detection.

Waering had a decent scheme and it's worked well, especially with his planned winding down of things to avoid suspicion. Shame for him that prayers were answered for Audrey and so things turned against him far faster than he could have planned.

I'll bring someone in to act as a neutral observer, and if something needs to be done, it will be."

I am curious as to whom was involved for this part, and how pissed they got.
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Turn 8.2 - Winter isn't coming, it's here!

Now that Audrey was able to retrieve her letters–the ones that hadn't been disposed of by now at least–and her recent missive (Along with an explanation after she had confirmed that the postman had been very thoroughly sacked) on the way, she had plenty of other bits and bobs of Business to concern herself with, as the fall gave way to Winter and the final stretch of practice and meditation before the great Tournament was underway.

She had made great strides in her understanding of the Black-Red Lightning–it was assuredly some degree of Atavism, a measure of power in the Eotenslaga lineage that wasn't directly tapped upon by most of their known techniques. She had compared and contrasted what came naturally to her, when using the family's Hard-Fall style–compared and contrasted it with her peers, and even got a moment to speak with Chad's master–the leading expert on the Martial Arts in Warwick–and arguably one of the top specialists in Wessex. He had some interesting insights, especially after asking Audrey to compare the Giant Slaying Blow that drew on the lightning, and the other techniques that didn't.

"The difference seems pretty clear to me." He said, after a moment, to think it over. "Hard-Fall's built around studying an enemy and setting them up, but the Giant Slaying Blow… It's more than is strictly necessary, you know? It'd be better to take advantage of the opening to destroy their ability to fight, whether they survive it or not. Whatever's going on there, it's pure offence with all other considerations secondary."

The thought stuck in the back of her mind, chewed over and examined from top to bottom. In the end, Audrey thought she had an inkling to it. Where she had once thought the Eotenslaga bloodline to be primarily focused on analysis and takedowns as a single element, it seemed like the analysis and takedown effects were actually two separate strings that came together in the Giant-Slaying Blow. The Black-Red Lightning was a manifestation of the destructive aspect then, right?

The Giant-Slaying Blow was "About taking down superior blows in a single, perfect stroke", was it not? That was the cross-over between the two halves of the Eotenslaga bloodline that allowed for the Destructive Aspect to merge properly with the Analysis Aspect. As long as she took that into account, she could develop new techniques even now. She even managed to work something out, harnessing the Black-Red Lightning in a brand new technique that could let her peel away armor–but at a much less taxing expense than the full out Giant-Slaying Blow!

Black-Red Lightning? Completed: Gained new Hard-Fall Rote 'Black Scratch' at Rough

Still, it seemed like there would be a great deal of additional work to be done, if she were to harness the full potential of her birthright. While the Giant-Killer was known for his ability to overcome some of the most terrible foes around, none of the tales spoke of the lightning that he wielded–only his cunning use of traps and capacity to bring low the giants in a single blow to the neck–once he had pinned them in place of course.. Was it directly inherited from him? Or was it another legacy more-ancient-still?

It was exciting! To see so much potential left to be unearthed from the legacy she had inherited! Now that there was nothing intercepting her mail, she would assuredly be able to make contact with her kinsmen when they met soon, and hopefully get access to the archives–or at least some of the stories that aren't spread around!

There had to be some, right?

(Further progression locked until Audrey has a chance to meet up with her kinsmen and access the Eotenslaga Archives)


Winter descends, driving everyone from the fields to the best shelter they could muster, huddling around one another in company, all in the name of warding off the cold for just a little longer. It wasn't one of the worst ones Audrey had experienced, but it wasn't particularly mild either.

Snow, rain, cold at every turn, and difficult even to get out into the salle and get much practice, so it was fitting that the winter season was often set to the task of academic pursuits over more physical activities.

Even so, her advancement to the Third Decade left her much in this field to master–she had already been instructed in the basics up until now, the necessity of sanctifying the space in her soul through which Zeal condensed, taking it from a natural wellspring into a proper House of God. While the full architectural madness was still several steps away, she did at least need to have the foundations established before she could expect to make any real headway furthering her advancement. The good news was that the trip to Winchestershire for the Tournament would save her no small amount of time, securing the good Zeal infused stone that would be required in the construction would be far easier at the heartland of Wessex' trade routes than it would be here on the borders. If she was very fortunate, she might even find some useful bits and bobs that could focus the flow of energy, granting strength beyond the mere ability to excel.

It was here that the yawning pit that was Chivalric Cultivation began to open wide, demanding wealth beyond avarice to achieve the best advancement. For all that the Kingdom had been undergoing a resurgence in recent times with King Alfred's sagely rule, it was still going to be difficult to match aspiring Knights from the Continent without good fortune.

At least she had her stipend now–the few years of collection would at least give her enough to get her feet on the ground if she was willing to commit to it–but it would also be a prime opportunity to secure other assets. She may have an opportunity to raise some additional funds over the course of the tournament–but her performance was key to acquiring everything she might need. As long as she did 'Well enough', she could likely secure enough prize money to win her steed. At least one of the major competitions should do it–anything beyond that would grant her greater opportunity to secure greater opportunities still.

She was Audrey Eotenslaga after all, nothing but the best was good enough for her.


AN: Imma be blunt, this update fought me, and it didn't help that the team's been hit with a metal bat in the past few weeks.

But I said I was committed to making this happen, and I haven't forgotten that, so here's a doot. Not edited, maybe not the best, but I've kept you all waiting long enough as it is.
So was Holman just holding on to all the stipend that our family was sending along? Nice of him to not spend it I guess, lmao
He was preventing messages requesting it from reach her family, so they didn't know she had reached a point where she would need it yet I assume.

Alternatively, he did spend it but the expense has been "compensated for" by select individuals who would rather this not become a far greater problem than it already is.

Interfering with the mail is pretty bad, actively stealing from another noble is the kind of thing that ruins far more relationships if a child's thievery is not repaid by their family.
So was Holman just holding on to all the stipend that our family was sending along? Nice of him to not spend it I guess, lmao

Not exactly, sending gold through the mail is, uh, not really viable. They sent messages to people who were instructed to release money to Audrey upon request, and those messages went through (or your parents would have noticed all this much sooner, since stopping that would require stopping all their mail, not just the mail to Audrey). What didn't go through was anything telling Audrey where to collect her funds. So...the money is currently held by people who will release it to Audrey upon request, she just didn't know where to go to request it.
Black Scratch (8 Fervour): Channeling the black-red lightning of your bloodline, you strike out dealing 40 Damage (with a minimum of 30 damage to armour) and destroying most mundane objects. (0/6 Refined)
A pretty good rote for Rough! Tempted to spend all our next turns training on keeping refining our techs, then start looking at more masteries or levelling our styles/shapes.
Is Hama treated as Armor for the purposes of Black Scratch?

in a fight getting three times the armor damage as our opponent could be huge. once the armor is out of the way damage goes to places that hurt.
Is Hama treated as Armor for the purposes of Black Scratch?

in a fight getting three times the armor damage as our opponent could be huge. once the armor is out of the way damage goes to places that hurt.

Hama and Armour are not treated the same for penetration effects unless something specifically states they are. Black Scratch does nothing special to least not at the level you currently have it at. No promises on what higher levels might reveal, either in terms of mastery of the Prayer or further research into the core Idea.
Turn 8.3 - The Gates of Winchester
Winchester's walls rise high over the landscape, little silhouettes of soldiers on patrol dancing across its battlements. Originally built by the Romans millenia ago, Alfred's rule has seen great changes come to the ancient fort. Where once stones crumbled with the bitter bite of erosion, they now stand tall and proud beneath the plastered surface of a well-maintained perimeter.

Sprawling villages cluster in the shadow of the great wall, thousands of farmers and their families sowing grain and planting vegetables under the protection of the Great King. The clip-clop of horse hooves draws curious gazes as the ever-growing train of tourney-goers approaches the iron-clad gates.

The closer Audrey rides to those strong gates, however, the more a vague sense of unease falls across her shoulders. Her horse shifts beneath her thighs, the strong grip on its reins the only reason it stays the course as the gates swing open and the train passes through. The gates of Winchester are said to be a product of its Roman heritage. Said to be made of a material most indestructible, light seems to vanish as it falls on the dark surface.

"That's not iron," Reinald notes beneath his breath, a mutter heard only thanks to Audrey's well-honed ears, "that's Steel."

"Steel?" Audrey tilts her head as they pass beneath that ink-stained archway, her voice echoing off the blue-black material. Her classes had only briefly touched upon the topic of Steel, leaving Audrey largely ignorant of the subject—a flaw she aims to correct as soon as possible.

"The greatest achievement of Rome," Reinald says as the cheering crowds of the peasant class gather around the wagon train, "a completely indestructible material that never loses its edge nor suffers the bite of any weapon." He shakes his head as the gates shut behind them, "Unfortunately, the secrets of its construction were lost with the Romans."

"Shame," Audrey says as she follows her master to where they will be resting their heads, "it would be nice to have armour of it."

"Indeed," Reinald says as he hops off his horse, "I'll check us in, why don't you get a grasp of the city in the meantime?"

Audrey nods as she hops off her horse, looking to do just that.

Audrey has 6 time units to spend as she pleases. Each activity costs 1 time unit, with shopping and socializing being repeatable activities. The minor contests are one time only.
[ ] Shopping (Grace Check to see what you can find)
[ ] Socializing with the other contestants (Mystery Box!)
[ ] Engage in Minor Contests
-[ ] Wrestling (Soma + Combat, with a minor penalty for not being a dedicated wrestler)
-[ ] Feats of Strength (Soma + Athletics)
-[ ] Feats of Speed (Soma + Athletics)
-[ ] Poetry (Psyche + Diplomacy, with a minor bonus from her Charismata)
-[ ] Chess (Psyche + Tactics, with a minor bonus from her Bloodline)
-[ ] Jousting (Soma + Horsemanship)


AN: Bit of a small update, but it's leading into the tourney proper so I think it works out, yeah? We'll get into the details of Wealth if you take a Shopping action, but generally speaking, you've got enough tucked away for your basic Cultivation Materials plus enough for one or two extra purchases, you might gain more from successes in the Minor Contests, though not all of them will reward you with liquid currency.

Have fun!
[x] Don't have the brains for smart names
-[x] Socializing with the other contestants (Mystery Box!) x2
-[x] Engage in Minor Contests
--[x] Feats of Strength (Soma + Athletics)
--[x] Feats of Speed (Soma + Athletics)
--[x] Poetry (Psyche + Diplomacy, with a minor bonus from her Charismata)
--[x] Chess (Psyche + Tactics, with a minor bonus from her Bloodline)
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[X] Plan: A Little of Everything
-[X] Shopping (Grace Check to see what you can find)
-[X] Socializing with the other contestants (Mystery Box!)
-[X] Engage in Minor Contests
--[X] Feats of Strength (Soma + Athletics)
--[X] Feats of Speed (Soma + Athletics)
--[X] Poetry (Psyche + Diplomacy, with a minor bonus from her Charismata)
--[X] Chess (Psyche + Tactics, with a minor bonus from her Bloodline)
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[X] Plan: A Little Social, a Little Playing to Our Strengths
-[X] Shopping (Grace Check to see what you can find)
-[X] Socializing with the other contestants (Mystery Box!) x2
-[X] Engage in Minor Contests
--[X] Feats of Speed (Soma + Athletics)
--[X] Poetry (Psyche + Diplomacy, with a minor bonus from her Charismata)
--[X] Chess (Psyche + Tactics, with a minor bonus from her Bloodline)

[X] Plan: A Little Social, a Little Playing to Our Probable Strengths
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A quick writeup of the totals we have for each competition.
Wrestling (Soma + Combat, with a minor penalty for not being a dedicated wrestler) 6d4 (avg 0.5 per, total 3) success dice +6 flat successes -1 or 2 for minor penalty = 8 or 7 successes probably
Feats of Strength (Soma + Athletics) 6d4 (avg 0.5 per, total 3) success dice +3 flat successes = 6 successes
Feats of Speed (Soma + Athletics) 6d4 (avg 0.5 per, total 3) success dice +3 flat successes = 6 successes
Poetry (Psyche + Diplomacy, with a minor bonus from her Charismata) 5d4 (avg 0.5 per, total 2.5) success dice +4 flat successes +1 or 2 for minor bonus = 7.5-8.5 successes probably
Chess (Psyche + Tactics, with a minor bonus from her Bloodline) 5d4 (avg 0.5 per, total 2.5) success dice +4 flat successes +1 or 2 for minor bonus = 7.5-8.5 successes probably
Jousting (Soma + Horsemanship) 6d4 (avg 0.5 per, total 3) success dice +3 flat successes = 6 successes
Right, that works out opposite to how I thought it would. Interesting. Also shows us where to reinforce if we want to do more tourneys.

[X] Plan: A Little Social, a Little Playing to Our Strengths

[X] Plan: A Little Social, a Little Playing to Our Probable Strengths
-[X] Shopping (Grace Check to see what you can find)
-[X] Socializing with the other contestants (Mystery Box!) x2
-[X] Engage in Minor Contests
--[X] Wrestling (Soma + Combat, with a minor penalty for not being a dedicated wrestler)
--[X] Poetry (Psyche + Diplomacy, with a minor bonus from her Charismata)
--[X] Chess (Psyche + Tactics, with a minor bonus from her Bloodline)

EDIT 2: Read thru the rules for non-combat checks, these should be the correct values. All of them predict a Rank 2 success, and don't change the expected outcomes from the initial fucked up version. The Soma based ones do have larger variance, so if we roll really well we could do better going for the Soma events, but higher mods and bonuses from traits etc are the safer, more consistent route.
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A quick writeup of the totals we have for each competition.
Wrestling (Soma + Combat, with a minor penalty for not being a dedicated wrestler) 6+6-[minor penalty] = 10 or 11 probably
Feats of Strength (Soma + Athletics) 6+3 = 9
Feats of Speed (Soma + Athletics) 6+3 = 9
Poetry (Psyche + Diplomacy, with a minor bonus from her Charismata) 5+4+[minor bonus] = 10 or 11 probably
Chess (Psyche + Tactics, with a minor bonus from her Bloodline) 5+4+[minor bonus] = 10 or 11 probably
Jousting (Soma + Horsemanship) 6+3 = 9

So, these numbers are a tad misleading, as the stats provide dice while the skills provide successes. A stat is, mathematically, worth exactly 1/2 what a skill is. Bonuses or penalties are also usually in successes, though how many is intentionally unknown.

Right, that works out opposite to how I thought it would. Interesting. Also shows us where to reinforce if we want to do more tourneys.

Note that these are the secondary contests, the primary ones are more straight-up combat.
So, these numbers are a tad misleading, as the stats provide dice while the skills provide successes. A stat is, mathematically, worth exactly 1/2 what a skill is. Bonuses or penalties are also usually in successes, though how many is intentionally unknown.
I realised the fuckup, are the new numbers more accurate?
Yeah, the big money's in the melee, and that's absolutely something you're well suited to do well in, the only thing higher value is the Joust, which... Well, depends a lot on if your opponents already have a proper Charger or not, and if there are any Squires in Wessex who have one, they'll probably be here to pay back the debt involved with having one in the first place, so your odds aren't fantastic in that event, though it's not impossible to overcome either.

These are minor events with relatively minor prizes, though placing highly in them can still win you attention and some useful prizes, such as more purchases in the market, or useful trinkets and consumables.

We've got a fun table coming together for the Market too.
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