Earth Bet: House of the Sun (Cultist Simulator/Worm)

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Earth Bet: House of the Sun (Cultist Simulator/Worm)
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You've been recruited into a cult, something small that turned out to be just a little bit more. However you can't just leave, you agree with their points after all. The world is crooked and there are things older than the history that is known. A shame that most people aren't likely to see it that way.
Another History: Backgrounds and Beginnings
This was the first portion of the quest. It ended what the main character died. You can find the second part here

Earth Bet, a place where you can forge your own future and live a peaceful life. Despite all the new changes, that idea still holds true. Even though monstrous beings stalk the streets and, entire towns are condemned. It matters not who you are; there is a path forward, the idea that has made your nation what it was for so many years.

But that's the thing, it was just an idea…

Is that really how things are? Does hard work really get you anywhere? It has been proven wrong once before. Good deeds and horrible acts can ascend somebody beyond what they were before. Alexandria and the car crash, Legend and the lynch mob, Eidolon, and the falling building—all of them have taken a step beyond the mortal through deeds that have emblazoned them across the minds of humanity.

The idea that hard work and good luck could improve your lot in life has been disproven, cast aside as a new parahumanity rose up. If that idea, that fact that dwelled in the marrow of this world for millennia could be disproven in a mere thirty years, couldn't other ideas be disproven as well.

Perhaps the idea that psychics as it is, facts laid down by greats from centuries past. Does flight not contest with Newton? Does conjuring lasers from your fingertips not disprove Einstein? The mere existence of these powers has shattered old facts and old sciences that were thought rock solid have been cast aside as new ideas rose to the forefront.

Those ideas are powerful things that have crept into the minds of humanity. This is an exception, they crow. Just because one thing is different doesn't mean anything else is different, they cry. Yet they are blind, dismissing anything greater. Even as they delve into parahumanity, their old ideas have grown roots in their souls, impossible to pull out.

However, those ideas are wrong, both old and new. There are older laws, older times than can be charted through soil, and powers older than a mere thirty years. You just have to open your eyes and step out of the shadows. The light may be merciless, but it also holds truth.

And just isn't that an idea?

You wake up, you can feel it in your bones. Something is going to happen today, something special. You can't help but think back, back to where this all began and how you got wrapped up in all of it.

It was a little over a year ago, December 31st, 2002. An angel had come down from the heavens and looked over the city of Lausanne. A song, a gentle melody from her lips, had crooned out and wrapped around the ears of everybody in the city.

People were wary, but as the day passed and nothing, they grew bold and brave. Parties were set up, congregations flocked to the streets to celebrate an angel of the lord, people arrived outside the city to peer upon her majesty.

Then she screamed, her former melody twisting as she twisted everybody inside the city. Within the day, everybody inside was dead or mad, and soon after, it was declared that the entire city would be walled off, left to die. You had left, departing from your home upon hearing that information, and found a bar, someplace to just have a drink and try to forget.

The bits and pieces of the story grew and coalesced as you sat there at the counter, drinking as you tried to forget the faces you saw in the cameras. Nobody truly knew what happened either; ideas and theories floated around, but none of them seemed to click.

"Why so glum?" a voice asked, and you looked up from your drink. A man had sat next to you with an easygoing smile on his face.

"An entire city died," you had replied, morse and not all that wanted to listen to this man. Perhaps you had a bit too much to drink, but you didn't just stand up and leave as your vision fuzzed; you sat there and listened instead as he spoke again.

"And things happen all the time. Why does this affect you so much?" he asked once again, his smile fading somewhat as he poked and prodded. Your vision blurred as you spoke once again.

"This is a change, it could have been something good and it was bad," you told him, this time your voice wasn't as calm. It was an angel who had drifted down from behind the clouds and sung to the people of that fine city. You had hoped this change, one among many would have been good. Yet the city was demented; they turned against each other because of that same person who sang for three days and nights.

"Ah, so it's the change that brought you down," he said, contentedness in his voice as he seemingly settled on the problem.

"No, no," you had told him, "It's that all these changes are bad. All these upheavals of the world just make things shitty," you had slurred. Looking back, you remembered how he had smiled, a coy small thing, as he leaned in closer to you.

"Are all changes bad, are all of these mysteries such an awful thing?" he had asked and for the first time you hadn't responded, he reached out and tapped your lips silencing you.

"Are all of these changes new or just a return to older times?" he asked once again as you finally looked up from his drink as he kept speaking, whatever he had seen inside of you resonating with the words he spoke.

What did he see inside you?

(This will choose the cult's primary principal of the cult you are joining. This cannot be changed without a monumental amount of time and effort. Your initial principal will align with your cults. However, that can be changed much more easily as you learn more about the world and its secrets.)

[] He spoke of this world, how many other worlds are known to exist, and the passageways between them. Figuratively between nations and literally when speaking of the other worlds that have been discovered. (KNOCK is the principle of openings, and of finding hidden passages and portals. It entails secrets that both locksmiths and burglars share, even if they do not realize it.)

[] He spoke about knowledge, and about how some realizations can be so shocking that normal people might even shy away from trying to discover them. He wondered aloud about how people could claim to know so much and yet not even be able to answer a question as simple as "From where do powers come from?" (LANTERN is the principle of knowledge and of its light that is both illuminating and unkind. It entails secrets that are held by oracles, even if they do not realize it, and scholars, even if they later regret it.)

[] He spoke about change, and its necessity. After all, it is not enough to keep a tool sharp for it to be useful, sometimes it is necessary to smelt it down and forge a new one. And about the fact that, surely, that must also hold true for greater principles. Perhaps even the world itself, no? (FORGE is the principle of transformation, fire and destruction, and of reshaping on all levels, be them physical or spiritual. It holds the secrets that both blacksmiths and rebels share deep down in their cores).

[] He spoke about conflict and how even in times of peace it is inevitable. Everything from competition between children, the daily clashing of life and even combat a burden being borne but the new parahumanity. But what rewards might be reaped from conflict, if it is so natural? (EDGE is the principle of violence and cunning, and of strengthening through confrontation, no matter what shape it takes. Its secrets are shared by soldiers and merchants, and any creature who sees itself as a predator.)

[] He spoke about life, and how it inevitably leads to death. About stories, and how they inevitably lead to endings. And how all of that was so very beautiful. But whenever you tried to recall his words, you realized he didn't speak much at all. (WINTER is the principle of endings, cold, beauty and silence. It encompasses all things that have already ended and waits patiently for all things that will end. But one knowledgeable on its ways might figure out how to work around endings, and perhaps death itself.)

[] He spoke about life, and its unceasing energy and continuity. About how all creatures seem to be dancing a grand dance in pace with the heartbeat of the world itself. Neither his words nor his smile stopped for even a moment, and during the whole conversation her fingers kept beating against the bar top. The rhythm was almost hypnotizing. (HEART is the principle of life, preservation and protection, as well as of the dance that must never cease. It is known, even if subconsciously, by any creature that knows happiness and perseverance in the face of adversity, and it is put into practice by dancers.)

[] He spoke about how dry and dull the world truly was, even if nobody was willing to admit it. About how nothing new is ever created by people, only maintained, and about how the world itself seems to have forgotten about what can be learned from the satisfaction of desire. Your eyes almost didn't leave his while she spoke, to the point where you almost didn't listen to what he was saying. (GRAIL is the principle of desire, seduction and thirst. It knows about all things succulent and treats both charisma and seduction as the most pleasant of tools.)

[] He spoke about secrets, about how the world hides its own in the most unusual of ways, and about how those secrets change and transform while the world isn't looking. He didn't talk in circles, but he didn't talk in a straight line either, and at the end of it you were left with the irrevocable impression that something was in the wrong shape. Although you couldn't tell if it was the world, or yourself. (MOTH is the principle of unreason, secrecy and change. It understands chaos by understanding nothing at all and can only be learned by following your own whims. But inevitably, it leads you to where you truly desire to be.)

[] He spoke about the history of this world, and how it sometimes looks more like a knot than a straight line, and about how sometimes it even contradicts itself. It is a commonly held belief that the present can go towards many futures, but is it also possible for the present to be connected to many pasts? (SECRET HISTORIES is the principle of the world itself. It is the study and knowledge of the frailty of cause and effect, and of the secret places where more than one possibility took place.)

This quest is heavily inspired by BirdBodhisattva's own Cultist Simulater quest and I have taken text from that. You should go read that one, it's pretty amazing Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

I have returned to Cultist Simulator after quite a long time and it has hooked me again. I also have read quite a few other combinations of Worm and that game. So I'd thought I'd try my hand at it. The basic premise is that you have been recruited into a cult about a year ago and just now are they starting to make moves. However just because your cult disagrees with how things are doesn't mean that your personal goals align, just that they do for now. This vote will be held upon for around a day and after that will be character creation.
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Character Sheet
Character Sheet
You are Emir Laurence...

Biographical information
But what does that mean?

Name: Emir Laurence
Nationality: American
Age: Old enough for grey hair, young enough for it to look good
Gender: Male
Appearance: Tall, slender, and unnaturally lithe. Beauty coming not from his looks but from his controlled movements and the smoothness speech. Wears comfortable yet professional clothes, and hair is finely combed in contrast to quiet pale skin.

The body, the soul and, all the things in between

Mundane Status
Esoteric Bonus​
(Status scale: 8 is an average person, 10 is somebody trained in that field, 15 is an expert and 20 is a world renowned master)

Current/Maximum Health: 6/6
Combat Bonus: -1 (+8 Martial, +1 EDGE -10 Frightened)
Current Funds: 275 (+60 Funds/Month, -15 Funds/Month (Damsel of Distress "tribute"))
Current Inventory:

Esoteric Status:
Gain access to the Mansus
+10 when attempting to open something.
+1 Intrigue
-Level 0: You understand that there are other Worlds, and secret paths between them. But the only one you know is the World in your dream, the Mansus, and perhaps that is the only World that matters. (Allows access to the Mansus)

-Level 1: Wounds are doors, to open a wound is to open a door. What is behind a door but a way, and if one wishes to know more they must open ways, and doors, and wounds. (+5 when attempting to open something)

-Level 2: There are seven doors to the Mansus, doors that were opened once and have Keys. There are nine doors to the human soul, and you are the only one with those keys. (+5 when attempting to open something, +1 Intrigue)

-Level 3: Progress: 0/3

+5 when attempting to learn the secrets that are within an object
-Level 0: You know that there is more to knowledge than the simple sciences and magics known to mankind, and although you have no idea what it is you have been warned that it can easily blind the careless. (+1 when attempting to learn the secrets that are within an object)

-Level 1: Their are trails in the world, trails that are lit but faint candlelight. However those trails are lit the brightest, for without a shadow light cannot be true. You've learned this, and learned that without the brilliance of light does anything truly exist? (+4 when attempting to learn the secrets that are within an object)

-Level 2: Progress: 0/2

+1 when attempting to destroy something
-Level 0: You have heard that nothing is truly eternal, and yet nothing can be truly destroyed. While the true meaning of that still eludes you, you have heard that fire can whisper you the answer. (+1 when attempting to destroy something)

-Level 1: Progress: 0/1

+1 to Personal Combat
-Level 0: You have learned that conflict is not only inevitable, but also natural. There is a certain sobriety to be gained from that realization. (+1 to Personal Combat)

-Level 1: Progress: 0/1

+1 when resisting things that would harm your mind)
-Level 0: You know that death is not the end, although you know not how you came to learn that. (+1 when resisting things that would harm your mind)

-Level 1: Progress: 0/1

+5 when resisting things that would harm your body
-Level 0: There is a dance that never ceases, and those who dance it cannot be ceased. You know it rhymes with heartbeats and rolls with the beating of drums, but apart from that you know nothing else. (+1 when resisting things that would harm your body)

-Level 1: There are restless things in the world, things that will grow and breed until they are more. You know about them, about that thumping of the world, and how everything living thing is the same. How in their heart of hearts that rhythm goes a thumping. (+4 when resisting things that would harm your body)

-Level 2: Progress: 0/2

+10 when attempting to convince someone of something
+1 Diplomacy
-Level 0: You have heard whispers that there is never any wrong in accepting one's own nature. Your rationality denied such a thing, and yet your body agreed. There might be some deeper knowledge to that. (+1 when attempting to convince someone of something)

-Level 1: There are pleasures from times long ago, pleasures that would bend the mind. You have tasted one of these pleasures and have opened your mind to further fruits, forbidden or not you will known what pleasures even ancient tastes can wrought. (+4 when attempting to convince someone of something)

-Level 2: Pleasure begets more pleasure to be found in the most simple of things. A dance, a song or simply sitting still with the taste of a good meal on your lips. All of these build up into a crescendo, a monument to the Birth. (+5 when attempting to convince someone of something. +1 Diplomacy)

-Level 3: Progress: 0/3

+10 when attempting to evade someone, or when you do not want to be found.
+1 Intrigue
-Level 0: Everything within our minds is a part of us, being something that was both made by us and something that makes us, even the parts we do not understand. What can be learned from them? (+1 when attempting to evade someone, or when you do not want to be found).

-Level 1: There is change in everything and that change is not something most ever sense. Everything changes from day to day, from month to month and from year to year. You simply must learn how to find that change. (+4 when attempting to evade someone, or when you do not want to be found).

-Level 2: What may be lost? Nobody truly knows the full extent of what can be lost, stolen or simply misplaced and yet there is a simple way to find them again no matter where they may be. Stop searching. (+5 when attempting to evade someone, or when you do not want to be found. +1 Intrigue).

-Level 3: Progress: 0/3

+5 when attempting to find something
-Level 0: You have been taught that the history of this world is neither an open book nor a strand of rope, and yet it is full of knots, and parts where it has been written over by scribbles. (+1 when attempting to find something)

-Level 1: History was once seven, is now five and may be more in the future. You know that and you know that there are a thousand and one more branches that may be history. Yet they all are true, at least to certain people. (+4 when attempting to find something.)

-Level 2: Progress: 0/2

Beautiful: Heads turn when you walk past them and you are well versed in using that. (+2 Intrigue, +5 when trying to seduce other creatures, or just be pleasant)
Silver Tongued: Complicated words to impress the simple minded, complicated arguments to impress the wise. You know well how to weave them. (+3 to Diplomacy)
Intuitive: You have a knack for understanding the world and its more esoteric tricks. (+2 Piety, +5 when performing rituals or summonings)
Healthy: Your heart beats louder and your skin is more resilient. (+1 Health)

Frightened: Trauma, or a weakness that you were born with? It doesn't quite matter as you're simply weaker than most. (-10 to Personal Combat)
Compromised: Something happened, you overstepped or just pure bad luck. Your cult bailed you out. (You have a personal debt to the master of your cult)
Your heart beats louder, audible to those who care to listen (+2 Health, +5 when resisting things that would harm your body, other effects to be shown with time)
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The who's who, and what's what

Everybody on this list follows the below rules
Regular contacts are classified as one of the following categories, in this specific order:

Acquaintance -> Friend -> Close Friend -> Confidante -> Minion

Anybody you just met will immediately become an acquaintance. This is the first step of most relationships. And unless special narrative circumstances apply, you are reliably able to contact an acquaintance to further your relationship.

[Friend]: Interacting with an acquaintance under almost any circumstances, even if you do not spend an action to do so, will usually upgrade them into a friend.
You may invite a friend to participate in your actions through a "write-in" during the turning phase. But friends can deny those invitations, and they might interact (or even hinder) your planned action in an unpredictable way, depending on the narrative.

[Close Friend]: Spending time and effort (read: actions or funds) on a Friend may upgrade them to a Close Friend.
Close Friends can be relied to have your best interests in mind, and are honestly interested in helping you. They will not purposefully hinder an action that they are involved in, and will generally be more useful/willing to help as the narrative allows.

[Confidante]: A Close Friend can become a Confidante if you inspire loyalty, admiration, or a debt towards you. Usually after you perform an action of great personal relevance to them.
Confidantes are loyal to you. Their moral compasses are not altered, and they will not act in a way that is improbable or out of character. But other than that, they will follow your lead.
Confidantes provide one action point per turn for you to use.

[Minion]: A Minion is a character who is completely under your control. They are willing to kill, die, or perform any other action under your direction.
There are no socially acceptable ways to transform a Confidante into a Minion, and this tier should be purely hypothetical.

Charles Simic
-Lores: [UNKNOWN]
-Info: A solider, who fought in old wars, a poet who is known across the country for his work and lastly a local man known for his polite demeanor and love for the written word. You've met him and found him sharing his work with Lady Mylissa, somewhat cautious but otherwise unconcerned with her possible parahumanity.

-Lores: [UNKNOWN]
-Info: A young woman and hero. She is one of two in the small town of Stafford with an erratic schedule. She is somewhat grumpy, frustrated and surly but nonetheless she does her best.

-Lores: [UNKNOWN]
-Info: A young man and hero. He is one of the two in a small town with a clear focus and schedule that he sticks to. There are sordid rumors about an unrequited love for Edict, although nothing has ever come of them.

Damsel of Distress
-Level: [FRIEND]
-Lores: [UNKNOWN]
-Info: A young girl around fourteen years of age. She is homeless, living off scraps and has the power to kill anybody with the flick of her wrist. She desperately hopes to be more, to be somebody that is respected and looked up to. You know that she is a villain, one who has killed and maimed people yet cannot control her power. You do not know exactly how you can help her but your job says you must at least try.

Lady Mylissa
-Lores: [UNKNOWN]
-Info: A towering woman with a wreath of flowers and a dress of plant matter, grown in a beautiful manner. She's quite proud, demanding to be called by her title but is not harsh. However above all else she is kind and seemingly always willing to help so long as you ask.

-Lores: [UNKNOWN]
-Info: The quiet, demure and above all else loyal maid of Lady Mylissa. She does her work without compliant and seems content to be kept in the shadows, although below all that is a strong core of steel. The steward of the cult.

-Lores: [HEART]
-Info: A bubbly young woman who always has a smile on her face. She skips instead of walking, her voice is a bit louder than normal and she's always free with her affection. You know that she has faced hardship in the past, homelessness and other worse tradgy. However she's pulled herself up and is determined to ensure nobody else has ot suffer like she had. The face of the cult.

-Level: [FRIEND]
-Lores: [UNKNOWN]
-Info: A shifty man just a few years younger than you. He's also got a knife and gun ready in case and he's somewhat twitchy, ready to fight if need be. The warmaster of the cult.

-Level: [FRIEND]
-Lores: [UNKNOWN]
-Info: An old man born shortly after the Second Great War he's stooped and talks slowly but his mind is fierce as anyone half his age. The Loremaster of the cult.

-Lores: [UNKNOWN]
-Info: A young teen who supposedly works for Lady Mylissa, although you've never seen her outside of meetings. She's also quite liable to tear your head off, with the only modicums of respect being held for Lady Mylissa. The spymaster of the cult.
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The Well Worn Grimoire
The Well Worn Grimoire
Rites, Rituals and the things that use them

Knowledge is a a measure in how well you understand it, or how much of its power you carry
-Your Knowledge bonus is always your Lore level times 10, or the level of your strongest Aspect-related Artifact available times 10
-Your Knowledge bonus is applied to surpass hurdles in the Mansus (something blocking your in the Mansus, a Mansus-borne curse, etc)
-Your Knowledge bonus is also applied when performing Rituals

Application is how well you can practically use your understanding
-You gain character bonuses, such as to combat or convicting depending on your Lore level
-These bonuses are applied to "broadly described" tests, and even in unexpected niche circumstances if the narrative allows it.
-Carrying an artifact, even if it is stronger than your personal Lore level, will NOT influence or boost your Application bonus.
Current known trend of the Application bonus:
-Level 0, an entry point: you gain +1 on specific tests.
-Level 1, a subtle hint: you gain +5 on specific tests.
-Level 2, a lesson learned: you gain further +5 on a specific test, and +1 on a status.

Improving Lore
You gain a scrap of Lore by either learning or going through a certain experience.

You can only gain scraps from a source that is your Lore level or greater, if you are level 4 for example you cannot gain any scraps from a level 1 source. In addition you may have to pass a test to properly learn from the experience.

The rules for learning from books follow the bellow
Study in general
-You only gain scraps if the source is equal or higher to your current level
-You gain an additional scrap for every 2 levels the source is above yours. So if you are level 1 and study a level 3 book you'll gain 2 scraps.

Reading a book
-You roll against a DC of 50, using Learning and Lantern gaining a scrap of Lore on a success
-The book will not be destroyed on a failure, you have merely failed to learn from it

Deciphering a book
-You must fill the progress bar of the book, using Learning and Lantern
-Upon completion the book is read and you will gain a scrap of Lore, additional effects may vary

Studying an Artifact
-You roll against a DC of (50+10 per Lore level), using Learning and Lantern
-This will determine it's effects, if it's cursed or otherwise dangerous to use.
-Upon completion you will gain a scrap of Lore

Influences give both a Knowledge and Application bonus of +10, +20, +30, +40.
These bonuses apply to every roll except for ritual rolls, which are too delicate for the overbearing nature of influences to apply


Rituals require you passing a few DC's, using the respective Lore. You can boost your roll via sacrifices as shown below.
Humans: ???
Others: ???
"Blood is the price, always"

Destroy an Artifact, it's level (times 10) will apply to the roll
"Break it, burn it, call upon it's nature in a single ending"

Consume an Reagent, it's level (times 10) will apply to the roll
"Everything ends, this one was designed to do so quickly"

Single Circle Rituals

"An overbearing focus, for when delicacy is not needed. It draws attention to us so that it may be wielded"

This Ritual Circle cannot accept sacrifices

Two Circle Rituals
"Two circles, one to focus and the other to enhance. These are the proper rituals, with a lesser ring inside to call upon the powers and a greater more complex ring outside to channel them."

Three Circle Rituals can take one sacrifice.
The Answer is Yes
-CD: LANTERN 60, MOTH variable
-Cost: 50 Funds on materials.
-Duration: Instantaneous. Offensive Ritual.
-Effect: Target rolls against your MOTH roll. Divide the difference between your roll by 17, rounded down. Target gains that many stacks of Fascination.
-Failing this Ritual instead forces you to roll against a DC of 50 or gain a stack of Fascination.
-It is extremely unadvised to cast this Ritual more than once per month.

Three Circle Rituals
Three circles and yet between all of them none are alike, the only similarities being the required lines of Knock, to open the passage between worlds. The rest of the circle is left open for the other bits that vary from summon to summon, yet when you realize what can go wrong that space feels very small indeed.

Three Circle Rituals can take two sacrifices.
"Tall winged moths with six arms and narrow, nobbily legs, human hands and feet growing from them. They wander about draped in the pelts of their prey, most often human flesh. They respect fellow hunters and will test possible ones, allowing themself to hunt and be hunted in turn. They delight in hunting new prey, sneaking about and suborning their prey from within."

Dappled Wing

Summoning requirements: EDGE 30, KNOCK 60, MOTH 60,

Summoning cost: 40 Funds

Summoning details:
-Certain wards, artifacts abilities will be much stronger against Dappled Moths. You do not know which specific ones though.

Health: 2/2
General bonus: +15
Subtle related bonus: +25
Aspects: MOTH 3, EDGE 1
Positive Traits:
[THIGH BORNE]: Can spend their action to "infest" a person, performing a contested roll (Dappled Wing will roll at +25 vs the person's Martial + Winter). Upon success the Dappled Wing will transform the person into a Minion possessing them for however long you wish or until they are desummoned. The infested person will automatically gain a level of Dread each turn.
[HORNED HUNTER]: Can be sent on "A Hunting Trip", a special kind of Assault an Opponent Expedition. They will apply their Subtle bonus to all rolls for this Expedition, however they can only be joined by other Dappled Wings as well as ???.

Negative Traits:
-[MONSTROUS APPEARANCE]: Cannot be used for Social Actions.
-[TREASURED HORN]: Should a Dappled Wing's Ivory Horn be lost, stolen or otherwise made unavailable to them you will be unable to summon Dappled Wings for three Turns.
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Expedition Planning

Expedition Rules:
-You choose to undertake an Expedition when planning your Turn. Later a specific vote will be opened to decided the specifics, such as the leader, artifacts to bring and such.
-Summoned Creatures, Confidents and above and you. If you are not there one of them will be the leader.

There are three levels of Expeditions, as seen below.

Expedition Type​
Leader Actions required​
Confidante/Summon required​
Expected duration​
5 Days​
10 Days​
15 Days​

-All Expeditions require you to spend a certain amount of Funds per day per creature. You must have this amount before you set out. The formula for the amount is (Number of creatures going X Expected duration X base cost)
-If it is completed before spending all the Funds the excess are refunded. If they spend more time than expected a vote will be held to continue or turn back.

-An expedition is a sequence of hurdles that must be defeated, which can range from a mundane forest to an esoteric curse.

-A single "hurdle" will be faced per day, and generally there are less hurdles than there will be days set for an expedition (leaving some room, however small, for failure). If the expedition fails to surpass the hurdle, they will try again on the next day, until they run out of resources.

-A hurdle will always be countered by one (or more) kinds of Lore. This will not be a use of "Application" or "Knowledge" bonus. Instead, the total sum of the Lore level, across all creatures involved, will be used. Regardless if that Lore level is innate from a creature, or due to an equipped artifact.

-A hurdle will have a specific DC. The creature who has the highest "base" advantage against it will roll against the hurdle, and ALL creatures who have Lore levels on the requisite Lore will help.
--Artifacts taken will be "wielded" by a single creature. So, if a creature with Heart 2 is going alone on an expedition, and he takes a Heart 3 artifact, he will be treated as if he had Heart 3. If another creature with no Heart levels join him, that new creature will wield the artifact instead to "optimize" their total Heart level.

-Combat hurdles will begin a regular combat.

Available Wake Expeditions

Location: You do not need a specific location, but you must suspect where your enemy is.

Difficulty: Variable

Expected Actions: 1 (Short Expedition)

Base cost: 5 Funds

Mansus Expeditions
-Only a single may be attempted each Turn.
-You cannot bring anybody else along
-They will always be near the end of the Turn.
-They only cost a single Action as they take place in dreams

Available Mansus Expeditions

"In the blackened depths of the Woods there is a source of light, a trail made of ivory wax that burns in defiance of the greater darkness that surrounds it. There are skins, both human and otherwise that dot the trees next to the path as if macabre trophies and yet there is an unspoken agreement in the air. Travel the path and you will earn those trophies."

Wax Melted Trail

Difficulty: Medium (Full extent of dangers not known)

Actions: 1 (Mansus Expedition)

Expected Dangers: The trail is messy and ragged, with the wax burning underfoot. You must burn a new path or resist the heat that emanates from the trail. Other dangers are not known.

"In the depths of the Woods there is a well, at the bottom of that well lay sloshing red waters and glimmering gold. Some say that it is the location of a fight, or a bicker but all you know is that treasure lurks in the depths."

Luster-Drowned Well

Difficulty: Medium (Full extent of dangers not known)

Actions: 1 (Mansus Expedition)

Expected Dangers: The well is deep, with vibrant red liquid at the bottom. To climb down without cutting yourself you'll need to be tough enough or cold enough to not bleed. Other dangers are unknown.
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The House of Lady Mylissa New
The House of Lady Mylissa
"The ruler of a place most powerful and ancient, along with those at her fingertips"

The Lady's Celler: An empty cellar tucked deep below Lady Mylissa's house. It has a single tree growing inside and when you stand under it your mouth waters.
+30 to Moth, Grail and Heart rolls concerning rituals performed inside this cellar. The exact details of all rituals cast here will be known to Lady Mylissa The cult may also learn depending on narrative circumstances.

Emir's Cadre: A mass of people, all drawn under the banner of a single church. However they now have been drawn into a more unorthodox truth and taught just what rites to perform.
+7 to rituals performed using the cult's resources. (This bonus increases for each lore level in the library.)

Lady Mylissa's Library: A vast library, empty of any texts. When asked about what happened Lady Mylissa has politely but firmly asked that it not be brought up.
-Holds all the manuscripts that have been gathered and stored. Will apply the bonuses to the Lore level of the broader cult.

The Financial Records: The cold room where Ava reigns, outside she serves but most must bow when entering here.
-You can request up to 30 Funds/Turn. It is excepted that these Funds be put to good use, and there may be repercussions if they are spent frivolously on non-cult activities.

Soup Kitchens: Where Charlotte spends her time, helping folk old and young with their issues.
+10 on rolls to convert people to the Cult.

The Cold Room: A small warehouse on the edge of town, the windows are boarded up and the doors have locks on them. Somebody is always watching, ready to sound the alarm.
Up to 3 people can be kept here at one time. At the start of each month they can roll against a DC of 70 to try and escape. Current captives: 2/3

Conversion of Stafford: Minor (+3 to some rolls done within Stafford. The police have been subverted.)
-Licit: A cape capable of conjuring forcefields and remains constantly aware of them. He is willing to take subtle actions to aid the cult, however he will not join on any Expeditions or overt actions.

Presence of Lady Mylissa: All Lores, for all followers, start as Level 0
-Unsuited for Combat: Cult members suffer a -1 on Edge Lore level
-Underworld Members: Reduce Unsuited for Combat malus by 1

Knock: Level 1 [3/1] [0/2]
Lantern: Level 0 [0/1] [0/2]
Forge: Level 1 [2/1] [0/2]
Edge: Level 0 [1/1] [0/2]
Winter: Level 1 [1/1] [0/2]
Heart: Level 1 [1/1] [0/2]
Grail: Level 1 [1/1] [0/2]
Moth: Level 1 [2/1] [0/2]
Secret Histories: Level 1 [1/1] [0/2]

"Generic" followers are the run-of-the-mill cultists. Loyal to the cult, and to you as long as you are on your Master's good graces, and their rules are as follows:
-They always have only a single Lore in which they are focused.
-They can be called for Expeditions or other small tasks, which are of interest to the cult.
-They have, as a rule, the same level as the cult's general Lore level (specified on the spoiler above, dictated by the cult's achievements and infrastructure).
-Any number of them may be called on an expedition, provided that you can accommodate the price. Write-ins involving non-expedition actions, where you will call for their help, will be judged case by case. Specifically because their actions within their home city must be extremely dosed, so as to avoid suspicion.

"Named" followers follow a different rule, as follows:

-Enlightened: Major Lore is level 0, Minor Lore is not applied.

-Initiate: Major Lore is level 1, Minor Lore is level 0.

-Disciple: Major Lore is level 3, Minor Lore is level 1.

-Seeker: Major Lore is level 4, Minor Lore is level 2.

-Exalted: Major Lore is Level 5, Minor Lore is level 3.

-In order for a "Named" follower to reach a level, they must learn directly from you. You must have enough Lore levels to satisfy their desired level-up, and spend a PERSONAL action on said level-up.

-Should the Library have enough levels to satisfy a Confidant leveling-up needs, they will automatically attempt to level up every turn on their own, without action expenditure. (This will involve a dice roll against a hidden test)

-Confidants can still be ordered to level up on their own in order to "bypass" said test. This order will use the Library's level, since it involves their own dedication in poring over the available reading material without your supervision or interference.

-A person can only go up a single level per turn.

-There will be other hurdles involved, especially when attempting to turn a "Named" follower into an Exalted.

-Further leveling, or other tamperings, will be elaborated upon later.
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Lantern to know. Knock to travel. Forge to create. Edge to fight. Winter to silently witness and end. Hearth to move forever more. Grail to indulge in hedonism. Moth to eraticly act.
[X] He spoke about life, and how it inevitably leads to death. About stories, and how they inevitably lead to endings. And how all of that was so very beautiful. But whenever you tried to recall his words, you realized he didn't speak much at all. (WINTER is the principle of endings, cold, beauty and silence. It encompasses all things that have already ended and waits patiently for all things that will end. But one knowledgeable on its ways might figure out how to work around endings, and perhaps death itself.)
[X] He spoke about how dry and dull the world truly was, even if nobody was willing to admit it. About how nothing new is ever created by people, only maintained, and about how the world itself seems to have forgotten about what can be learned from the satisfaction of desire. Your eyes almost didn't leave his while she spoke, to the point where you almost didn't listen to what he was saying. (GRAIL is the principle of desire, seduction and thirst. It knows about all things succulent and treats both charisma and seduction as the most pleasant of tools.)

Let's make the world remember what it is to enjoy life.
We can also use the Grail to try to subdue Zion in the future. In the sense of filling his heroism with the true pleasure of helping people.

[X] He spoke about life, and how it inevitably leads to death. About stories, and how they inevitably lead to endings. And how all of that was so very beautiful. But whenever you tried to recall his words, you realized he didn't speak much at all. (WINTER is the principle of endings, cold, beauty and silence. It encompasses all things that have already ended and waits patiently for all things that will end. But one knowledgeable on its ways might figure out how to work around endings, and perhaps death itself.)
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[X] He spoke about change, and its necessity. After all, it is not enough to keep a tool sharp for it to be useful, sometimes it is necessary to smelt it down and forge a new one. And about the fact that, surely, that must also hold true for greater principles. Perhaps even the world itself, no? (FORGE is the principle of transformation, fire and destruction, and of reshaping on all levels, be them physical or spiritual. It holds the secrets that both blacksmiths and rebels share deep down in their cores).

The bright forge, and the fires of creation
[X] He spoke about how dry and dull the world truly was, even if nobody was willing to admit it. About how nothing new is ever created by people, only maintained, and about how the world itself seems to have forgotten about what can be learned from the satisfaction of desire. Your eyes almost didn't leave his while she spoke, to the point where you almost didn't listen to what he was saying. (GRAIL is the principle of desire, seduction and thirst. It knows about all things succulent and treats both charisma and seduction as the most pleasant of tools.)
[] He spoke about life, and how it inevitably leads to death. About stories, and how they inevitably lead to endings. And how all of that was so very beautiful. But whenever you tried to recall his words, you realized he didn't speak much at all. (WINTER is the principle of endings, cold, beauty and silence. It encompasses all things that have already ended and waits patiently for all things that will end. But one knowledgeable on its ways might figure out how to work around endings, and perhaps death itself.)

Love me some Winter. Let's be a necromancer and summon monsters from mirrors! Also, literally an entropy cult vs. parahumans/entities is pretty thematic.
As much as I like the narrative of HEART, it can't really be used to attack, can it?

[] He spoke about life, and how it inevitably leads to death. About stories, and how they inevitably lead to endings. And how all of that was so very beautiful. But whenever you tried to recall his words, you realized he didn't speak much at all. (WINTER is the principle of endings, cold, beauty and silence. It encompasses all things that have already ended and waits patiently for all things that will end. But one knowledgeable on its ways might figure out how to work around endings, and perhaps death itself.)

There are no harmless Principles, they are all very dangerous and each can be used for an attack, just everyone has their own form of this attack.
[X] He spoke about life, and its unceasing energy and continuity. About how all creatures seem to be dancing a grand dance in pace with the heartbeat of the world itself. Neither his words nor his smile stopped for even a moment, and during the whole conversation her fingers kept beating against the bar top. The rhythm was almost hypnotizing. (HEART is the principle of life, preservation and protection, as well as of the dance that must never cease. It is known, even if subconsciously, by any creature that knows happiness and perseverance in the face of adversity, and it is put into practice by dancers.)
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I wonder what aspects shards and entities have from the point of view of the cultist simulator?
If I were to assume that it would be Lantern because they devote all their time to research and the Edge is due to the fact that their method of solving their problems is fighting and provoking conflict.
Probably the shards would also have a third aspect depending on their specialization.
Also, literally an entropy cult vs. parahumans/entities is pretty thematic.
It would not be a very conceptual confrontation. Winter says that even what died has not completely gone away and that even being dead it is possible to die even more. So such a prospect is not scary, for them it will just be a specific way of life.
As much as I like the narrative of HEART, it can't really be used to attack, can it?
There are no harmless Principles, they are all very dangerous and each can be used for an attack, just everyone has their own form of this attack.
The Heart even describes a canonical case of an attack with its help. When the priestess drove a whole group of attackers crazy with the help of drumming. If we take into account the fact that among the aspects of the Heart there is also skin removal, as well as lightning and storms, then this Principles is by no means harmless.

Edit: I completely forgot, but I also think it's worth noting that in addition to the esoteric methods of attack, the cultists of the "Heart" always have their own very strong and hardy body. Although it does not seem significant, do not underestimate the power of a powerful blow that breaks the skull like an eggshell.
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[] He spoke about life, and how it inevitably leads to death. About stories, and how they inevitably lead to endings. And how all of that was so very beautiful. But whenever you tried to recall his words, you realized he didn't speak much at all. (WINTER is the principle of endings, cold, beauty and silence. It encompasses all things that have already ended and waits patiently for all things that will end. But one knowledgeable on its ways might figure out how to work around endings, and perhaps death itself.)
You haven't voted for this, you'll need to fill in the box with an X. Unless that is intentional
[X] He spoke about life, and how it inevitably leads to death. About stories, and how they inevitably lead to endings. And how all of that was so very beautiful. But whenever you tried to recall his words, you realized he didn't speak much at all. (WINTER is the principle of endings, cold, beauty and silence. It encompasses all things that have already ended and waits patiently for all things that will end. But one knowledgeable on its ways might figure out how to work around endings, and perhaps death itself.)

I like both Grail and Winter, but Winter a little more.
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[X] He spoke about life, and how it inevitably leads to death. About stories, and how they inevitably lead to endings. And how all of that was so very beautiful. But whenever you tried to recall his words, you realized he didn't speak much at all. (WINTER is the principle of endings, cold, beauty and silence. It encompasses all things that have already ended and waits patiently for all things that will end. But one knowledgeable on its ways might figure out how to work around endings, and perhaps death itself.)
[x] He spoke about life, and its unceasing energy and continuity. About how all creatures seem to be dancing a grand dance in pace with the heartbeat of the world itself. Neither his words nor his smile stopped for even a moment, and during the whole conversation her fingers kept beating against the bar top. The rhythm was almost hypnotizing. (HEART is the principle of life, preservation and protection, as well as of the dance that must never cease. It is known, even if subconsciously, by any creature that knows happiness and perseverance in the face of adversity, and it is put into practice by dancers.)
Heart is best.

[x] He spoke about life, and its unceasing energy and continuity. About how all creatures seem to be dancing a grand dance in pace with the heartbeat of the world itself. Neither his words nor his smile stopped for even a moment, and during the whole conversation her fingers kept beating against the bar top. The rhythm was almost hypnotizing. (HEART is the principle of life, preservation and protection, as well as of the dance that must never cease. It is known, even if subconsciously, by any creature that knows happiness and perseverance in the face of adversity, and it is put into practice by dancers.)
[X] He spoke about life, and how it inevitably leads to death. About stories, and how they inevitably lead to endings. And how all of that was so very beautiful. But whenever you tried to recall his words, you realized he didn't speak much at all. (WINTER is the principle of endings, cold, beauty and silence. It encompasses all things that have already ended and waits patiently for all things that will end. But one knowledgeable on its ways might figure out how to work around endings, and perhaps death itself.)
[x] He spoke about life, and its unceasing energy and continuity. About how all creatures seem to be dancing a grand dance in pace with the heartbeat of the world itself. Neither his words nor his smile stopped for even a moment, and during the whole conversation her fingers kept beating against the bar top. The rhythm was almost hypnotizing. (HEART is the principle of life, preservation and protection, as well as of the dance that must never cease. It is known, even if subconsciously, by any creature that knows happiness and perseverance in the face of adversity, and it is put into practice by dancers.)
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